Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

The most interesting thing about this is how defensive men are about it. Like insane levels.

To the point of dismissal to denigration to being outright derogatory.

Yes, men, women think you are threatening and dangerous. If you have a problem with that perception, you won't change it by dismissing, denigrating or otherwise yelling at women. You'll just reinforce it.

Your choice. If you choose to reinforce it, then STFU about it. We hear from men all day every day.

There is no changing that perception. I exist therefore I am a threat. Add on that I'm black and things do not favor me in any way, shape or form. Women have carte blanche to get in my face and scream and if I do anything but slowly back away I'm the problem. I've been fired for standing silently while a woman did just that.

So yeah, fuck that bear.
There is no changing that perception. I exist therefore I am a threat. Add on that I'm black and things do not favor me in any way, shape or form. Women have carte blanche to get in my face and scream and if I do anything but slowly back away I'm the problem. I've been fired for standing silently while a woman did just that.

So yeah, fuck that bear.

Don't blame the women for men being more threatening than bears.

I won't say I understand your experience because that would be stupid and arrogant. But the reality is that more women are killed and hurt by men than bears. It's not the women or the bears fault.
They did this in the author's hangout, which is moderated, and the thread closed because it went exactly where I knew it would; the AH "men" mansplaining to the women what their answer should be.
Deplorables are terrified of women and bears. 😬
But all left voting men are just awesome to women?

This is dangerous misinformation, the knuckles drag on both sides of the political fence because regardless of how a man votes, he's a still a man, and many men are pieces of shit.

I've spent 25+ years as a volunteer at a woman's shelter, and other causes for women's rights and let me assure you of something, and that's the abuse of women is the tie that binds the male gender.

Rich/poor, black/white Muslim/Christian Liberal/Conservative, men from all walks of life abuse women, and if not abusers, they believe women are beneath them and want to control them.

And when you sit their and spew ignorant statements that anyone on one side of a fence is "safe" you're setting any woman who believes you up to be hurt.

Rule of thumb for a woman is this. No man can be trusted until he proves he can be trusted. Period.

And I would advise any woman to never trust someone like you.
But all left voting men are just awesome to women?

This is dangerous misinformation, the knuckles drag on both sides of the political fence because regardless of how a man votes, he's a still a man, and many men are pieces of shit.

I've spent 25+ years as a volunteer at a woman's shelter, and other causes for women's rights and let me assure you of something, and that's the abuse of women is the tie that binds the male gender.

Rich/poor, black/white Muslim/Christian Liberal/Conservative, men from all walks of life abuse women, and if not abusers, they believe women are beneath them and want to control them.

And when you sit their and spew ignorant statements that anyone on one side of a fence is "safe" you're setting any woman who believes you up to be hurt.

Rule of thumb for a woman is this. No man can be trusted until he proves he can be trusted. Period.

And I would advise any woman to never trust someone like you.
Thank you for being a voice of reason. People don't seem to understand that this is an issue that supercedes all politics, economic status, religion...

You're very welcome.

Like everything else these days, there's a lot of good guys out there, we're just drowned out by the assholes who get the most attention.
When I was assaulted, it was the kindness of two strangers that saved me. They just as easily could have helped the guy and gang raped me. There are decent men out there, tons of them. And, those decent men understand why we're scared, why we would roll the dice with a bear than a man, in the woods. And, those good men, instead of shouting from the rooftops how good they are, actually approach this topic with care on the internet, and with kindness and patience in real life. If a woman choosing a bear angers you, you are the problem.

I saw a guy in a reel who said it best "For years you have been telling women to choose better. They did, they chose the bear, and now you're big mad."
No, and I specifically said, "DEPLORABLES" which means you took offense because you are one. ;)

Your mom disagrees, son.
No, I took offense for the reason I stated, and you're going to default to name calling and mom jokes.

The fact you'll deny and mock what I said just proves me right.
The history of humankind dictates that a woman should fear / mistrust the "man" more than the bear:

"Men" systematically and consciously relegated women to second class citizens via millennia of intimidation, violence, financial control, religious / societal forced role "norming", and exclusionary / punitive measures / practices in healthcare, education, literature, publishing, media, and employment.


Women obviously have every right to feel and act how they choose based on the past and current systemic / institutional betrayals committed against them by "men".

As a white American male of conscience, I have zero issue with the fear and mistrust directed at me by women AND minorities. Should I enjoy all the benefits of my inarguably and largely ill gotten privileged situation and none of the guilt / consequences???


Most of this anger / poutrage from sociopathic beta incels, directed at women, stems from the underlying repressed weakness and guilt the sociopathic beta incels feel for their own decisions, and those of their predecessors, that led society and their lives to this point.

If ever there was a time for "men" to "own it", that time is now. A reckoning was / is loooooong overdue.

I’m definitely not going to be a party to "going back" to the way things were when America was "great".


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Don't blame the women for men being more threatening than bears.

I won't say I understand your experience because that would be stupid and arrogant. But the reality is that more women are killed and hurt by men than bears. It's not the women or the bears fault.

Well bears don't live where people randomly run into them. That argument is like stating more people drown in bathtubs than are mauled by tigers. If we look at the stats a random man is highly unlikely to attack you. It is always someone she knew and usually the significant other. If you see a random man in the woods you are more than likely perfectly safe. Now if you see YOUR man in woods congrats. You're dead already you just haven't gotten the memo.

I can't blame people for how they feel. Its how they feel. Doesn't make it rational.
Well bears don't live where people randomly run into them. That argument is like stating more people drown in bathtubs than are mauled by tigers. If we look at the stats a random man is highly unlikely to attack you. It is always someone she knew and usually the significant other. If you see a random man in the woods you are more than likely perfectly safe. Now if you see YOUR man in woods congrats. You're dead already you just haven't gotten the memo.

I can't blame people for how they feel. Its how they feel. Doesn't make it rational.

I think you've gone into the weeds on this.

The reality is that the number one cause of homicide among women is from men. Men have a violence problem. That's why men are seen as dangerous. If men don't want to be seen as dangerous then they need to get a grip on the violence.
Thank you for being a voice of reason. People don't seem to understand that this is an issue that supercedes all politics, economic status, religion...

View attachment 2345525

Even though LC is a piece of shit for the most part, they do make sense now and then.

The reality is that it isn't just conservative men or deplorable men who are over valued and privileged.
And when you sit their and spew ignorant statements that anyone on one side of a fence is "safe" you're setting any woman who believes you up to be hurt.

And I would advise any woman to never trust someone like you.
From what you're posting history has allowed me to make an opinion on, they shouldn't trust you either. Most abusers hide out in the so called "safe spaces". You know Church, Boy Scouts Gymnastics, Women's shelters.....
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I think you've gone into the weeds on this.

The reality is that the number one cause of homicide among women is from men. Men have a violence problem. That's why men are seen as dangerous. If men don't want to be seen as dangerous then they need to get a grip on the violence.

No argument that men have a violence problem but that's how society made us. That shit really is nobody's fault at this point. I didn't deny that the leading cause for homicide amongst women is from men. However not strangers which is kinda the important detail here. A woman does unfortunately put her life at risk when getting into a relationship. Sucks, but there it is.
When I was assaulted, it was the kindness of two strangers that saved me. They just as easily could have helped the guy and gang raped me. There are decent men out there, tons of them. And, those decent men understand why we're scared, why we would roll the dice with a bear than a man, in the woods. And, those good men, instead of shouting from the rooftops how good they are, actually approach this topic with care on the internet, and with kindness and patience in real life. If a woman choosing a bear angers you, you are the problem.

I saw a guy in a reel who said it best "For years you have been telling women to choose better. They did, they chose the bear, and now you're big mad."

Just an FYI: the guy you're hitting "like" on - lovecraft68 - is a piece of shit.

He respects racists more than women, and that's the least of his issues. We have receipts. :)
The guy you're hitting "like" on - lovecraft68 - is a piece of shit.

He respects racists more than women. We have receipts. :)
I'm not following people around threads. I'm addressing this single issue, in an anonymous internet forum. I dint care about his history or future. Neither negates that what he stated is very true. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
No argument that men have a violence problem but that's how society made us. That shit really is nobody's fault at this point. I didn't deny that the leading cause for homicide amongst women is from men. However not strangers which is kinda the important detail here. A woman does unfortunately put her life at risk when getting into a relationship. Sucks, but there it is.

Yes most violence against women and girls is committed by known men. Most. Not all.

I've been threatened by men who were complete and utter strangers. Oddly enough, on more than one occasion. Many women have.

So "not strangers" is categorically not true.

If you want to capitulate to the violence, shrug and do nothing about it you don't have the right to be shocked when women choose the bear.
I dint care about his history or future.

That's exactly what people who defend racists say. 🤷‍♂️

And, if you don't care about his history or future, that would include not caring about any misogyny or violence he's subjected women to, yes? And any he might subject them to in the future?

You might want to choose your words carefully. This, after all, is a literature forum. 🤔