New author with questions

Dear Maths: thanks for the insight, but my use of pathology, psych, etc. was merely rhetorical. Brown starfish was very good, however I'll keep with twat (it's a special word for me).

sanely, Perdita
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Did you know that brown starfish prefer to keep to crevasses?
Dear Mamzel,
I hadn't thought about that, but there's no doubt you're correct. They're seldom found anywhere else. Thank you for pointing out that important fact.
Ps. We're talking BSs of the human persuasion, of course.
Hey, that's rich:

[Pure is give to, according to perdida:]

"Overt and broad-swept application of labels and epithets "


"you twat"

"you overstuffed twat"

"you pussy"

[having] "pathology"


"self counterfeit"



Sanely, Perdida"

Yes, it _almost_ goes with out saying.


Brown Starfish.
aka "shriveled menopausal twat"
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Geez Perd, paloma, sweetie,

This started when I said you were rude to the DirtyG, in five lines or so. It was entirely unnecessary, after your hundred words of 'clarification' to her, to expend your wisdom on such a fine enumeration of my putative pathological practices:

I believe a pathology can be traced via Pure's posts. If there are any entry-level psych students among us, or for those who have utterly nothing better to do, here are Its symptoms (readily documented among several very particular threads):

Illogical rambling to suit self intent (generally having little to do w/focus of thread or other posters).
Quoting out of context toward same illogical intent.
Knee-jerk assignment of motives to others (always judgmental).
Overt and broad-swept application of labels and epithets (always judgmental).
Amateurishly inept wit.
Fixation on strong-and-intelligent women posters (Mlle, Lauren.H, Perdita).
Fixation on particular perversities and erotic anomalies.
Goading at a personal level, or what It perceives is a personal level.
Constant editing of self (backtracking).
Deceit (self-plagiarism, lying, self-counterfeit, gossip*)

My literary lambchop, one sign of pathology is known to be disproportionate reactions (above). That's a couple hundred words reacting to the 'rude' label and a few lines.

"fixated on particular perversities and erotic anomalies"

Kinda like that. Coming from an SM porn writer!

My shrink's been puzzled for years and I'll forward it to her.

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Jenny _S said:
There were Harley's parked out in front, right?

Not at that moment, but usually, yes. How ever did you know?

Wantonica :rose:
Oh my god, Harleys parked out front.

I bet some of the guys there didn't smell like vetiver and read the Times, either. It's tragic.
Netzach said:
Oh my god, Harleys parked out front.

I bet some of the guys there didn't smell like vetiver and read the Times, either. It's tragic.

I bet you're right. Walking both sides on the fence of life is so much fun! Nice to meet you, Netzach.

Wantonica :rose:
Y'know, I think I may have figured it out.

Pure talks in riddles and half-rhymes with obvious and shameless demonstrations of his ability to use a dictionary and thesaurus, liberally peppered with bohemian concatenations of slick, stylish popular phrases and references to possible icons of a mindset only he shares, in an effort to make us think he's actually a 55 year old art gallery director living in Kensington, but actually, what he's really talking is bollocks.
raphy said:
actually, what he's really talking is bollocks.
Dear r,
Welcome to the party. The rest of us realized that a long time ago.
Ps. Better late than early, though.
raphy said:
Y'know, I think I may have figured it out. ... what he's really talking is bollocks.
Raff, you know I love you, the above proves it's for your intellect as well as the other, erm, stuff.

'dita :kiss:

p.s. you do know you're going to get a bollixy reply?
MG - I know, I know. But then, I never claimed to be intellectual like Pure. I'm just a simple musician, me. Takes me a while to figure stuff out, sometimes.

'dita - Yeah.. I figured that, but if I was bothered by the thought then I wouldn't have posted in the first place.

Raph, calling it as he sees it.
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raphy said:
Y'know, I think I may have figured it out.

Pure talks in riddles and half-rhymes with obvious and shameless demonstrations of his ability to use a dictionary and thesaurus, liberally peppered with bohemian concatenations of slick, stylish popular phrases and references to possible icons of a mindset only he shares, in an effort to make us think he's actually a 55 year old art gallery director living in Kensington, but actually, what he's really talking is bollocks.

Hi raphy,

I wish there was enough time to pretend mid-life ownership of something special. Rather, I have time constraints while attempting to overcome that type of bugger, hoping they will all retire soon and leave me to deal with the masses by myself. In other words, I know the type you describe. Every day I suffer their wrath as the youngest business owner in my field within a very large area.

My main gripe with Pure is the meager shot at tearing apart Perdita. The only time I can't agree with her is when she goes over my head... :rolleyes:

Wantonica said:

My main gripe with Pure is the meager shot at tearing apart Perdita. The only time I can't agree with her is when she goes over my head...

I couldn't agree more. Why else would I attack someone I hardly know, if not in defence of a friend?

raphy said:
I couldn't agree more. Why else would I attack someone I hardly know, if not in defence of a friend?


I knew that. Really, I did.:D

Hi Wanton one,

//My main gripe with Pure is the meager shot at tearing apart Perdita. The only time I can't agree with her is when she goes over my head...


Greeting to you too. Am impressed that you disagree only when she's too deep, which shows your ability to ignore Perdita's flames, character assassination, baseless claims (e.g., about my lying and deceit--she's challenged to produce a single instance).

Hey I don't mind the claque, your cheerleading. I'm more taken with the volcanic reactions, five-year-old name calling, and tremendous insecurity of self-said icons in these parts. (It's worth saying that P, unlike some, can in fact think, write, be polite, act normal, etc.; her knowledge is vast, from grand opera to Japanese whores; her issue is status; hypersensitivity around it; hysterical outbursts when there's disagreement, and concommitant distortions of thought processes.)

I think the territory is possible to visit, provided I steer clear of little groups of worshippers and the local deities.

Stick with your friends, wanton one, yes, be loyal. Get into their shit flinging and enjoy.

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Hey thanks, man,

//Pure talks in riddles and half-rhymes //

I hadn't noticed about my lines,
that often they are halfway rhymes.

Got any examples,
it'd be so simple?

I appreciate the free analysis and that you don't let the 'hardly know' me issue get in the way of joining the mudslinging.

Where the effort is generate as great a volume of shit as possible, I'm sure ALL efforts by whomever are greatly appreciated by the noble lady in question.

BTW: you aint so bad with 'bohemian concatenations' yerself.

Pure said:

BTW: you aint so bad with 'bohemian concatenations' yerself.

Ah, and they do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I'm glad it met with your approval. You being the master at that 'n all.

Raph, wondering if irony truly is wasted on the habitually stupid.
This thread reminds me of a story my grandmother used to tell me.

Two knights meet each other halfway on a bridge, both are convinced the other should retreat and give way to the other. None wants to give in, so they start hammering at each other with their swords. The fight goes on for hours, for days and nights until both knights are completely exhausted and not able to lift their swords anymore, see the folly of their ways, turn around and go back the way they came from.

The moral from this story:
Bashing only results in good physical activity but leads to nothing especially if you are wearing armour.

In any case what I wonder about is where the fascination for Pure started from here, what it is that attracts so many of you to spin stories, to try to deduce what Pure is and what Pure likes. I wonder how is it that Pure is able to fascinate so many of you?

PS By the way in any case I personally think that Pure is a 10 foot tall green asexual alien.
We are all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

However, this particular knight makes a habit of standing in the middle of bridges
and trying to incite pointless and petty altercations.

"Fascination" is an interesting term. Not entirely apt in my humble opinion. One
might be compelled to expend a great deal of attention on something without being
fascinated by it- say you had lice, for instance.

Repeat performances of this same dance are irksome, and no one has the patience anymore.

The fact is that most of us come by our lackluster opinion of poor, beleaguered Pure completely honestly. He is
reaping what he sows.


P.S. On the subject of spinning stories, I suppose it's reasonable that you might think Pure is a
huge green alien. Why not? He seems prone to fallacious and entirely mutable representations of his gender- I believe that also anecdotally answers Perdita's "lying and deceit" charge.
Mlle opined,

"Fascination" is an interesting term. Not entirely apt in my humble opinion. One
might be compelled to expend a great deal of attention on something without being
fascinated by it- say you had lice, for instance.

The truly self righteous never have the feeling of stooping too low, whether it be to compare the Other to a twat, a louse, whatever.

Never BEING wrong, they have no fear of DOING wrong through what would otherwise be called flaming, defamation, character assassination, etc. (unacceptable in any regulated or academic forum).

The louse analogy is apt; they're found in dirty pubes; a suitable metaphor for the dirt-postings that lack of any honor in name calling, baseless statements, mental illness labels, and other wild attempts to drive off persons who disagree.

It's doubly unfortunate when otherwise literate and intelligent persons get into the dirt-postings due to extraordinary vulnerabilities of ego; or to the necessity of never being mistaken;

when the're so upset at minor criticisms that instead of a rational presentation they can only spew a barrage of the dirty stuff: hysterical rant; pseudo psychology tripe, and 'he or she made me do it'-- ('compelled to expend ...attention').


Note to MDLPB: indicative of the vaporous nature of any evidence of 'lying' 'deceit' ---you can only point to an uncertainty
-- "mutable representations" --that a poster seems to allow about his or her gender.

{Mlle:}P.S. On the subject of spinning stories, I suppose it's reasonable that you might think Pure is a
huge green alien. Why not? He seems prone to fallacious and entirely mutable representations of his gender- I believe that also anecdotally answers Perdita's "lying and deceit" charge.
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I was attempting to be polite.

Allow me to clarify, in a slightly less literate and infinitely less charming way.

You, Pure, in PM dialogues, have told some people you are a boy, and some people you are a girl!

Interesting that someone situationally manipulative enough to assign himself gender like days-of-the-week panties (or briefs?) would be railing on about our collective (and my specific, I feel sure) "pseudo-psychology tripe."

I can imagine a woman who might have befriended you under the mistaken belief that you were another woman might feel a trifle violated at this misrepresentation. It isn't unlike the way cyber-predators troll for kiddie cock in chatrooms, really- and there's something, to me at least, extremely unsettling and distasteful about that kind of behavior- especially coming from a grown man/woman who purports to be such an esteemed and honorable academian, beholden to such acceptable standards of debate and decorum.

Now, as to the defamation and slander- Christ on a cracker with brie! First of all, I did not call you, yourself, a louse. I equated the magical phenomenon of your unpleasantly confrontational conversational presence to a nagging lice infestation.

Metaphor: My sister is a monkey. Simile: My sister is like a monkey.

In addition, slander and defamation are not the sum of name-calling. Unless you feel there may actually be some confusion as to whether you are a real vulva, "twat" is just an insult. So be a man.....Or a woman...about it.

As for "hysterical"- I don't think any of what I said in my previous post even approached that particular state, although I do have a uterus- and have never professed otherwise.

And yes, you did make me do it, Pure. I hate manipulative "smart" people who have nothing better to do with their alleged intelligence than figure out ways to play with other nice people's heads, and then chortle and pat themselves on the back for it when someone who isn't given to social headgames takes them at face value.

You're a loser. You keep score in some weird little auto-chess game where no one else gives a fuck- but buddy, you are the Champ, I'll give you that. Captain of your own imagination! Yay.

Who the hell has time (or finds it important enough in the grand scheme of the cosmos?) to pore over weeks-old threads, searching for the vindication of a quotable slight against an "opponent"? Not me. You, apparently, have much of this kind of time. Perhaps you should volunteer for charity work.

Just because we don't like your attitude doesn't make us "dirt-posters" or pinkos or dirty libbers or child molesters.

As I told you once in a PM (when you were male and married?), the AH is social hour at Aloha Lanes. Not the running of the fucking bulls. I'm sorry you're injured. Now, don't act like such a dick, and watch the world blossom, just for you.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, and what's more, nobody likes them much either.

Y'know, I had an entire response typed out for Pure - Or half a response anyway. I gave up typing it and deleted it just because I figured he wasn't worth wasting that much mental energy.

Life is too short, and I spend enough time in RL dealing with over-opinionated, egotistical, condescending assholes.

Raph, sardonically.

Thanks you for your old 'polite' post likening me to a louse, and you're 'less charming' current one labeling me a "loser."

The name-calling is understandable,--as pointed out in my last posting , because I "made you do it".

[all emphases mine, pure]

And yes, did make me do it, Pure. I hate manipulative "smart" people who have nothing better to do with their alleged intelligence than figure out ways to play with other nice people's heads

What are these postings able to make highly educated persons start in with the dirt? They are not of course to be reproduced: in righteous states, evidence become unnecessary:

If anyone reading the dirt-accusations of this thread wonders--of the my postings (occasionally wrong), some are indeed wordy, or complex, and some even picky.

But the common thread in all was something like: "Your view is mistaken, and here's why."

Mlle does NOT deserve such treatment. It hasn't happened since the third grade. Perdida does NOT deserve such trauma in her Aloha Hour.

A college educated 160 IQ woman of culture hearing such words--SEING them--- is like a Black person having to endure the "N" word crayoned on her desk at work.

In Mlles own dramatic analogy: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, and what's more, nobody likes them much either.

The *real* torture and burning of thousands of women is brought in to illustrate Mlle's feelings when she reads "Your view is mistaken and here's why...." She burns in agony over a couple hundred words; Perdita's torture was to have a posting labeled 'rude.'

Lastly the little problem of evidence of lying and deceit.

Touchy topic, bringing out a new low, likening me to a child predator; that's truly contemptible, Mlle-of-the-shit-brown pen.

As I said, the righteous have no sense of what's just too low; I eagerly await the suggestion that I drink babies blood and torture animals:

You, Pure, in PM dialogues, have told some people you are a boy, and some people you are a girl!

Interesting that someone situationally manipulative enough to assign himself gender like days-of-the-week panties (or briefs?) would be railing on about our collective (and my specific, I feel sure) "pseudo-psychology tripe."

I can imagine a woman who might have befriended you under the mistaken belief that you were another woman might feel a trifle violated at this misrepresentation. It isn't unlike the way cyber-predators troll for kiddie cock in chatrooms


The beginning of the last para gives away the game. The alleged victimization occurs in mlle's imagination; She imagines a deceitful befriending. She does so because there wasn't one; no victim. But the Goebbelsian image will stick.

Conveniently, the lying and deceiving that Mlle and Perd settle on for their accusation is in Private Messages.

(They'll likely say they lost them or haven't actually seen them.) My 'crimes' cannot be evidenced in a thousand of my public postings. For those could be looked at by others.

As I said, Mlle, nothing too low: Senator McCarthy used to say to the congress and papers, "I have here a list of 900 known communists." The list could not be handed over till long after the assassination of character had occurred.

The response to such McCarthyist tactic is tricky, as none of us likes privacy to be given up. But Perdita and Mlle are hereby given permission to reproduce those *portions* --and only those portions--of my PMs to them or to anyone in the Author's forum in the last year, where I make conflicting statements about my gender.

You do NOT have permission to divulge 'identifying' information as to name, occupation, marital status, personal history, locality, physical description, email address; NOR to divulge any identifying particulars that might enable stalking, spamming or other harassment or intimidation through the electronic media or in person.


---perhaps will grow in the dirt you're posting.

Mlle's entire posting, from which excerpts above have been taken:
[She says:]
I was attempting to be polite.

Allow me to clarify, in a slightly less literate and infinitely less charming way.

You, Pure, in PM dialogues, have told some people you are a boy, and some people you are a girl!

Interesting that someone situationally manipulative enough to assign himself gender like days-of-the-week panties (or briefs?) would be railing on about our collective (and my specific, I feel sure) "pseudo-psychology tripe."

I can imagine a woman who might have befriended you under the mistaken belief that you were another woman might feel a trifle violated at this misrepresentation. It isn't unlike the way cyber-predators troll for kiddie cock in chatrooms, really- and there's something, to me at least, extremely unsettling and distasteful about that kind of behavior- especially coming from a grown man/woman who purports to be such an esteemed and honorable academian, beholden to such acceptable standards of debate and decorum.

Now, as to the defamation and slander- Christ on a cracker with brie! First of all, I did not call you, yourself, a louse. I equated the magical phenomenon of your unpleasantly confrontational conversational presence to a nagging lice infestation.

Metaphor: My sister is a monkey. Simile: My sister is like a monkey.

In addition, slander and defamation are not the sum of name-calling. Unless you feel there may actually be some confusion as to whether you are a real vulva, "twat" is just an insult. So be a man.....Or a woman...about it.

As for "hysterical"- I don't think any of what I said in my previous post even approached that particular state, although I do have a uterus- and have never professed otherwise.

And yes, you did make me do it, Pure. I hate manipulative "smart" people who have nothing better to do with their alleged intelligence than figure out ways to play with other nice people's heads, and then chortle and pat themselves on the back for it when someone who isn't given to social headgames takes them at face value.

You're a loser. You keep score in some weird little auto-chess game where no one else gives a fuck- but buddy, you are the Champ, I'll give you that. Captain of your own imagination! Yay.

Who the hell has time (or finds it important enough in the grand scheme of the cosmos?) to pore over weeks-old threads, searching for the vindication of a quotable slight against an "opponent"? Not me. You, apparently, have much of this kind of time. Perhaps you should volunteer for charity work.

Just because we don't like your attitude doesn't make us "dirt-posters" or pinkos or dirty libbers or child molesters.

As I told you once in a PM (when you were male and married?), the AH is social hour at Aloha Lanes. Not the running of the fucking bulls. I'm sorry you're injured. Now, don't act like such a dick, and watch the world blossom, just for you.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, and what's more, nobody likes them much either.[end][all emphases mine, pure]
Pure, J: do yourself a favor and just leave. I doubt Mlle. will reply again, however much you want it. No one respects or likes you here, you must know that. You bait, we bite, then wish we hadn't and ignore you until the next time (unfortunately). Go. You will hear no more from me,
