Lord Pmann Wants to Start a Cult

I want lots of sex. That's got to be part of it, surely?
And make the men look after all the domestic duties. Yep.

Well of course sex is part of it. Why do you think I’m starting this cult? For enlightenment? No. Not that at all.

The right cult for me would have the following:
  • Potluck Wednesdays
  • Coed Indian Leg Wrestling
  • Free Sandals / Clogs
  • Extra tartar sauce for our Fried Fish Fridays
  • The option of hunting one human annually
Give me that and I'd sign up.

I think that you would be best suited for @RosevilleCAguy and his cult…

I'd recommend to Pmann to update your "end of the world" apocalypse date every 3-4 years. Gotta build up that sense of urgency to manipulate encourage the masses to join and cooperate.

And with our terrible leaders, your date might not be that far off anyway!

*Waves* to Biden and Trump. :LOL:


Correct… I will start out with this prophetic prediction: “I foresee America being led by an incompetent ass after the 2024 election. There will be much division in the country and people will take to Twitter to voice their disdain.”

I can’t go wrong with a prophecy like that.
Koolaid is very cheap. My cult will be a lot classier than that. Snapple or better.
Interesting timing: I just listened to a podcast about Jonestown and I was surprised to find out that they actually drank Flavor Aid not Kool Aid.

Kool Aid was too expensive so they went with the much cheaper Flavor Aid.

How the good people at Kool Aid haven’t figured out how to use this in their advertisements I can’t understand.

*NOT the preferred drink of mass suicide cults* seems like it would be a good marketing campaign. 🤷‍♂️
Interesting timing: I just listened to a podcast about Jonestown and I was surprised to find out that they actually drank Flavor Aid not Kool Aid.

Kool Aid was too expensive so they went with the much cheaper Flavor Aid.

How the good people at Kool Aid haven’t figured out how to use this in their advertisements I can’t understand.

*NOT the preferred drink of mass suicide cults* seems like it would be a good marketing campaign. 🤷‍♂️

I feel like this would’ve been a brilliant campaign. Maybe the Kool-Aid man bursts through the wall and stops them from drinking an inferior, cyanide-laced drink.

I assure you, I’m my cult, we will be drinking name brand drinks.

I think I need a marketing guy. Are you in?
Have you copyrighted "PMANN"? We need to keep on top of that. 😉

Also, I thought I was in marketing, or am Professional Adorer or "Head "adore whore?

PMANN sex toys? To appease your followers? I Know you can satisfy a lot of women, but even you cant be everywhere. It might help hold the ladies over (and end a lot of relationships thus freeing more women to join us).

I think since we are dreaming big palace with huge beds. No patchouili here.
This came up recently in another thread. I can’t remember how/why but I do believe it was decided that I would become the leader of a wildly popular sex cult. I hope you’re not looking to be in competition with me. I won’t go down easily.

But my followers will 😜
Where do I sign up?
This came up recently in another thread. I can’t remember how/why but I do believe it was decided that I would become the leader of a wildly popular sex cult. I hope you’re not looking to be in competition with me. I won’t go down easily.

But my followers will 😜
Not going down easily sounds awful. 😂
Did you just call our cult leader a cunt? Oh, snap!

Hey everyone, I think we just found our first virgin to sacrifice!
You said, “oh snap”.

Bring your walking cane and Depends to said sacrifice.

You’re gonna need them, pops.
You said, “oh snap”.

Bring your walking cane and Depends to said sacrifice.

You’re gonna need them, pops.
Who needs a cane when I have a mobility scooter with offroad tires?

And who the fuck needs Depends when....when....Ok, that's actually a pretty good suggestion. I'll take that one under consideration.
This came up recently in another thread. I can’t remember how/why but I do believe it was decided that I would become the leader of a wildly popular sex cult. I hope you’re not looking to be in competition with me. I won’t go down easily.

But my followers will 😜
Do you have an informative pamphlet perchance?
I'm not sure this cult is going to get far. In my experience, it need careful nurturing and micro managing from the cult leader.
Take your eye off the ball and the cult members soon fixate behind a new leader and well.
All hell breaks loose and before you know it a lot of people are dead.
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