Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

I don't care to interpret or explain jack shit to women who feel that way. They can go with the bear as long as they stay out of my life with their nonsense. Please, I am on my knees begging of them, go to the bear, preferably in the woods and as far away from my neighborhood and city as possible. Go and join the MGTOWs who long precede them with their sad take on the "bears vs people" bullshit. MGTOW, bears, it's all the same bunch of paranoid freaks to me.
Yup, this resentment ^^^ makes it clear why the majority of women responded the way they did.
He's only been here for 30 posts, and he's spouted off enough marinara to flood Italy.
Mansplainers find it impossible to accept the statistical results of how women responded to this question.

I accept the statistical results of how women responded. IT does mean the only rational response for a responsible male is do not speak unless spoken to by a female. She doesn't feel safe because you exist. IT has nothing to do with anything you did or have done. Nothing to do with how you carry yourself. It has to do with something that happened or may have happened to her at some point in the past.
The point is it doesn't matter if you're good. Women should treat you like you're JAck the Ripper until proven otherwise.
The point is it doesn't matter if you're good. Women should treat you like you're JAck the Ripper until proven otherwise.

Actually that's a large part of what women learn - that men are a threat. Through direct words from family (including fathers, brothers, uncles), through direct experiences (from unwelcome suggestive comments to aggressive and threatening behaviors if rejected), through dating experiences (manipulation and control), through work experience (sexual harassment)... etc.

Are you trying to suggest that women should ignore all the dangers presented by men at large because it hurts some men's sensibilities and feelings?
I never spent much time blaming women who chose "bad boys" instead of "nice guys".

Two reasons: 1. I liked "bad girls", so I got it. 2 I saw genuinely nice guys who had no trouble attracting women because they were built to the hilt, and I couldn't begrudge women for that since I was attacted to certain physical attributes of women.

Without that animosity in my life, I instead was able to concentrate on all the shit women have to deal with rather than yelling "not all men".
Actually that's a large part of what women learn - that men are a threat. Through direct words from family (including fathers, brothers, uncles), through direct experiences (from unwelcome suggestive comments to aggressive and threatening behaviors if rejected), through dating experiences (manipulation and control), through work experience (sexual harassment)... etc.

Are you trying to suggest that women should ignore all the dangers presented by men at large because it hurts some men's sensibilities and feelings?

I wasn't being sarcastic. Perhaps a bit hyperbolic but still. If you view me as a threat the best thing I can possibly do is avoid contact with you. You cannot be afraid of me if I am absent from your life. Well you can, the same way you can be afraid of the the Yugasoth benath your bed but that's that.

Since I have no control over how you interpret anything literally anything qualifies as suggestive comments. I avoid these situations for the exact same reasons I avoid the police. There is a thing called a Risk Reward Ratio or RRR and if the math says you have less than 70% chances of winning you don't fuck with this.
I wasn't being sarcastic. Perhaps a bit hyperbolic but still. If you view me as a threat the best thing I can possibly do is avoid contact with you. You cannot be afraid of me if I am absent from your life. Well you can, the same way you can be afraid of the the Yugasoth benath your bed but that's that.

Since I have no control over how you interpret anything literally anything qualifies as suggestive comments. I avoid these situations for the exact same reasons I avoid the police. There is a thing called a Risk Reward Ratio or RRR and if the math says you have less than 70% chances of winning you don't fuck with this.

You being dismissive to the point of snarky of the realities women experience is giving me pause in my perception of you.

View you as a threat? Are you taking it personally that men are violent and aggressive toward women and that women aren't thrilled with that reality?

Yugasoth? Are you suggesting that the realities women experience are akin to fairy tales or that the experiences are fictional?

My interpretation? How about BrightShinyGirl? Or Butters? Or Mary down the street? "Anything that qualifies as suggestive comments". Dismissive. Cool. So then you are saying women are imagining being stalked, cat called, aggressively followed etc.

Wow I had no idea these were your true colors. I'll never bother being empathetic - toward you - regarding any racial issue you may face. After all I can't control how you interpret literally anything as a racist comment. Etc.

You being dismissive to the point of snarky of the realities women experience is giving me pause in my perception of you.

View you as a threat? Are you taking it personally that men are violent and aggressive toward women and that women aren't thrilled with that reality?

Yugasoth? Are you suggesting that the realities women experience are akin to fairy tales or that the experiences are fictional?

My interpretation? How about BrightShinyGirl? Or Butters? Or Mary down the street? "Anything that qualifies as suggestive comments". Dismissive. Cool. So then you are saying women are imagining being stalked, cat called, aggressively followed etc.

Wow I had no idea these were your true colors. I'll never bother being empathetic - toward you - regarding any racial issue you may face. After all I can't control how you interpret literally anything as a racist comment. Etc.

Y'all sound like MGTOW who has been doing this paranoid shit for decades.
Go for it dude. Do your own thing. Trust me, women won't mind.
I ain't MGTOW, because unlike y'all I don't think a whole gender is worth avoiding because of traumatic experiences with some.

But god dang, you get all frantic about explaining why we should care if you choose bears. My God, the cognitive dissonance. You are just like MGTOW. And you want us to mind. Fuckin ay.
I ain't MGTOW, because unlike y'all I don't think a whole gender is worth avoiding because of traumatic experiences with some.

But god dang, you get all frantic about explaining why we should care if you choose bears. My God, the cognitive dissonance. You are just like MGTOW. And you want us to mind. Fuckin ay.

Whatever, have fun dude. You're the one throwing the hissy about MGTOW. Go your own way. It's okay.