Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Angeline said:
The screen door is open.
A breeze wafts
to the kitchen.

Almost bedtime.

When the music ends,
we go upstairs, but first
Toscanini must finish conducting
Beethoven's Piano Concerto
through its alternating measures
of majesty and understatement.

Daddy likes that movement
toward the end, where violins
whisper insistently and keys
meander like petals falling

until the pace quickens,
and low crisp notes
scurry across the board,
roll out from the dining room.

Daddy, it sounds like mice.

We watch the night flesh
into black. Wind rattles.
The neighbor's dog barks.
Music plays.

Chavi, write how it sounds.

So I do.
And I do.
And I do.

This just made me sigh
Very very nice Ange
Tathagata said:
This just made me sigh
Very very nice Ange

Thank you sweety. :rose:

Think I should submit it? (I can't tell whether it's good enough--I have no perspective about my own stuff, lol.) We were listening to the radio last night and the Emporer Concerto came on and I had this rush of memory about listening to it with my dad. :)
Angeline said:
Thank you sweety. :rose:

Think I should submit it? (I can't tell whether it's good enough--I have no perspective about my own stuff, lol.) We were listening to the radio last night and the Emporer Concerto came on and I had this rush of memory about listening to it with my dad. :)

Oh yeah submit it
just for the line " it sounds like mice daddy"
; )
Tathagata said:
Oh yeah submit it
just for the line " it sounds like mice daddy"
; )

You know the part I mean? It's in the next to last, or second from last, movement. It *does* sound like mice--I always thought that, lol.
Angeline said:
You know the part I mean? It's in the next to last, or second from last, movement. It *does* sound like mice--I always thought that, lol.

yes i know
but that line just summed up childhood
I'm like that
tarablackwood22 said:
has been pinned,
hand over its mouth,

something creeps
into its soul.

suffocate the whimpers
of beaten wives,
back doors
close, drugged
to the banks of sleep.


the growls of hungry dogs
and the cries of tomcats
and the clicks of fly wings
are no more.


no sound
from a dripping drainpipe
or memory
of a wet day,
a stone building’s
leaking jugular
pooling the sidewalk
with silence.

the uncauterized wails
have run
like spurred horses,
for cover
into the night’s deep pockets.

is furious midnight?
desertion punishable
by the sun.

the tongues
have been cut
from the snap of my heels
and the window glass
they crunch.

who is the digger
that filled
a canyon’s throat?

and the sky
like a lizard
spots a bastard star
about to talk,
and sends
a gray-blanket assassin.

have i found god?
should I pray or sin?

will the rooster
sleep through morning,
or will morning
never come,
as midnight’s jailer?

the absence
could procreate
or murder—
its prodigies.

Wow! Just wow!
Syndra Lynn said:
What she said Tara. You and your words are amazing!

Syn :kiss:


I hear California wine cures sleepless nights, Syn.

Send me a truckload!

Loved the Boston brawler! I'll read your other one later.

tarablackwood22 said:

that's what happens when you don't sleep, Ang!.....a child of insomnia.

I've written stuff sleep deprived but nothing that friggin' good

spellbinding Tara
just wonderful
tarablackwood22 said:

that's what happens when you don't sleep, Ang!.....a child of insomnia.

Tell me about it. I didn't sleep for a year. Can you say 400 poems? :D
tarablackwood22 said:
:rose: Back from your liquid lunch, oh brawler of Boston?

If I had a liquid lunch I'd have dropped the "F" bomb about 15 times already.......
My little chicago deep dish.:rose:
Angeline said:
Tell me about it. I didn't sleep for a year. Can you say 400 poems? :D

Man, you must have been tired :D ....and hand-cramped.

There are worse things you could have been doing at those hours than writing, that's for sure! :kiss:
tarablackwood22 said:
Man, you must have been tired :D ....and hand-cramped.

There are worse things you could have been doing at those hours than writing, that's for sure! :kiss:

At the time, no. But fortunately, life goes on. :)
Liar said:
Just dropping by to second that wow.


:heart: ....what happened to the eyes....and the fingers.....and the crest? Are you still roaring over on the SavageWolf comedy hour, or are they taking cigarette breaks? :D
tarablackwood22 said:
has been pinned,
hand over its mouth,

something creeps
into its soul.

suffocate the whimpers
of beaten wives,
back doors
close, drugged
to the banks of sleep.


the growls of hungry dogs
and the cries of tomcats
and the clicks of fly wings
are no more.


no sound
from a dripping drainpipe
or memory
of a wet day,
a stone building’s
leaking jugular
pooling the sidewalk
with silence.

the uncauterized wails
have run
like spurred horses,
for cover
into the night’s deep pockets.

is furious midnight?
desertion punishable
by the sun.

the tongues
have been cut
from the snap of my heels
and the window glass
they crunch.

who is the digger
that filled
a canyon’s throat?

and the sky
like a lizard
spots a bastard star
about to talk,
and sends
a gray-blanket assassin.

have i found god?
should I pray or sin?

will the rooster
sleep through morning,
or will morning
never come,
as midnight’s jailer?

the absence
could procreate
or murder—
its prodigies.

dayam Tara! Do something with it, submit it, sell it...

*picks up my jaw and snaps it back in place*
originally posted by echoe-s


dayam Tara! Do something with it, submit it, sell it...

*picks up my jaw and snaps it back in place*


:heart: my vanity joins my heart in asking you to hang around here for a while..... :heart: :heart:
tarablackwood22 said:
originally posted by echoe-s


dayam Tara! Do something with it, submit it, sell it...

*picks up my jaw and snaps it back in place*


:heart: my vanity joins my heart in asking you to hang around here for a while..... :heart: :heart:

Oh wow, I just figured out how to get the dates of anything I have ever written on this computer :rolleyes:

Did you know, everyone here has made...bleah, making a seperate post...go read please, I dont even know the title yet.
Thank goodness I have had my nappy and feel better :eek: :heart:

Just going to be called "You poeters'...."