Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

They did this in the author's hangout, which is moderated, and the thread closed because it went exactly where I knew it would; the AH "men" mansplaining to the women what their answer should be.
Sweet Babby Jesus you weren't kidding!

I thought threads went off the rails here sometimes but that thread is insane levels of one-upmanship man-splaining.

Erudite misogyny at it's finest.

If you can tolerate people who routinely use four syllable words when one will suffice, the locked thread is here.
Sweet Babby Jesus you weren't kidding!

I thought threads went off the rails here sometimes but that thread is insane levels of one-upmanship man-splaining.

Erudite misogyny at it's finest.

If you can tolerate people who routinely use four syllable words when one will suffice, the locked thread
My first time posting was in there lol. I was trying to reply to the original question, because I thought it was a good one, and good God did it go fucking *sideways.* There was like...past lore involved. Made me rethink the whole place.
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That's exactly what people who defend racists say. 🤷‍♂️

And, if you don't care about his history or future, that would include not caring about any misogyny or violence he's subjected women to, yes? And any he might subject them to in the future?

You might want to choose your words carefully. This, after all, is a literature forum. 🤔
I will choose my words based on my lived experience. The men who helped me, saved me, do you think I asked them what their politics were first?
I was pretty prescient when I wrote my bear parable for my husband:
I've posted this before but I wrote this for my husband a few years ago:

Imagine you live in a world where bears are as intelligent as humans. They walk around on two legs, and they wear clothes, and they can talk, and they’re NICE. They’re not like wild animals at all – they’re just regular people who happen have been born in bear bodies. And they’re everywhere. You work with bears, and you hang out with bears, and you’ve even dated and slept with a few bears. Living with friendly, intelligent bears is just a normal part of your daily life.

Only … they’ve got those teeth, and they got those claws, and they weigh like 2000 pounds. On some level you know that if one of them ever decided to stop being nice – if it turned mean or violent – then it could really hurt you badly, and you’d have a hard time fighting back. So your safety depends on the bears around you never ever exploiting how much stronger they are than you. The fact that most bears are nice and gentle and friendly doesn’t matter. There’s still a built-in asymmetry to the power arrangement. You have to trust them in a way that they don’t have to trust you.

If you’re a guy and you want to know what it’s like to be a women, imagine living in bear world.
I haven't mentioned his politics to you. At all. 🙂
Are you insinuating that racism isn't typically associated with one party? You are straying from the point. In crisis, when a man was holding teenage me down, I did not give a fancy fuck who they were outside of that moment. I still don't. I'm a dyed in the wool pro-choicer, and they could be picketing outside of planned parenthood, with the most graphic & hateful signs, and I would still hug them and thank them for what they did.

Your opinion of me, your verbal nit picking, your trying to insinuate that agreeing with a stranger on a point makes me a supporter of racism, it means nothing. Unless you've been that woman in the woods, your opinion is moot.
Are you insinuating that racism isn't typically associated with one party?

I would never insinuate that - I would state it outright. (Is this a serious question?)

Tigobitties98 said:
your trying to insinuate that agreeing with a stranger on a point makes me a supporter of racism, it means nothing. Unless you've been that woman in the woods, your opinion is moot.

By that same logic: unless you've been that person who's suffered from racism, and then watched someone hem and haw rather than call out a racist they've shown support to, your opinion is moot. See how that works?
I would never insinuate that - I would state it outright. (Is this a serious question?)

By that same logic: unless you've been that person who's suffered from racism, and then watched someone hem and haw rather than call out a racist they've shown support to, your opinion is moot. See how that works?

Why are you dying on this hill Rory?

She's not agreeing with LC's entire history of posting - nor is she aware of it. Whether we like it or not LC made a salient point. You are going on some weird tirade and frankly, this is a man thing that you're doing. You are, in essence, proving that male privilege and the behaviors associated with it are not something limited to deplorables or conservatives.

This is a very real element in women's lives.

Honestly if you continue this, in my opinion, you're going to be owing somebody an apology for being a dick.
Why are you dying on this hill Rory? She's not agreeing with LC's entire history of posting - nor is she aware of it. Whether we like it or not LC made a salient point.

He doesn't believe the point he made. He's bragged about voting for an overt misogynist who advocates sexual violence against women, and he's consistently denigrated those who try to support women. If there's a member who won't acknowledge a bad character for who they really are once it's pointed out, they can expect a little flack.

The more "likes" and support he gets on here, the easier it is for him to keep pulling this faux white knight act. That can potentially have consequences for others. 🤷‍♂️
He doesn't believe the point he made. He's bragged about voting for an overt misogynist who advocates sexual violence against women, and he's consistently denigrated those who try to support women. If there's a member who won't acknowledge a bad character for who they really are once it's pointed out, they can expect a little flack.

The more "likes" and support he gets on here, the easier it is for him to keep pulling this faux white knight act. That can potentially have consequences for others. 🤷‍♂️

You are correct.

As is the point he made: that the problematic behavior is not limited to deplorable and conservative men.
The problem with both sides of this argument
Both sides? Two choices? I hadn't noticed that.
Bear vs man. That seems pretty damn binary to me. I mean, you could maybe think of third or fourth options. "Neither" might be a good option. "Both" would be an amusing one; let the bear and the man fight it out to decide which of the victors will gain the right to feast upon your succulent flesh, as was done in olden days. Other than that, uh, shit man I dunno, huh huh huh...
The problem with both sides of this argument is thinking that there's really all that much difference between between ourselves and the bears.
I guess you could make the argument that it's really only one option. All this time and all this arguing, and all we're really arguing about is which animal we think is really more dangerous of an animal.

(And, as I've already stated, I happen to be on Team Bear.)
ask lovecraft if the number of rape fantasy stories he has penned is less than one or more than one. ;)
Politics only has two sides?
As a rough guideline, yes. There's a very definite sliding scale between left-right at any time in the development of the modern nation-state. It isn't perfect and of course there are plenty of outliers, but it works well enough in most cases.

I for example, am a Marx-Leninist. I get equally annoyed by conservatives and libs both, and often find far-right traditionalists and even outright fascists to be more tolerable than both, but I don't think anyone would ever try to argue that Leninism is anything but a far-left political philosophy.
ask lovecraft if the number of rape fantasy stories he has penned is less than one or more than one. ;)
I don't know anything about the guy, but fictional stories are a very poor gauge of a person's moral or ethical beliefs.

In fact, I would be very suspicious of anyone who can't write a fictional narrative beyond their own preconceived worldview. A sign of dogmatism, that is.
Fictional stories are a very poor gauge of a person's moral or ethical beliefs.
rape fantasies are not "fictional stories." they are actual urges hiding behind a keyboard.
In fact, I would be very suspicious of anyone who can't write a fictional narrative beyond their own preconceived worldview. A sign of dogmatism, that is.
i am far more suspicious of those who can write detailed rape fantasies and then come here and try to fool everyone by pretending they are an ally.
rape fantasies are not "fictional stories." they are actual urges hiding behind a keyboard.

i am far more suspicious of those who can write detailed rape fantasies and then come here and try to fool everyone by pretending they are an ally.
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
You are correct. As is the point he made: that the problematic behavior is not limited to deplorable and conservative men.

Well, yeah - that (should be) a given. Agreed.

I don't know anything about the guy, but fictional stories are a very poor gauge of a person's moral or ethical beliefs.

Can be true, but he's got a history here beyond his writing.
dude comes to the pb and defends rapists and racists and then tries to white knight for each marginalized group. fuck that twat.
Sweet Babby Jesus you weren't kidding!

I thought threads went off the rails here sometimes but that thread is insane levels of one-upmanship man-splaining.

Erudite misogyny at it's finest.

If you can tolerate people who routinely use four syllable words when one will suffice, the locked thread is here.
Was interesting to me to see creative authors who ought to understand metaphors, analogies, similes and what not miss the point entirely and get concrete about hiking in the woods. Speaks volumes.