Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re: Little-girl Bones......

tarablackwood22 said:
love scares
in little-girl bones.

in its ribbons,
cruel knots
so small,
so tight
no pick or pry
can loosen them.

but they open
like magic
and with song,
for hearts,
swallow like a shark.

to be eaten
that way,
while mercy views
even the strong,
even god.

the hidden child,
ever frail,
and hides.

I know you want to polish this a bit
but i love the raw form of it

Re: zahra

Tathagata said:
algebraic tiles
patterns from desert visions
tempted by the devil

she is frosted
by care and age
like a halo

she wears her suffering
like an abayah
to conceal her beauty

but like a well in the wilderness
all are drawn
to partake of life

she speaks words
and weaves psalms in the sky
and we bow

worship this beauty
worship this woman
worship this truth
Lovely. I hope to see this as part of the new poems. :)
Tathagata said:
I can feel your want
your need
your heat
It cascades off you in waves
a visual moan
the way your muscles moves
as if
I'm already in you

your whole body is dressed
wrapped to entice
all my fetishes
laced and gartered and strapped

a high note
almost beyond hearing
rings in my head
as I watch you
your skirt

the garden of eden
and your apple
polished and ripe
to be devoured

and I drink in your sin
like a mornings tea
with no thought of retribution or karma
for this
this wet embracing gift
this sharing of souls
this becoming one with god
how can this
be a sin?

and I surrender my soul
my future lives
my eternity
my nirvana
for one day
in your embrace

and I have
no regrets
Jeez, I missed this one. It's great, too. Have you been sneaking around and practicing your poetry? ;)
Re: Re: zahra

WickedEve said:
Lovely. I hope to see this as part of the new poems. :)

I'll have know I had your style in mind when I wrote this

i'm gonna wait a few days
I have like 5 pending
Angeline said:
After I loved you
I became microscopic,
too weak to be heard.
Wind carried my voice
away from you.

After I loved you
I became transparent,
a glass bird, fragile, breakable,
left on a table in the hall.

I stared at the wall for years.
It was smooth and quiet, empty.
I pressed my face to it.
I could not speak.
I could not scream.
I was smooth and quiet, empty.

I could not reach a chair in my own house.
I could not reach the bed.
I fell behind the laundry,
crumpled behind your shirts.
You forgot I was there.

After I loved you
I was no more
than a particle, a mote of dust,
shifted past sunlight,
sifted under glass, trapped
beneath a photograph of myself,
unaware of a world once
around me.
Oh! What's this doing here? I'm going to get all emotional now. You know I love this. I want to marry this poem and grow old with it. lol
WickedEve said:
Jeez, I missed this one. It's great, too. Have you been sneaking around and practicing your poetry? ;)

Zen Approach
I write and submit and forget

But reading the people here has given me a lot of inspiration and ideas
Re: Re: Re: zahra

Tathagata said:
I'll have know I had your style in mind when I wrote this

i'm gonna wait a few days
I have like 5 pending
What a compliment! No wonder I love it. lol
well, you outdid me with this one, kitten butt.
Re: Re: Re: Re: zahra

WickedEve said:
What a compliment! No wonder I love it. lol
well, you outdid me with this one, kitten butt.

oh no
no where close to you
I liked being minimalist....
it's hard to get just the right words
i will explore this style more
it's much more work than i'm used to
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: zahra

Tathagata said:
oh no
no where close to you
I liked being minimalist....
it's hard to get just the right words
i will explore this style more
it's much more work than i'm used to
It is harder in some ways. I have several poems being pruned at the moment. I'm stripping them down to their bones. One that should be up in a day or two is now only half its original size. The half that got tossed was like... too much mayo. It was fattening up my poem and oozing all over my tasty words.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: zahra

WickedEve said:
It is harder in some ways. I have several poems being pruned at the moment. I'm stripping them down to their bones. One that should be up in a day or two is now only half its original size. The half that got tossed was like... too much mayo. It was fattening up my poem and oozing all over my tasty words.

well now i'm all hot and stuff
( you covered in miracle whip............)


well i can do it with haiku......
because you are limited
but in free form it's hard to self impose that limit
you just want to.........explain!!
Re: Gently This Time

WickedEve said:
moths flutter between wools
summered beneath my bed.

Just once, you
aflutter, devouring softly.

(I was bad and edited the line breaks)

that says everything

it's like haiku
i love that

you're a talented woman despite having fruity mammalian protuberances
WickedEve said:
Oh! What's this doing here? I'm going to get all emotional now. You know I love this. I want to marry this poem and grow old with it. lol

This one knocked me sideways too. Just perfect!
Re: Re: Gently This Time

Tathagata said:
that says everything

it's like haiku
i love that

you're a talented woman despite having fruity mammalian protuberances
That's it, the melons are going back in the fruit bowl.
by the way, I read this to my Big M, and he laughed. It's suppose to be erotic--of course, there's a moth invasion where he is. Good! hee hee
Tristesse said:
This one knocked me sideways too. Just perfect!
This is one, maybe the first, angeline poem I ever read. Ange, isn't this the first one you posted when you first got here?
Re: Re: Re: Gently This Time

WickedEve said:
That's it, the melons are going back in the fruit bowl.
by the way, I read this to my Big M, and he laughed. It's suppose to be erotic--of course, there's a moth invasion where he is. Good! hee hee

you are wicked aren't ya........
echoes_s said:
Ride wild

I take rays from the sun
and braid
gentle wisps
then lean over,
tender touch your face
wistful caress
from the clouds
puffing breeze
a whispered wish
Really like the first stanza a lot!
Re: H

Randi Grail said:
helpless i stand
heliopaused in the hemisphere
a heathen hammerblow
against hunger and heartbreak
against hopleless and homeless
no headstrong heroism will hold
help me
hold me
heaven come
hell abide

I kinda like that
Tathagata said:
Over spanish moss
and dead generals
the sun rises

plantation columns
lazy buzz of cicadas
air like karo syrup

you there in a chair
fan flutters
black silk lace whispers

and time crawls
for this boy from the north
looking for chores

too slow you rise
too slow the night
too slow my dreams collide

lemonade and death
on the front porch
you've made me a captive
Ohhh, I love this one, too. You must be having a very inspiring night.
"lemonade and death
on the front porch"
I just love it.
WickedEve said:
Ohhh, I love this one, too. You must be having a very inspiring night.
"lemonade and death
on the front porch"
I just love it.

Thank you
echoes_s said:
I take rays from the sun
and braid
gentle wisps
then lean over,
tender touch your face
wistful caress
from the clouds
puffing breeze
a whispered wish
to see you smile in your sleep

In meadows of deep
to sprout a grass length
and tickle the nape
of your neck as you lay
where hair curls
in baby browned tendrils
that never leave
to kiss wet with dew
and sighingly breathe
then evaporate into you

You've got it girl. The stanzas match up much better! This is good!
WickedEve said:
You've got it girl. The stanzas match up much better! This is good!

Thanks Eve, I somehow feel it needs a final stanza, but hesitating a bit, muse still stuttering not quite there.:)
echoes_s said:
Thanks Eve, I somehow feel it needs a final stanza, but hesitating a bit, muse still stuttering not quite there.:)
Keep working on it, or put it aside for the night and look at it again tomorrow. Sometimes, you need a break from a poem, so you can take a fresh look at it later.
Re: born too late......

tarablackwood22 said:
There is no real
blood here, on
city streets, blood that
means, blood that
talks, blood that
tells stories
that matter.

Of course there are stains, and
pain. Someone who
delayed too long lacing
his shoe met a trailer
in this very spot, driven by a
hurried man, late on his rounds, but

that blood you stand on now
with your Italian leather
does not hold or
challenge the red and godly grace
of a Tennessee field
where just yesterday, coincidentally
at that same hour, a black man’s
bones were swallowed
by the blades of his
harvester, as he bent
to lift his summer wheat.

you are good
Re: born too late......

tarablackwood22 said:

that blood you stand on now
with your Italian leather
does not hold or
challenge the red and godly grace
of a Tennessee field
where just yesterday, coincidentally
at that same hour, a black man’s
bones were swallowed
by the blades of his
harvester, as he bent
to lift his summer wheat.
Good poem, last stanza very powerful, tara.