Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

WickedEve said:
You better be planning to submit this!

everytime I see that av eve I think of the Dave Matthews song

" hike up your dress a little more and show the world to me"
(Tess' thread on hurt'n gave me the notion to go back a bit and dig something up.)

Keep digging away, please! (so long as you share, that is) :)

Love the :kiss: at the end, especially. I think I've had a few of those, myself...

- Mindy, shameless ;)
Edited to add: Arrrgghh...I'm so itching to edit, if not delete completely. Deep breaths.

edited again...Itchy fingers won. It was for the best. Trust me.
Last edited:
Re: The Snow Queen

Angeline said:
He is blind. You outsiders see no more
than him. He is made blind by ice, eyes
filmed and in his heart a shard rent
between logic and love, given over not

to sadness but emptiness prevailing like wind.
Once his smile bound up their garden
in a parenthesis of tenderness. This is how
flowers bloomed, spring swayed. Once

a rose lay unfurled between them
like friendship. She would cross rivers,
drop her dread over boatside, walk
alone over forest floors if only

the stones would part. If only she
could breathe that empty air,
she’d outsmart all nature, let leaves
green again, give her shoes away

to a tattered child promising clarity,
a path into the glaciers. She would believe
even when every petal warned her
not to follow north to the heart of winter,

where the queen reigns in frozen remove.
She would believe still that every endless
outcry of storm ends in morning breaking
sunlight over the soundless howl. His heart

might melt again. She would believe. Perhaps
she is mistaken. Perhaps the tune is unfamiliar,
and it is only her own echo crying. Temptation
caresses her face and she is fearless. Foolish.

Perhaps spring will grace his heart, thaw it
free of contradiction’s shadow. Perhaps
spring will grace the trail with light back
to the garden and the bench, freedom.

That's outstanding Ange

even after 3 reads it's powerful
submit it please.
Tathagata said:
thank you
I'll peruse (sp?) them later


(I hope I wasn't too pushy, lol--but I wil tend to chase my poems after sweet people who compliment them)
Angeline said:

(I hope I wasn't too pushy, lol--but I wil tend to chase my poems after sweet people who compliment them)

what a nice way to be pushy
; )
Syndra Lynn said:
Boston brawler
poem scrawler
kiss me quick
take me thick
inside me
slide and glide me
in and out
my pussy pouts
and grips to hold you
have I told you
love to suck you
want to fuck you

Well after reading this now you're gonna have to 45 minutes


I didn't think anyone could still make me blush
Angeline said:
Read to me
make my eyes saucer big
turn the comfort of bedtime
in pages of sheets
and mountains of pillows

make the words fierce as tigers
but drop your voice low
don't scare me too much
I might have to dive
to a cave of lids closed
lashes down or I might
have to dream

hummingbirds that hover
at windows while rocks
speak like rivers babbling
their secrets in your voice
in imagination that slips
like a veil when a girl

slips asleep raveled care
of stories knit deep
colored countries alien
almost real

:heart: :heart: How wonderful to wake up to this !!
Tathagata said:
let speak to you
of ancient things
a time of magic
and endless reality

the world expanded
to realms unknown
and contracted to a single tree

of fairies and gnomes
and the spirit wind
who carries messages
among the forest folk

castles in tree trunks
and underwater chambers
where mermen dwell
and plan epic battles

dragons and wizards
dust covered journals
and powder in a skin sack
that glows when sprinkled

let me pass all this on
sow my tales
in your imagination
and let them ferment

and watch them rise
like funeral mist
up onto the land
and become the sparkle in your eye

( forgive sp and rhyme...i'm at work lol)

:heart: :heart: ........and this !
tarablackwood22 said:
:heart: :heart: How wonderful to wake up to this !!

Thanks Tara...and Tath! That's what I love about this thread--doug always made the best threads--we inspire each other here.

Angeline said:
Thanks Tara...and Tath! That's what I love about this thread--doug always made the best threads--we inspire each other here.


i used to be on a site where we'd kinda riff off each other
mostly on haiku but on other stuff too
i loved it
you read and respond
and usually it's some pretty good stuff

Tathagata said:
In royal tents
sultans lair
you come to me
in gauzey veils
teasing and testing
my will

hips move like a lullabye
like a serpents head
and I am transfixed
and helpless

lips dark stained with berries
and eyes liquid
kohled and deep

breasts pert and full
ready to ween me
with the milk of sin
and seduction

we feed and fall
full on satin pillows
and you slip me in
to enternity

taking me in
holding me fast
you milk me
of all reason

and inhibitions gone
we strain to join
we attack

hair pulled
flesh bitten
a final lunge
and freeze

and then i awaken
and you are gone
a scented mirage
in my desert

This is wonderful Tath!

Thank you.

Syn :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :heart: :kiss:
Re: Yes!

Syndra Lynn said:

come hither my love
let me hold you
against my breast
suckle my flesh
as you torment my mind


I have you here
voice only, but
it's all of you now
filling me
fondling me


your breath on my clit
your fingers inside
you throw me over the edge
come along for the ride
flushed and sweating


I lie alone, trembling
in the afterglow of your
the mind is the most
responsive sex organ

yes, yes, oh yes

you are on fire today aren't ya??
Liar said:
on an optic wire
keyboard kisses
clash byte by byte

we lean forward
to see
if a speaking screen
can intend as much
as for real

and any stir
every impression
sinks in
straining the chord
so much more
until the nexus
fragile in this
no mans land

tread easily
my friends
and don't lean in
too deep

Words so true
warning fair

and I LOVE the new AV!

Syn :kiss: