Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

Well, yeah - that (should be) a given. Agreed.


Tigobitties (sorry if I messed up the name) doesn't sound familiar with LC's bullshit. The only reason I am is because I read a lot of the links etc that are posted about various people's past. A lot of folks skip over that drama. I understand being anti LC. That "lovely" individual went unhinged on me less than a week ago. But T isn't involved in that history. Going aggressively at her about LC being a complete cunt isn't helpful. Nor does she really deserve it.

I know you are one of the good guys and you are 1000% percent more willing to fight for women than a lot of men. I'm not having a go at you. We live in a society where men are considered the default, the favored. It's in the air we breathe. It effects every man for the entirety of their lives.

And every woman has to deal with it.
Bear vs man. That seems pretty damn binary to me. I mean, you could maybe think of third or fourth options. "Neither" might be a good option. "Both" would be an amusing one; let the bear and the man fight it out to decide which of the victors will gain the right to feast upon your succulent flesh, as was done in olden days. Other than that, uh, shit man I dunno, huh huh huh...

I guess you could make the argument that it's really only one option. All this time and all this arguing, and all we're really arguing about is which animal we think is really more dangerous of an animal.

(And, as I've already stated, I happen to be on Team Bear.)
That's a lot of words, and I'm sure you find yourself endlessly fascinating.

My point was that you are not female.
Was interesting to me to see creative authors who ought to understand metaphors, analogies, similes and what not miss the point entirely and get concrete about hiking in the woods. Speaks volumes.
Exactly. These folks hold themselves up as the creme de la creme of Lit society. (To their credit, they did banish Que from their board, which allowed him to fester on other boards for a good 3-4 years).

The fact that they absolutely missed the point entirely shows a distinct lack of depth in both their intelligence and their ability to articulate their point. Had it not been for the lifesaver of self-publishing, 99 percent of them would have withered on the vine years ago.

A bunch of curmudgeonly whooperups, if you ask me.
As a man I'm not obligated to address how some women perceive men or to hold those men accountable. I'm raising my boys to be good, decent men. They respect their mother, little sister and women in general. That's all I'm obligated to do. If someone is afraid of men because they were raped or beaten, that's not on me.
As a man I'm not obligated to address how some women perceive men or to hold those men accountable. I'm raising my boys to be good, decent men. They respect their mother, little sister and women in general. That's all I'm obligated to do. If someone is afraid of men because they were raped or beaten, that's not on me.
For every guy like you, there's a shitty parent like Chobham, whose son Vatican Assassin regaled us here publicly of participating in fraternity gangbangs with drunken coeds in college.
Women picking the bear is a win win situation all around.

The bear gets a free meal, everyone agrees the woman is a victim, and the man doesn't get falsely accused of anything. 😄
Women picking the bear is a win win situation all around.

The bear gets a free meal, everyone agrees the woman is a victim, and the man doesn't get falsely accused of anything.

In Deplorable Land, this passes not only as funny, but clever & brilliant - instead of smacking of effort (which it does). That's how low the bar is, folks. 😎

(And thanks for once again posting in my popular threads, even though you're too scared to address me any longer. Happy to help you stay barely relevant!) 😘🤣
🤷‍♂️ I read each of these, and I have to say the concept of women choosing bears or men doesn't come across very well here.

It's crucial that we foster an environment where everyone feels respected and safe, unless we're talking about survival of the fittest. Both women and men should be able to enjoy walking in the woods together, with the only caution being to avoid bears. Unfortunately, bears don't always respect us.

I had to reflect a bit on that poster about if one out of three women were mauled by bears, there would be a major concern. That was a pause for thought and consideration about harm to women by men in that ratio. That's untenable.
I would never insinuate that - I would state it outright. (Is this a serious question?)

By that same logic: unless you've been that person who's suffered from racism, and then watched someone hem and haw rather than call out a racist they've shown support to, your opinion is moot. See how that works?
I just love your "I know you are but what am I" arguments. Indeed, I have experienced racism & bigotry. You do not know me, nor I you. Again, you stray from the point.
🤷‍♂️ I read each of these, and I have to say the concept of women choosing bears or men doesn't come across very well here.

It's crucial that we foster an environment where everyone feels respected and safe, unless we're talking about survival of the fittest. Both women and men should be able to enjoy walking in the woods together, with the only caution being to avoid bears. Unfortunately, bears don't always respect us.

I had to reflect a bit on that poster about if one out of three women were mauled by bears, there would be a major concern. That was a pause for thought and consideration about harm to women by men in that ratio. That's untenable.
and bears are like "wtf is it with all these people (specially the ones with guns) invading our habitat, walking all around the place as if they owned it!!!?"

*respect da bear*
I just love your "I know you are but what am I" arguments. Indeed, I have experienced racism & bigotry. You do not know me, nor I you. Again, you stray from the point.

Still plenty of time to denounce that abhorrent racist you gave props to. I'm sure you didn't know at the time - but you do now.

Or, if you don't, plenty of crap he's posted to see for yourself.

You could say, "Yeah, good point re: how women are treated - but your racism is despicable."

Proceed as you will. 🙂
Why didn't the men just say "See ya!"

Wave goodbye and ignore the rest of the BS. No debate, no "but not all men"... you can't reason with women who chose "bears" in that scenario. Just let them go on their way and take their anger and bitterness with them.
Why didn't the men just say "See ya!"

Wave goodbye and ignore the rest of the BS. No debate, no "but not all men"... you can't reason with women who chose "bears" in that scenario. Just let them go on their way and take their anger and bitterness with them.

Shedding incel tears in your very first post? And in my thread?

Delicious! Whine on. 😎
Shedding incel tears in your very first post? And in my thread?

Delicious! Whine on. 😎
Ehhh how is it incel or whining to say you'd be glad if women who chose bears would just go and avoid men altogether? Wouldn't I, like, want to convince them to choose me? Hell I'm glad they won't. I don't need anyone that bad. You are wildly illogical dude. Probably an incel yourself. You try too hard.
Ehhh how is it incel or whining to say you'd be glad if women who chose bears would just go and avoid men altogether? Wouldn't I, like, want to convince them to choose me?

Nope - incels gave up a long time ago. Like you have.

Stay triggered, incel. 😎
Nope - incels gave up a long time ago. Like you have.

Stay triggered, incel. 😎
You seem to be confused about what whining is. I am not complaining at all. I am very happy that women who choose bears would avoid me with their stanky attitude. Less discord in my life. You are the most triggered celibate man in this whole virtual room, the way you came out flailing like this.

I am, though, very ashamed of the men who tried to convince women that they're not "that guy." What a waste of time. They should have said "See ya!" and gone on with their lives. Woulda sent the signal/noise ratio to infinity.

inb4 you say "whining is when someone says they'd be happy if you went away. newspeak mode activated."
I think the bear in this diagram is too far to the right. -- "bears who think predation is an unfortunate fact of life" would be more accurate.

Bears don't usually seek out human beings to attack for fun. They just want to do their normal bear business--snoozing in the sun, foraging for berries, maybe catching some tasty salmon for lunch. Attacking an adult human--even a lone woman, is way too dangerous, and way to much work. They're only going to do it if they have a good reason.