Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re: a big hair lick poem

normal jean said:
for eve and tath-

cotton candy hair
she has cotton candy hair
sweetly pink and sugar puffed
Bouffant-style just wasn’t enough

she’s gotta be sweet, enticing
offers everyone a nibble or lick

but she’s got cotton candy hair
don’t nudge up too close
or she’ll smear herself like butter
all over your fancy clothes
That doesn't work for me. Cotton candy is too sweet for a diabetic and the butter is too fattening for me, unless it's the new trans fat free type. Or unless the cotton candy is made with splenda. You could change that line to "she'll smear herself like lite yogurt." Or you could use organic soy milk enhanced with omega 3 to describe my creamy skin.
ahh, should have echoed tinning

gotta go

i am learning...please forgive me. i am beginning to understand

taipa :heart:
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Re: Re: a big hair lick poem

WickedEve said:
That doesn't work for me. Cotton candy is too sweet for a diabetic and the butter is too fattening for me, unless it's the new trans fat free type. Or unless the cotton candy is made with splenda. You could change that line to "she'll smear herself like lite yogurt." Or you could use organic soy milk enhanced with omega 3 to describe my creamy skin.

well thats sexy as hell
sorry, didnt mean to offend you with the silly poem :(

maybe you just dont need anymore sugar cause youre already sweet enuf?
normal jean said:
sorry, didnt mean to offend you with the silly poem :(

maybe you just dont need anymore sugar cause youre already sweet enuf?
I guess no one found health food amusing!
You and tath have the attitude of a prune, which happens to be rich in fiber and antioxidants.
WickedEve said:
I guess no one found health food amusing!
You and tath have the attitude of a prune, which happens to be rich in fiber and antioxidants.

well now, thats funny!!! :D

mm, prunes, ( minsue, do you have an icon of homer simpson burping? you know,where his tongue wiggles out and looks all gross? that would be perfect..insert here burp icon here... :rose:
Re: lol! lets try this thread, hi there!

echoes_s said:
she really thought
i was a whore
to screw her man
without morals
just for spite
without reason
i don’t even no if we
should have used
a condom

it would have been easy
i knew he was interested
not at first though
thought he was really
wanting to help me
a helping hand

but the bitterness
and to hold it so tight
for so long
keeping it strong
finding pleasure
no condominium
not hesitated misunderstanding
straight accusations
no questions
not even listening

What condom would hold
or withhold against them
to be constantly worn thing
when serious fucking
is to be done
and the saddest thing
is she probably would
shudder the thought
of watch him writhe
in passion
or element of control

i dream to find a man
i can do this for
can give him control
and kneel at his feet
and sense him
breathing the air and knowing
it is him
from his vibrations
and current
the electricity of his being
that i am home
at my place…
his slave

It's good on any thread, echoes. Put it on 'em all! :D :kiss:
Re: lol! lets try this thread, hi there!

echoes_s said:
she really thought
i was a whore
to screw her man
without morals
just for spite
without reason
i don’t even no if we
should have used
a condom

it would have been easy
i knew he was interested
not at first though
thought he was really
wanting to help me
a helping hand

but the bitterness
and to hold it so tight
for so long
keeping it strong
finding pleasure
no condominium
not hesitated misunderstanding
straight accusations
no questions
not even listening

What condom would hold
or withhold against them
to be constantly worn thing
when serious fucking
is to be done
and the saddest thing
is she probably would
shudder the thought
of watch him writhe
in passion
or element of control

i dream to find a man
i can do this for
can give him control
and kneel at his feet
and sense him
breathing the air and knowing
it is him
from his vibrations
and current
the electricity of his being
that i am home
at my place…
his slave

:heart: :heart: :heart: ...for your beauty and humanity, and for your untamed heart.

Silent Midnight - new poem....check it out.

the old Peterson place - needs one more vote, if worthy.
:rose: Thanks everyone but I'm going to change some things - as I said in PMs.

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Tathagata said:
jesus Tess
I got chills and tears

I posted it while a tad drunk last night then rushed in this a.m. and deleted it. A bit too strong ya think?
Tristesse said:
I posted it while a tad drunk last night then rushed in this a.m. and deleted it. A bit too strong ya think?

I think it's great
i mean
the power is intense
anything that makes some one " feel"like that does should not be deleted

submit it
too strong?

Deleted as per request-but I still think it was perfect.

Not too strong. Only perfect, and possibly the best you've ever written.

Syn :kiss:
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Thanks you two! I'll sit on it for a bit, I think. Maybe buff it some.
Syndra Lynn said:
and her av is buff! What a coincidence!

Have you been to my party today?

Me?? I've been there all weekend you don't remember the under the table incident I take it??
Tathagata said:
Me?? I've been there all weekend you don't remember the under the table incident I take it??

blushes furiously

see-this is why I don't drink!
re:Tess's last

Wow Tess! Vivid stirring images. The reality in your words really puts shame to the fantasy. Thank you for the smack to the head.
Tristesse said:
The sunny skies and smiling eyes
the happy sighs –
all photo lies.
Little girls are perfect pros,
at hiding what she really knows,
doing what her daddy tells her
even as he kneels and smells her
breathing in his man-scent on her
hoping that his touch will conquer
any fears that might remain
in his daughters little brain.
“You mustn’t tell a single soul.”
knowing that he has control
that her love will keep him safe
even as he rapes this waif.
childish pain will still remain
broken trust and love profane
haunt her to this very day
memories from far away.

yep chills!
so vivid..makes me want to close my eyes!
very nicely put for such a tender subject.
Syndra Lynn said:
Deleted as per request-but I still think it was perfect.

Not too strong. Only perfect, and possibly the best you've ever written.

Syn :kiss:

tarablackwood22 said:
Tess................:heart: :heart:

Silent Midnight - new poem....check it out.

Thanks so much you two. :kiss:

tara - let me read and digest, ok? I'll be back!
tarablackwood22 said:
Tess................:heart: :heart:

Silent Midnight - new poem....check it out.

Well - I'm beet red because I missed it first run through the new poems.

Thank you for directing me to it, it's a VERY good read! It has a well-deserrved "H" and - I'll lay bets - it'll have a "W" by it too.
