Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Jack was a bit taken back by Amelia's forwardness, saying she knew certain things. Was it that obvious? He blushed a little when Allison told her mom she was right. What was she right about? Did she know how much they loved sex together? He doubt she had a total grasp on their relationship and was relieved when Amelia said she would stop teasing for now. There was no doubt she was the type of parent that liked to know what was going on with her children.

Samantha stayed with them after Amelia left. Jack could see she was aching to find out all Allison's dirty little secrets. There wasn't much to unpack and the thought of Allison and him running around naked without a care in the world at the cabin made him smile. "I have a feeling you two want to catch up on things so I'll go down and see what I can do to help your father." The sweet kiss Allison laid on him was not lost on Samantha and as he left, he was sure she would tell Allie about John and want to know all about her relationship with Jack.

He saw Amelia in the kitched and she gave him a soft smile telling him and pointing to the backyard where Henry was standing by the grill waiting for the coals to get hot. When Jack walked into the backyard, he was highly impressed with the James' backyard. An elegant swimming pool was the central focus and off to one side was the grill area along with an outdoor hot tub that looked very inviting. He thought from the way Allie described her parents owning a bar and restaurant that they were middle class. But he could see now that Henry and Amelia were very well off.

Henry's smile was disarming and Jack knew he would be grilled along with the steak. He got the impression Henry was just as tenacious as his wife in wanting to extract information about his daughter. She was the only girl in the family and he knew she held a very special place in both Henry and Amelia's heart.

Henry asked if Jack was a bourbon drinker and Jack laughed telling him he certainly liked bourbon. Henry told Max to fetch a bottle of Pappy's and Jack was impressed. That particular boubon was rare to find and most people cherished it, only breaking it out on special occasions. When Max returned with the bottle and five glasses, Jack knew the inquisition was about to begin.

Henry started off telling Jack how appreciative he was that he found Allison and brought her safely home. He asked Jack where they were and Jack gave him most of the details, leaving out the sexual part of their time together. Henry began to follow up with some soft questions, asking Jack about his businesses. It was clear to Jack, Henry had done his homework. And then the questions began to include Allison and Jack explained how he was so impressed with her during the interview. He added some information about her quickness to figure out the situation and think on her feet at their first dinner meeting (leaving out how she had too much to drink). And then there was the Vega trip and he could see Henry's eyes light up and knew he had to address the picture now being plastered all over the internet.

"Henry .... I can't apologize about the picture of your daughter. As you know, I am well known and therefore paparazzi try to exploit that I'm single. I do my best to stay away but sometimes it's impossible." He saw the concern on Henry's face and added, "I can assure you Henry that Allison was never in any danger. She is a very valuable part of the company and I think she has a real future with our company."

Henry seemed relieved and didn't touch on a more personal relationship. Instead he told him about John and how he and Allison had a long term relationship that recently ended. He added that his family and their family were friends and he hoped that relationship was not destroyed. Jack nodded, knowing he couldn't do anything about that and thought that Allie needed to talk to John and get some separation.

Jack noted the boys were respectful of their father's line of questioning, sipping on their boubon and listening closely to Jack's answers and comments. He was sure that later they would have their own questions about him and Allie's relationship.

He saw Allison and Samantha in the kitchen window talking to Amelia and wondered how her mother's questioning was going. He smiled when she looked out the window and then turned back to help Henry cook the steaks.
Allison gave Jack a soft kiss before he headee downstairs to join her father and she hoped they didnt scare him off with personal questions aboit the two of them. She looked toward the door where he left for a momemt and sighed wondering if she shoukd follow and Sams laughing shook her out of her thoughts.

"Allie relax he'll be fine down there Jack is a businessman besides i didnt tell your mom anything major besides the fact that you two would make a perfect couple and that from the way Jack spoke about you and worried when we were trying to find you, the two of you had definitely gotten close and probably liked each other, was i wrong? I mean you two did just kiss but tell me if im overstepping ?" Sam asked not wanting to make things weirs their last few days there

No sam youre right Jack will be ok, i just didnt think Mom would say she knew we were more than just friends right away, her intuition is scary sometimes" Allie sighed and sam nodded agreeing

The two sat on the couch and caught up again from her first interview ,her trip to Vegas and john visitng new york and now. Allie had tears in her eyes describing what she walked in on and heard, she saw Sam getting upset and shook her head .

"Its ok Dam.. ive made peace with it now even though i felt like shit a few days, it just wasnt going to happen, ive realized that now, and things with Jack... theyre so different, hes nothing like John was with me at all, he actually considers my feelings and we discuss everything, i admire him alot, seeing him work in action when were in New York and when weve travelled to Vegas it was inspiring hes shown me different sides to business that i hadnt known.

Sam smiled seeing Allie smile " I havent seen you smile like that in a while Al" she said happy for her friend and Allison blushed nodding

" I just feel happier, like the weight of me making a perfect life and future with John is gone, weve been together so long i just feel like i lost a little of myself to keep us happy along the way and moving to New York opened my eyes a bit, i have to talk with John though.."

Sam made a concerned expression and she sighed " Itll give us all peace of mind, me John and Jack, John will probably be pissed how i feel about Jack as well but he seems to have stepped away from what we had long before i got to New York, i was just too focused on a failing future to see it.."

Sam pat her hand and wiped her tear gently " Ok allie enough about that, lets go down and help your mom, we can also peek out and see what the guys are up to?"

Allie nodded and shok her head at thatbshe had done enough crying and wanted to enjoy the rest of her time in ohio with Jack and her family. The girls made their way to the kitchen and her mom smiled hugging her and apologized for her teasing " I hope i didnt take it too far baby, i saw the picture from Vegas and how he covered you in that limo i can tell you both care for each other its very cute, though I didnt think you would admit it to me, you two would look good together, but i wont tease too much if youre just friends" her mom said

Allie glanced out the window and smiled catching Jack staring back and then continued helping her mom with the sides for dinner thinking her mok was cooking far too much but her mother insisting they needed to keep men well fes like she normally did.
The conversation turned from Allison to politics and sports. The three sons joined in the conversation, each sharing their views on the economy and their favorite team, the Cleveland Guardians. Jack chuckled at the rancor of the James' when they started talking about the woke mob forcing the team to change their name from the Indians. Jack agreed wholeheartedly, growing up in Ohio and following the team for many years. The men wanted to know if he was a Yankee fan now that he was in New York and Jack laughed, saying he could never be a Yankee fan. This met with huge smiles of approval.

Jack was enjoying the banter and glad the conversation was not on his realtionship with Allison. It was too soon in the relationship to tell her parents how he felt about her. Besides she had only been with the company for two weeks and who would have guessed their relationship would have blossomed so quickly. He felt he needed to soothe any fears Amelia may have about their relationship, at least for now.

When the women joined them, Henry announced the steaks would take a few more minutes. Jack saw Amelia standing alone for a moment and knew it was time to tell her. "Amelia I'm not sure staying in the same room with your daughter would be a good idea. I should have mentioned something upstairs and I apologize. While we have spent time together and we seem to have a connection, I would prefer to have a separate room." He glanced over his shoulder at the men talking and added, "I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about us. Allison and I have a unique relationship and I can tell you with all honesty that when we traveled to Las Vegas, we didn't ...... (he stopped for a moment) ..... you know what I mean." He felt it was a lie but they didn’t do the deed until they were together in the cabin. Jack wondered what Amelia would say if she knew how they stayed naked and fucked in a lot of different positions until they were exhausted.

Jack saw the smile spread across her face. "I was just teasing and I know my daughter and I can see she really likes working for you and you as a person."

She glanced at Allison and Samantha talking to the men and laughing and then turned back to Jack. "I understand Jack and I appreciate your honesty and intriguity. I have to admit that when I found out she was working for you, I wondered how it would be to work for the most eligible bachelor. And if you're thinking I'm blaming you for her breakup with John. Don't worry, Sam told me all about what happened and I'm sure at some point she'll tell me about it."

Jack saw a smile on Amelia's face as she said, "But for now let's get something to eat. And don't worry I won't tell Allison about our conversation and we have more than enough rooms. You can sleep in the room Sam uses and I’ll tell Allison and Samantha they are bunking together."

Jack and Amelia joined the others just as the steaks were done. He could see the questioning look on her face but then her dad announced, "Time to eat before the steaks get cold."
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Allison was having a great time catching up with her brothers and Sam all of reminiscing about their childhood and funny moments . Their dad laughed talking along with them and watching the grill and she felt happy seeing them and was happy they weren't playing twenty questions with her and Jack.

They of course teased her a little but nothing too serious just about her boss being an eligible bachelor and her probably being the world's mosted searched now by his fan girls.

Allie chuckled at that statement as his assistant come across a few surprising emails from fans but none that were overwhelming, she knew coming in who she was working for and had always been tough thanks to growing up with brothers.

She saw Jack speaking with her mom and knew her mom had a way of getting people to open up to her and knew when not to push and make people uncomfortable she had a feeling she was explaining the joking and room situation with him and some of now she was kidding with her.

Allison's parents had always been like that when it came to their decisions they had wealth but explained to their children they wanted them to be hinestbwith them and experience real life before anything else, they had open tears and minds and respected their choices which Allison had always admired about them and when they needed comfort they were there with full support.

She smiled softly knowing if Jack wanted hed tell her what they discussed . Her dad announced the steamed were done and plated them to carry inside so they could all have dinner.

The ladies had already placed the food on the table long with the Au gratin she made which she knew her family loved. Her brother joked asking them if Sam made anything nd she pinched him under the table causing them all to chuckle because Sam was well known for not cooking and not wanting to either.

Allie sat across from Jack and smiled softly happy he was relaxed around them and that she was here with people she loved even though what they had was very new , she would keep details of their time alone in the cabin for just the two of their memories , although it was sad why she went there, Jack had made her misery fade and her memories pleasant there.
The table setting had enough food and looked like it could feed an army. Henry and Amelia took their usual chairs at each end of the ornate table. Max and Ashton sat on either side of Jack on one side of the table while Samantha and Dean sat on either side of Allison. Jack returned Allison soft smile as the food began to be passed around.

Jack knew what was coming when everyone had a full plate of food. Max smiled at the group and said he wished his wife was here to celebrate but she was unable to get time off work. Henry acknowledged Max and added that he too wished she was here. He then looked at his wife. "Jack, we are very grateful you brought Allison home safely. I bet your parents are proud of you! why don't you tell us a little about your family."

Jack swallowed the small portion of food and looked around the table, seeing expectant faces waiting to hear what he had to say. Being one of the richest men in the world, one could find out about his family by googling his name. And from the look on Henry's face, he knew some things but not minute details.

Clearing his throat, he smiled at Allison and told them he grew up in a small town in Northwest Ohio near Bowling Green and that he has two younger sisters. Anna is the middle child and is a dietian at a hospital. Brandy is the baby of the family and is a labor delivery nurse. He added that they are both married and don't have any kids yet. He smiled brightly and added that he was about to become an uncle because Brandy is expecting in about 5 months.

Then he added that his dad is great guy who owns a large machine shop that makes just about any part needed for any industry. He's a hard worker and provided for our family and as for my mom, she does a lot of volunteer work for a number of organizations.

Then the inevitable question was asked by Samantha who had an impish smile plastered on her face. "Why is the most eligible bachelor not married."

There was a hush around the table and Jack could see Allison was a bit uneasy. He laughed it off and responded. "As you all know from the tabloids that I was married in my past and I'm divorced. I have, for now devoted all my energies into building companies that will make a difference in the world." He glanced at Allison and then looked Samantha squarely in the eye. "When the time comes, I'll know it."

Henry sensed some tension and quickly interjected laughingly, "Now that the inquisition is over let's enjoy the food." Jack was relieved and he could see the relief on Allison's face. But something struck him. When Samantha looked at Allison, he saw a certain look, a glint that seemed to indicate something more than just a sisterly friendship. It was the same look he sometimes saw on Abby in Vegas when she looked at Allison. He knew Abby was interested in Allie in more ways than just business. Was Samantha that way too? He tumbled the idea around in his head as he listened to the family reminence about Allison past during dinner.

After dinner, Jack was impressed when everyone in the family pitched in to clear the table. When it was done, he overheard Amelia telling the girls about the sleeping arrangements as Henry invited him to join him for a cigar and bourbon. Jack couldn't resist the offer and smiled at Allison, wondering what she might be doing.

Henry nudged Jack and announced, "Why don't you ladies join us by the pool. I'll get the wine."

"We'll be right out," Amelia told her husband.
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Allie had enjoyed dinner nd was happy her father had ended the questioning before it got too deep, she knew some of the details were online about his family and background but just surface things like names nothing too personal about his personal life so when he shared more details she was happy he opened up with them and was relieved Jack knew how to answer the question of why he was single because he got that marriage quetion the time

She saw the small glance her way before her answered and it wasn't lost on her, as ready as she had been to marry John, while she would love to Elope with Jack it was just too soon but she did love him and they would get there when they were both ready.

They had all finished dinner and began to clean up together and mom told her that she and Sam were going to share and room and Jack take Sam's room because they were Renovating the two other guest rooms.

The house had 10 rooms total , all a good size and her mom had liked everyone to feel welcome when they got there was her parents room, then her oldest brother Max's room, the middle boy who was in the navy Ashton's room and then the youngest son Dean's room, her room of course , Sam's room right next to hers, the Multipurpose room her parents had built where they had games and a home theatre on one side and a study room and small library on the other , it was a Christmas gift for them all one year and everyone had loved it.

Then there was her parents his & hers Home office , which she had always thought was sweet, The last two guest rooms were Standard rooms and she knew her parents would have fun renovating and designing it together.

She saw Jack and her dad chatting and smiled happy they got along and her brothers going to join them outside and then her dad offered they all get in the pool and her mom and Sam, agreed when her dad offered to get them some wine.

She knew they all had suits there and Max offered Jack a new suit to change into if he wanted to take a dip.
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Jack smiled when Henry suggested they all go for a swim before they sip some bourbon and have a cigar. Jack started to argue that he didn't have a swim suit when Max told him he had an extra one. He saw the big smile on Max's face and agreed that a night swim would be great.

He followed Max upstairs admiring the different rooms Max pointed on their way to his room. When he showed him Sam's room which was right next to Allison, Jack smiled. He had a fleeting thought of Allison sneaking into his room like rogue teenagers when everyone was sleeping . He quickly dispelled that thought when Allison and Samantha appeared in the hallway seeing Samantha linking her arm with Allison.

Max spoke. "you ladies get changed and we'll meet you downstairs."

Jack thought of Allison changing into a swimsuit and all he could think about was the last 24 plus hours when they walked, talked, and sat around naked. Max hit his arm and suggested they go to his room.

Max chuckled when he walked into his old room. "My wife and I keep some clothes here when we visit from Michigan. I'm pretty sure I have something you can wear," he said as he opened a dresser drawer. He pulled out two scantily swimsuits, a dark speedo swimsuit and a light blue speedo swimsuit. "Sorry man. These are the only ones I keep here. I used to be on the swim team in college and so did my brothers and my dad. So everyone will be wearing something like these."

Jack looked at the two swimsuits and smiled. There was no way his package would be hidden in the small suit no matter which one he chose. "That's ok Max ..... no problem." Jack stripped and selected the lighter blue suit and when he had changed he saw Max smile.

"I can see why my sister likes working for you Jack. Looks like you keep yourself in good shape even though you own a lot of companies."

"I try to exercise as much as I can." He left it at that but in is his mind he knew what kind of exercise he loved and that had to do with the young brunette with deep emerald eyes.

Max and Jack walked down to the pool and saw Henry had changed, smiliing at Henry's choice of swimsuit while standing near him was Amelia looking very sexy and festive in her bikini swimsuit. He couldn't help but noticing her glancing down at the what he was trying to conceal.

Henry grinned. "Now all we need is the rest of the tribe to join us and we can relax and enjoy the evening."
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Allison gave the guys a small smile seeing them and catching a glimpse of Jack in the hallway before they headed into her room unable to stop herself from thinking about him and the way his eyes caught hers sometimes. She blushed a little remembering her the men in her family were swim guys and athletes and she wondered how comfortable Jack would be in a Speedo though she saw her family in them all the time.

Sam chuckled and said " We're going to have alot of fun it'll be like old times" Allie grinned and nodded knowing it would but she knew what Jack had would be a bit obvious in the Speedo and Sam would definitely have a ball teasing her about it once they got back to her room.

She had no problem changing in front of Sam and Vice versa, they had to do so all the time in highschool and in gyms here so it was no big deal and she knew her whole family kept in shape down to her mom and dad who looked amazing for their age having stated having kids young starting at 20 and 22 when their mom first had Max then Ashton a year later and Dean two years after and finally Allison the last child two years after that making the two in their late 50's.

She changed into her swimsuit she had there from last time and put her hair up in a ponytail and Sam changed into two-piece as well and she smirked inwardly knowing Ashton would not be able to help himself from flirting with her the two had always been playful in that way.

She heard Jack and Max head down , then Dean and Ashton said finally her and Sam once they grabbed their phones.

She smiled seeing everyone and Amelia had been proud of herself for giving birth to " Her gorgeous children" she had even joked with her father all the time they should have some more and her and her siblings protested which always made her parents laugh fro their empty threat and say they'd be happy with one of them giving grandkids instead which Max a and his wife had veen working on.

Allison looked Jack over slowly then spotted the bring on her parents face being caught and blushed "Those two never quit!"she thought joking knowing her parents were serious when needed but loved to tease their kids a little when the couod and be fun it was why the two had gotten along so well married for nearly 38 years .

She and same grabbed some ice and cups for everyone in a try and her dad and the guys got in first and the ladies after her mom then swimming beside her father the two chatting before she helped him pour some of the bourbon.
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Jack watched Allison and Samantha approach them near the pool and smiled. She looked so delicious in swimsuit and felt a small tremor as she walked sexily to the pool. And Samantha looked equally delicious in her two-piece and he saw it was not lost on Ashton. He also saw Allison and Samantha glance down at his package tucked into the small speedo. It was the same look her mother, Amelia, gave him when she first saw him.

Everyone gathered by the side of the pool and he thought of how her family weren't afraid of showing off their bodies. In fact, he got the impression they liked showing off how fit and trim their well-sculptered bodies.

The men got in the pool along with the wine holder and floating bar. Everyone grabbed a glass of either bourbon or wine and sipped their drink as they enjoyed the cool water. He thought Ashton had a crush on Samantha with the way he looked at her and he wondered if Samantha felt the same way. There was one thing he noted ..... Samantha was never really far away from Allison.

Jack felt comfortable and when her dad clinked his glass against his, telling him again how much he appreciated dropping everything to help find Allison. Jack told him he felt it was his duty as she was a valuable part of his team. What he didn't tell him was how enamored he was with his daughter and how they made mad passionate love at the cabiin and in mother nature's backyard.

He broke away from Henry and walked through the water to Allison. "Your dad invited me sit with him later and have a cigar and talk some business. And he asked if I wanted to visit his restaurant tomorrow. I'm not sure what you and Samantha have planned but you're welcome to come along."
Allison noticed the glance at Jack's package it was pretty hard not to but she knew it was definitely harmless as they all got no-one in her family was ashamed of her body and while Jack was comfortable thankfully John would've declined getting in everyine or even letting her change near Sam .

She had grabbed her wine giggling and recalling the time her Sam and her brothers went to the beach when they were younger and how pissed they were the girls were getting hit on the entire time.

Dean laughed and said " Yeah I'm never going with you two again you killed my chances of hitting on girls for sure" he said grumpily and all of them laughed knowing Dean was somewhat of a playboy.

She noticed how Ashton would sneak looks at Sam and wondered if the two would ever actually go for each other she knew Sam had a crush on her a long time ago she had actually told her but once she found out Allie wasn't even remotely into women, she had given up and swore to protected her like a best friend and sister, but she knew Sam had a sort of thing for Ashton he looked the most like her but had blonde hair like their mom and the blue eyes like their dad where as Allie was opposite and had dark hair like their dad and her mom's emerald green eyes.

She glanced over at Jack seeing him come over to her and really was tempted to kiss him but knew it was impossible with her family right there. She smiled softly when he mentioned his dad invited him too cigars and to talk business and it didn't surprise her, her father was the reason she had gone into her degree major of business and minor in tourism for her first degree and her mom had inspired her to get a degree in internal relations and Marketing.

He then continued saying his dad invited him to the restaurant tomorrow and she and Sam were welcome to come too. She grinned and said " Sam and I didn't have anything in particular planned just to visit my moms foundation office and returning the rental, dad said I could borrow his Bronco tomorrow so of course I'll be there" she smiled and she also knew the rest of the family might join them later on so they could have dinner..

She observed Jack and smiled softly blushing slightly " Is umm is the suit ok? All of the guys here did swim team its the only kind they wear" she said softly so only the two of them could hear and blushed slightly.
Jack was glad to hear her and Samantha didn't have anything pressing for the next day. He had overheard some talk about shopping earlier. He smiled as she explained they were planning to visit her mother's foundation office and return the rental car. That reminded him taht he needed to call Jessica and arrange for the flight back to New York when they were ready to leave Cleveland.

He was also happy to know that she was planning to come her father's restaurant at some point. And when she smiled softly and blushed, asking if his suit was ok, he chuckled.

They near the edge of the pool and away from the family. "Yes it's fine." He stared into her bright emerald eyes making sure she saw his grey eyes devouring her. In a low voice that only they could hear, he whispered, "You look absolutely eatable in your swimsuit Allie." He let his words sink in for a moment. "It's too bad so many people are here of I would have my way with you or maybe let you have your way with me. Maybe later you can sneak into my room for a bit of dessert."

He let that sink in and then laughed and grinned loud enough to let everyone think they were talking about something funny. He took a sip of bourbon, glancing at the other members of her family who were enjoying talking and laughing about things he had no clue about. He had no memories with them and maybe some day he would. But for now he only had memories of Allison and him over the last two weeks.

He saw Samantha looking at them as she playfully jawed and laughed with Ashton and Dean. "I'm glad I met your family Allie. They seem to be a great family and I can see they all love each other." By now Henry was calling for him to join him and the boys poolside for a cigar and Samantha was wading toward them with a big smile on her face.

"Well it looks like you two have been have a bit of fun," she said glancing down at his hips which clearly showed his large bulge. "Any secrets I should know about Allison?"
Allie blushed more knowing Jack knew exactly what to say to tease her and she giggled softly as he mentioned her sneaking into his room for her dessert " If I do I promise you'll get a it's night snack yourself" she teased back feeling like a teen sneaking around her parents.

She heard him laugh and saw his grin and couldn't help but grin as well as they got quick glances and continued talking. She knew Jack had just met everyone and didn't know most of what they were talking about , but she was hopeful they could all get together like this again even though she and Jacknhadnt known each other that long.

She smiled as he said he was glad he met her family and how they seemed to be great and loved each other and she was happy he felt welcome and she knew if Jack stayed with her they woukd come to love and care for him too. She knew it was too early on, but shed love to meet some of his family too.

She held his hand under the water for a moment and smiled softly and her dad interrupted calling for him to join him and her brothers and she chuckled seeing how well her dad took to him it was like he'd gained another friend but her dad had always been warm and welcoming that way.

She spotted Sam walking over and the teasing look in her eye as she approached glancing at Jack's bulge a second then back at Allie with a grin and said "Well it looks like you two have been have a bit of fun.... Any secrets I should know about Allison?"

Allie smirked and glanced at Jack for a second and said " Sorry Sam it's confidential information at the moment I can't say" she said and sipped her wine seeing her her friend glance between the two of them again and chuckle saying " Ok I won't say anything more, I'll wait till fun Allie comes out after. Few cups and ask her " she joked

Allison sighed and said " Ok now I'm definitely not having alot " she laughed and nodded to Jack before he went over to the guys and Sam laughed saying to Allison she just wanted to know if she gave Jack his thank you present she suggested and Allie splashed her laughing and ignoring the question until they were both ready to tell.
Jack smiled when Allie smirked and told Samantha, "Sorry Sam it's confidential information at the moment I can't say"

When Samantha told Allison that it was ok and would not say anything more until the fun Allie camd out after a few more drinks, Jack wondered just how much she knew about him and Allie. He knew it was a joke and laughed when Allie told her she was not having a lot more alcohol.

He started to leave them when he overheard Samantha ask Allison if she gave him his thank you present that she had suggested. He saw Allie playfully splash her longtime friend.

Jack stopped and turned back to the two women and chuckled not being able to resist saying, "Maybe fun Allie can tell you about the first business dinner with some important clients. She definitely was fun that night.........." Jack didn't continue, letting the innuendo linger in the air. He remembered how she had a bit too much to drink and he smiled as he turned toward her father who was getting out of the pool. The night in her apartment was when he had to take off her clothes except for her bra and panties and put her to bed. That first night was enblazened in his mind, seeing her lying naked on the bed, knowing he could have easily taken advantage of the situation but instead just sat by the edge of the bed admiring her.

Joining Henry and the boys on the deck, he looked at Samantha and Allison, seeing them talking. He was sure they didn't keep secrets from each other. If they were friends since childhood, there were plenty of things that happened in their lives that they shared only with each other. As Henry lit a cigar and Max poured more bourbon, he wondered just how much Allie had told Samantha. He wished he was a fly, buzzing around them, hearing all the juicy gossip.

Jack lit his cigar and Henry mentioned he was thinking about expanding. His business was going very well and he had some specialty dishes that people raved about. He told Jack he met with a company that specializes in company expansions and would be interested in what Jack had to say about expanding his business.

Jack listened to Henry talk about the financial details, seeing Allison and Samantha coming out of the pool and walking toward them. Jack smiled at Henry and said, "I have someone on my staff and might the perfect person to help you figure out how to expand."

Henry took a puff on his cigar and as the blue smoke curled up around his head, he said, "That would be great Jack. Maybe you can put them in touch with me when you get back to New York."

Jack chuckled. "I can do you one better than that Henry. You can meet them in person."

"Jack would be great but how would you propose i meet them without them coming to Cleveland or me traveling to New York?"

Jack took a puff and as the smoke circled upward, he smiled brightly. Turning slightly as Allison walked to them. "Henry I want you to meet one of the in the marketing business. Ms. Allison James."
Allie's jaw dropped as he mentioned their first night while walking off and Sam was nearly giddy with excitement and laughed demanding her to tell her. The two were whisphered and giggles as she told her some details but she would keep the more detailed stuff until just she and Sam were around they did literally tell each other everything and she would share asome of what hppened during her time at the cabin with her but not every detail.

She laughed as Sam was surprised Jack was such a gentleman turning her down after their dinner kiss and undressing her " He has alot of self control and patience as a man Allie ,that's really respectable he really isn't like other billionaire douchebags huh"

Allie chuckled at that realizing that most of the people she had met the past two weeks had been rich and pretty down to earth aside from his ex , but that was mostly for business, she hadn't met the difficult ones yet and she sighed saying " Everyone I've met has been polite so far,and though we have money too mom and dad have always been down to earth like this too, it's really good leaving home and being able to have just a little of that welcome energy" she smiled

Sam smiled happy Allison was truly happy in New York and thriving she asked a little about what she was going to do about John and Allie sighed and she regretted it a little " Im just sad it happened like that I might not have liked him but I you two did love each other for years"

Allie finished her cup and was pouring more before answering " I-I honestly don't know Sam..I know we have to talk for peace of mind... I just don't want to right now...I don't want to think about or relive it.. I told him he didnt have to worry about me.. he's sent a few emails because I've blocked him thatbinhavent looked at...I just ..the wound is too fresh I want to heal a bit before we speak or it'll be too much " Alie said

Sam nodded and said " I understand and from what you're telling me and what im seeing Jack would probably too"

Allie just nodded softly at that , she knew she woukdnt burden Jack further with all the stress her relationship might've caused him with how he felt fornher and she for him, she knew shed fallen in love in that short time and don't want to risk their happiness and what they found in each other.

She smirked at that and wanted to change the subject so told Sam "Let's see what mom and the guys are talking about" and Sam agreed

They approached and she saw her mom chatting with her brothers and what was going on with them and her dad speaking with Jack about business and he was curious about him introducing him to his marketing partner.

Allie blushed a little as he told her dad she was one of the best and she thought a bit about her father's place and while it was beautiful and cozy she did feel the place needed a bit of update in style it was one of the most well known restaraunts in Ohio based off food alone and was famous for their steaks and seafood.

"Well dad I know you love how it is now, but im sure I can come up with a few ideas when I visit tomorrow about how we can expand and I heard mom talking about the old rec center right next to the place selling the building and moving to a bigger lot and location across the street , we can start by making an offer on that place for starters right sam?" she said knowing that rec center was a part of town history too and would be a huge place to expand and knowing Sam and her dad had a successful real estate business definitely helped it's how she and John had found their place together so quickly.
Henry was surprised when Jack told him his daughter was one of the best in the marketing business. Yeah, he knew his daughter was very smart but to hear it from someone like Jack Wolfe made him even more proud.

Before Allie spoke, Jack mentioned how she wowed his clients in New York and Las Vegas with original ideas on the projects they were about to undertake. He saw the bright smile on Henry's face as he looked at his daughter. It was the look of a very proud father. Jack mentioned to Allie about her father's desire to expand the business. That's all it took for the young emerald eyed beauty to show her father some of her talent.

Henry listened to his daughter talk about the old recreation center being a viable opportunity to expand his business. Henry never looked at his daughter in this light. Up until now she was his loving daughter who did well in school and was trying to make a mark in the world. He marveled at her confidence as she looked at Samantha asking her about the building next to his and he again was amazed at how Allison and her friend, who was in real estate, quickly grasped the idea.

Samantha interjected, "Mr. James I know we can negotiate a good deal for you on that building. Tomorrow morning I'll put together some information and we can discuss it at your restaurant."

Henry took a moment. He had made a few comments to Jack and now he was being bombarded with information he never expected. Taking a puff on his cigar, he smiled, "Jack I have to hand it to you. I think you found a gem in my daughter and you might have to consider offering a position to Sam."

Jack smiled. "Henry I had nothing to do with this. You are right, your daughter is a gem and I don't plan to let her go to any of the competition." He looked at Allison and saw her looking at him with a cute smile. She and he knew he had other more personal reasons for not letting her go and when he saw Samantha staring hard at him, he knew she may have discovered some of those reasons.

"I don't know much about Samantha but it seems she is just as quick on her feet as your daughter." He smiled at her. "I'll have to talk to my top assistant (glancing at Allison and winking) .... she is a very good judge of character."

Henry looked at his watch and smiled at everyone. "Listen I need to get some rest. You young folk can stay up if you like but I have to get my rest. I have some very important meeting tomorrow about expanding my business."
Allie smiled seeing how happy and proud she had made her dad when Jack began to tell him about big deals and ideas she helped him make in his business before she began to come up with solutions right away and she saw he was surprised her best friend was just as quick whennit came to work and she could see in his eyes he was proud of her too.

She felt happy all her hard work and schooling had paid off and so did Sam's with her degree in business analytics and her license in real estate the two did make an incredible duo when it came to business she often helped Sam free of charge when she needed ideas about properties and Sam had helped her so much finding her and Johns old place for nearly a steal of a price, she had even helped her find her place in New York too.

She grinned as her Jack agreed with her dad she was a gem and he didn't intend on letting her go to any competition and her dad mentioned offering Sam a job too.

Sam stared at them both when Jack made his statement and hid her smirk knowing that the billionaire would not let her best friend go for that brain of hers, her beauty and the private relationship the two of them were developing behind closed doors that Allie had given her a few details about.

Allie chuckled when Jack said he didn't know much about Sam and would have to ask her and she grinned knowing Sam would be amazing at his business but also wouldn't leave Ohio because she helped her dad care for her grandmother at times and helped with his business .

She smiled softly at Sam and Sam chuckled giving Allie a small smike back and said " We'll speak about it"

Her dad looked at his watch and smiled telling them he needed to get rest because he had an important matting tomorrow and her mom wasted no time getting up as well to leave to go to bed too saying she needed to be up as well and the two of them went off chatting and she chuckled , her parents were adorable to her and their chemistry was like the two of them were still young and in love even when they had disagreements it would last five minutes the most they were like one with each other.

She glanced over at her brothers all still talking now having gotten out of the pool and lounging in the poolside chairs. Sam got out to go talk with Ashton and she chuckled knowing the two enjoyed flirting and their banter and she wouldn't interject because she wanted Ashton to enjoy his leave.

She glanced at Jack and smiled softly " Want to join me in the poolhouse for another glass? Or are you tired too Jack?" She said eyeing him slowly knowing that she wanted a little alone time with him for the day and it was private in there.
Jack said good night to Henry and Amelia and then turned to see Max, Ashton, and Dean still sipping bourbon, talking and laughing about something. He thought of his own family and how close knit they were and for a moment wished he was with them. Some day he hoped Allison could meet them and see that his family is close knit too.

When Samantha decided to leave and talk to the boys, it left him and Allie alone. He saw the sensual glint in her eyes when she smiled and asked, "Want to join me in the poolhouse for another glass? Or are you tired too Jack?" Her tone was suggestive and alluring and there was no way he was too tired. Just being around her and seeing her wearing her skimpy swimsuit was enough to make his head swim with erotic thoughts.

In a low seductive tone, he whispered, "I'm never too tired to be alone with you and yes I'd love to have another drink with you." He glanced at her brothers and Samantha seemingly engaged in some intense conversation. He hoped they would keep talking while he and Allie escaped, at least for a little bit. But to make sure they didn't look around and find them gone and then come looking for them, he yelled, "We're going to the pool house for some more wine. We'll be back in a bit." He smiled into her radiant emerald eyes. "Let’s go,"

Max yelled, "Don’t be too long."

“We won’t,” Jack replied as they turned to walk toward the pool house, He thought he heard a mumbled comment from Samantha. He saw Allison turn her head as if to say something but then decided not to speak. He would have loved to hold her hand but knew now was not the time. His family, at least he thought, figured they were just employee boss but he was sure she told Samantha some of what happened in the last two weeks.

pool house sat the end of the pool and Jack was impressed. He didn't realize just how wealthy Allie's parents were until he came here. He never guessed from her vague description of her family that they would own a house as elegant as this.

Walking into the pool house interior Jack looked at the furnishings. It was a small living area and could be used year round in the Ohio climate which saw all the seasons. He smiled seeing Allie walk to the pool house wet bar admiring the sexy sway of her hips.

Jack followed her and as she picked up a bottle of wine, he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his lips against her neck. "I've been wanting to do this all day." His hips pressed against her backside while his lips landed soft butterfly kisses to her neck and shoulders and his hands caressed her body.

He knew it was dangerous and the memory of the nightclub storage room in Vegas jumped into his head. "I've wanted to touch and hold you and feel your delicious body." His right hand slid down her tummy and slipped into the small patch covering her sex. He felt her body stiffen a little when his fingers began to tease the outer lips. "You feel so wonderful," he groaned in a husky voice. His left hand slipped under the small bikini top covering finding an aroused nipple.

He glanced past Allie to see the group talking and not appearing to notice them. How long could they be away from them before Samantha would become curious and come looking for them. He wasn't sure but for now he teased her pussy and breast, loving the way his cock sent a message of his desire for her.
Allie smiled back at him as he agreed to come with her to the poolhouse and they let everyone know. She wanted to hold his hand but knew they couldn't touch each other until they were alone and she had wanted to be in Jack's arms all day.

She heard Sam's teasing and playful comment and didn't respond followed by her oldest brother Max telling them not to take too long and Jack said they wouldn't.

She led Jack inside making the lights in the pool house dim enough for privacy but bright enough they could see. She saw Jack looking around anpd made her way to the wetbar and grabbed a bottle of sparkling wine from a company her uncle owned but she wouldn't tell Jack that just yet.

She sighed softly as he moved behind her wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into him lovingly nuzzling her neck sweetly and giving her soft kisses there and her shoulder.

She loved how his lips felt on her skin and gasped sexily as he began to touch her body slowly and she could feel the evidence of his desire for her behind her. She knew it was risky and she felt like a teen sneaking off for a little privacy similar to how they did in Vegas except this time the didnt have loud music to muffle any sounds they made if they were too loud.

Jack told her how much he's wanted to touch her and hold her and how wonderful she felt and she moaned softly saying " I've wanted to touch you to baby.. do you have any idea what seeing that Speedo on you did to me.. you're the reason I'm this wet.." She said huskily feeling his fingers rubbing her nipples with one hand and teasing her pussy with the other.

She couldn't help up rub her soft ass against his hardened cock and sighed as he leaned down kissing her as they teased each other's bodies. She figured they had 20-25 minutes alone before Sam or one of her brothers would come looking for them and she turned the central air on so they wasn't evidence of what they were doing.

She wanted Jack inside of her badly and she reached behind her stroking his cock through the Speedo " Im certain Max is giving you this he and his wife shop for these whenever theyre in town" she chuckled "I want you baby....badly.... i want to feel you.." Allie said huskily knowing if he teased her fuŕther she might not be able to wait.
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Jack chuckled and kissed her shoulder when she asked if he had any idea of how his speedo affected her and how wet she got thinking about what was hidden. He felt her wetness on his fingertips, her creamy juice coating them as he slowly teased her outer lips with one hand and massaged the hard pebble extending from her breast.

He moaned into her ear when her hand began stroking his growing member. Her expert manipulation with her fingers soon had his cock protruding from the top of the speedo. His fingers reacted pushing inside the soft outer lips, rubbing the tiny nut that made her gasp and moan when he touched it.

He heard her words about her brother Max giving him the speedo but her next words only stoked the glowing embers inside him. "I want you baby....badly.... i want to feel you.."

They were playing a dangerous game of seeing how excited they could get each other. While he continued to kiss her neck, shoulders, and nip at her earlobe, he kept a keen eye on her brothers and Samantha. They were still talking and not acting as if they missed them.

The more her fingers tightened and stroked his cock, the harder it got and the more he wanted to sink it deep inside her hot very wet pussy. His fingers felt her juices coat the inside of her thighs and they both knew it would only be a matter of simply moving her bikini bottom to the side and positioning his cock at the entrance to her pussy.

"I want you so bad ........ I've wanted you every minute of this day," he groaned huskily into her ear then bit softly on her earlobe. Pulling his hand away from her clit, he wrapped his hand around his cock. "Bend over ......" was the simple command and when she spread her legs, he used the head to push the soaked bikini bottoms to the side and guided his cock, rubbing her creamy opening.

He figured they wouldn't get to the final climax before someone would come looking for them. But the overwhelming need and lust they both held for each other was just too much. "Ohhhhh ........ mmmmmm ...... yes," he moaned as his cock slid easily into her.
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Allie knew what the two of them were doing was very risky but she knew they also had a need for each other that had to be quenched somehow and Jack confirmed it when he said huskily in her ear "I want you so bad ........ I've wanted you every minute of this day".

Allie groaned as he teased her earlobe then sexily instructed her to bend over and she heard every bit of want in his voice and she spread her legs sexily posing for him and she felt him use his cock to move her bikini bottom aside and guide his cock to her tight hole before sliding in.

She gripped the counter and moaned feeling him inside heard Jack moan too as the two of them instinctively began moving together " Uhhh mm.mmm yes...fuckk you feel too good Jack" she panted and bit the corner of her lips making sure she kept it down and she and Mr. Wolfe began their quick session together.

Allienwasnt sure if they would finish right here but she was certain she woukd make up to it with Jack in every way when they were fully alone, she knew it would feel strange not sleeping in his arms tonight as well, she had gotten used to it from their three days alone in the cabin.
Jack felt her pussy muscles massaging his cock as it slid slowly inside her. The erotic sensations were building and given enough time he would fill her with his creamy seed. But did they have enough time? He closed his eyes basking in the sensual delight of their bodies moving together to a silent sensual song. Their moans mixed together but the thought of someone catching them caused his eyes to open and gaze out toward the pool.

He saw the group still sitting together and every so often a head would turn to look toward them. His hips moved a bit quicker and his hands began to explore her luscious body. It was easy enough for his hands to slide up and under her skimpy bikini top, cupping and covering her breasts. He pulled her back toward him, knowing she was also on the lookout for someone to get suspicious as to why they had not returned.

His fingers gripped her nipples, feeling their hardness as he teased them, rubbing, twisting, and pulling on them. His moans of pleasure mixed with hers as he wondering if they could make it all the way to the end of the sensual erotic dance.

"You feel so good baby," he moaned into her ear just before he nipped at her earlobe and his hips began to thrust a bit harder. He loved the way her body pushed back against him, encouraging his actions with her hips undulating on his cock. They made such a perfect pair in everything they did together.

He sensed they were getting closer and then he saw Samantha stand up and look toward the dim light of the poolhouse. All day he sensed she knew a lot about his relationship with Allie and he wondered just how much. But to his surprise, she picked up a glass of wine and sipped it. It was Ashton who got up and smiled to the group, and Jack could tell he was saying something and then glancing toward the poolhouse.

Then Ashton picked up an empty bourbon glass and began to walk toward them. Jack could feel Allie's body moving against him as he whispered, "I think we are going to have a visitor." He pulled his cock from its hot environment and knew they were in trouble if Ashton saw his erection. He quickly pulled the thin material over her breasts as he hurriedly whispered, "You need to distract him." He didn't have to tell her that it would take a minute or so for his erection to shrink.
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Allie loved how perfectly in sync she and Jack had been , theynwere both moaning and enjoying each other but also both keeping a careful eye on the group so the two of them wouldnt be seen.

She loved how Jack held her in his arms and touched her and the two of them moved together in their own sexual routine grinding and touching each other in ways they had yearned to all day.

She felt frommthe way they were moving that the two of them were close to climax as their breathing grew more ragged and he kissed that sensitive part on her neck she loved whisphering how good she felt as well.

They paused momentarily seeing Sam move and thought she would be coming to check on them but was surprised she had just continued sipping the wine she had.

She sighed seeing her brother Ashton get up and head toward the poolhouse and they quickly separated as Jack told her they had a visitior and she contained chuckle knowing that they'd never hear the end of it had they been caught and she nodded as he said she needed to distract himmand she knew Jack coukdnt with a hard wet cock.

She pointed to the bathroom and said " You can wait in there baby ill handle it.." she said giving him a quick kiss and saw him go into the bathroom. She quickly straightened her suit more and was thankful they left no evidence.

She washed and dried her hands fast and began to grab some fruits and cheese from the fridge placing it on the counter with the wine and grabbed the crackers from the pantry just as Ashton had stepped in and called for her.

" Allie you two were in here having snacks and didn't bring any out?" her brother said and walked over grabbing some grapes as she sat on a seat.

She was a bit flushed but nothing obvious and she let out a small giggle " Well you know I can't help but have a late snack I'll bring out some for everyone inn a platter, we were discussing business and I couldn't stop myself" she said of course not admitting to what she actually couldn't stop herself from doing.

Ashton looked around and said " Well where did Jack head off to?" Allie smiled and said " Bathroom break... You guys need more bourbon too?" She said pullingnout another chilled bottle and pouring some for him and then pouring in her and Jack's glasses also and knew shed have to convince them all to goto the entertainment room or to bed.
Jack was pleased and relieved when Allie pointed to the bathroom, telling him she would handle the situation. He didn't hesitate, practically running to the restroom, his hard cock bouncing wildly in front of him. Just as he closed the door, he heard her brother ask why she and Jack were having snacks and didn't bring any out. He stifled and loud laugh when she told him they were discussing business. He looked down at his cock which was starting to deflate as Allie told her brother Jack was in the bathroom.

After what seemed like a long time, he saw his cock had deflated enough to stuff it into the small speedo. He flushed the toliet and then washed his hands, taking extra time for his cock to relax. Looking in the mirror he saw his package was just about the normal size when he opened the door and upon seeing Ashton, he smiled brightly.

"Hey Ashton." He looked at Allie and the tray of cheese and crackers she had hurriedly prepared. "We were just about to bring out the tray and more drinks."

"Yeah, that's was Allison was saying. We were starting to wonder why it was taking so long for you two to join us."

Jack saw the inquisitive glance at Allison and then back at him. "We got to talking about a business deal for your father's restaurant and lost track of time."

"Well everyone's getting thirsty and hungry for some snacks," Ashton said picking up a few more grapes and popping them into his mouth.

Jack looked at Allison and before she could speak he replied, "It's a good think you showed up Ashton. You can help us carry everything out to the pool." Jack walked behind the bar and picked up his glass, sipping it. "Why don't you take the tray out and we'll bring the bottles."

"Sounds like a deal," Ashton said popping another grape into his mouth.

They glanced at each other as Ashton picked up the tray and his drink. They trailed just behind him with the bottles and Jack whispered, "That was close Allie. My body is on still on fire."
Allie couldn't help the small blsugh she had when Jack rejoined her and her brother and her glance at his cock that had thankfully went back to normal that they were just having fun with.

His smile alone made her her and she spiked her wine slowly as he piggybacked off what she said and was thankfully she thought quickly to put snacks out, her brothers would never say no to snacks.

She saw the quick glance her brother gave them and Jack continued with them discussing deals and she was thankfully he'd heard what she said and smiled softly.

She put a bit more out on the tray as Ashton ate more and chuckled as Jack got him to agree to carrying the trays while they grabbed their cups and the bottles.
They were a few steps behind when following her brother out and Jack whispered to her how that was close and that his body was still on fire. She nodded softly and whispered back " Mine is too baby...My body is still in need but I'll wait.." she said and smiled softly knowing she and Jack wanted each other bad but would have to relax for now.

She wanted to grab his hand or kiss him but knew they had to keep their connection private for now. She saw everyone happy for the drinks and snacks and they all went right for it and thanked the two of them for the good idea.

She smiled climbing into the pool more so to cool herself off from what the two of them were doing and she saw the quick glance from Sam at the two of them knowing her friend was probably suspicious but wouldn't say anything in front of her brothers .

Allie sighed softly feeling the cool water on her skin and watched Jack get in too " So what were you guys chatting about out here? " Allie asked and smiled curious about it and they all began snickering before Dean blurted out a little drunk " We bet each other you two were sneaking off to make out but Ashton and Max swore you werent so we all owe these two 50 bucks each " Sam gave a sheepish smirk and Max laughed out loud " Way to make it awkward idiot, we told you they're just friends , Sorry you two.." Max said smiling sheepishly as well.

Allie blushed deeply from her idiot brother and mouthed an Apology to Jack before turning and giggling softly " Dean that his your last cup" she said and chuckled when he fake pouted.
When Allie told him her body was in need but she would wait, he wondered how long and if they would be together tonight. Or would they have to wait until another day when they could escape the family for a little alone time. The brothers were not a problem. They each had their own rooms. To him, it was Samantha who would be sharing a bed with Allison and possibly making it very difficult for them to finish what they started.

When Allie entered the pool, the intense look from Samantha staring at Allie was not lost on him. Did she suspect what they were doing in the poolhouse. And when her gaze shifted to him, he saw a soft smile appear when her eyes darted for a few moments at his speedo. For a very brief moment, he wondered if Samantha was wondering what lay hidden under the thin material. Would Allie share her experience about what she found to be very filling and satisfying.
Joining Allie in the pool, he chuckled at the comments made by Dean about the bet they made. He laughed when Max said he and Ashton bet they were just friends. But the look on Samantha's face confirmed that she believed he and Allie were more than just friends. Jack didn't know how much she knew but he was betting Allie told Samantha just enough to make her more than curious.

When Allie mouthed an apology to him, he grinned and turned to the group. "It looks like Samantha and Dean are $50 poorer."

He saw the wide grins on Max and Ashton's faces and heard Ashton. "I expect to get my money before I have leave for the Navy." This brought about a loud round of laughs and teasing by Max and Ashton about how Samantha and Dean were not going to get off the hook.

Jack stayed a few feet away from Allie, not wanting to draw attention to them. Ashton gave them their drinks and they sipped them in the cool water. Jack knew this evening had to come to a close. It was evident to everyone Dean was getting a bit inebriated. He also noted Max and Ashton were starting to slow down.

He decided it was time to call it a night. He planned to take a shower and then lie in bed until he fell asleep or Allie came calling. There was no way he could go to her with Samantha sharing her bed. Jack turned to Allie. "I'm going to call it a night. It's been a long day." Then addressing the brothers and Samantha. "Thanks for a great day. I'm going to retire." As he climbed out of the pool, he heard their good-night wishes and saw a smirk on Samantha's face as she glanced down at the water dripping off his package.