Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Allie looked at him lovingly as he told her his heaet and love was all hers and she kissed him " and im all yours Jack Wolfe.,all of me"she whisphered softly and moaned feeling Jacks body close to the edge.

She held onto him both of their love and passion clear and she sighed sexily feeling him hold her closer as he announced he was going to cum. She moaned louder as he moved his hips harder as his climax approached and they held onto each other for the ride.

She trembled as he kissed her neck and sighed as she felt Jacks hot cum spilling deep into her "Uhhhh yesss fuckk Jack" she panted and moaned softly her breathing labored and helo onto him as the two of them held each other while coming down from their orgasms.

That had been the most intense orgasm she had in a long time and she felt like it was for Jack too. He still held himself there nestled inside his cum and body keeping her warm and she leaned up kissing his chest softly, then his lips.

"That was amazing baby, I love you..."she said sighing softly and smiled and he moved from on top of her and pulled her against him and she lay her head on his chest feeling content with being herre like this with Jack as their relationship had grown more.

She was going to enjoy their next two days alone and she felt Jack himself could use the small breakas well because she saw first hand how hard he had worked to keep his businesses successful and she knew he had meant it when he said he would work just as hard for their love ans she promised him the same as long as she was his, their relationship had moved fast from the moment she had met him and she couldn't wait for them to grow more together.
Jack couldn't remember the last time he felt the strong intense orgasm he felt when they came together. It was something special and he didn't know if they would ever replicate it because it was so special. They both had waited for the right time and now after all that had happened over the last 24 hours, the time was right and it was magical.

His strong muscle was still nestled deep inside her and he wanted to remain there for a long as he could. He saw her lips approach his and he gladly accepted her offering. "Yes it was amazing Allie, I love you so much," he replied as he reluctantly pulled his now semi-hard cock from her and lay beside her.

With her head on his chest and her fingers lightly tracing over his stomach, he felt completely at ease for the first time in a long time. His fingers also traced lazy nondescript designs over her her back and down to her hips and then back again.

There was nothing that mattered to him in the outside world except to be with Allison. He told her, "I'm making a mental note to text Jessica to tell her we are to receive no phone calls, no business meetings, nothing about any of my other businesses." He felt her arm tighten around him. "She'll shield us from any outside interference." Then he chuckled and laughed, "I think the only one who can get through Jessica is your best friend, Samantha. She sure knows how to get action."

He heard her chuckle too and he closed his eyes drinking in the moment. There was only him and Allison enjoying the sweet afterglow of their first full intercourse and he wanted it to last for as long as it could. They lay together, not talking but enjoying the feel of their nakedness agasinst each other.

Turning on his side to face her, he kissed her forehead. "We have a choice to make my sweet Allie. Stay in bed all day or put some clothes on that will be taken off again soon, get some coffee and you can show me the lay of the land. I saw a lake down the lane." Her face was bright and lovely and he kissed her passionately not caring what they did as long as he was with her.
Allie smiled enjoying their alone time and liked the feeling of his fingers lightly stroking her skin , she loved moments like this, laying in Jacks arms and feeling secure there.

She looked at him and as he said hed tell Jessica no interference and joked that her best friend Samantha might be able to get through anc she coukdnt help but laugh " Sam could get through to the head of the CIA if she was truly determined, but she knows im with you and safe and so does the family..."she knew she might still get attempted calls or texts from John and she made a note she would silence his contact, she knew they woukd have to speak eventually their parents were good friends after all the years and very close and they loved her just as much even though her brother were a little tough on him sometimes being that she was the only girl, she knew they all cared about him in their own kinds of way despite not liking him that much.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Jack faced her and she stared into his grey eyes before he leaned in kissing her forehead and said they had to make a choice on deciding what to do for the day.

She returned his passionate kiss and smiled at him " I dont think the clothing is necessary baby, in fact , it ried and failed at taking a swim in the lake yesterday when i went for a run" she chuckled " We have all the privacy we want aside from nature here baby, how about we clean off and stay naked, i make us some breakfast, we can relax and go for a walk its a really pretty brooke not too far from here and then we can go down to the small town about 25 minutes away to grab some things to make dinner together?" She said wondering if he would enjoy cooking together.
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Jack listened to Allie mention staying naked since they had all the privacy they wanted. He chuckled when she told him about her failed attempt to swim in the lake, assuming it was too cold.

"I like your idea of staying naked Allie. That way I don't have to imagine how beautiful and sexy you are under your clothes." He kissed her, thinking about the things she said.

"Breakfast and going for a walk sounds great. It'll be like we have our own nudist colony with just the two of us. I assume you want to get dressed to go to town to pick up some supplies or are you thinking you want to show off that beautiful body of yours? I think it'll be fun to cook together." He heard her chuckle but before she could make a wise crack, he told her about his thoughts on the lake.

"As for the dip in the lake. I guess you'll just have to watch when I dive in and enjoy the cold water. Some friends and I used to do a polar dip on New Year's Day. We did it one year when the town had to saw a hole in the ice that was 12" thick. I think there were about 30 people who dressed up in different costumes and took the plunge." He smiled seeing the look of horror on her face. But he continued, "One year we traveled to North Carolina and did the polar plunge in a lake fed by mountain water. That was wonderful and pretty cold." He felt her shiver just from the thought and kissed her cheek. "If you join me, I think I can find a way to warm you up that'll make it worth your pleasure."

Jack pulled her against him, feeling her body mold nicely with his. He felt her hand move down to his hip, squeezing the hard buttock muscle. His hand too skimmed over her back and down to her buttocks, squeezing and massaging it. The kiss was soft at first and then becoming more intense. The way they were kissing and touching, he knew it wouldn't be long before they were making love again.

When the kiss broke, he smiled at her emerald eyes that seemed to continually shine. "I think coffee and breakfast would be good and then that walk in the woods might be just the ticket for some more fun. What do you say or are you still hungry for more of me? I'm still hungry for you all the time but we do need to get our nourishment." They both knew they had all day and night to play sexually and when she kissed him and began to sit up he knew her answer and he smiled.

"What do you have in mind for breakfast?" scooting out of bed and seeing her eyes roam over his nakedness. He knew it was going to be hard keeping their hands off one another, especially when they were both going to be naked all day and night.
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Allie admired his body as he scooted out of bed joining her and walked over standing on her toes a little kissing him softly on the lips giving him a soft peck. She listened to him tell her his story about ice dipping and said he would be taking a dip and if she joined him he would promise he could find a way to warm her up. "Ill hold you to that promise baby"she said and giggled

She grinned saying flirtly " ill serve you whatever you want to eat Jack " she said flirtingly in response to him saying he was always hungry for for them and ther but they needed nourishment "Im pretty hungry for you myself baby...but for now... how does pancakes and bacon sound? I make some pretty good ones " she said and walked with him to the kitchen.

She knew it would be hard keeping their hands off of each other and she smirked starting a pot of coffee for them knowing Jack was having the exact same thoughts as he watched her.

She decided to cut some fruit for them too and mixed the pancakes for them adding her little ingredients she purchased and making the breakfast for them and talking with Jack getting to know more about himmthan she already did and she shared some stories about herself as the two giggled and were comfortable being naked with each other so naturally.

She brought his plate over and the pot of coffee before putting hers on the table too and sitiing beside him and placing the mugs provided in the cabinets down for them to use .
Jack told her pancakes and bacon sounded great for breakfast. He then realized he only had some cheese and beef sticks on the plane and hadn't eaten a decent meal since the breakfast Charles prepared for him yesterday morning. As they walked hand in hand to the kitchen, Jack felt his stomach growl.

He watched her prepare breakfast naked which made him smile. It was a new experience for him to have breakfast prepared by a beautiful woman completely naked. He had to admit he loved seeing her move about the kitchen, her breasts swaying as she whipped the pancake mix. When the bacon was sizzling on the stove, he chuckled. "I think you're sizzling hot Allie."

He enjoyed sharing stories with her, finding out a little bit more about the woman he feel in love with. It seemed so weird and yet so natural for them to be totally at ease with each other's nakedness. He could see her eyes looking over him just as his eyes looked at her while she cooked breakfast.

When she served the meal, he smelled, telling her, "It smells absolutely wonderful and I'm sure it taste great." They started eating, still sharing a little about their past. Picking up a strawberry he offered it to her lips, seeing her lips part just a little to take it between her lips but not totally into her mouth. "Mmmm I better help you with that," he smirked placing his lips on hers tasting the sweetness of the fruit. The kiss was sweet and the strawberry was shared between them. When the kiss broke, he smiled and laughed when she returned the favor.

Breakfast took a while as they exchanged kisses, feeding each other throughout the meal until the food was gone. "What do you say we take a walk and you can show me that brooke you mentioned and I'd like to see the lake?"
Allison grinned aa the talked and flirted naturally while she cooked , it was a new expereince but not something she would protest to doing again. She thanked him for the compliments on her cooking and she grinned as he picked up a strawberry to feed her but she didnt fully take it in leaving some for him to eat too and he smirked tasting the other half as they shared the fruit then kissed.

They laughed together and took their time feeding each other , sharing small kisses and admiring each others bodies until their plates were clean. She glanced up at him as he mentiined her showing him the brook she spotted on her walk before and the lake.

"I think a walk sounds good baby, the area is actually very beautiful.." she said said happy she had stumbled across this place in her upset and that Jack was now here helping her feel better and enjoying it with her.

She smirked and walked toward the back deck , she grinned seeing he was shocked she was serious about them going naked and walked over grabbing his hand " Its about a five minute walk baby.. its not far" she said and glanced at his naked body behind her as the two walked au natural and enjoyed the nature around them.
Jack smiled when Allie answered, "I think a walk sounds good baby, the area is actually very beautiful.." He was surprised when he saw her walking toward the back door and onto the wooden deck. He followed her onto the deck, a bit surprised at her bravery to walk around outside naked. Then he remembered she said the place was private and there was no one else around for miles.

He grinned and was a bit nervous, glancing around, still not sure if anyone would catch them in there natural clothes.
"Its about a five minute walk baby.. its not far" She didn't wait for him, stepping off the deck and heading down a dirt trail in the woods He saw her smile and then her appreciative sexy look as her eyes took in his nakedness.

He smiled, seeing her backside, sway seductively on purpose. Those two soft mounds of ass cheeks looked delectable. He caught up to her and they smiled at each other, sharing a kiss and then walking hand in hand though mother nature's landscape. Birds sang, some small chipmonks ran in the underbrush, the leaves rustled in the soft breeze.

Jack could feel contentment in his body as they walked, not saying a word but taking in the beauty of the woods. After a few minutes, he also felt comfortable being naked. He glanced over at Allie and she seemed to be in the same state of mind. He glanced down at her breasts swaying with each step, admiring their beauty.

After a few more minutes, they came upon the
brooke in the woods Allie mentioned and they stopped, watching and listening to the sound of running water as the sun broke through a few clouds and bathed the area. "It's beautiful Allie," he said moving behind her and wrapping his arms around her. He felt his cock rubbing against her buttocks as he leaned down and kissed the side of her neck. "I could stay here with you all day," he whispered as his fingers slid under her breasts to cup and massage them.
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Allison hadn't felt this at peace and relaxed in a long time, holding Jack's hand as the two walked enjoying the beautiful views of the woods surrounding them and sneaking small peeks at each other's beauty as well during the walk.

She guided them to the brook and smiled as he said "It's beautiful Allie", before he stepped in holding her from behind and he kissed the side of her neck and he whisphered softly.

She sighed sexily leaning her body back against him rubbing against him slowly " It is beautiful our private slice of paradise.." She gasped leaning her head to the side feeling Jack's lips on her more and leaned her head up to kiss him.

She felt him growing semi hard behind her and smirked into their kiss " Mmmm I've never felt this one with nature and at peace baby.. I want you right here..." She said softly knowing this was one of the many new sides of her she planned on exploring with Jack.
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"Yes it is like heaven," he said as he continued to place butterfly kisses on her neck while kneading her breasts. The birds were chirping as she turned her head and they kissed, completely oblivious to anything other than enjoying each other.

When she told him she wanted him right on that spot, he let out a soft moan and kissed her harder. His fingers found her hard nipples standing prominently for his fingers to softly twist and pull to the sound of her moans. Releasing them and then turning her around to face him, he pulled her to him feeling his semi-hard muscle push against her lower abdomen.

His hands moved up and down her back and then cupped her buttocks, feeling their bodies begin to rub against one another. "I want you too Allie. You have my heart and soul," he whispered. They kissed firvidly, tongues spearing between their lips as his desire for her at that moment and in the beauty of nature began to grow.

Breaking the kiss he looked around and smiled, seeing a patch of grass near the brook. Leading Allie to the spot, he lay down on his back to take the brunt of the irregular ground. He smiled as she stood above him, a vision of beauty framed by the trees above and the songs of the birds. Her perfect breasts hung on her chest and he saw a small droplet of moisture on her pussy lips.

"I'm all yours my naked beauty. I'm yours for the taking my love," he murmured, seeing her eyes staring at his body.
Allie could help the soft sighs she made when he touched her and returned his kisses loving as he gave them, Jack knew just what to do to excite her and she ran her fingers over his body touching him as well and feeling his hand cock on her stomach.

She moaned softly and grinned feeling his hand reach down to grip her ass as he whisphered how much he wanted her and that she had his heart and soul and their kiss grew more intense along with their desire for each other.

He stopped then for a second bringing them to a patch of her as he saw and laying down on his back and his cock growning to excitement, she was aroused watching him and grinned as he said "I'm all yours my naked beauty. I'm yours for the taking my love,"

She bent down straddling him slowly and looking into those beautiful grey eyes and said " I'm yours too Jack.. every inch of me.."She said then leaned down kissing him and teased his hard cock with her wet pussy like how the used to rubbing her lips along his cock.

" Mmmm i love feeling how much we need each other baby, you're so hard.." She whisphered and kissed her way down to his neck neck staying there for a moment and licking and sucking the skin there making them both moan as she teased his cock.

They were both panting and her pussy was more wet before she adjusted her hips a bit to slowly slide back onto his cock and lean up a little kissing him. " Mmm I'll never get enough of that baby...of you sliding into me me and stretching me " she groaned and moaned softly rolling her hips
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The way she uttered that she was his too, was simply intoxicating. The kiss she placed on his lips was sensuous and teasing as he felt her wet pussy rubbing up and down his shaft. It was the way they used to simulate fucking before yesterday. Now it was done as foreplay to teasingly excite his cock as she whispered how she loved the feel of him and how much they needed each other.

His hands roamed over her back, moaning softly as her lips kissed and sucked his neck, feeling her tongue slither back and forth causing erotic sensations to course through him. As she continued to kiss his neck and rub her pussy over his now very rigid cock, he felt so much love and affection in his heart. Being out in nature, naked as the everything else surrounding them, seemed to cement their new growing relationship.

When she shifted her hips, he felt her pushing downward, the head of his cock forcing its way into her tight hole. His cock felt so good feeling the heat of her sexual core. He groaned feeling her take her time pushing downward to take more of his shaft.

He looked into her eyes just before she told him she'll never get enough him inside her, stretching her. The moan that slipped from his lips was one of total satisfaction, feeling his cock lodged deep inside her. "You feel so good on my cock baby," he whispered hoarsely feeling her hips begin a slow rhythmic dance. The feeling of her pussy sliding up and down his shaft sent sensual shivers through him.

"That's it baby ..... ride my cock honey ..... it's all yours baby," he called out seeing her emerald eyes blazing with lust. He brought her down to him, feeling her hard nipples rubbing against his chest as his lips sought and captured hers. The feelings of love and lust for her poured through his veins as the kiss deepened and her hips began to move a bit faster.

When the kiss, broke he smiled seeing her hands on his chest and pushing her body upward until she was straddling him as if ridiing a horse. His cupped her breasts, his fingers found her aroused nipples, rubbing ..... twisting.... pulling on them. His hips joined hers, rising and falling in perfect tempo as they enjoyed the pleasure of love in the woods.

He knew this was only the beginning of them satisfying each other in so many ways and in so many places. "Fuck me baby," he said squeezing her breasts. "I'm all yours ......"
Allie moaned placing her hands on his chest and watching his reaction to her riding his cock, she wanted everytime they made love to be blissful just like the first time had and she panted hearing his moan as his generous cock slipped deeper into her and he told her how good she felt on his cock.

"Uhhh fuck baby" she moaned and he did as well " That's it baby ..... ride my cock honey ..... it's all yours baby" he said making her want him even more and stare at him her eyes filled with desire.

He pulled her down kissing her passion behind their lips as they shared a kiss and she felt the love and need behind his lios as she and Jack took each other right there in the forest. Her hips moved a bit quicker feeling her pussy tighten in excitement and she sat up placing her hands on his chest straddling him and looked down seeing his smile.

She rolled her hips and cried out feeling his hips mimic hers sliding her up and down his rigid pole naturally in there erotic dance in the forest making her quiver with pleasure.

" Fuck Mmmm right there baby" she moaned and looked down into Jack's eyes lustfully hearing him grunt with pleasure and squeeze her breasts telling her to fuck him and that he was all hers.

"Mmmmm ill fuck you as much as you want me to baby.. and I'll let you have me whenever you want Jack" she moaned and rolled her hips more feeling herself grow closer.
The way she rolled her hips, grinding against his hips, squeezing his cock as she slid up and down, sent tiny electrical shocks through his thick hard muscle. He saw the pure look of lust on her face as moved erotically on his shaft. Then he saw her face crunch up a little and saw her body quiver while her pussy squeezed his cock harder.

He must have hit the right spot when she moaned "Fuck Mmmm right there baby" and he saw a more violent shiver shake her. Just watching her enjoy herself sent more sensitive shocks through his cock and he felt it throb inside her.

The sensual sexual song they were playing became more intense when she told him she'd fuck him as much as he wanted and whenever he wanted. Her hips began to roll and grind on his hips, gyrating to some silent song of nature accompanied by the sounds surrouding them .... the rushing water of the brook and the birds singing songs.

His breathing began to quicken, the sensations in his cock growing more intense as he watched her look at him with a lustful stare. He released her tits, his hands on her thighs and then slipping to her ass cheeks. There was an orgasm in the air and it was about to hit both of them.

He sat up and wrapped his arms around her as they began to fuck sitting facing each other, lost in their world of pleasure. Her face came close and he pulled her head to him, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace. His othe hand slipped up and down her back, while her hips began to gyrate harder in his lap.

"I'm so close baby," he moaned, knowing they both were on the edge of another orgasm.
Allie moaned as they kissed now face to face as they made love in the woods and he pulled his head to her kissing her passionately as his hands trailed her body and she moved her hips quicker on his lap.

" I'm so close baby" he moaned and Allie moaned too hearing how sexy he was when he said it " Me too baby mm.mmm fuck it feels too good" she groaned and leaned in kissing him again feeling her pussy gripping him more

She felt how deep he was inside of her and he angled his hips beneath her shifting a bit and slid right against her gspot causing her to cry out then a few more times seeing he had the right spot and she quivered in his arms leaning her forehead agaisnt his words unable to form as she moaned kissing him then kissed his neck "uhhh goddd mmm Jackk , i love you baby... uhhh fuckkk" she moaned trembling as her cum washed over his cock the first time neither of them slowing their tempo.

She heard Jack's groans and pulled back looking into his eyes wanting to see the pleasure on his face and him cum too " Uhhhh yess.. mmm cum for me honey...cum inside of me Jack.." She moaned and kissed him softly feeling he pussy begin to spasm again ready to share the orgasm with him.
They were locked together in a sitting position, her legs wrapped around his waist, their bodies meshed together. Each movement caused more sensual sensations in him as they rocked together toward their orgasms. When his cock, rubbed against her g-spot, he felt her body shudder and her breath hitch, her forehead against his, feeling her muscles tightly clench his cock.

He felt her pussy quiver around his shaft and then felt her warm juices washing over it. Her orgasm was hit her but her hips continued to dance on his shaft, urging him to give up his seed. His moans increased as the urge to explode washed over him. When she urged him to cum inside her, it was like a trigger was pulled.

His arms held her tightly, his lips seeking hers as the overwhelming desire for her began to boil over. "Fuck baby ..... I'm so close," he moaned feeling his cock begin to throb with each hard clench of her muscles. She knew what she was doing and she was not going to stop until she achieved her conquest, Jack giving up his seed.

His breathing was hard and labored, his mind only on one thing, fill his lover with what she loved, his creamy seed. she had pulled her head off his neck and was staring at him with her deep emerald eyes and he knew the time was now. "I can't hold back any more," he moaned and and pulled her lips to his, kissing her with a passion reserved for her.

Her vaginal muscles continued to massage and squeeze his cock as his body shuddered and rocked, holding her tight, kissing her with love as he exploded deep inside her. He couldn't control his body as it rocked with each shot until his balls were completely drained.

As he began to feel his orgasm ebb, he broke the kiss, seeing her breathing matching his, hard and deep. The nature around them seemed eriely silent for a moment as if they had just witnessed something wonderful. Then a few birds whistled and he wondered if that was thier way of clapping. He kissed her cheek and then her neck, whispereing, "I love you Allie ...." And then looking at her satisfied smile, he smiled and then grinned, "you can sit in my lap anytime."
Allie sat with him inside of her as they came down from their orgasms and their breathing calmed feeling the wind on their skin as hearing the birds whistle around them.

She sighed softly feeling his lips on her cheek , then neck and he whisphered he loved her making her smile brightly and he returned one bacjk then grinned playfully telling her she could sit on his lap anytime.

Allie giggled and leaned in kissing him and said " Mmmm thank you for the invitation baby ill use it whenever you want me to and youre welcome to take me on your lap if you need some special attention" she said and smirked then leaned in kissing his lips softly.

"Are you ready to go back baby? Or do you want to explore a bit more?...The drive down to town is about 25 minutes so we dont have to rush anything baby"
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Jack was finding that every minute he spent with Allie was more special than he had with any other women in his past including his ex-wife, Judy Ann. There was something that clicked between them and he smiled and laughed when she told him he was welcome to take her into his lap if he needed special attention. After a short kiss, he told her, "I'll hold you to that baby."

"I don't think I'm ready just yet to go back baby." He pulled her down beside him and looked up at the different cloud formations. "Let's relax for a few minutes," he said putting his arm under her head as they both looked skyward. It seemed so natural to be naked in nature with Allie, listening to the sound of the brook sending water to the private lake.

It seemed so peaceful, no phones, no meetings, nothing but laying on the ground enjoying nature all around them. After a few minutes of silence, he turned his body until he was lying on his side, staring at her. "This has been unforgetable morning Allie. I wish we could stay her all day, but we should head back. We can always take another nature hike later or tomorrow."

They got up and Jack felt some dirt on his back and saw some on Allie. He brushed it off her back the best he could but there was some dirt that would have to be washed off. On the walk back, he spied the trail down to the lake. "I really want to see the private lake you mentioned," holding her hand as they walked down the trail to the lake.

The lake looked so pristine and calm. There was a dock and a row boat for use by patrons of the rental. Walking to the end of the dock, he could see it was deep and clear. He turned to Allie and smiled, "I think I need to clean off." Falling backward, he saw her startled look as his body hit the cold water. Coming up, he felt his feet hit the sandy bottom, staring up at her nakeded body. "Come on in Allie, the water feels great."
Allie gasped seeing him suddenly flop back into the lake, they were a bit dirty from their lovemaking in the forest, Jack moreso than her, and saw him come back up grinning and told her to come in the water felt great.

" You're crazy you know that right Jack?" She said and giggled. She remembered how cold the water was and that Jack had been ice swimming before but the water did look good, especially with her sexy lover inside of it.

She blushed and sighed gathering her courage and said " ok ok I'm coming in" she said ran off the dock plunging in too.

It was chilly and she came up from beneath the water and pushed her hair back out of her face and some water from her eyes and swam over to him with a grin and little laugh.

" It's still as cold as I remember , but it does feel good" she said and leaned in kissing him softly.
Jack saw Allie weighing her options whether to jump in or run away. He grinned when she told him he was crazy and then she got her courage up and told him she was going to join him. Suddenly she sprinted toward him with a wide grin on her face and plunged into the water.

When she surfaced, he saw her surprised look on her face from the cold water, telling him "It's still as cold as I remember , but it does feel good" The following kiss was soft and her felt her arms wrap around his neck and her legs wrap around his waist, loving the feel of her rigid nipples pressing into his chest. They traded quick kisses, his hands sliding up and down her back until they cupped her buttocks.

"Yes I am crazy Allie and I'm also crazy about you," he said leaning his lips to hers, their lips pressing together in a more passionate kiss. They continued to kiss each other as he waded in the water feeling goosebumps on her body.

When the kiis broke, he grinned and laughed. "you know Allie, cold water causes shrinkage.” He felt her body shiver from the cold water. “We should head back to the cabin before you shiver to death and I shrink so much I won't be able to please you.” When her legs unwrapped from around his waist, he easily picked her up, cradling her in his arms. Beginning to walk out of the water with her in his strong arms, he grinned. “What do you say we go back and take a hot shower and then go get some lunch in town and some grocery shoppiing?"
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Allie grinned and held onto him as he said he was crazy about her " I'm crazy about you too baby.." They floated for a moment in the cold water and he smiked about shrinkage.

" I don't know baby it doesn't feel like you have a problem with that" she teased playfully. " But youre right baby.. its too cold to stay in" she said shivering as little.

She held onto him as he lifted her easily and walked out of the water holding her, She smiled back at him at him as he suggested they shower, grab lunch and go shopping " That sounds good baby, let's get nice and warm and then we can grab some things for dinner, is there anything you want me to make?" She asked him and leaned in kissing him softly.

She enjoyed their private time together and she knew even though this was a spur of the moment runaway she would enjoy escaping things like this with Jack once in a while.

She held onto him as they walked halfway there and then he playfully carried her the rest of the way to the cabin. She would enjoy dinner tonight and watching some movies with him as well after shopping.
Jack liked the idea of a nice warm shower with Allie. He remembered the times they showered together but never went all the way, just touching, teasing, and using their hands and mouths to take each other over the edge.

"Let me think about it," he said to her question about what would he like for dinner. As they walked back to the cabin, he suddenly picked her up, hearing her giggle. When they arrived at the cabin, he an outdoor shower and a grill. Turning on the shower, he said as they waited for the water to warm, "How about if we buy some filets and I'll grill them while you come up with a veggie dish?"

Pulling her under the warm water, he spied a bar of soap on a tray, grabbing it, he began to lather her up with soap, loving the feel of her slippery skin under his fingers. He smiled when she grabbed the bar and began to lather his body. When her hands moved lower, soaping his cock, he laughed, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Are you trying to make the shrinkage disappear?"
Allie smiled as he started the outdoor shower and listened to his suggestions for dinner " I think filets and sides sound good baby, I can make scalloped potatoes and roasted broccoli, We can eat inside the private deck that's here its pretty peaceful.."

She smiled as he pulled her beneath the spray soaping her body and she grinned returning the favor and couldn't resist touching and admiring his body and chuckled when he asked if she was trying to make the shrinkage disappear.

"Well I would say my hands are definitely working magic honey"she said stroking slowly then leaned in kissing him softly and laughed playfully " Do you like my little trick Jack?" She said flirtingly then sighed feeling him move to tease her body playfully.

She sighed as she and Jack teased each other while enjoying their hot shower.
Jack felt his cock coming to life under the expertise of Allison's fingers and hands. Their kiss was soft and then more demanding with Jack moaning into her lips as his cock swelled in her hands. "I love your little trick Allie. It seems my shrinkage is just about gone," he groaned finding her lips once more.

While he enjoyed the feel of her soapy hands stroking his cock and balls his hands were not silent. they found her breasts, soaping and massaging them as her moans matched his. His hands found her ripe nipples, rubbing and tweaking them under the constant warm water cascading down on them.

Kissing her neck with soft butterfly kisses, his hands roamed over her sides and then down to cup her perfect ass cheeks, pulling her against him. He felt her hand continue to tease his cock as their hips began to gyrate. "I was going to wait until we returned from shopping but something tells me there is a fire that needs to be quenched." With that, he leaned his head down to her breasts and began enjoying sucking her hardened nipples.

As he sucked and nibbled on her nipples he remembered how when they took previous showers they didn't go all the way. He felt her hands on the back of his head and when he pulled off her breasts, he saw the desire in her eyes. It seemed they never tired of pleasuring each other.

Grabbing one leg he pulled it up while she steadied herself on the wall. There was no reason to wait like they did in the past and he positioned his cock at the entrance to her hole and felt her hips move to accept him as they stood and began fucking "I want you so much Allie," he whispered above the water spray as his cock sank deep into her.
Allie moaned as their shower became more steamy and heard his moans increase as well as she stroked and washed his cock. They kissed each other softly at first and then became more passionate as they continued and Jack began to touch her more as well.

She sighed sexily feeling him reach out to tease her nipples and then lean down to suck her nipples and cup her ass pulling her against him closer as she teased him to.

She smirked when he said he was going to wait until they returned from shopping but there was a fire that needed to be quenched. " Mmmm there always seems to be a fire when we're this close together baby, not that I'd ever complain" she grinned and kissed him.

She sighed when his grey eyes met hers and he kissed her deeply and grabbed one leg while she steadied herslf and slowly slid into her making them both moan aloud.

"Uhhh god Jack.. " she moaned feeling him slowly sink in deeper as he moaned whisphering about how much he wanted her " Mmm i want you too baby.." she said softly " Im yours whenever you want" she said sexily