Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Allie smiled at his compliment of how good the earrings looked on her once she put them on and then saw he had something on his mind before he let out a laugh. She saw some people glance at him quizzically as they walked by and she was curious herself as she saw him wait for them to pass before he let out a small chuckle.

" Now that you're wearing them, your mind should be completely on me and nothing else....Let me tell you what I'm thinking about Allie."She smirked slightly having a little bit of an idea but was surprised as he continued as they walked saying in a low tone only she could hear that he was thinking about her wearing just the earrings and nothing else.

She blushed a little and their eyes met and he continued his sensual words reminding her of their time in Vegas when she crawled toward him to the song and he said he wanted her to do it again in just the earrings and make love to and kiss every part of her and not stop till they were both pleasured.

She gasped a little feeling her body react to his words and the way he looked at her and she could tell he was imagining it in his head " Jack..." She whisphered softly knowing he heard the need in her voice and then he pulled her to him kissing her passionately lost in the moment of just the two of them.

She sighed sexily into the kiss returning his as well holding onto his shirt as the two shared a passionate kiss. She looked up at him and smirked saying " Im all yours baby.. every inch of me and we won't stop until we're tired.." She said and nipped his lip playfully " I better make sure I make a good dinner so we have the energy huh?" She teased playfully before giving himmoff last small kiss seeing that stormy aroused look in his grey eyes that she loved.

She stepped back reluctantly as they resumed walking and he held her against him as they approached the old church and she was surprised at its size inside because it had been so small outside.

"Wow they keep this place pretty nice for how old they say it is" she said and smiled softly reading a plaque about the church's history.
After the soulful kiss, the look in her eyes was all he needed to know that when they returned to the cabin, the sex was going to be hot and steamy. He smirked and smiled brightly thinking of kissing and touching every inch of her as she told him she was all his, every inch of her.

"Maybe I'll skip dinner and just eat you all up like the big bad wolf," he laughed, knowing they needed food to refresh them. But it didn't hurt to play mind games feeding mental images of sexual fantasies. He continued to think of sexual images as she stepped back and they resumed their walk toward an old church.
The church took up a good portion of one corner of the square and he imagined what it would have been like in the 1800's with church goers arriving in horse and buggies. There were still remanants of the original brick street that were so prevalent back in that time. They found the front doors open and explored inside, seeing the statues and the ornate stained glass windows. This was in stark contrast to the new churches being built and this church had character and a gave a lasting impression of the labor of love by those building it.

After exploring the church, they walked out into the shadow of the court house that was built around the same time as the church. The architecture was again a sign of times past when buildings were constructed to show the signifiance of their character. The interior of the building amazed Jack with the attention to detail that was missing in a lot of modern architecture.

They spent some time just looking around and afterward, Jack and Allie walked back to the candy shop to pick up their purchases. It was so wonderful to spend this time with Allie, just the two of them and no pressure to take care of business.

The saleslady told them of a nice store where they could buy supplies and when they got into the car, he smiled and put his hand on her bare thigh. Squeezing it, he chuckled, "I sure hope you can keep your hands off me in the store."
Allie smirked feeling his hand on her thigh as he said he hoped she coukd keep her hands off of him in the store and giggled " I'll try to restrain myself honey, although I make no promises about when we get back into the car" she grinned teasing him back.

It felt so natural and light being with him and being able to enjoy this time with him so freely, she knew their sex when they returned to the cabin would be hot and steamy but she also knew she and Jack would enjoy cooking with each other like they have before.

They made their way to the store and they parked going in together and she held his hand as they walked in with him holding the basket and them shopping together as a regular couple but knowing Jack was everything outside of normal outside of this town and it was relaxing with him being this way.

She picked up some fruit for them and they picked up some things for dinner something they both would make together and she smiled " I think the roast chicken will be great tonight , is there anything else you want on the menu tonight Jack?" She said and smiled then glanced over seeing them getting a few looks and knew those women must have recognized who Jack was.
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Jack laughed at her response to restrain from keeping her hands off him in the store but she added that she would make no promises about when they were in the car. "I look forward to seeing just what my sweet Allison has in mind for the ride back to the cabin."

Jack felt comfortable shopping with Allie as the chose food for dinner. The roast chicken sounds great," he said and then added as he picked up two steaks. "I'll grill these tomorrow," knowing that the next day they were headed back to Cleveland. "I think we have everything for dinner but I think having you for dinner is more appealing," he laughed and saw her bright smile.

As they walked down the aisles, he thought about meeting her family but then was distracted when two women seemed to be gawking at them. Jack saw one of the ladies holding a tabloid with the picture of them in the limousine on the cover.

The women approached them, seeing their eyes shift from him and then to Allison. He waited for them to say something to him. But instead they had bright smiles as they looked at Allison.

"You're the woman in this picture aren't you. How does it feel to be dating the most eligible bachelor in the world?"
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Allie smiled and nodded as he grabbed steak for them to eat tomorrow and she figured they could have steak,eggs and veggies for brunch before they headed out. She giggled and grinned as he joked that having her dinner was more appealing and she said " I think having you for dessert sounds justbas good baby" she smirked

She spotted the picture the women had the magazine with them on the front then moved closer analyzing them before smiling big. She was expecting them to ask Jack questions and be excited seeing him but they asked her instead if it was her and how it felt dating the most eligible bachelor in the world.

She smiled and was silent for a moment then glanced at Jack wondering if she should keep it professional or give them an honest answer. She knew Jack was a huge name, but when he was with her like this and they were alone,it seemed like he was a regular man and they were a regular couple.

She also realized that if the article had reached this part of ohio than it reached her town and her ex and everyone else might've gotten a look at it. She grabbed his hand gently squeezing it his shock but she wanted him to know she was there with him for whatever and however he wanted to handle the curiosity and the press.

"I ummm yes that's me..Being with him feels like im always at ease and feels right, but thats all i can say " She said softly to them and the women seemed excited about that complimenting her about her beauty in real life and her kindness, in honesty Allison was just being herself, but she also didnt want to go to deep into detail with them just getting together or risk their time they were enjoying with catching attention to themselves.

She glanced at Jack wondering how he would feel about her lightly confirming their relationship.
Jack listened to Allie tell the women that she feels at ease and happy with him and they it feels right. The women seemed fine with that and then they turned to him.

The blonde asked him, "how does it feel to be off the market?"

Jack looked at Allie and smiled. She had taken the safe road and he admired her for that. They didn't know Allie was his personal assistant and their relationship quickly flourished into more than employer / employee. For all they knew, she was someone he met at a function or party and started dating. They also didn't know and didn't need to know about her relationship with John.

Putting his arm around her, he looked at the blonde and redhead women waiting anxiously for an answer. "Ladies it feels wonderful to be with Allison. She also makes me feel comfortable and we have a lot in common. She has made me happy and you can't put a value on that."

He had read the article that Abby had given them before they left Vegas and her name was not mentioned. She was the mystery woman and as far as he knew, her idenity was still unknown to the general public. He was sure that if her parents or John saw the tabloid, they would know in an instant it was her.

.He saw their looks of surprise and quickly added, "and ladies this is Allison James and now you have a scoop that you can tell your friends and neighbors. You are the first to know but I'm sure the media has probably figured it out by now. But you two ladies that I have the pleasure of introducing you to her."

The women seemed overjoyed, their faces beaming with the news that they knew something that no one else knew. The redhead, holding the magazine, asked, "Can we have your autograph?"

"Sure thing," he answered watching the blonde dig through her purse for a pen. When she found it, she gave it to him and walked to the books picking up another copy so she could have her own copy. After signing both copies, he gave the pen back and they turned to Allie.

"Ms. James we would be honored to get your autograph too." The women looked at Allie, waiting for her to sign.
Allie smiled softly as he pulled her close and told the women how he felt about her and she knew they two of them were falling deeper the more time they spent with each other, she had felt attracted to Jack from the moment she first had her interview even though she was ashamed she did at the time.

She heard him say her name and was surprised when he told the women her name and chuckled inwardly hearing he was sure the media had gotten a hold of it and smiled when he said they were the first he had the pleasure of introducing her to.

She blushed a little loving how sweet he was with her and she saw how excited the women were before they asked for his autograph and he was nice enough to sign both but what surprised her was when the women asked for both.

She had been very humble about her beauty always having grown up around all boys but there was no mistake Allison James was a stunner and now with one of the sexiest business men in the world according to a magazine she saw one time.

"Sure I can it would be my pleasure to" she said kindly and signed her name next to Jack's and the women seemed giddy about it, the two snapped a quick selfie with them and then they were on their way and so were she and Jack after grabbing the ice cream she wanted (but was sure they woukd split).

She helped him unload into the car and climbed in with him feeling relaxed and leaned in kissing him when they got into the car thinking she had seen a camera flash from the corner of her eye but played it off as her imagination.

" I say I'd keep my hands off only until we were out of the store honey.." She said flirtingly " If you can focus... I'll give you a special treat on the drive back.." She said and smirked wanting to touch and tease him a little.
Once they were settled in the car, he saw the blonde and redhead talking to who supposed was the store manager or someone they knew. It was a small town and he was sure that it wouldn't take long for the word to spread amougst the women's friends that Jack Wolfe and Allison James were in the area.

He put those thoughts aside when Allie, with a very mischevious grin told him that she kept her hands off him in the store but if he could stay focused, she'd give him a special treat on the way back to the cabin. He had a pretty good idea of what the special treat consisted of and gave her a big smile in return.

Glancing down at her bare thighs, he his hand rubbed her left thigh as he stared into her deep green emerald eyes. "I'll tell you what my sweet and lovely Allie. I would love to have you give me a special treat but on one condition."

He stopped the car and on the side of the road, knowing that the majority of the ride back to the cabin was on narrow dusty roads. They had not seen a car on their way into town and he doubted they would see one on the road back to the cabin. "You take off your clothes and I'll take off mine and you can do whatever you have in mind for that special treat. Deal?"

He didn't wait for an answer as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and wondered if Allie would follow suit and he felt his cock stir in his shorts wondering what special treat she had in mind. He knew if she was naked there was no way he could keep his hands off her.
Allison saw the look on his face when she proposed her suggestion and then saw Jack glance down at her thighs before reaching down and rubbing one gently as the drove away from the area and more into the woods toward the cabin and he told her he would agree to her treat on on condition.

He stopped the car for a moment surprising her and she smirked slightly wondering what that brilliant mind of Jack Wolfe was up to. It was very private in the area she had chosen and she knew it wouldnt be likely that they saw anyone on the way and was going to give him a handjob while he drove but it seemed he had other ideas.

She listened as he suggested they both get naked and then she could do whatever she had in mind for her treat. She grinned as he didnt wait and began to slowly undress. She had on a simple black dress with sneakers and her hair was curly at the moment which she knew he liked when it was at his natural state and she knew Jack was turned on from the look he had in his eye and she loved how he watched her.

"I cant resist myself when you look at me like that baby.." she said and slowly and pulled her dress up over her head sitting in her underwear for a moment and smirking watching him continue to undress and grinned. This was by far one of the riskiest things shed done and she didnt know how long they could resist until Jack wanted to fuck her, she knew the paths were narrow dusty roads and they would have their frredom, she was just happy they brought the foam cooler with ice to keep the fudge, her icecream and their things fresh.

She peeled off her underwear and leaned over kissing him softly " Your mind alawys amazes me my brilliant that im naked you promise i can do whatever i want..?" She said sexily kissing him again tenderly and sighed when he responded back the same way.

" Its about a 25 minute drive to the cabin honey, will you be able to focus?" She said and trailed her hand down a naked Jacks chest admiring his body and seeing his semi hard cock.
Jack smiled when Allie said she couldn’t resist herself when he looked at her as she slowly pulled her dress up over her head. His eyes took in her sexy bra and panties and his cock thickened as he removed his trousers and boxer shorts.

His looked keenly at her nakedness through his grey eyes after she peeled off her underwear. His heart beat faster, his breathing quickened seeing her naked body move toward him, receiving her soft kiss.

Her lips tasted delicious and when she asked in a low suggestively sweet voice if he meant what he said about her doing whatever she wanted, he gave her a cute smile. “My God Allie you look beautiful and yes you can do whatever you want to me.” He again accepted her lips as he turned slightly, his hand finding a soft breast to massage.

He chuckled when she said it was about a 25 minute drive back to the cabin and would he be able to focus. “I’ll do my damn best to keep focused on the road and on you,” he moaned feeling her fingernails marking a trail down his torso. He watched as they slid further southward toward his semi-erect cock.

In Vegas, they had made partial love in a storage room with the thought they could get caught. It was an exciting adventure and he knew they were about to embark on another one.

Turning sideways, he spread his thighs open placing his left foot on the accelerator pedal. His eyes were ablaze with lust as he looked deep into her bright shimmering emerald eyes.

“I’m all yours Allie to do with as you wish,” he moaned knowing that for the next half hour or so she had complete control to make him squirm with lust and pleasure and there was nothing he could do unless he pulled the onto the shoulder,

“What does my sexy evil mistress plan to with her captive,” he groaned seeing her fingernails scraping along his thickening muscle and watching it jerk.
Allie grinned mischeviously as Jack told her he was all hers to do with as she wished and she remembered all the sexy teasung and foreplay that they had done before and smiled hearing his moan and seeing the lust in his eyes for her.

God Jack, you have any idea of what you do to me baby.." she said sexily trailing her fingernails across his body and down to his cock feeling it twitch slightly at her touch and she sighed sexily at that.

She leaned in kissing his cheek, then his neck for a bit hearing him groan for her, then she licked his neck trailling her tongue to his earlobe before licking and sucking it sexily hearing him groan with appreciation.

" Mmmm Id love to offer the same thing you did to me Jack...licking you everywhere you want me to baby.." she said and moved her lips lower trail soft kisses and licking and sucking her way back down his neck, then across his chest stopping at his nipple and nipping playfully before licking and sucking it and slowly sliding her hand down to his amazing cock and feeling it jump in her hand.

"I love how excited your cock gets Jack...."she said stroking him lightly " Every inch of you is amazing darling....your eyes...the way you think..your body.. your cock.. i dont think ill ever get enough of you and touching you.." she said sexily and leaned down licking the tip of his cock sexily and kissing that too.

She smirked knowing she knew just how to tempt Jack into making love with her and she wondered how long it would take her love to give in and have his way with fher like they both wanted loving their risky teasing.
Jack knew it would be nerve racking driving to the cabin while Allie did whatever her devious mind conjured up.

He thought of his position in the car. His left foot on the accelator .... his left hand on the steering wheel ..... his right hand on the back of the passenger bucket seat .... his right leg stretched over the center console ..... giving Allie more than adequate room to do what she felt like doing to get him excited. As he pressed the accelerator pedal, he smiled at her comment about if he had any idea of what he did to her.

"I think I'm about to find out," he chuckled and grinned as her fingernails made his cock twitch. Jack steered the car along the dirt road thinking that if anyone passed them, they would see him sitting at a strange angle with no shirt. They may or may not see Allie and if they didn't they would surely wonder what he was doing.

But when Allie leaned over the center console, his thoughts of being seen were interrupted by the feel of Allie's lips on his cheek and neck causing him to moan his approval. And when her lips moved to his earlobe and she sucked it, he felt a tremor in his body.

He felt a nipple scraping against his side and there was really nothing he could do. His hands were not free to cup an tease them. With the car moving slowly, he knew she had complete control to tease him until he couldn't take it.

Her teasing words in his ear about licking him all over caused his cock to jerk with excitement. And then when she began a kissing trek down to his nipple. He looked at her beautiful brown hair, feeling her tongue flicking at one hard nipple and then he let out a soft moan when he felt her teeth nipping at it causing a moment of pain to course through him.

"I love it when you stroke it and then kiss my cock," he moaned in response to her words that she loved his cock and began to stroke it. "I know I will never get enough of you baby," he growled feeling her hand tighten around his hard shaft.

When her lips made contact with the tip of his cock, he felt another more intense tremor tear through him. It was hard keeping his concentration on the road even though there were no other vehicles on the deserted road. But Jack knew that at any moment, a car could come around a bend and the thought excited him. There was an element of danger, especially if it was the local sheriff. What the hell would he think if he stopped them and saw two naked people, doing the obvious.

He didn't know if they would make it back to the cabin before he couldn't hold back filling her mouth. But the excitement he felt was like an aphrodisiac. "Go on baby," he muttered in a low husky tone. "You know you want to see how much of my cock you can take in that beautiful mouth of yours."

He felt the car lurch onto the side of the shoulder and quickly pulled it back onto the dirt road, looking down into her tempting emerald eyes, waiting for what he was sure would be a real sensual treat for both of them.
Allie grinned inwardly hearing the lust in her loves voice as he encouraged her " Go on baby...You know you want to see how much of my cock you can take in that beautiful mouth of yours. "

She felt the car jerk a little when she sucked a bit deeper and saw him me readjusting the wheel and glance down at her. She pulled his cock out and licked it kissing it and said with a soft sexy chuckle "Eyes on the road Mr. Wolfe..." and smirked plaufully before continuing her goal.

"I know how much you love feeding me your cum darling.. you like me spoiling your cock whenever it needs me dont you baby?.." she moaned softly sucking him teasingly and arching her ass in the air so Jack could get a good view.

She felt one of his hands slide down off of the wheel and down to her hair for a moment and gasped then felt it move slowly down her back and to her ass grabbing it.

She sucked a little faster and panted softly knowing she was wet from doing this to him and she knew Jack knew how aroused she was from doing this to him as well.
Jack chuckled when she playfully scolded him. "Eyes on the road Mr. Wolfe..." and then let out a moan when she took his cock back into her mouth. He tried to watch her tease his cock but it was very difficult to do that and try to drive. He was finding it more difficult to concentate on the road, feeling the car swerving from one side of the narrow road to the other side.

He saw that mischevious grin on her face whens he pulled her lips off and saw her spittle mixed with some precum. "Yes baby. I love the way you spoil my cock and you know it needs a lot of spoiling," he moaned feeling his body tingle with excitement. He partially closed his eyes when she resumed sucking softly, feeling his cock jerk in her mouth.

He saw her ass arch up in the air and reached down to push her mouth further down onto his cock. His breathing was becoming more pronounced and then he slid his hand down her back until he found her ass. His fingers slid into the crevice formed by her nice ass cheeks, feeling her body sway as he teased her tight opening. That was an area of her that he only explored with his fingers. As his fingers toyed with the tight opening he wondered how it would feel to have his thick shaft inside her backside.

But his thoughts were interrupted by the excellent sucking of Allie's mouth and her hand stroking his wet cock. He was finding it more and more difficult to drive as his foot came off the acelarator and the car slowed down. He saw a narrow lane off to the side of the road and turned into the narrow lane. He had no clue where the lane with a tree canopy led to but his need for Allie didn't care. He needed her now.

When the car stop under the canopy of trees, he moaned, "Ohhh God baby I need you so bad. Let's get in the back seat where we have more room." He needed to feel his cock inside her hot creamy pussy and when she looked up at him with her sparkling emerald eyes, he could see she was conveying the same lust.
Allie gasped feeling Jack tease her ass with his fingers and knew they would one day explore sex there and she would be excited to. She continued her sucking and stroking and feeling Jack push cock deeper into her throat and heard his breathing get heavier.

She moaned softly enjoying pkeasurinf him when she felt the car slow down and heard Jack tell her how bad he needed her and that they should get in the back seat.

She paused her sucking and licked his cock then looked up at him seeing the desire in his stormy grey eye "Mmmm I need you too darling i cant wait.." she groaned then climbed in the back seat with Jack following her.

She grinned as they adjusted the seats a bit and they began kissing passionately like horny teens in the backseat, she just hoped the two could hsve their fun uninterrputed and she was certain they would yhe area looked fairly private and surrounded by trees.

She groaned as he leaned in touching her and she reached out touching him as well " Mmmm god Jack, You are so sexy baby..."She said and leaned in kissing him again
Jack grinned as he climbed into the back seat, his eyes never leaving the beautiful sight of Allie's nakedness. His cock swayed and bounced while he settled next to her and he took her into his arms. It always felt so good to feel her naked body against his as their lips met softly at first and then pressed more urgently together. His hands explored her body and he felt her returning the favor, groaning when her hand again found his hardness slowly stroking it.

He chuckled as they kissed, remembering long ago, back in high school, how he and a girl would find a lover's lane and enjoy touching and kissing. Back then they would fumble with buttons, zippers, and bra clasps as they kissed passionately, not going all the way as they explored each other. But now under the canopy of trees on a dirt lane that he didn't know where it led to, there were no buttons, zippers, or bra clasps to contend with, only flesh against flesh.

Their kiss broke and Jack looked into her eyes as she murmured, "Mmmm god Jack, You are so sexy baby..."

One hand smoothed back some stray brown curls while his other hand tenderly touched and caressed her cheek. Staring into her deep emerald eyes, he felt nothing but deep love for her. "Allison James I love how you are so sexy and you mean the world to me. I never want to be apart from you." He felt a surge of love flow through him, knowing that he had never felt this way with any woman, not even his ex-wife.

His lips found hers and his hand strayed from her cheek down her neck and over her breast, feeling the soft flesh mold into his large hand. His fingers toyed and teased a nipple and when done, they found the other nipple, teasing and tweaking it to the sounds of both their moans filling the backseat.

Jack broke the kiss and looked out the windows, seeing they were unnoticed. "Baby I want to return the favor," he whispered pushing her back against the corner of the seat. He grinned as he kissed her breasts and then slowly slid down until he was kneeling on the floor, and looking at her shaven pussy, moist with her desire. "Baby I want to taste you just like you tasted me and then I want feel my cock deep in your pussy."

Lowering his head, his tongue flicked at the moisture coating her lips before it would dive inside in search of her love button.
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Allison smiled lovingly at him as he looked into her eyes deeply telling her how sexy she was , how much he loved her and that he nevsr wanted to be apart from her.

"You mean the world to me too honey, you will never be apart from me Jack, im yours" she said softly and kissed him back her hand running through his dark hair and looking into his grey eyes and meaning every word, what she had with John had seemed like childsplay compared to what she had thought love was with John, she knew she had loved him, but she had never felt it intensely like she had with Jack Wolfe.

Her heart would always beat faster when he was near, she always had a smile or air of happiness with him, and when they were apart she just wanted to be back with him, if she didnt know what a soulmate was she would say Jack was hers from the first time they met when they couldnt stop stealing glances at each other during her interview.

She sjghed sexily as his hands began exploring again along with hers and she looked at him heatedly as he said he wanted to return the favor and kissed hisnway down her body positioning her in a way he could enjoy and she was comfortable.

She moaned as he looked up at her telling her that he wanted to taste her like she did him and then sink himself deep inside of her. She gasped as he lowered his head licking slowly and knew Jack was talented with his tongue as well and the two wouldnt hide their passions from each other.

"Uhhh honey... i love how you taste me.... your tongue feels so good..."she moaned softly
Jack took his time licking up and down her moist pussy lips that guarded her love button. He knew the more he teased her without touching her clit, the more she would wiggle and moan. As he continued to slowly lick her nectar, he felt her fingers curling in his hair.

Up and down his tongue slithered, teasingly pushing inside the silky lips and then withdrawing. The longer he delayed completely pushing his tongue the wet crevice, the more he felt her fingers tightening in his hair. He knew she wanted his tongue on her sensitive clit when her fingers began to pull his head tighter against her pussy.

Resisting her silent urging, he pulled his lips back, and murmured, "My god baby ..... you taste so good .... I could lick and taste you all day." He knew she would not have any long delay by the way her breathing had quickened and her hips wiggled more demandingly.

Using his fingers, he pulled her lips apart to expose her clit, looking ready for more action. Pushing his tongue between her velvety lips, he found her clit, swollen and ready for more intense stimulation. Flicking his tongue around and over the sensitive nut, he got the response he was looking for ..... her moans growing more intense.

Jack swirled his tongue on her clit, knowing that when she couldn't take any more, she would push his head away and make him sit on the seat so she could climb onto his lap and enjoy the feeling of his cock deep inside her. But until she took control, he enjoyed teasing and sucking on her clit, loving the way her body began to undulate under his erotic tongue.
Allie sighed enjoying her love licking her appreciatively. She put her hands in his hair gripping and moaning as he worked his talented tongue on her knowung just what to do to tease her and make her react to him.

"Uhhhh baby youre driving me crazy thats so good..." she moaned after hering him tell her how good she tasted and that he could lick her her all day. She moaned louder feeling him lick more exposing her clit and sucking and licking there making them both groan with appreciation, she knew if Jack continued she was going to cum .

She quivered beneath his talented tongue and she felt herself growing nearer and nearer as her cries of delight filled the car and Jacks ears " Oh god baby please.. i cant wait anymore i need you inside of me.." she groaned pushinging his head back gently and then leaning down kissing him tasting herself on his lips.

" Come up here baby... let me ride you Jack, i want you to feel good too " she said panting and reached between them stroking him and could see how hard his cock was and waiting for what she knew they both needed.

She waited until he settled on the chair and the both began kissing and touching each others bodies always exploring before she reached between them guiding him to her entrance before slowly sliding down cauaing them voth to groan with pleasure.

" God mmm i could have you inside of me all day baby, you fit so perfectly Jack..."she moaned whisphering in his ear as the two began making love in the back seat of their rental.
When Allie pushed his head away, he saw the needy lust in her eyes as she told him to move to the backseat and let her ride him. Just the thought of her pussy pulsing around his cock made it jerk. Moving quickly, he sat on the seat, seeing her move toward him, knowing they had one goal, feeling his cock inside her pussy.

He settled into the backseat and smiled when she straddled his lap but resisted grabbing his cock. They traded sensous kisses, tongues dueling, lips meeting ..... separating for a breath and then crushing together ..... both working toward the moment when their bodies would unite as one.

His hands were busy roaming over her body, never stopping but caressing her tits, her back, her ass cheeks while his cock ached to be buried inside her. When she moved back, looking him in the eyes, he saw her hand reach between them and groaned when her hand began to stroke his hardness.

"Ohhhhh fuck baby ..... I need to feel my cock inside you," he moaned as the heat of her pussy enveloped his cock. Slowly his cock moved inside her, feeling her muscles squeezing the thick flesh until he was completely inside her. He groaned when she told him, "God mmm i could have you inside of me all day baby, you fit so perfectly Jack..."

"I can think of nothing I would love better than to make love to you like this all day and night," he moaned in a very husky voice.

When she sat back for a moment, his hands covered her breasts, squeezing them as his hips began to move with her movements. Reaching up, his hand caressed her cheek and then moved to her throat, squeezing it slightly as he felt his cock throb inside her. He felt her hips begin to move back and forth and then up and down as he stared into her eyes. Something told him not to remove his hand from her throat but squeeze and then release, wondering if she liked the thought of being choked as she orgasmed.
Allison groaned hearing him say sexily " I can think of nothing I would love better than to make love to you like this all day and night." She moaned sitting back her hands on his knees as the two moved in unison pleasuring each other.

"Mmmm fuck baby...she moaned feeling Jacks hands move up to grip her breasts that he loved as then after a moment he moved his hand to her cheek caressing it lovingly and watching her and she smiled softly feeling him slide his hand down to her throat and lookingnat her heatedly.

She felt Jacks cock jump a bit excitedly when he did so and she moaned looking down at him seeing the heated look on his face and could tell he was growing closer and more aroused by doing it.

She moaned having tired it a few times and felt her walls gripping him the closer she got to cumming " Mmm harder baby.." she said sexily sliding her hand up to tighten his a little " I trust you honey, you can choke me a little harder" she said breathliy while rolling her hips taking him deeper.

"Uhhh you're so deep inside baby... im getting close " she panted knowing when they got to the cabin the sex would just get hotter.
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Jack saw her hand move to cover his as she strared into his eyes then was a little surprised hearing her soft moan telling him to squeeze her throat harder. Her voice was soft and sexy as she added, "I trust you honey, you can choke me a little harder"

It surprised him because he had tried this with other women and while some liked it, others found it scary to have their breathing almost stopped. But the way her emerald eyes gazed at him, he knew she wanted him to squeeze harder and he did. Pressing his fingers harder against her throat, he swore her body shifted into a higher more sexual and sensual gear.

The way her eyes rolled back and then her eyelids shut for a moment while her hips rocked faster on his cock, sent shivers through him. It seemed that the harder he squeezed her throat the harder her pussy squeezed his cock. He released the pressure on her throat as she panted that she was getting close.

"Fuck honey ..... My cock is aching to fill your cunt," he groaned as his eyes closed and his fingers tightened once more on her throat. The orgasmic sensations flowed through his veins as she rode his cock harder and with more determination to make him cum.

Opening his eyes, he saw mouth open but nothing came out, feeling her pussy muscles working overtime to milk his cock. His free hand grabbed a swaying breast, massaging it as he began to lose control. "Fuck baby ....," he panted hard as the overwhelming sensations tore through him. "I'm cumming baby ........." And then his cock erupted, shooting a heavy stream of his jism deep into her pussy and he saw she was with him and on the verge of her own orgasm.
Allie was lost in bliss her mouth open and head thrown back slightly her breath shallow as she rode her loves cock and felt him thicken inside of her rocking her hip quicker as her matched her movements fucking her.

"Fuck honey ..... My cock is aching to fill your cunt " she heard him groan making her even more determined she to have his warm cum inside of her. She panted above him gasping as he grabbed her breast and began to rub and massgae it.

She felt the urgency in his thrusts as he got closer and heard it in his voice" Fuck baby .... I'm cumming baby ........" he said before she felt him erupt inside of her.

She rolled her hips more wanting him to feed her pussy every dropmof his cum and moaned muffled a bit as he pushed her toward her orgasm, her walls quivering around his cock and milking it and her body trembling slightly as he kept fucking her tight hole until it all was gone.

"Uhhhh yesss mmmm Fuck baby.." she cried out placing her hands on his shoulders as he released her throat gently then leaned down kissing him heatedly through her orgasm.

" God i love you so much" she groaned and giggled leaning her head in the crook of his neck as he held her and the two panted catching her breath.
Jack's orgasm followed immediately by Allie's orgasm seemed to him to be one of their most intense orgasms. Was it because they were in the back of the car and could get caught at any moment? Was it the thrill of choking her as she climaxed? Whatever it was, Jack felt it brought them that much closer together.

"I love you too," he murmured body her nakedness against him as their breathing began to return to normal.

It was only a minute or so but holding her close, listening to her soft breaths seemed like a lot longer. They had made love in the backseat of a rental car on some narrow dirt road that led to who knows where. Did it leave to a house? It was there for some reason and Jack began to think they needed to get back to the cabin.

He nudged Allie gently and when she pulled her head off his shoulder, he kissed her. The kiss was soft and sweet, filled with tenderness until it broke. "We really should get out of here before whoever owns this property decides to show up. No reason to get dressed since we have complete privacy back at the cabin."

They quickly scrambled into the front seat and after a minute, they were back on the road leading to the cabin. Jack glanced at Allie and then reached out to touch and run his fingertips randomly over her thigh. "I really loved our little adventure. I think there will be a lot more places where I won't be able to keep my hands off you. Did you like our adventure babe?"

As he waited for Allie to answer, he smiled at the thought of them sneaking off to someplace and enjoying the thrill of almost being caught. And then he smiled at the thougth of what might happen if they did get caught?
Allie nodded agreeing they shoukd leave before someone got curious about sho was on the property and giggled as they quickly scrambled backmintonthe front seats like rushing teens.

She gasped as he reached out touching her gently as he went back onto the road and told her how much he loved their little adventure and told her there would be alot more places he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off.

He asked her if she liked it and she couldn't help but grin " I did baby, we could've been caught at any time... but the idea of me making you need me that much we couldn't wait till we got in and you taking me like was so sexy" Allie said sexily.

" I have no idea what we would say if we got caught though" she said and laughed softly " Could you imagine though honey, the worlds most elidgable bachelor caught deep inside of his assistant on the side of the forest" she teased lightly " I don't think we'd hear the end of that for weeks."

She resisted touching his lower half still glistening with their cum and she grabbed his hand softly and kissed it " If you keep touching me like this Jack we may need to pull over again" she said and chukcled knowing she had a hard time resisting as well.