New chain story- Anyone interested?

Pure said:
A couple questions.

I understand that 'survivor' and other contests forced people to write for each lit. category.

In the chain story description, it simply says a theme. So is it not possible to run through a list of wild and kinky things-- somewhat different, each chapter-- and not be bound by the list of 15 or so lit. categories?

Second, isn't the idea that each chapter builds on what's gone before? So wouldn't that mean that after ch 1, one wouldn't try to get the chapters written independently? i.e., the ch 6 person should know at least what's in 5, if not all previous?


Yes, to both questions.
you have a point pure..thats why i don't want to say i'l write such and such because really i need to know what will be in the chapter before mine before i can decide that :)
I'm still following but have been bouncing from link to link and a bit confused as to whether this had become a sci-fi chain.

For the sake of originality, I agree - the name Diana Troy should be changed.

Still in. . . still following, and less confused now :)
Thanks for understanding guys...I would've said something sooner but I was having trouble opening links for a few days and didn't know where you'd gone.

If I could suggest a name...what about Rose (since she'll be blossoming?) and I don't know that she even needs a last name...when was the last time you signed off in your diary with your full name?

I do get where cahab is coming from.

Maybe the first chapter should be a first time, and from there we can move onto something like her boyfriend showing her a porn video to get her thinking about other women (fantasizing not going out and doing one) etc. Just my 2 cents :)
Oh my god! So hard to find this link . . . agree with delicoiusly N . . . the character doesn't need a last name. After the first chapter, dear diary isn't even an issue, since I think most people journal, and only underage girls dear diary - Ah, I could be wrong.

I also like the fact of working up, as a tease, from perhaps the most innocent of curiosities/ fantasies, to the most dark . . . what she learns as she delves deeper? Lierally and symbolically? Mm - really starting to intrigue here . . . since most sexual experience move from innocence to experience? And there is no better turn on than people can realate and experience . . .

Just my thoughts.
Rose is good (though I'd come to like Dye a bit). :)

Okay, so I think we're alright on most of the details now. Can cahab ask all of us to either choose a number or choose a category and allot numbers for us according to that?
What's in a name, a Rose by any other name would smell as sweet..

Okay, so now her name is Rose, and just for shit's sake, we'll say Rose Marie Flower is her full given name for want of anything better as yet. Yes, parents do name their children this way. She's graduated, or is a grad student working to become an acredited psychiatrist by writing a book on sexual aberations, and so she is going to do some research by joining, or tagging along with a troop of traveling professional Strippers. To accomplish this she will keep a diary, or journal, and that's where we writers come in by each writing a chapter of this diary/journal for our chain story. Cahab will write the first chapter, and everything else will follow that. She will assign each author their turn/chapter, and they will read each chapter right up to when it is their turn at the very least. Now that pretty much ties up this discussion. Right?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
damppanties said:
Rose is good (though I'd come to like Dye a bit). :)

Okay, so I think we're alright on most of the details now. Can cahab ask all of us to either choose a number or choose a category and allot numbers for us according to that?

I suggest we spilt the difference on the name. Her name is Diana Rose. Anyone has any problems with that... Well, too late, I've started.

As I intended this to be a weekly thing, yes, I thought more of a Journal than Diary format.

As for order... Someone said allocate order according to category preference. I'll go with that, though i don't think we should plan too far in advance. The first few weeks, however, I think are plannable (is that a word?):

First time? (If she is a college graduate I think this might be stretching credulity a little. Perhaps a flashback, or else we might have to skip this one!)

I suggest we reserve passing on the torch until the previous one has been read, but it needs to be a fast turnaround after that. I hope to get the first one completed for midweek, and as it's the first one I'll post it here first for perusal, hopefully for submission by friday. That gives the next author a week from Friday to complete the next.

After the first people can post here and to Lit simultaneously, and if there is anything major to change they can do it using the pending form (provided they post into the text box).
Okay, how many chapters, or catagories are we going to have? Will this end up being a book length epic, if so is it intended for publication as a book? And if so through who, other than literotica? And just howmany authors do we have for this now? And have you figured out what order we go in?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I actually don't know that a first time in grad school is too unrealistic. I know plenty of girls who bought into that bullshit of you should be a virgin when you marry or who got scare tactics sex education and really were terrified of condoms breaking. Losing her virginity at 24 isn't earth shattering.

I have a ton of free time over the next two weeks, so I'd be happy to take my turn early on.

So you're planning to post your entry on the board as well as on Lit? Cool...that allows for faster turn around.
cahab, are you writing masturbation or non-erotic? If I am to write voyeur, am I #2 or 3?

DM--Okay, how many chapters, or catagories are we going to have?

Depends on how many people join and/or how many of us are willing to write two categories.

DM--Will this end up being a book length epic, if so is it intended for publication as a book?

Probably. Don't think so.

DM--And if so through who, other than literotica?

I don't think Lit. has publication rights other than on this site for any authors' work. About our epic, if someone wants to publish, they would have to ask all the authors concerned and set it up with them. (WOW, I'm talking publication of my work! :p)

DM--And just howmany authors do we have for this now?

English Lady, cahab, Dirt Man, damppanties, deliciously_naughty, CrimsonMaiden (not sure), CharleyH (not sure). That's all I counted while scrolling through the thread.

DM--And have you figured out what order we go in?

Kind of. Please pick categories people.
Progress slow, as illness in the family. Should still be able to meet my own deadline, though.

Don't worry too much about not having many authors yet. If this thing is any good we should pick up people along the way. If not... Well, maybe it would deserve to just peter out.

If duffers better drowned
If not duffers not drown
You can put me in the schedule, but I can't really tell you what I will be writing about until I have seen the stories before mine in the chain.
cahab said:
Progress slow, as illness in the family. Should still be able to meet my own deadline, though.

Don't worry too much about not having many authors yet. If this thing is any good we should pick up people along the way. If not... Well, maybe it would deserve to just peter out.

If duffers better drowned
If not duffers not drown

The trouble with this is that once the first story is submitted, along with the schedual of authors that's it, no new authors can be added. Right?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Dirt Man said:
The trouble with this is that once the first story is submitted, along with the schedual of authors that's it, no new authors can be added. Right?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

Wrong. Authors can be added anytime with the approval of the one who starts the chain.
Absoluetly I'm still in! And I'm pretty easy about writing most categories.

Nearly done. I'll post it on a new thread for editing, as this one might get a bit unwieldy.

Anyone know how many characters I can post into one post on the forum?
Okay, drums please...

Okay, it's done (for now). I've posted it in the SDC, as it's a little off-topic to post a whole story on AH. Here's the link;

Blossoming Rose.

All of it, including the title, is up for discussion. I throw it to the wolves. Go.