New author with questions


on the problem of lotsa typing whereof you know nothing:

"what she said" is the common and accepted currency around here.

Author's Forum is blessed with a number concise, easy-to-read postings of certain "ditto heads," as they're called in the Limbaugh circles. It will keep your real life, real simple.

Dear Pure,
Congratulations. You now constitute fifty percent of my ignore list.
Virtual ignore works as well as it did when I first applied it to Pure.

It takes less effort than setting an actual "Ignore" and then being unable to follow a thread that has contributions from Pure in it.


Pure, J: do yourself a favor and just leave. I doubt Mlle. will reply again, however much you want it. ....Go. You will hear no more from me,



Since neither of you has any evidence of deceit or lies I don't expect any proper reply.

Silence IS your best bet. Mlle, being more clever, has made 'predator' suggestions which have a life of their own; that will cover for your previous dirt barrage; you're fine so long as you're not so upset that you're 'made' to launch a new one.

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And this started out as such a nice thread - now bare of its original intent. Oh well.

-FF' (unsubscribe works well too)
An original question from Dirty,

// how does one take a personal story and turn it into something others want to read, //

has received a kind of answer by demonstration; personal stories of altercations, 'you said' 'but you said first', etc. etc. etc. are not something others want to read! not saleable! they have the perverse attraction of car wrecks, to the partipants only.

perdita said:
Pure, J: do yourself a favor and just leave. I doubt Mlle. will reply again, however much you want it. No one respects or likes you here, you must know that. You bait, we bite, then wish we hadn't and ignore you until the next time (unfortunately). Go. You will hear no more from me,


Please don't presume to answer for me.
Quint said:
Please don't presume to answer for me.
Quint, I can't recall the last time, or how many few times I've seen you on the AH (though I'd guess it was on a thread w/Pure); so no, I wasn't including you. Those included know who they are, and Pure must know who they are too.

Well, you are purely bare again. Still turn my head, but with a different kind of smile.

-FF' (congrats on your purification)
Pure said:
Since neither of you has any evidence of deceit or lies I don't expect any proper reply.

Silence IS your best bet. Mlle, being more clever, has made 'predator' suggestions which have a life of their own; that will cover for your previous dirt barrage; you're fine so long as you're not so upset that you're 'made' to launch a new one.

J. [/B]

And he calls us self-righteous... *smirks*
Pure said:
Hi Wanton one,

//My main gripe with Pure is the meager shot at tearing apart Perdita. The only time I can't agree with her is when she goes over my head...


Greeting to you too. Am impressed that you disagree only when she's too deep, which shows your ability to ignore Perdita's flames, character assassination, baseless claims (e.g., about my lying and deceit--she's challenged to produce a single instance).

Hey I don't mind the claque, your cheerleading. I'm more taken with the volcanic reactions, five-year-old name calling, and tremendous insecurity of self-said icons in these parts. (It's worth saying that P, unlike some, can in fact think, write, be polite, act normal, etc.; her knowledge is vast, from grand opera to Japanese whores; her issue is status; hypersensitivity around it; hysterical outbursts when there's disagreement, and concommitant distortions of thought processes.)

I think the territory is possible to visit, provided I steer clear of little groups of worshippers and the local deities.

Stick with your friends, wanton one, yes, be loyal. Get into their shit flinging and enjoy.


Hey pure remember a few months ago when miss blue pen presumed to share her opinion about a certain story. Then someone(namely you) flamed her for psycho-analyzing and so forth. Seems to me you're doing a little babbling yourself aside from the usual noise and what not that you make. Have you changed your colors so easily, surely YOU would never double talk more than "Professor" Harold Hill or skirt and flirt with issues like a politician:roll eyes:
I believe on another occasion you tried to be clever and play on my name calling me destitute at 21 which was not childish at all. Why pretty soon you'll be counting and saying your ABC's all by yourself.

congrats on being on ignore from now on:)
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I just want to have fun; that's the bottom line for my membership on Lit. and my appearances on the AH. Now I'm going to pull an MG and start posting stock responses to stock bullshit. And I'm not even going to always use my own repertoire. I love this excerpt from Mlle of some threads ago. Plus the fact that the context doesn't matter, it's just spot on. (There are plenty more where that came from but I will only quote the very best.)


"You are shitting in my mouth and calling it a sundae, Pure. That has got to be the most infantile, manipulative, cowardly, passive-aggressive piece of shit post I've ever seen from a human being. What the fuck got into you?"
Man, I have a hangover from that last post of mine.

I solemnly vow I shall never again be lured into a fish-slapping match with the seven-headed hydra of Lit.

And yes, most of us are here to have fun and talk shop and vapid bullshit, and the occasional intellectual diatribe.

And "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquistion" is a Monty Python skit, not particularly dramatic.

And Raphy is right. Bypass the hydra, even if it's pissing in your cheerios. If you cut off the heads, they always grow back.

Stock responses? I have mine ready :)

Ogg's plan is good too, although Ogg has far more self-control than I do. He's a General, after all...

PS Trova ;) Gosh, aren't you relieved that I saved you from the wrath of Pure with my acrobatic deeds of distractionary derring-do? I bet you were sweating cats for a moment there!
raphy said:
Nice alliteration there, hehe..
Raff, meet BluePen. Bella mia, meet Raphy. You both are kick ass tigers and I've got heart enough to go round you each a few times. OK, I'll stop; Maths hates when I get kissy-huggy.

'dita/Trova :heart: :heart:
Perdida quoting Mlle from a few weeks back,

"You are shitting in my mouth and calling it a sundae, Pure."

Sorry you're still stewing over that, perd. The oblique reference requires clarification:

Imagine: my first meeting with Mlle and she insists on receiving the brown showers! I'm forced to _promise_ we won't leave you out, next time!

Till then,

Kissy hugs, paloma,


*In the mean time I invite you to make do with the BM's that Math Girl is so often taking about.
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As promised no citations:

"God, you're like an alligator at a high veldt watering hole. I'm tired of the death roll and the impromptu swims."
I'm new here so forgive me for what is sure to be a lengthy post,
I don't really know what's going on with Pure so I'm just offering my opinion based on what I've read in this thread. Also please note my oponions of pure are based on his or her comments not the comments of others.

Any ass can fart an opinion, You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity. You seem to talk in circles and I can see how one could easily grow weary of following you. Not that I couldn't but it's pointless.

My antagonistic meanspirited attitude is reserved for fuckwits who desperately try to rationalize or otherwise defend what is an unhealthy mindset.

I have no time for those who whine and cry but do not exert themselves to try to actively improve a situation they are unhappy about.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself, you can't tell it about other people, and if You turn that big flashing martyr sign on your head up any brighter and you're going to singe off your pointy little moron head. Principles only mean something if you stick by them when they are inconvenient

that's my two cents and belive me I'll be laughing all the way to the bank with it clutched in my hand.
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from Mrs. Jones:
Any ass can fart an opinion.

I love it! You could use that in a sig line.

You're going to fit into the AH like a soft, warm glove on the speeding fist of a professional boxer.

-FF' (I love it when someone makes me smile in the morning)
Mrs. D, where did you find her? Don't ever let her go.
She's precious isn't she.:D

I told you neither one of us have sympathy for people who want to play both sides of the fence and then have the gall to whine how much it *huuuuurrts* (and how hard done by they are) when they get a picket SHOVED up their ass.
Yes she is, Mrs. Wordsmith. I love that tagline and your AV, it is a classy pose.

-FF (and of course, congrats on reaching your thousand)