My Andy Thread

Senna Jawa said:
People here and elsewhere know that when I say something I know what I am saying, I can explain what I am saying.

Let's clarify this statement.

SOME people here BELIEVE you know what your are saying.

Your M.O. isn't hard to detect.

You paint with a broad brush when you are in
this mode. It's another chance to solidify your
perceived knowledge of the art of poetry.

Furthermore you'd love to use this space
to paint me as some maniac who arrived here
and started ranting. You assume people
aren't as smart as you.

A classic example of an egomaniac.

For the life of me I can't figure out why you won't post your haiku in
critical arenas. I mean, afterall, according to you *YOU KNOW WHAT YOU
, and I am some bag of wind, who's poetry
isn't worthy of validation.

It seems a mature, logical, and reasonable means to settle the argument.

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TheRainMan said:
i would imagine Liar might ask you to justify this first, before he defends the opposing opinion, since this statement was made first and his is merely a response to it.
This is NOT a court case Liar vs SJ.
Senna Jawa said:
This is NOT a court case Liar vs SJ.

that's a stating of the obvious.

you made a statement about the poem in question. this:

Senna Jawa said:
"Befriending the Wolf" is adolescent and devoid of poetry.

Liar disagreed and said:

Liar said:
No, it's not. It's pretty fucking good.

you asked him to justify it. he did, at least as much as he wanted to and within his time constraints.

i'd be interested in seeing the justification for your statement, if you wished. i realize that would be time-consuming and you may not want to do it.

that's fine too. it's no big deal.

as you say, it isn't Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka.
Senna Jawa said:
This is NOT a court case Liar vs SJ.
You're right. You asked me for justification of my statement, and I gave it. Satisfyingly enough for you or not, I have no idea. If you replied, it got lost in the latest Cub-boy's diatribe flood, and I haven't seen it. And no, I never asked for the same justification back. (TRM did, though.)

So how about I explicitly ask you: Why do you say it is devoid of poetry? I'm curious.
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Cub4ucme said:
You know, it's a good study in human physchology, these boards.

First I read Robin (senna) the boy wonder's comment calling me crap.

I figure ok, I've been defending myself too much.

There couldn't possibly be someone out there immature enough to actually quote that in order to make sure it's repeated.

Well, lo and behold, along comes the idiot. Bells ringing, all ready to have a giggle over the phrase ANDY CRAP.

So, I have decided to start being an asshole all over again.

It's not a hard game to play.

You start, I eventually finish. In the process I make you look like an asshole.

Why you'd want to play is beyond me.

But, hey, I'll accomodate you.

Polly wants a cracker, so what's a guy to you do?
I dig through the cupboards of that apartment zoo.
In a lair of many versatile a beast
some are always hungry when others seem to feast.
And some, oh some, seem to get their rocks off
from the simple habit of tearing people's socks off.
I say 'Hey Mrs Andersson, you have too many pets'
I come here every other week in case the nurse forgets
to feed a single one, cause Mrs Andersson would sack her.
So someone please, give Polly a motherfucking cracker.



No, I really mean that, it's fucking clever.

It's like taking poetry and making a fucking cartoon out of it.

...and the bonus, (to boot) is you get to say MOTHERFUCKING!

I was thinking (I do that occasionally) in between reminding
Senna (who's about as bright as Jenna with a cock) that his poetry sucks:
that it's time to bring the hammer down.

So, let's start with you asshole. How cool does it feel to giggle over
Andy Crap. It's a sure sign that you probably spend a lot of time
licking cheeries off of noodle strings.

You're about as humorous as a frog with a fucking lit firecracker in its

Do you know anything about C++?

Well, don't worry it doesn't know much about you either.

So far, so good.

ANDY CRAP~~~~~~~~ That's the joke for today!

Imagine that!

Polly wants a cracker and Andy's crap.


be back soon and I ain't looking to be no governor of Cali FORN ya

One ghost turn to whisper
in the other's ear
and one ghost giggles.
The face in between
a Picasso mosaic,
forward and sideways at once,
of secrets and smiles.


What precisely is a GhOST TURN?

Is it something that makes you go giggle giggle before
you suck a rattle like it's a used cock?

Is it a type of lingo for slam poetry?

You know, the kind you yell out and get everybody
so involved emotionally that they don't understand
you're too fucking stupid to remember plurals in
your poetry.

Now, I have nothing against slam poets.

I actually enjoy the scene and the atmosphere.

Every once in a while though you see some immature
asshole in the corner giggling to something like ANDY CRAP.

You know, something so unique and clever they just have
to giggle.

That's not the cool part, though. What's really cool
is when they realize there is no C in WOW.

Then they just roll over laughing and it's just so funny.

Well, maybe it's one of those geographical jokes, you know, the kind
where you have to be there.

Well, you sure as hell made SOMEBODY look like an asshole.

I make a flippant remark against a particulary juvenile post by Senna Jawa, and you go on a pathetic, epically rambling kindergarten style vendetta bender against me? Good call, Buckwheat.

And then you attack a piece of doggerell and a typo of mine, as if they mattered, coupled with totally unrelated, and quite comical diatribe about my silly little post, expecting me to...what? Bawl? You whine about being under attack and defending yourself. Please quote where I attacked you. Because it sure as fuck wasn't in that post.

Seriously, what's your game? How are you wired? I don't get it. You're a bright fella, a fairly good and knowledgable poet, but it seems impossible to conduct civil discourse with you. I've tried, but I think I'm giving up now.

(What's a cheerie? Short for cheerleader? Then I wouldn't mind a lick.)
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they 'mean' well

The Flavor of Your Kindness

With palms together,
Good Morning Sangha,

Each of 'us' brings energy into the world. Some bring angry energy, some happy energy, some sad energy, and each of these eneries are expressed through our affect and behavior. It is reflected in the choices we make. People see us and see reflected in us the energy we are communicating. In this way, the energy travels.

It is important for us to understand that which energy is being expressed is a result of the thoughts we have and that these thoughts are based on perception, though in most cases a perception distorted by our memory. Our memory forms a virtual encyclopedia of senses, experiences, concepts; it is our universe and is kept active by a little monkey that seems to delight in stirring the couldron.

The thing is, we have the ability to see directly without the couldron of history. In so doing we see without distortion. We see without our history. In such cases we see exactly and precisely what is there with nothing added; no discrimination, no like, no dislike, no name. When we see this way only Buddha-nature is communicated in our affect and our behavior.

I often rant about the fall of civilization, both western and eastern. I rant about materialism and hedonism. I rant about Wal-Mart and McDonalds, about obesity and (to borrow from another religious tradition) the other deadly sins. These rants contain an expression of affect and are a behavior. They betray, to a certain extent, a standard and a judgement regarding a deviation from that standard.

Where does this standard come from? Is a moment of the cushion or on a walk or in an activity which reveals a clear perception of the buddha within that standard? And if so, what do we do with it?

As we allow this buddha to arise and manifest itself in us, we are manifesting the excellences of our Original Nature. We are the paramitas: generosity, patience, precepts, vigor, meditation, and wisdom. We know that on the one hand, all things are the dharma and are expressions of the universe in process. We know on the other hand that some of these expressions are conducive to the discovery of harmony and compassion, whgereas others are distractions, poisons, if you will, that take us away from a compassionate heart.

It comes to intent. Intent is key to the proiduction of karma. If our rant is for the sake of bringing beings closer to the attainment of perfection, then it is one thing, a noble purpose. If on the other hand the rant is for our personal gratification, to simply "vent" or to prove another is wrong, corrupt, a failure, whatever, then this is a sin, a mis-step along our path.

All of our affect, all of our behavior should thus be evaluated by us as we get up from bed and go through our day. Our practice is to bring our buddha-nature into the world through our compassionate action. To do this we need to recognize our intent and act for the correct purposes. To do this, we need to develop a strong zazen practice. Time with ourselves on the cushion in quiet stillness and serene reflection is a direct patrh to clarity.

With deep love and affection for all.

by So Daiho Hilbert
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At the risk of being provocative and upsetting someone. Any chance of some poetry?
Cub4ucme said:
It will never work. I have been publised for years
all over the world. If you look hard enough you
will figure out why you don't know that.</snip>

Stick around!

andy and the International Poet's Society must love you.
champagne1982 said: and the International Poet's Society must love you.

What fiber, in this vast universe, rubs against your brain causing
electrons to flip-out?

Your poetry picking puke is of no concern to me.

You're like a fly stuck to that sticky yellow paper.

You can still flap your wings but you can't fly.

Carry on!

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champagne1982 said:
I took your advice, andy. It's lovely now.

Which is nothing more than evidence of your penchant for being a knave and a coward.

Now, you think it's fine to have me on ignore while you continue to
spit your silly and thoughtless paper darts.

Brilliant you are, just brilliant.

Synchronated Sound


My cat does not meow;
the assumption of sound
how the ear distinguishes
between the bark, and the growl
these are things of great interest.

She shaves her pussy
convinced she does it for me
when she paints my face
with the honey from her river
she never gives a second
thought to the smoothness
of the hard bone just above her boat.

My cat does not meow;
the practice of giving to receive
how the karma is established
the boomerang affect of
bad, and good intentions
these are things of great interest.

She sits slow upon my cock
her breasts ear muff my world
she rocks the thunder in my 'cane
a soft smile after the release
she believes it was for me
it keeps her coming back
needy, wet, and swollen
I won't fill her in:

My cat does not meow


Senna Jawa said:
I actually have explained (as opposed to claimed) the weaknesses of the Pound's poem. E.g. its language. .

"In a Station at the Metro"

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.

Ezra Pound

By true definition Pound's poem is not haiku.

The first line depicts the poet looking at faces as apparitions.
The second line comes across as a belated conclusion.

Thus, the two lines above are technically a short poem
not haiku.

I view the second line metaphorically.

In haiku the poet doesn't divide time.
It is about one experience.

Therefore your poem is not technically haiku either.

Now, you can argue the point all day if you want but,
you'd be as wrong as you've been about most everything
else you seem to have sold yourself on.

So, let's take your short poem and put it up against Pound's
short poem.

All you offer the reader is a night in a windowless office
that evolves into you walking outside and finding there
is snow covering the ground.

There is not one bit of enlightenment conveyed to the reader.

It's simply a dead poem.

On the other hand Pound's poem tells me that he cannot
look at a crowd without looking at single people in that
crowd. He also brings color into it. Making me believe
his intention was to view these people as if they had
hung on in his mind as apparitions, recalled by memory,
when he wrote the poem.

There is at least five times the amount of thoughts
to ponder in his short two lines than there is in
your poem.

The fact that you can't see that and that you continue
to inform us that you've explained why your poem
is superior does not make it superior to his poem
at all.

What it does establish, is exactly what I have been
attempting (to no avail) to get across to you: Your
ego is in the way of critical analyses.

You are one of those poets that doesn't have the
ability to write a poem (good or bad) and let it
go. You believe you can change peoples minds
about poor writing by EXPLAINING.

That might work for some of your audience here
but, you are only doing them a disservice.

All your explaining is based on ego.

There is no substance to it, nor does it have any

I've read your EXPLANATIONS.

They are more comical than critical.

It's your right to post anything you so choose.

It's also my right to expose your blatant inadaquacies
in reference to those same explinations.

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Maria2394 said:
I bet he even bought the book!!! :nana:

Waiting for my baby
in a supermarket parking lot
near Panama City, Florida
(I have nothing else to do)<<<<<<<<<

Maria 2394

As if I should concern myself with your opinion.

I'll be over to your thread to offer some constructive
critism on the poem (by your own admission) you are
most PROUD of.

Maybe you might learn something since you have
(nothing else to do).

Thanks for stopping in; impressive contribution you made.

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what thread would that be? The poem I am MOST proud of is in PRINT anthology. go fuck yourself, again

ya know, some people come here to write and GROW.

is all the EXPLINATION ( spelled it like you so you would understand) I offer. I never called myself a poet, never came in this PLace like you have and trashed peoples' character, writing ability, etc... AND I never said that poem was "good" by any stretch of the imagination. At times, people post work here to get feedback. You shoudl try it, OR maybe you did and no one gushed and WOW'ed over your work and that does seem to be about the time you began your hateful, foul-mouthed tirade against people here.

ANd I noticed that you DE CLINED a very gracious invitation to join in the Poetry discussion cirlcle which IS soley poetry, were you afraid? I think you were and still are.

Wow what a way to get people to listen to you, to gain respect. Too bad you havent passed out yet...
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normal jean said:
what thread would that be? The poem I am MOST proud of is in PRINT anthology. go fuck yourself, again

ya know, some people come here to write and GROW.

is all the EXPLINATION ( spelled it like you so you would understand) I offer. I never called myself a poet, never came in this PLace like you have and trashed peoples' character, writing ability, etc... AND I never said that poem was "good" by any stretch of the imagination. At times, people post work here to get feedback. You shoudl try it, OR maybe you did and no one gushed and WOW'ed over your work and that does seem to be about the time you began your hateful, foul-mouthed tirade against people here.

ANd I noticed that you DE CLINED a very gracious invitation to join in the Poetry discussion cirlcle which IS soley poetry, were you afraid? I think you were and still are.

Wow what a way to get people to listen to you, to gain respect. Too bad you havent passed out yet...

Oh, excuse me!

I didn't realize you and Maria were the same people.

Either you are less intelligent than I first thought (and that
would be of revelational measure) or, you are simply barking
up the wrong tree once again.

Pick your leg up next time.

normal jean said:
ANd I noticed that you DE CLINED a very gracious invitation to join in the Poetry discussion cirlcle which IS soley poetry, were you afraid? I think you were and still are.


I declined to post there because I don't feel like taking the extra step
to post my poetry for critique.

I ddn't see any purpose of having to submit a poem
and then have it reviewed and approved for critique.

I post my poetry in many forums for critique with little fear or
concern for what may arise.

I do it to improve my writing and the poem.

If you would take a minute to scan the folder you are referring to
you would find I am contributing there.

I have also posted approxiametely ten poems on this site in the past

Feel free to critique any of them. So long as you know in advance
there is little chance of you influencing me or my poetry in any way.

That conclusion is based on reading you.

normal jean said:
yeah! I was impressed that you didnt call anyone an asshole in there not ONCE!!

and funny how you rushed in 3 minutes after I posted

woof, woof

if and when I raise my leg, it will be to piss on your toy soKdiers


Funny that you should pick an award winning poem to piss on.

That say's a great deal about your purpose for being here.

It also enlightens me to the fact that you know little, or nothing
about the subject matter of this board.

That's telling in itself.

normal jean said:
yeah! I was impressed that you didnt call anyone an asshole in there not ONCE!!

You're not very bright.

You have this strange idea that you can throw insults around and misread
posts as if you are somehow exempt from being confronted.

For the record; there is nobody in that folder calling me an ASSHOLE.

Thus, as fate would have it, I haven't called anyone an ASSHOLE there

You're here to get wet.

So go ahead get wet, drown if you choose but you really should stop
making a fool of yourself.

You make no sense, you attack and then claim I attack, and you are attempting to get to me by dumping on my poetry.

All of that is immature, and I reiterate, very telling.

lonely man fills up on meat
angry man fills up on hate
humble man fills up on faith

I am going outdoors to enjoy this gorgeous day and get the taste of your colic out of my mouth.

when you grow up, let me know

I do care about you Andy. YOU need help. I cant give it to you, but I can wish you the best that you are able to cull considering how you treat people


oh yeah, I was NOT dumping on your poetry, you TOLD me to point out IF you had any mistakes...seems like a misspelled word in the TITLE would have been a clue, lol

cub4ucme said:
I make lots of those, stick around so I can slap you around some more.

I think you like it.

Find them in my poetry and then we'll talk.

That is after you are done rolling on the floor laughing your ass off just like I explained you would be at that Slam.

This is a very easy game when you're playing against the handicapped.

I pointed out a mistake and you call me names.

ps, it is Stratego, ( one E, not 2)
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normal jean said:
lonely man fills up on meat
angry man fills up on hate
humble man fills up on faith

I am going outdoors to enjoy this gorgeous day and get the taste of your colic out of my mouth.

when you grow up, let me know

I do care about you Andy. YOU need help. I cant give it to you, but I can wish you the best that you are able to cull considering how you treat people


oh yeah, I was NOT dumping on your poetry, you TOLD me to point out IF you had any mistakes...seems like a misspelled word in the TITLE would have been a clue, lol

Swans swim in soft lines
large to small, they float
against the gravity of science
until you peel away
the facts, then the answers
come in slow parades.

........................and the pretty girls in tight ass jeans giggle as they go.
