My wife did it again!!


I just heard from Mrs. Screwher. She's on her way home. I told her it seems like she didn't spend that much time with Greg at his place. Also not to rush home only account. But honestly I was just being courteous. I want her to come home now. Yes we had a fantastic sex session ourselves just yesterday afternoon. But now I'm fucking hard and horny again. Because she ran into Greg. And he took her back to his place to screw her! So Greg got his tonight and I want some pussy now!

I just heard from Mrs. Screwher. She's on her way home. I told her it seems like she didn't spend that much time with Greg at his place. Also not to rush home only account. But honestly I was just being courteous. I want her to come home now. Yes we had a fantastic sex session ourselves just yesterday afternoon. But now I'm fucking hard and horny again. Because she ran into Greg. And he took her back to his place to screw her! So Greg got his tonight and I want some pussy now!

Are the panties still in her purse for the ride home?
Maybe you'll get a delicious fresh cream pie. Can't wait until you attempt to describe your first taste, and feel.
..... And what Ms. Screwher feels, and thinks , while doing you afterwards.
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The 'Greg says hi' is a really significant 'free up'. Future dividends there mate! Perhaps she mentioned that you'd had terrific sex just the day before. That would be cool.

My sexy Mrs. Screwher did indeed get home with some time to spare for a bit of our own fun. It wasn't a marathon session but she didn't have one with Greg either. As soon as she got home I reassured her she didn't have to cut herself short from her time with him. She told me she was fine with the amount of time they had tonight. She wasn't expecting to see him to tonight. So when she saw him it was a spur of the moment thing. "So we petty much decided to head to his place. We only did it once. Then I pretty much just came home. But I am getting tired..." That was a hint - "let's go upstairs now if you want some too!"

Our reclaiming sex was short but sweet. I'm good with that now as we had a fantastic session yesterday. I just wanted to fuck her. We got upstairs I basically just ripped her clothes off and threw her on the bed. We screwed in her fave position - her hips at the edge with me standing. When I wanted to cum I brought her to her feet and bent her over our bed. I finished from behind that way.

Sorry it's not much of an update. But there wasn't much to tell. But I do feel tonight another step deeper into our new(ish) lifestyle.
The 'Greg says hi' is a really significant 'free up'. Future dividends there mate! Perhaps she mentioned that you'd had terrific sex just the day before. That would be cool.

I have to agree with you Simon. Greg is showing signs that he's (getting?) comfortable with me in relation to his sex with my wife. Yes, that'll mean big dividends!
I have to agree with you Simon. Greg is showing signs that he's (getting?) comfortable with me in relation to his sex with my wife. Yes, that'll mean big dividends!

That's great news. As Greg gets more comfortable with you and you start to chat it brings the possibility of him fucking your wonderful hot wife in your own bed much closer.. 😛
That's great news. As Greg gets more comfortable with you and you start to chat it brings the possibility of him fucking your wonderful hot wife in your own bed much closer.. 😛

Exactly what I was thinking! First step - they start using our bedroom and our marital bed for their sex. Second step - I'm invited in to watch as he fucks her!
Screwher, dear friend. I'm sure I speak for all your thread followers when I say, "You never need to say sorry to us".

Gym, coffee, fucked at his, home to you, you offload your satisfaction into her - all good pal!! We all wanna see this gal having LOTS of sex, and that means these quick jobs as well as the all-night shagging marathons! :cool:
Screwher, dear friend. I'm sure I speak for all your thread followers when I say, "You never need to say sorry to us".

Gym, coffee, fucked at his, home to you, you offload your satisfaction into her - all good pal!! We all wanna see this gal having LOTS of sex, and that means these quick jobs as well as the all-night shagging marathons! :cool:

I'll 2nd that!

I just heard from Mrs. Screwher. She's on her way home. I told her it seems like she didn't spend that much time with Greg at his place. Also not to rush home only account. But honestly I was just being courteous. I want her to come home now. Yes we had a fantastic sex session ourselves just yesterday afternoon. But now I'm fucking hard and horny again. Because she ran into Greg. And he took her back to his place to screw her! So Greg got his tonight and I want some pussy now!

so proud of you

First off please be patient with me with this update. I'm posting after stumbling home late after a night of booze and buddies. When I got home Mrs. Screwher was still up. Probably making sure I got home in ine piece. She wasn't too impressed with my drunken state but it's not anything she hasntv seem before. But she did say "Remember we're hitting the gym tomorrow!" As well as "oh and Greg called tonight. we're meeting him at the gym tomorrow." Then she went off to bed.

Right at this moment I don't know exactly what that means. But I'm excited. Ill update again when I have something.

First off please be patient with me with this update. I'm posting after stumbling home late after a night of booze and buddies. When I got home Mrs. Screwher was still up. Probably making sure I got home in ine piece. She wasn't too impressed with my drunken state but it's not anything she hasntv seem before. But she did say "Remember we're hitting the gym tomorrow!" As well as "oh and Greg called tonight. we're meeting him at the gym tomorrow." Then she went off to bed.

Right at this moment I don't know exactly what that means. But I'm excited. Ill update again when I have something.

That's amazing news. You , your hot wife and her lover sitting down for coffee and a chat. Love to be a fly on the wall listening to this one. I have done it many times over the years and I was never anything but totally excited and rock hard at the prospect.
Really looking forward to your update. Hope the hangover isn't too painful.
Happy Sunday.
I know you've said all along that you are not looking to participate in a threesome. What if that comes up in the conversation some time with Greg? Perhaps not first time since he started screwing her, but ... it just might? If you Mrs wanted that? ... Just thinking you might give a bit of a 'review' to your thinking mate??? :)
That's amazing news. You , your hot wife and her lover sitting down for coffee and a chat. Love to be a fly on the wall listening to this one. I have done it many times over the years and I was never anything but totally excited and rock hard at the prospect.
Really looking forward to your update. Hope the hangover isn't too painful.
Happy Sunday.

Thank you. Today is going to be exciting!
I know you've said all along that you are not looking to participate in a threesome. What if that comes up in the conversation some time with Greg? Perhaps not first time since he started screwing her, but ... it just might? If you Mrs wanted that? ... Just thinking you might give a bit of a 'review' to your thinking mate??? :)

Yes, you're right. I have said I have no interest in participating in a threesome. But I agree - in the heat if the moment if Mrs.Screwher wants that then who knows for sure. In all likelihood my participation in a threesome would be on the receiving end of some of my wife's great oral skills. I'm never going to turn that down.

My goal with all this is to watch my wife get laid. If agreeing to a threesome before is what gets me into the bedroom with them then so be it. Screwing my wife is hardly a sacrifice lol!!
I'm TOTALLY thrilled that your thinking is opening up in that direction pal. I feel you have the stature as a sex fiend to be a major part of the fun if your woman should want to explore that. Yeah. You prepare for a situation where another man is admiring your work on your wife. As we all do here anyway.
What really did it for me when I met some of my wife's lovers. One was the way she made it clear, very quickly, she was with him. Moving closer, enjoying his conversation and ignoring anything I had to say. She was with Him Not me. Secondly watching them head off together hand in hand or him with his arm around my wife. Me sitting there with a very hard cock knowing with certainty that very soon she would be sucking his cock or guiding it into her wet , welcoming cunt.

First off please be patient with me with this update. I'm posting after stumbling home late after a night of booze and buddies. When I got home Mrs. Screwher was still up. Probably making sure I got home in ine piece. She wasn't too impressed with my drunken state but it's not anything she hasntv seem before. But she did say "Remember we're hitting the gym tomorrow!" As well as "oh and Greg called tonight. we're meeting him at the gym tomorrow." Then she went off to bed.

Right at this moment I don't know exactly what that means. But I'm excited. Ill update again when I have something.

Awesome news! Watching your wife fuck is amazing - it will blow your mind.

First off please be patient with me with this update. I'm posting after stumbling home late after a night of booze and buddies. When I got home Mrs. Screwher was still up. Probably making sure I got home in ine piece. She wasn't too impressed with my drunken state but it's not anything she hasntv seem before. But she did say "Remember we're hitting the gym tomorrow!" As well as "oh and Greg called tonight. we're meeting him at the gym tomorrow." Then she went off to bed.

Right at this moment I don't know exactly what that means. But I'm excited. Ill update again when I have something.

The waiting is the hardest......

It took me a little longer than I'd like to get my act together today lol. But Mrs. Screwher and I did get our butts to the gym. It was pretty exciting as like I posted earlier the plan was to meet Greg there. We arrived, warmed up a bit then hit the cardio machines. Soon enough Greg showed up. We said hello and exchanged pleasantries. I don't know if he was putting on a brave front as I was right beside my wife, the woman that he's screwing. Honestly though it was me that was the tense one. Up until now we've had some minor exchanges but it was looking like we were going to be spending at least the afternoon together. I could also feel it where it counts as it was very exciting being in their presence them together!

I excused myself off the machine I was using beside my wife. He immediately took it over. I told them I was only to hit the weights area. The weights are part of my routine but it was so they'd have some time alone together. Every once in awhile I'd go back into the cardio area to get some water (or whatever reason) just so I'd get another look at my wife with her lover. Of course on the outside it all looked innocent enough. They chatted while they worked out of course. But you'd never know that this married lady has gotten naked with this other man and had his penis in her vagina. That said just seeing them was exhilarating! I finished up my workout, showered and waited for my wife.

Soon Mrs. Screwher appeared and told me that we're waiting for Greg. Which I was anticipating anyway. She said she'd like it if we joined Greg for lunch and coffee. Of course!! When he caught up to us we made our way to the restaurant down the road from the gym. Greg was charming and courteous. We kept our conversation light discussing mutual interests and pop culture. The only time it seems things might have gotten a bit tense was when I asked "So what happens now when we're done here?" What I really wanted to say was "So you two are going to go somewhere and fuck??!! Our marital bed is available!!" But he replied "I'm sorry. But I actually have a family thing this evening."
I surprised myself by actually saying " That's ok. You two can get together again soon enough." Wow! When I said that my heart began to race and my cock started to get hard!

We bid our adieus and I asked we do this again soon. On the way home my wife asked if I still cool with this afternoon. I assured her that I was thrilled. That it was really exciting being around them like that. Needless to say it wasn't long after we got home I was pulling her clothes off! We had a fabulous sex session!

Not much of an update to get excited about. I was hoping we would be finishing up our reclaiming sex after she spent the evening at Greg's. But I'm not complaining. I feel today was another step in our hot wife lives together !