My Andy Thread

Cub4ucme said:
You're like a pack of wolves with no claws or teeth.

Moderate this!

Fuck YOU!

Now, you accuse me of trolling?

You're about as bright as a cheap candle.

Look at the thread you brainless fart!

It's got my name on it. Who the hell is the troll?

I have ways of getting around your limited power so go ahead
throw your hammer down and censor me jerkoff.

You'll find out it won't work.


oh, and BTW, you brainless fart, Angeline is probably the kindest most diplomatic person in this entire place! She did NOT accuse you of being a troll, she merely pointed out that she doesnt ignore pople because she is a mod and she is supposed to LOOK OUT for trolling, regardless of who it might come from.

BUT, no, instead of reading her post for what it was, you have to go insult HER as well.

I may not be loved around here, but boy, I tell you what. YOu just blew any chance you ever had at being taken seriously. YOU should really return to wherever you came from, if they havent comepletely blocked your IP address. I am beginning to pity you. Damn, you are a miserable, unhappy human being....
Velvet_Polly said:
oh, and BTW, you brainless fart, Angeline is probably the kindest most diplomatic person in this entire place! She did NOT accuse you of being a troll, she merely pointed out that she doesnt ignore pople because she is a mod and she is supposed to LOOK OUT for trolling, regardless of who it might come from.

BUT, no, instead of reading her post for what it was, you have to go insult HER as well.

I may not be loved around here, but boy, I tell you what. YOu just blew any chance you ever had at being taken seriously. YOU should really return to wherever you came from, if they havent comepletely blocked your IP address. I am beginning to pity you. Damn, you are a miserable, unhappy human being....

If I as Eve or Angeline you'd be the very last peson I'd want defending me.

I haven't even finished reading your quote above.

You know why?

Because all you are about is alcohol right now.

You're fucked up and lashing out.

Another dysfuncional fucked up human being.

What you don't realize is I can run circles around you.

Watch, (don't get dizzy now) there I go.

Cub4ucme said:
This is a very easy game when you're playing against the handicapped.
I am so sorry, andy, I didn't know that you are handicapped. I am sorry, indeed, it was way too easy. I'll leave you alone now, you may crap all you want, it's ok, andy, really.
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Senna Jawa said:
I am so sorry, andy, I didn't know that you are handicapped. I am sorry, indeed, it was way to easy. I'll leave you alone now, you may crap all you want, it's ok, andy, really.

Hey Senna!!!

yeah,. something real special about that "man"

but look at his post, me thinks he been hitting the bottle, or maybe he naturally just LOOKS like a bleary eyed drunk!~!


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Senna Jawa said:
It's not a joke. It's the truth.

Senna, you know it's a funny thing.

You claim your haiku is better than Ezra Pound.

You defend it against many posts that question it
and try to sound smart by attempting to double
talk everyone.

I offer you an opportunity to enter your poetry
into domains where there are people who make
a living critiquing poetry, short-stories, editing,
reviewing, and writing about the same.

You never respond to that.

What you do is try to persuade your limited audience
of how bad my poetry is. That didn't work.

It will never work. I have been publised for years
all over the world. If you look hard enough you
will figure out why you don't know that.

This is a game you are destined to lose.

I will take great satisfaction when I decide (keyword I)
to enlighten you about this foolish journey you've
embarked on.

It was about time someone decided to pull your puppet
strings and watch you walk yourself into a fire.

Stick around!

Cub4ucme said:
If I as Eve or Angeline you'd be the very last peson I'd want defending me.

I haven't even finished reading your quote above.

You know why?

Because all you are about is alcohol right now.

You're fucked up and lashing out.

Another dysfuncional fucked up human being.

What you don't realize is I can run circles around you.

Watch, (don't get dizzy now) there I go.


ummm, sounds like you are the one drunk and lashing out, but hey, all I can do is interpret what I read, a talent you obviously lack!!

Maria2394 said:
ummm, sounds like you are the one drunk and lashing out, but hey, all I can do is interpret what I read, a talent you obviously lack!!


Thank you!

I lack all kinds of talents.

Specifically the talent to jump onto a ship that is halfway through it's journey
and start spewing shit out of my mouth like I know what I'm talking about.

I think it's time we get aquainted.

Did you ever hear about a can of worms?

Cub4ucme said:
Senna, you know it's a funny thing.

You claim your haiku is better than Ezra Pound.

You defend it against many posts that question it
and try to sound smart by attempting to double
talk everyone.

I offer you an opportunity to enter your poetry
into domains where there are people who make
a living critiquing poetry, short-stories, editing,
reviewing, and writing about the same.

You never respond to that.

What you do is try to persuade your limited audience
of how bad my poetry is. That didn't work.

It will never work. I have been publised for years
all over the world. If you look hard enough you
will figure out why you don't know that.

This is a game you are destined to lose.

I will take great satisfaction when I decide (keyword I)
to enlighten you about this foolish journey you've
embarked on.

It was about time someone decided to pull your puppet
strings and watch you walk yourself into a fire.

Stick around!


funny thing, I GOOGLED Your name and it came up with 23 hits, not exactly "around the world" hell, even MY Own name comes up with about 85, and I have only been piblished in about 11 places.... and wow, there are people here that you could learn from!! IF youwould stop being mean and just open your mind. Your definition of poetry is not the one only one that is valid you know.
Maria2394 said:
funny thing, I GOOGLED Your name and it came up with 23 hits, not exactly "around the world" hell, even MY Own name comes up with about 85, and I have only been piblished in about 11 places.... and wow, there are people here that you could learn from!! IF youwould stop being mean and just open your mind. Your definition of poetry is not the one only one that is valid you know.

Yeah, aren't you bright.

Do you know much about authors?

Didn't think so.

Do you think I'd use Spaschak as my name?

You really are another idiot crawling out of the sewer. All ready to jump
in here so you can end up looking like the asshole you chose to be.

Good for you!

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Cub4ucme said:
Yeah, aren't you bright.

Do you know much about authors?

Didn't think so.

Do you think I'd use Spaschak as my name?

You really are another idiot crawling out of the sewer. All reay to jump
in here so you can end up looking like the asshole you chose to be.

Good for you!


Yeah, I am bright. Considerably moreso than you. I know how to treat people like human beings. YOU really are a sad little man....

and as for using yoru real name?


Maria2394 said:
Yeah, I am bright. Considerably moreso than you. I know how to treat people like human beings. YOU really are a sad little man....

and as for using yoru real name?



You are so clueless I promise you that for tonight this is my last post to you.

The fact is, you will regret you did this and I won't take any satisfaction in proving that.

It's just that, you are in need of embarressment.

Nothing is more obvious to me at this moment.

I'll make sure that happens.

Feel free now to bark all you want. Here's the shovel, dig a deep one.

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That place
with fixed antennae
portals stained with blood
a minstrel band
playing "Sweet Jesus"
shaded on Waterbury Street
this is not practice

no good the second time around
give me your past in a folded fist
until white owns
your fingertips
dress me in your charade
my radar is
closing in
on the metallic borders
of your energy
where your fear for
sizzles, like a bad radio station

see how much we care
when the floods come
a rushin' in
even the devil runs for cover
me in silhouettes
my vacancy is
your design

"Doctor I need something new"

.....................................and the pretty girls in tight
ass jeans giggle as they go
Cub4ucme said:
You are so clueless I promise you that for tonight this is my last post to you.

The fact is, you will regret you did this and I won't take any satisfaction in proving that.

It's just that, you are in need of embarressment.

Nothing is more obvious to me at this moment.

I'll make sure that happens.

Feel free now to bark all you want. Here's the shovel, dig a deep one.


Look andy, I am pretty tolerant. Your childish ranting is almost funny, you wont get to me, however, I did report your threats to Laurel. I will not toelrate being threatened by anyone, not even a pitiful creature like you.

and I made sure to QUOTE your threats so you cannot alter them!!

go ahead, tell me I am stupid. YOU are so predictable now,. dont you see it? YOU call everyone names, even when they are being kind to you.

You need to work on your internal dialogue. It is low self esteem that causes a person to treat people the way you do. You need help, and I am not trying to insult you. I just worry about anyone who is so cruel and hateful. It is not normal.


off topic

Maria2394 said:
Hey Senna!!!
Hi Maria,

you were and are always infinitely kind to me. Thus I feel awful that on one of my poems, or even two--I think, you have decided on a fractional comment only. It's fine to disagree. (Please, don't censor yourself. Am I such a monster?)

Warm regards,

Senna Jawa
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Senna Jawa said:
Hi Maria,

you were and are always infinitely kind to me. Thus I feel awful that of one of my poems, or even two--I think, you have decided on a fractional comment only. It's fine to disagree. (Please, don't censor yourself. Am I such a monster?)

Warm regards,

Senna Jawa

NO, Dear Senna!! You are not a monster. I just did not know how to articulate what I wanted to say at that time and was genuinely afraid of expresssing myself incorrectly and looking ignorant ( something that usually does not frighten me). I have since read that poem several times and try to see it differently each reading. When I understand how I want to say it, I will


thanks for the note!!

Maria2394 said:
Look andy, I am pretty tolerant. Your childish ranting is almost funny, you wont get to me, however, I did report your threats to Laurel. I will not toelrate being threatened by anyone, not even a pitiful creature like you.

and I made sure to QUOTE your threats so you cannot alter them!!

go ahead, tell me I am stupid. YOU are so predictable now,. dont you see it? YOU call everyone names, even when they are being kind to you.

You need to work on your internal dialogue. It is low self esteem that causes a person to treat people the way you do. You need help, and I am not trying to insult you. I just worry about anyone who is so cruel and hateful. It is not normal.



Threaten you?

Listen you big mouth bitch. What you did was jump in here tonight before I knew who the hell you were and started all over me.

Since then, you've been accusing me of doing what you did.

I didn't threaten you. I merely informed you that you are going to be sorry about tonight because you will be embarressed eating your words.

What part of that don't you get?

Report me to whomever you so choose. They can read too.

People like you are so damn phony they clog up communication
channels acting like they are innocent.

If you never stopped in here and started with me you wouldn't be reading this right now, would you?

And that goes for every other asshole who came to Senna's defense from day one.

All I did was comment negatively on his poetry and call him on his personality which I had some background on before doing so.

Now, I said I wouldn't comment to you again so I put my foot in my mouth here. Take note of it. Because you will be doing a lot more shoe chewing than me before this is done.

Is that a threat? You don't know me. You jumped in here like a fucking rabbit and started on me tonight. All because you think I started all of this.

Well, guess again.

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sweetjain said:
i yi yi. Okay, I am here for the poetry when I am not distracted by other stuff in my life. I think this is a social place, but there is no reason why it can't be both, right? I am not sure what got you so riled up, but I hope you calm down and quit attacking people.

Also, despite Tzara's claim that he doesn't know anything about poetry, I think he knows quite a lot. Maybe this place isn't your thing; that's fine. There's no reason to sling shit. My advice is to chill out and give it a chance.

Another fucking country heard from.

Get the picture!

I am being attacked and defending myself.

It's too fucking funny after awhile.

Really, it is.

You are another one. You come in here and tell me to stop
attacking people.

Do you have any concept of communication?
If I were you I would have asked what was going on or I would
have read the history and then critically commented on it.

You wonder why I respond this way?

Try defending yourself against an army of rug rats coming
at you from all angles, talking about your parents, your dick,
and then having the next jerkoff enter the picture assuming
I'm the one who caused it all.

Nice try!

Cub4ucme said:
Senna, you know it's a funny thing.
Andy, give yourself at least 20h rest from Literotica, take a step back, get some distance. You are acting irrationally. And whether you acknowledge it or not, you made several threats. I am not making any fuss about it. But you should be alarmed by your irresponsibility. Don't hurry--you may leash at me all you want but first do yourself a favor, give yourself a 20h break.

You claim your haiku is better than Ezra Pound.
It's you who makes arbitrary claims. You make unfounded self-serving claims & unfounded offensive claims.

People here and elsewhere know that when I say something I know what I am saying, I can explain what I am saying. I don't bluff, I don't posture.

I actually have explained (as opposed to claimed) the weaknesses of the Pound's poem. E.g. its language. Not to mention, that it was not a terribly original work. He was a novice in the realm of oriental-like poetry. He was learning the oriental ways, he sold it to many, but he didn't really get it. He was no Arthur Waley nor Stephen Owen in the field of Oriental poetry.

Basho would say that Pound's poem was too pretty. (And petals on a bough were cliched during the Pound's time too).

Pound did better in a piece of prose. I think that I have quoted those few lines by Pound, on this forum. They were much better than Pound's poem, no comparison.

You defend it against many posts that question it and try to sound smart by attempting to double talk everyone.
I don't defend. You manipulate words like the lowest political scum. You use the new-speak. I just state things which might be useful to "working poets". Once again you are projecting your flaws onto me. I don't "try to sound smart" like you do. I have essential findings and I state them, as I did in the case of the role of defaults in poetry. It's one of my original contributions to the field of poetry criticism. I also make known notions crisper. You don't have a single original bone in your (unartistic) body, you don't have the necessary intellectual equipment, and first of all--you don't have any integrity, hence you cannot appreciate such things as an authentic contribution, you don't even know what it means. You're just talking blah-blah-blah.

I offer you an opportunity to enter your poetry into domains where there are people who make a living critiquing poetry, short-stories, editing, reviewing, and writing about the same.
Some of these people were learning from the people who were learning from me or at least were influenced by me. You never know.

I don't have any need for "four star generals". I don't need my experts in uniforms, with any formal distinctions. If someone makes sense, that's all I need. S/he may be naked :). "Four stars" or no "four stars", it makes no difference to me.

You never respond to that.
Because you don't even realize how rude and misplaced your propositions are (and plainly idiotic too). But I will answer your request in a separate thread, so that everybody, not just you, will know where I stand, when someone wants to use my work for whatever reasons. Then some other Literotica authors may make similar statements for themselves (about their own work), with possible modifications.

This does not mean, under no circumstances, that when you copy or pass my work by whatever means (even say by a link) that you can claim that you have some kind of a link to me, that there is any of my cooperation, that I am a part of your initiative, that there is any positive agreement or whatever besides the provided minimal general right given to everybody. I don't want any part of you, I don't want any association with you. You shall treat my poems just like poems by a Pound or Basho or whoever. I don't know you, I don't want to know you. You may deal with my poems like with poems of any stranger, that's all. Don't make any references to any contact between us. In short, I don't care what you do. Just stay within the legal and customary norms. For now wait for the other thread, then read it carefully. OK, enough about it.

What you do is try to persuade your limited audience of how bad my poetry is. That didn't work.
You're not the belly button of the Universe. I don't care about you and about what you call your poetry. Others are welcome to think whatever they please. When we have conversations on this forum then sometimes I voice my opinion. That's all. I also like to be helpful to the "working poets".

I have been publised for years all over the world. If you look hard enough you will figure out why you don't know that.
I did try a spoon of your stuff (several texts). Neither publishing nor publising can make those texts (or any) any better or worse. Poems don't get better by being published. A poem is a poem is a poem. There would have to be a good reason for me to look at another of your texts. Perhaps if a friend asks me about my opinion then I might do it, but without any enthusiasm, it will be a sacrifice on my part. But I would do it open minded, I am always objective about poems, I don't lash at a poem just because its author is an asshole. That's because I know poetry, hence I like and respect poetry. (I certainly don't respect your comments, they're meaningless in the context of poetry).

I will take great satisfaction when I decide (keyword I) to enlighten you about this foolish journey you've embarked on.
I care about poetry, you dream about putting another person down (keep dreaming). I care about poems, you care about being published. And so it goes. You're superficial.

Senna Jawa

PS. Literotica messed up the formatting of several of my poems, while I was always exceptionally particular about the look of my texts. The task of fixing so many of them is too overwhelming for me, especially that the Literotica procedure is cumbersome (to me). But I might fix one poem at the time, and it's extra easy for me to present such a poem straight here on this forum. Thus please, do not copy automatically any of my poems from Literotica to outside when a poem has a funny format. Let me reformat it first. During the early years of Internet, one my poem has appeared in a prestigious collection (by Alexies or something like this)--I was not asked; and I would not mind, except that it was not the right version. That was highly frustrating, unpleasant.
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bogusbrig said:
Entertaining stuff, well worth the read.

Makes you wonder why he is overly sensitive.

he is overly sensitive because he is not sensitive


Senna Jawa

PS. Anybody knows a song composer? "association" from this thread is waiting for music.
Senna Jawa said:
. . . Anybody knows a song composer? "association" from this thread is waiting for music.

if this is a serious question, try Liar. i know he was asking for some poetry from writers here to put to music a while back.

that "Association" piece reads like it could fit with a ghostly "Masters of the House" type melody. :)

and hey, Liar, good luck with the thesis . . . i'm glad those times of lost weekends and caffeine and No-Doz are over.
