New author with questions

DirtyGyrl said:
HI......I am thinking about posting s few stories to the site and could use some advice from those of you who have posted before. I have recently had somre personal experiences desearving of being turned into a story, but how does one take a personal story and turn it into something others want to read, a story that flows?
Dear DG: I feel compelled to re-address you due to the inept righteousness of Pure who is one of the most inconsistently logical and aggressively disruptive beings one might come across on the AH. That stated--

Perhaps in my post above I should have emphasized "From your query", for it was only from your few dozen words that I made my judgment. My point: you asked a big question with little for anyone to go by. It's my opinion you've received some good replies, none particularly rude or offputting to my mind. I will presume, at least hope, you lurk about and read a number of other threads and find the majority of us welcoming.

I welcome you, I am rarely impolite, and I know lots about writing.

Regards, Perdita
Yes she does, and she's very good, too.

-FF (sincerely)

ps. Sorry, Perdita, love, I just can't ever seem to resist the word play.
Unnecessary negativism

perdita said:
your query
Dear Perdita,
I don't think you should have called someone that here on an open forum. It's not only judgemental on your part, it is uncharacteristically insensitivie.
Dear, dear Maths,

I believe you are using the less common faggy pronunciation. Please take back your harumph once you hear your error.

Appreciatively though,

Dgirl whatever you do don't write the story in first person. It's a sucky pov, hardly ever done well
and BTW watch pure. It's like watching a dime store mood ring liable to change with tempeture but not really reflecting a full range of emotion.
Originally posted by perdita I believe you are using the less common faggy pronunciation. Please take back your harumph once you hear your error.
Dear Perdita,
Okay, I see your point. I'll take back that 'harumph,' but I'm going to keep it handy.
MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, Okay, I see your point. I'll take back that 'harumph,' but I'm going to keep it handy. MG
Thank you, dear. I certainly didn't expect you to throw it away.

moods and midol...

destinie21 said:
It's like watching a dime store mood ring liable to change with tempeture but not really reflecting a full range of emotion.

What a great analogy!
Destiny opined,

Dgirl whatever you do don't write the story in first person. It's a sucky pov, hardly ever done well

I don't think this is true at all, though perhaps of all bad stories at literotica, lots are first person.

Taking things from the other side, many of the best stories are first person. The last Bright anthology I checked had about 1/3 first person stories, for the 'best of the year.'

Perdida said,

Pure, the Lit. non-author (can't find his/her stories posted), is a twat; says I, Perdita.

I am rarely impolite, and I know lots about writing.

Licensed, as one of a select group literary ladies, to use an offensive term for the female sex organ as an degrading label for those she dislikes.

Lacking a little in cuntal imagination, some possibilities Perd might try are:

"Pure is a disgusting syphlitic twat leaking three day old cum."

"Pure is an inflammed twat from an overnight super-tampon long overdue to be removed."


Pure, the shriveled menopausal twat.
Pure said:
Destiny opined,

Taking things from the other side, many of the best stories are first person. The last Bright anthology I checked had about 1/3 first person stories, for the 'best of the year.'


Just : out of curiosity do you ever take anything but the "other" side? :rolleyes

BTW note the spelling of my name. I'm sure it was just a simple typo:rolleyes:
I just can't help but notice that the girl who started the thread never came back. So many of them don't. Just a simple observation...

A little chuckle for you: I was out on the road today and stopped at a little country bar for a drink. The VERY elderly man who has his ELDERLY daughter running the place now (just pointing out, he's pretty old) looked at me and said...

"Are you married?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Would you cheat on him?"
"Would you lay still while I did?"

I laughed, and the dudes in there said I was the first girl to 'get' the joke. Holy cow. Give me a break.

well you must have been the smartest little lady to ever set foot in the place:rolleyes:
Wantonica said:
I laughed, and the dudes in there said I was the first girl to 'get' the joke. Holy cow. Give me a break.


There were Harley's parked out in front, right?
hey Pure-

Since you're here, baiting all my well-lov'd lil' friends, I thought I'd ask you a question- the uncertainty of which occasionally irks me, not unlike a yeast infection or a Hee-Haw marathon on cable-

What's your gender again? I know you told me, but I forgot.

Who cares if you are a twat; the question is, do you have one?

Or is it more of a boyish beef-jerky event?

Enquiring and inquiring minds want to know.

For Inquiring Minds

Kysthic Philosophy--Applied Colpologic

--Country Dilatations:

Thoughts from 'Down There'

by Perdita, aka "kitten", "paloma," 'ti' trou,' 'l'enconnable,' 'la petite oie'

Jenn, I keep the 'twat' word for men. Perdita

For me calling a man a twat is like calling him a cunt the way men use it.

I love all the names for my puss, but cunt is my preference. It's a great word, and reclaimed by cunts finally. I call my best friend a cunt with all due affection. I would never call a man a cunt, none deserve the title.


[To Math Girl:]

C'mon, Maths, grow up just a little.

Fellow twat, and proud of it,


[To Pure:] Sod off and good riddance you over-stuffed twat


I was given to understand by a UK pal that "twat" is used for either gender; but then he's from the north so there may be cultural differences involved.

Who cares if a cunt symbol is aesthetic? The “slit” speaks for itself; at least it’s a clean cut (tongue in cheek there). I’ve a good reading background on film criticism and a brother who is a published film critic, which only serves to say I have credentials here.


[To] RosevilleCAguy: You pussy. You wuss. You twat.

You girl.


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I believe a pathology can be traced via Pure's posts. If there are any entry-level psych students among us, or for those who have utterly nothing better to do, here are Its symptoms (readily documented among several very particular threads):

  • Illogical rambling to suit self intent (generally having little to do w/focus of thread or other posters).
    Quoting out of context toward same illogical intent.
    Knee-jerk assignment of motives to others (always judgmental).
    Overt and broad-swept application of labels and epithets (always judgmental).
    Amateurishly inept wit.
    Fixation on strong-and-intelligent women posters (Mlle, Lauren.H, Perdita).
    Fixation on particular perversities and erotic anomalies.
    Goading at a personal level, or what It perceives is a personal level.
    Constant editing of self (backtracking).
    Deceit (self-plagiarism, lying, self-counterfeit, gossip*)

OK, out of here - Perdita

*Friends do talk to friends.
Originally posted by perdita I believe a pathology can be traced via Pure's posts.
Dear Perdita,
I don't believe there's a disease process going on there. A person can be a brown starfish and also quite sane.