My Andy Thread

Cub4ucme said:

Just a reminder.

This thread does have my name on the tag.

I'd apreciate it if you keep the subject matter
topic related.


Dude. This is (cough, ahem) my thread. I s-s-started it. You're just a name. This thread may be about Andy Wiles, or Randy Andy Windsor, or Andy Capp, or whatever. Don't matter. Don't get greedy.
Tzara said:
Dude. This is (cough, ahem) my thread. I s-s-started it. You're just a name. This thread may be about Andy Wiles, or Randy Andy Windsor, or Andy Capp, or whatever. Don't matter. Don't get greedy.

Dude number II

If you read on you will take note where I said I wasn't being serious.

..............and of course we know it wasn't about Andy Capp, or whatever.

As far as the greedy goes, well, I'm going to have to work on that one.

Be patient with me.

Tzara said:
Dude. This is (cough, ahem) my thread. I s-s-started it. You're just a name. This thread may be about Andy Wiles, or Randy Andy Windsor, or Andy Capp, or whatever. Don't matter. Don't get greedy.

How about this guy? I would have though he'd be your choice. ;)

Cub4ucme said:
Dude number II
Cough, sorry. Duder number uno, I think, mister. Guy who starts the thread gets to pee all over it. Just seems right, don't it? Should, anyway. (grumble)
Cub4ucme said:
If you read on you will take note where I said I wasn't being serious.
I must say that you disguise that well. Just a comment.

You are a puzzle, sir.
Cub4ucme said:
..............and of course we know it wasn't about Andy Capp, or whatever.
Might be. Might. Don't get greedy.
Cub4ucme said:
As far as the greedy goes, well, I'm going to have to work on that one.

Be patient with me.

You try my patience, Mr. A., you do. Probably your point.

You've played me like a mellotron, for sure. I am now curious. Tape loop, tape loop, tape truth.

Perhaps you are not a lunatic. You may elaborate now.


Angeline said:
How about this guy? I would have though he'd be your choice. ;)

I love this Andy, Ms. A.! As you can probably guess.

I would kill (um, metaphorically) for one of this Mr. Andy's Mao prints. I need one. A soup can would be good, but I really really need a Mao.

Unfortunately, the one I really wanted (painting, not print) just sold for $17 fucking million dollars.

My stock options wouldn't even cover the tax.

Oh, well.

Hmm. Maybe you could write me a poem about Andy W., hey? ;)

(I'm really pleased to see you doing reviews again, by the way. Just saying.)
Senna Jawa said:
No, it's about Andy's Crap.
Yeah, SJ, Andy is full of crap. But, then, so am I. So are we all, or most of us.

Andy puzzles me. Like you do sometimes, though not, of course, in the same way.

I've liked your recent poems. That lipstick one, in particular. :)

I suppose I should blush now, but I won't.
Angeline said:
How about this guy? I would have though he'd be your choice. ;)

That's no Andy, that's a curiously shaped carrot.
Who's thread is this?

Tzara said:
Dude. This is (cough, ahem) my thread. I s-s-started it. You're just a name. This thread may be about Andy Wiles, or Randy Andy Windsor, or Andy Capp, or whatever. Don't matter. Don't get greedy.

Damn, and I thought this thread was about me.

Well...back to lurking. So much for my 15 of fame. Thanks for nothing Mr. Warhol.
Liar said:
Wow, with a capital C even.

No wait, there's no C in wow.


You know, it's a good study in human physchology, these boards.

First I read Robin (senna) the boy wonder's comment calling me crap.

I figure ok, I've been defending myself too much.

There couldn't possibly be someone out there immature enough to actually quote that in order to make sure it's repeated.

Well, lo and behold, along comes the idiot. Bells ringing, all ready to have a giggle over the phrase ANDY CRAP.

So, I have decided to start being an asshole all over again.

It's not a hard game to play.

You start, I eventually finish. In the process I make you look like an asshole.

Why you'd want to play is beyond me.

But, hey, I'll accomodate you.

Polly wants a cracker, so what's a guy to you do?
I dig through the cupboards of that apartment zoo.
In a lair of many versatile a beast
some are always hungry when others seem to feast.
And some, oh some, seem to get their rocks off
from the simple habit of tearing people's socks off.
I say 'Hey Mrs Andersson, you have too many pets'
I come here every other week in case the nurse forgets
to feed a single one, cause Mrs Andersson would sack her.
So someone please, give Polly a motherfucking cracker.



No, I really mean that, it's fucking clever.

It's like taking poetry and making a fucking cartoon out of it.

...and the bonus, (to boot) is you get to say MOTHERFUCKING!

I was thinking (I do that occasionally) in between reminding
Senna (who's about as bright as Jenna with a cock) that his poetry sucks:
that it's time to bring the hammer down.

So, let's start with you asshole. How cool does it feel to giggle over
Andy Crap. It's a sure sign that you probably spend a lot of time
licking cheeries off of noodle strings.

You're about as humorous as a frog with a fucking lit firecracker in its

Do you know anything about C++?

Well, don't worry it doesn't know much about you either.

So far, so good.

ANDY CRAP~~~~~~~~ That's the joke for today!

Imagine that!

Polly wants a cracker and Andy's crap.


be back soon and I ain't looking to be no governor of Cali FORN ya


Cub4ucme said:
It's hilarious!

Nothing less.

Have your studied inverted phrasing?

You're one of those bitches who sits back and waits for a chance to prey.

okay, ANDY

YOU are going too far now. What did Eve do to you? YOU are so sorry and narrowminded, yes, narrowminded. You are an anal retentive idiot, a moron, and you come in here and treat people lke your own personal shit paper.

Fuck you, IM not afraid to say it. Leave Eve alone, she is one of the BEST thinsg going for this place that has become innundated with fuck heads like you lately. Even Senna, who has a rep for being ascerbic is a breath of fresh air compared to you. IF you dont like the people here an dt he poetry that we write why dont you go crawl in a hole and fuck yourself with your tiny little wiener, huh?

and if you can't find it, yes, Im getting personal, like you have been to my friends, if you cant find it, which could very well be the root of your bitterness and hatefulness, I happen to know someone with a huge dildo collection, well, nah, forget you. you love the attention and bringing others to your sorry low level. Go away, jerk

( meant as much as you do)
One ghost turn to whisper
in the other's ear
and one ghost giggles.
The face in between
a Picasso mosaic,
forward and sideways at once,
of secrets and smiles.


What precisely is a GhOST TURN?

Is it something that makes you go giggle giggle before
you suck a rattle like it's a used cock?

Is it a type of lingo for slam poetry?

You know, the kind you yell out and get everybody
so involved emotionally that they don't understand
you're too fucking stupid to remember plurals in
your poetry.

Now, I have nothing against slam poets.

I actually enjoy the scene and the atmosphere.

Every once in a while though you see some immature
asshole in the corner giggling to something like ANDY CRAP.

You know, something so unique and clever they just have
to giggle.

That's not the cool part, though. What's really cool
is when they realize there is no C in WOW.

Then they just roll over laughing and it's just so funny.

Well, maybe it's one of those geographical jokes, you know, the kind
where you have to be there.

Cub4ucme said:
One ghost turn to whisper
in the other's ear
and one ghost giggles.
The face in between
a Picasso mosaic,
forward and sideways at once,
of secrets and smiles.


What precisely is a GhOST TURN?

Is it something that makes you go giggle giggle before
you suck a rattle like it's a used cock?

Is it a type of lingo for slam poetry?

You know, the kind you yell out and get everybody
so involved emotionally that they don't understand
you're too fucking stupid to remember plurals in
your poetry.

Now, I have nothing against slam poets.

I actually enjoy the scene and the atmosphere.

Every once in a while though you see some immature
asshole in the corner giggling to something like ANDY CRAP.

You know, something so unique and clever they just have
to giggle.

That's not the cool part, though. What's really cool
is when they realize there is no C in WOW.

Then they just roll over laughing and it's just so funny.

Well, maybe it's one of those geographical jokes, you know, the kind
where you have to be there.


Is it something that makes you go giggle giggle before
you suck a rattle like it's a used cock?

why so bitter, Cubby?
could it be because
your inbred parents
gave you a nubby?

seriously, IF you are gonna give advice, most people respond better to criticism when they are not spoken down to and treated like retards. There are typos in t his imperfect world, this is NOT the pulitzer review board, yes, we have covered this before. Grow up!

I realize what you remind me of, a scene in Ghost, where the bad guy is finallly killed and the evil spirits come from hell and suck him up. They would puke you right back up though, IM sure.

OMG< I forgot a comma, slay me, slay me. I misspelled a word, I do not deserve to beathe!!
Velvet_Polly said:
okay, ANDY

YOU are going too far now. What did Eve do to you? YOU are so sorry and narrowminded, yes, narrowminded. You are an anal retentive idiot, a moron, and you come in here and treat people lke your own personal shit paper.

Fuck you, IM not afraid to say it. Leave Eve alone, she is one of the BEST thinsg going for this place that has become innundated with fuck heads like you lately. Even Senna, who has a rep for being ascerbic is a breath of fresh air compared to you. IF you dont like the people here an dt he poetry that we write why dont you go crawl in a hole and fuck yourself with your tiny little wiener, huh?

and if you can't find it, yes, Im getting personal, like you have been to my friends, if you cant find it, which could very well be the root of your bitterness and hatefulness, I happen to know someone with a huge dildo collection, well, nah, forget you. you love the attention and bringing others to your sorry low level. Go away, jerk

( meant as much as you do)

Another wet rat crawls out of its hole.

I'm so proud of you. You don't fear calling me an asshole on the Internet.

That's very impressive.

Can you find some other way of telling me I'm a jerkoff besides talking about how small my pecker is and your dildo collection?
I'm sure it was a Freudian slip.

Eve will love you, though.

You're just another asshole who has no idea what happened here in the first place. You got your hands in your pants. You're a dysfuncitonal wannabe
who feels really big right now because you sure told me where it's at.

Do you write poetry?
Do you have the fucking guts to be honest?
To stand up and be something more than a piss ant?

Based on your post I'd wager not.

That's what I do like about this place. For every asshole that comes
running in with a fucking hatchet in their hands there's a profile with
all the posts that tells me all I need to know about their level of
intelligience and reason for being here in the first place.

Here, I have something for you; it's a biscuit and it smells like Eve.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Cub4ucme said:
Another wet rat crawls out of its hole.

I'm so proud of you. You don't fear calling me an asshole on the Internet.

That's very impressive.

Can you find some other way of telling me I'm a jerkoff besides talking about how small my pecker is and your dildo collection?
I'm sure it was a Freudian slip.

Eve will love you, though.

You're just another asshole who has no idea what happened here in the first place. You got your hands in your pants. You're a dysfuncitonal wannabe
who feels really big right now because you sure told me where it's at.

Do you write poetry?
Do you have the fucking guts to be honest?
To stand up and be something more than a piss ant?

Based on your post I'd wager not.

That's what I do like about this place. For every asshole that comes
running in with a fucking hatchet in their hands there's a profile with
all the posts that tells me all I need to know about their level of
intelligience and reason for being here in the first place.

Here, I have something for you; it's a biscuit and it smells like Eve.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


What gets me is you came in here hateful from the beginning. Fuck you. YOU have it seems, intended to alienate everyone you come in contact with. Yes, I write. BUT according to what you have posted. if someone has ANYTHING To say that is NOT aligned w ith your hateful agenda, then you are closeminded. YEs, you are an asshole. I think that has been established.

YOU could quit calling people names for a start. BUt, you accoomplished what you wanted. YOU got a whole thread with your name on it!!

stick that biscuit up your ass if you have room, Im sure you have some mnore "poetry" ready to be expelled at any moment



PS, go back through your posts, you are the one so ready and willing to bring COCKS into every discussion. does that mean something? huh? did your mommie spank it when you were little?

Velvet_Polly said:
Is it something that makes you go giggle giggle before
you suck a rattle like it's a used cock?

why so bitter, Cubby?
could it be because
your inbred parents
gave you a nubby?

seriously, IF you are gonna give advice, most people respond better to criticism when they are not spoken down to and treated like retards. There are typos in t his imperfect world, this is NOT the pulitzer review board, yes, we have covered this before. Grow up!

I realize what you remind me of, a scene in Ghost, where the bad guy is finallly killed and the evil spirits come from hell and suck him up. They would puke you right back up though, IM sure.

OMG< I forgot a comma, slay me, slay me. I misspelled a word, I do not deserve to beathe!!

Do I know you?

Didn't thing so.

I'll know you a little better in a few minutes, though.

Cub4ucme said:
Do I know you?

Didn't thing so.

I'll know you a little better in a few minutes, though.


didnt THING so?

what is this?

how does one thing?

OMG< andy made a boo boo!!

Listen Velvet Poly the Parrot Poet.

It's not wise to underestimate the person who is about
to put his foot on your head.

So if I called you a liar, well, then I couldn't be wrong.

Velvet_Polly said:
didnt THING so?

what is this?

how does one thing?

OMG< andy made a boo boo!!


I make lots of those, stick around so I can slap you around some more.

I think you like it.

Find them in my poetry and then we'll talk.

That is after you are done rolling on the floor laughing your ass off just like I explained you would be at that Slam.

This is a very easy game when you're playing against the handicapped.

I Guess you learned that as a child playing alone, right?

go to bed, idiot. and your poetry?

I'm still laughing

how are you going to put your foot on my head?

I am done with you.

leave these good people alone.
Velvet_Polly said:
What gets me is you came in here hateful from the beginning. Fuck you. YOU have it seems, intended to alienate everyone you come in contact with. Yes, I write. BUT according to what you have posted. if someone has ANYTHING To say that is NOT aligned w ith your hateful agenda, then you are closeminded. YEs, you are an asshole. I think that has been established.

YOU could quit calling people names for a start. BUt, you accoomplished what you wanted. YOU got a whole thread with your name on it!!

stick that biscuit up your ass if you have room, Im sure you have some mnore "poetry" ready to be expelled at any moment



PS, go back through your posts, you are the one so ready and willing to bring COCKS into every discussion. does that mean something? huh? did your mommie spank it when you were little?


You know something you really are an idiot. I didn't come in here like you suggest at all. I read this board for a long time before I posted. I already knew Senna was an egotistcal jerk who pretends like he knows what he's talking about. When he posted two Haiku that were terrible poems I finally had enough and entered into a debate with him. Then all you assholes came rushing in as if he gives two fucks about you.

You think you're smart and you have it all figured out.

The truth is you have no idea.

Stick around you might learn something, or don't.

But, if you want to play this game with me be prepared you'll tire of it before me. I knew what I was getting into before I got into it.

I'm prepared to play it out. I have enough PM's in my box from some other spineless people who don't have the guts to tell you what I'll tell you.

They're happy I'm here.

How about that? Your little tea buddies going behind your back
patting me on the head saying good boy, go get 'em.

Fucking weird place but, I have made my mind up to stay now.

No matter how long I have to do this for.

Now, figure out how to be a little smarter before you start a fight
you can't win dickwad.

Velvet_Polly said:
I Guess you learned that as a child playing alone, right?

go to bed, idiot. and your poetry?

I'm still laughing


Yes, I bet your are. Lot's of really stupid people who can't write clearly enough to express themselves laugh frequently.

Nothing wrong with that. Giggle Giggle.

Next time you get into the screen name game, have someone else
help you.

Just a suggestion.
