New author with questions

Destined for ?? said,

//Hey pure remember a few months ago when miss blue pen presumed to share her opinion about a certain story. Then someone(namely you) flamed her for psycho-analyzing and so forth. Seems to me you're doing a little babbling yourself aside from the usual noise and what not that you make. Have you changed your colors so easily, surely YOU would never double talk more than "Professor" Harold Hill or skirt and flirt with issues like a politician:roll eyes:
I believe on another occasion you tried to be clever and play on my name calling me destitute at 21 which was not childish at all. Why pretty soon you'll be counting and saying your ABC's all by yourself.//

Hey I'll stipulate that that's very witty and devastating, but I can't make any sense of it.

Given your writing skills, best stick with Perd's editing assistance.

Renza opined,

Any ass can fart an opinion, You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity. You seem to talk in circles and I can see how one could easily grow weary of following you. Not that I couldn't but it's pointless.

My antagonistic meanspirited attitude is reserved for fuckwits who desperately try to rationalize or otherwise defend what is an unhealthy mindset.

Thanks for dropping in, and I appreciate your ability to ingratiate with the in crowd, and instantly assess issues.

As one of those with 'an unhealthy mindset', I take ickseption to your remarks,


Great to hear from you. Imagination is a great thing and you need to use it in this situation, as you do in your music.

I'm sure you can envisage that the questions in your PM have more general relevance, and can understand my wishing to answer them so that others may benefit. And I shall be as delicate as possible.

The issues with Perdita, are hard for some to imagine, but try--

1) The taste of Perd's mards. "Gross," you say. Well, I don't have direct knowledge here, and rely on the story of Math Girl who does have such knowledge. Yes that tunafish P sometimes enjoys imparts an unusual flavor to her productions. I can imagine that the answer therefore to the 'taste' problem you describe is to pursue to the same line as MG. Ask sweet P to eat no meats for a week before your sessions, or at max, just white meat of the chicken. I imagine then you'll get the same delight in those new excrements, as MG always has.

2) On the issue can I put this delicately.. involuntary protrusion and leakage and how how to handle them. You must imagine that Perd, like many multiparae of the climacteric period, has to cope with embarrassing prolapse of the lower colonic sphincter.

I know you say "there's a real shitstorm" in what should otherwise be a straightforward mard munch. The only advice I can give is to keep your oral orifice in *close* proximity to her excremental one. (And show a little compassion; it's not easy for her to live with, and she deserves the support of all of us here at Author's)

Anyway, I applaud your forthrightness. It's unfortunate that some are embarrassed at such sexual tendencies. Being just a shy American, believe me, it took me a couple *really* embarrassing times with a sophisticated Lady like Mlle before I could unashamedly produce mards with a consistency that she found appealing.

Good luck,

Pure you make me laugh or more acurately you make me smirk .
I like my agression up front where I can see it and deal with it. I'm tired of the weak-minded passive-aggressive bullshit that people fling while claiming to be "non-confrontational". Anyone who can't confront/address issues head-on isn't someone I care to spend much time in the company of.
When a person has the wherewithall to manipulate a situation so that things evolve to their liking, then they also have the wherewithall to act RIGHT, and they get no patience from ME when they continuously fail to DO so. I mean, if you're legitimately uninformed, then I'll inform you; if you only fake ignorance when knowledge is inconvenient, then you'd better get ready for a pointy-booted kick to the curb though with that fence in your ass there may be no room for my booted foot.

Now let's add the ingredient of feeling onesself innocent and yet punished. 'I may have done something wrong, but it wasn't THAT bad - surely I don't deserve THIS.' Isn't that perfect? We even use our misdeeds to our own advantage. I've done something wrong but I turn it around so that *I'm* the victim and should be compensated. And Egocentricity is usually right there with suggestions that could make up for this 'injustice'. so if calling me names or skewing what I say makes you feel better or clever go for it. Truss yourself up like a thanksgiving turkey for all I care
and label it all under the plight of pure

Is that a TAIL I see sticking out of Pure's pants? No, not in the front, on the other side, the long one with fur at the end!

You all know what this means, don't you???;)
OK, lead no.2: Rumour also has it that Pure has long ears, lives inside a mountain, and owns a lot of gold... And he likes to walk around with a heavy wooden club...
Pure said:
Renza opined,

Thanks for dropping in, and I appreciate your ability to ingratiate with the in crowd, and instantly assess issues.

As one of those with 'an unhealthy mindset', I take ickseption to your remarks,


I really have no idea what you mean. I just arrived at this forum myself and haven't had time to distinguish this "in crowd" that you speak of. I can however recognize the poor little me type. As for assessing the situation I can only ask how you can come off as being so misunderstood. You're clearly an idiot and there's not too much depth and understanding needed there.

Get a grip.

You may not be familiar with the old cowboy adage: "When ya find yourself in a hole, the first thing ta do is STOP DIGGING."

Ultimately, many of those who can't figure out how to regain their credibility go on to decide that everyone else is just an evil, mean and horrid clique, out to get them. I've seen it a thousand times welcome to the group.

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Svenskaflicka said:
Is that a TAIL I see sticking out of Pure's pants? No, not in the front, on the other side, the long one with fur at the end!

You all know what this means, don't you???;)
Dear Svenska,
Ummmmm.... That he's having a bee emm?
All of my stories are fictional, but...

The readers seem to think that they've really happened to me. Why is that? LOL

Pure said:

Great to hear from you. Imagination is a great thing and you need to use it in this situation, as you do in your music.

I'm sure you can envisage that the questions in your PM have more general relevance, and can understand my wishing to answer them so that others may benefit. And I shall be as delicate as possible.

Pure .. I never PM'd you.

Hi Renza,

//I can however recognize the poor little me type. As for assessing the situation I can only ask how you can come off as being so misunderstood. You're clearly an idiot and there's not too much depth and understanding needed there. //

Thank you for your comments. I have to apologize for not welcoming you to the thread.

You may not be aware of some of the not directly expressed ground rules of the thread; it represents the coming together of all like minded 'authors'--those who show up here-- of excremental tendencies. It's a place to unwind and fling a bit of dung (all in good fun, of course), owing much to its founders like Math Girl, who long ago broached the subject of her BMs to the great delight of all. Ogg, with special knowledge of medieval latrines, joined in soon after.

What was lacking was a thread of ordure. Math Girl solved that problem a few days back with the proposal of the Brown Starfish,
code for Brown Shower (person) of course.

MG: I don't believe there's a disease process going on there. A person can be a brown starfish and also quite sane.

Mlle: Did you know that brown starfish prefer to keep to crevasses?

It's true.

You will see a clue to what's going on in the mention of crevasses--where you find those creatures, as Mlle pointed out. This, of course, references the gluteal crack.

It remained for prolapsed Perdita to openly inaugurate the excremental vision and theme. With the agreement of Mlle and myself--you must imagine-- she revealed the prototypical act, of which all here are enthusiasts. P quoted Mlle's forthright:

"You are shitting in my mouth and calling it a sundae, Pure.

It is an honor I hardly imagined a year ago.

So, to fit in better here, I'd urge you to avoid simple 'you are an idiot' type statements. The excremental theme and tone are missing. Further, since you're new, it would be best to introduce yourself: describe your mards so that the festivities can take your product into account: are they small and delicately scented like MG's--- if so, you'll find Ogg a person good to hang with; if they are largish, even odorously challenging like Perdida's you'd do best getting to know Math Girl, whose tiny frame conceals a major coprophage.

Hope to see more of you; welcome; you can be one of the 'brown starfish' with just a little effort.

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Hi Destiny,

I too am sorry our arrangement broke down and that now you say I must 'truss myself up like a Thanksgiving turkey.'

I so enjoyed your trusses.

As to
claiming to be "non-confrontational".

You do me a rare honor. No one has said that of me for years.

As to:
let's add the ingredient of feeling onesself [sic] innocent and yet punished.

I think that a misreading. There was a 'smallness' of some of the things I mentioned, like calling attention to Perd's rudeness, or disagreeing with Mlle, but that had nothing to do with innocence--which I don't have.

The key idea in psychopathology is disproportion, in common terms, the 'hot button.' Perdida's long self justifications and attacks are mentioned because of this disproportion.

The morals of all concerned are of no relevance to me; perd or MG or mlle are not 'guilty' of anything, but merely a trifle touchy, which, coupled with the excremental leaning, results in lots of dung flinging, but it's all part of the amoral fun.

You taught me well as to the importance of linking amorality with one's religion. It's been invaluable to see your demonstrations of Jesus talk and sexual perversions. Jesus loves all, be it Ogg at the bum of Math Girl, or raphy learning to weather Perd's shitstorms.

The last shall be first, it's said. We know he loved prostitutes, but had they been more visible, I'm sure he'd have loved other 'sexual minorities': lesbians, SM devotees, and even 'brown starfish.'

Let us pray.


He's back with the self-righteousness.

Raph, amused.
Raph, I deeply appreciate your presence, and willingness to share your knowledge of life skills; all of us, particularly women, will benefit immensely. And I can well imagine that Svenskaflicka will soon be publically thanking you for the private tutoring that has--I hear--so enriched her marriage.


Raph said:
I've definitely had bad blow jobs. Blow jobs where teeth were exposed (ouch), or where not enough suction was applied, or where there was zero tongue movement involved. Some of those were from women who wanted to give head, wanted to please me, but were very simply bad at it - Unskilled, you might say.

Obviously, they hadn't attended a fine educational establishment like this one.

Equally as obviously, I gave each and every one a thorough grounding and improvement in their technique.
I fail to see what you're trying to achieve by copying a post of mine from the Suck U thread in the PG?
Ah, the wild, arm-flinging tantrums and gutturally bellicose yawps of a socio-emotionally disabled toddler with one big, ungainly shoe, which causes him to prance in an endless circle.

Honestly, Pure has hurled his self-respect gone so far into the great void of mental oblivion I'm frankly almost feeling an uncomfortable level of pity, which as everyone knows is the "Kool-aid" of human emotions (nod to King).

Knowing Pure's disdain for psychology and its non-clinical applications, I wouldn't dream of detailing the myriad mindset intricacies of the anally arrested- but it is odd how much and abruptly his "intellectualism" degraded into the infantile world of "Yeah?? Well, you poop. Alot! Ha Ha! Ha, Ha. And you- you eat it!"

Well, some people truly never do get past that initial stage of wonder and enrapturement with bodily process.

As for Pure's delusional fantasy of an all-inclusive fecal free-for-all, I feel completely confident when I say that neither Raphy or Perdita would ever deign to shit on him. Even if we were having the ultimate, annal gluteate fecal fiesta and butthole blow-out of all time, he wouldn't get an invitation.

As for me, I suppose that in all honesty I'm amazed at his ability to spew excrement from either extreme of his alimentary process, so maybe I'm the exception to the rule. When presented with a choice between his ass and his yapping, smacking gob, I just might elect the former.

Bottom line? I'd rather eat his shit than listen to it.

Oh, I agree, Rhino - I'm just having fond recollections of the end sequences of the movie 'Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back'. Now if *that* were to happen more often, people like Pure would be more likely to keep their mouth shut, just in case someone turned up with a baseball bat and gave them some free dental work.
1. Yes I know I could just stay the heck away from this thread and let all of you bicker away.

2. But I won't. Because this thread is bringing out the worst in both people I like, and people I don't know enough about to like or dislike.

3. Instead I say this.

4. Once, and only once. Then I'll leave you to your fun and pretend it's not there.

5. Whydontcha all just give it a break? All of you. Or deport this thread to the far away pastures of General. You're not even arguing anything that matters. It's jinxin' mah groove, man. :(

Don't stress it, Iceman .. I ain't about to blow a gasket over a wannabe intellectual like Pure. However, it's still mildly amusing to watch him squirm. I have a term for people like him - Wannabegottabes ... Wanna be taken seriously, gotta be kidding.

Oh, and I figured out why he dug up that post of mine from Suck U - I called him on those supposed PMs that I'd sent him, and he had no answer (of course) .. For someone who's supposed to be intelligent, I'm not quite sure what he thought he was going to gain by implying that I'd PMd him asking questions about Perdita. Other than more verbal egg on his face, anyway.

Anyway, the point I was trying to make was that if Pure was actually accountable in real life for the bullshit he's been spewin' on here, I reckon we'd be seein' less of it.