Let's talk about the word "curvy"

Here she is uncorsetted:


Looks good to me. :)
Ohhhh pmann she is beautiful....some people just can't see the wood for the trees


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Yes, and corsets affect their body shape as well, you quarter wit. Let's not rave about her "curves" when they are artificially created on a woman who is clearly plus-size. Take the corset off and see if the same assessment applies. Perhaps it does. And perhaps she is also fat.


That is all..........

That is all..........

And an altogether VERY invalid argument about anything whatsoever. See, this is why I play this game....people want to ask a "rhetorical" question that they HOPE confirms some falsehood that they already believe, and THEN they get all butthurt when they don't like the answer that doesn't conform to their prior held belief.

Are we going to act like there is no such thing as a fat person?? Because that's fucking hilarious. You want to throw fits and post cute little sayings that express your ad hominem view, fine. What, then, would you call fat??

And why am I a prick, according to you? Because it isn't me that has called anyone a name or impugned them....that would be you, however. Interesting. Must have touched a nerve. But then again I lift each morning and do cardio at night, and I am neither bulky (like most girls think they will be) nor.....you guessed it....fat. Carry on, and enjoy the cupcakes.
And let me also be clear....plus size or not....I never said anything about fat being ugly. I can not tell much about her size in her pic - she may be large or small, no idea - but FakeaSmile, I can tell, looks super cute and super hot. So do many plus size, curvy, whatever word we can use, women.
And an altogether VERY invalid argument about anything whatsoever. See, this is why I play this game....people want to ask a "rhetorical" question that they HOPE confirms some falsehood that they already believe, and THEN they get all butthurt when they don't like the answer that doesn't conform to their prior held belief.

Are we going to act like there is no such thing as a fat person?? Because that's fucking hilarious. You want to throw fits and post cute little sayings that express your ad hominem view, fine. What, then, would you call fat??

And why am I a prick, according to you? Because it isn't me that has called anyone a name or impugned them....that would be you, however. Interesting. Must have touched a nerve. But then again I lift each morning and do cardio at night, and I am neither bulky (like most girls think they will be) nor.....you guessed it....fat. Carry on, and enjoy the cupcakes.
Touched a nerve? No, but you have a nerve. Just because someone has curves does not mean she is fat. If you think the girl above is fat then you need to re educate yourself.
And let me also be clear....plus size or not....I never said anything about fat being ugly. I can not tell much about her size in her pic - she may be large or small, no idea - but FakeaSmile, I can tell, looks super cute and super hot. So do many plus size, curvy, whatever word we can use, women.
Plus size? Curvy? Ohhhh a bulldozer couldn't dig that hole any deeper than you are doing. I am no size zero, no inclination to be either. Curvy? Yes. Plus size? I think not. But I'm sure you think differently from reading your previous posts.
I'd just like to point out that before I had my lap band surgery and two bypasses, I was not the stickman you see today. You see, I once identified as a curvy, BBM. Yes, a big, beautiful man. I had the nicest set of moons you've ever seen. They were voluptuous. I was beautiful. Men hated me. Women wanted me. I was pushing 400lbs. And all 400 was curvy. Even the fat was curvy. So don't come telling me I'm not some fucking curvy person. I ain't fat. I'm big boned, dammit!!!!
Plus size? Curvy? Ohhhh a bulldozer couldn't dig that hole any deeper than you are doing. I am no size zero, no inclination to be either. Curvy? Yes. Plus size? I think not. But I'm sure you think differently from reading your previous posts.

Um....I specifically said I could tell nothing about your size from your pic. And the. I said you look great, as do many women of all stripes. I don't see the issue here. Curvy, plus size, athletic, slim, whatever. I wasn't putting you in any group in that last post. So....don't know what all that fuss is about. And you still look hot, so....
To me curvy is that which has curves. Full breasts, rounded hips, a curved ass.

That which does not contain curves is not curvy. Stick people, bony types, flat chested, incredibly fit I can't tell if it's man or woman types.

I would choose the former over the latter everyday of the week and twice any other day!
Call a conceited prick a prick and be done with it!

Um....I specifically said I could tell nothing about your size from your pic. And the. I said you look great, as do many women of all stripes. I don't see the issue here. Curvy, plus size, athletic, slim, whatever. I wasn't putting you in any group in that last post. So....don't know what all that fuss is about. And you still look hot, so....

The issue here I believe is your audacity in spewing YOUR OPINIONS as FACT! Also in the manner in which you do so. Just because someone is not a size 2 and a stick figure ready to walk the runway, does NOT mean they are fat. To have such black and white beliefs that one is even slightly overweight because they don't have what you consider your willpower and stamina concerning food and the gym, is the absolute in ridiculousness.

You sir (and I use that term sarcastically) could have the face of an angel, the body of a god, the stamina of a marathon runner and the dick of a porn star and I
would not touch you with a 10 ft. pole. Your conceited attitude is ugly enough to negate anything else.

Oh, and for the record... I wear size 14 or 16 US... so in your eyes I am obesity defined... However, If you want to call my measurements of 42-25-36 fat... by all means enjoy yourself with your mirror and your hand.
The issue here I believe is your audacity in spewing YOUR OPINIONS as FACT! Also in the manner in which you do so. Just because someone is not a size 2 and a stick figure ready to walk the runway, does NOT mean they are fat. To have such black and white beliefs that one is even slightly overweight because they don't have what you consider your willpower and stamina concerning food and the gym, is the absolute in ridiculousness.

You sir (and I use that term sarcastically) could have the face of an angel, the body of a god, the stamina of a marathon runner and the dick of a porn star and I
would not touch you with a 10 ft. pole. Your conceited attitude is ugly enough to negate anything else.

Oh, and for the record... I wear size 14 or 16 US... so in your eyes I am obesity defined... However, If you want to call my measurements of 42-25-36 fat... by all means enjoy yourself with your mirror and your hand.

I bet he's super fit though. He's probably really cool and good with the ladies. Don't you girls wanna fuck him?!?!

Tell us how awesome you are, Carnie.
Now, now, everyone play nice. ;)

For the record, the question I posed originally wasn't rhetorical. I genuinely wanted to hear what people on Lit had to say about the word, and how they used it themselves. And sure, I've often wondered what exactly people were saying when they used it in reference to me, and that's why I asked it.

And here's another picture of Christina. Cause she's hot.

The issue here I believe is your audacity in spewing YOUR OPINIONS as FACT! Also in the manner in which you do so. Just because someone is not a size 2 and a stick figure ready to walk the runway, does NOT mean they are fat. To have such black and white beliefs that one is even slightly overweight because they don't have what you consider your willpower and stamina concerning food and the gym, is the absolute in ridiculousness.

You sir (and I use that term sarcastically) could have the face of an angel, the body of a god, the stamina of a marathon runner and the dick of a porn star and I
would not touch you with a 10 ft. pole. Your conceited attitude is ugly enough to negate anything else.

Oh, and for the record... I wear size 14 or 16 US... so in your eyes I am obesity defined... However, If you want to call my measurements of 42-25-36 fat... by all means enjoy yourself with your mirror and your hand.

Wah-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaah! Cry some more.

Everyone wants to shout and scream and call names and act like there is no such thing as being "fat." There is a word in the English lexicon that is "fat." It means SOMETHING, right?? Because that is not my opinion. It just does. So, then, how do you (any of you) define fat? Because sorry.....some people are just fat. They just are. And I've said it a million times....it's not me putting the negative connotation on the word....it's those who are WAY overly defensive about it. I don't have to call anyone fat. If you can't get up stairs without wheezing and you've not exercised in a year, and your clothes all look like a sausage casing because you have expanded and that's because you like pancakes, then you know who you are. I defy any of you to exercise an hour each day and pull back on carbs and not slim down. It's very simple. It's not easy, but it is simple. There's nothing conceited about it. americans tend to bet fat. I've been fat. I hated it. But nothing changed until I said, "I'm fat," and didn't hide it or try to cover it with some cutesy idea that, "I'm just curvy." No, I called it what it was, then got to work. Sorry if you can't do that or accept that as your reality. I can and have, and it's way better being on the proper side of the scale.
Sorry Sam

I apologize for the thread hi-jack, was totally unintended. I momentarily forgot the golden rule about bulletin boards.... Don't Feed The Trolls!.

You can be assured I'll contribute to the madness no longer.

Happy posting!
Ignore CB. He's a fat-shaming asshole who seems to get off on laughing at women that don't conform to his narrow view of what he considers a good body. It's not the first time I've seen him do it around here, it won't be the last. It's all he knows.

He's a troll, at best.
I dont whats the fuzz its all about! Im here for the curvy pics! So damn it please keep them coming you sexy curvy ladies!!