Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re:Daniel's Brushes

If he paints half as well as you write I want to see his work.
Hypnotically mesmerizing Tara.:rose:
Re: Re:Daniel's Brushes

tungtied2u said:
If he paints half as well as you write I want to see his work.
Hypnotically mesmerizing Tara.:rose:
Aye. What he/she (sorry, gotta go check tungtied2u's profile) said. :)
Re: damn him, all the way to hell

Maria2394 said:
anna- your poem made me remember, shoudl I thank you? sorry, I cant

you wanna talk rape?pinned, non consensual
fucking sex!!! goddamn that bastard
sixteen isnt old enough to fight,
or fight back
35 is too old to fuck a kid, like I was
all I needed was a ride home

that bed wasnt soft and his hands
hard and calloused
were like burlap, suffocating, holding me down
drool in my face, salty tears merged with vomit
seeping from my head, my heart
he should have just killed me
and make no mistake, I look for him
in eyes of tall strangers...named Phil

remember me? the sweet girl, with green eyes
I know you saw them, I know you remember
when you fucked th elife out of me and
then dumped me by the road like a piece of trash
in the rain
and its been 25 years and its still raiining
I hate the rain, it stings like he did
it clings like he did, it reminds me
that all that really awaits me is death
and as hard as I try, I cant seem to live,
this life here
and there, and wherever I might be,
this happiness is an illusion
this smile is just me, faking it
and Im still here, waiting
on that ride home

somebody, please, take me home

:heart: :heart: :rose:
Tristesse said:
It's the silences
that speak volumes.
The words
left unsaid
and languishing
that kill love.
swallowed sighs and
second thoughts
to fill the empty heart.

Liar said:
I wanted her officially,
to snap the routine
and break every conduct rule.
Right there, tight then.

To grab her in the routine,
just walking down
the dust grey everyday
of office corridor boredom.
Conservative attire
so blatantly unable to hide
pinnacled pleasures
just one peel away.

No stealth cliché routine
of muffed fast fuck
against the Xerox
after hours,
leaving ass-prints in the tray
for tomorrow's
guessing game rumors.

But slammed,
right there, right then,
like a post-it note
on the painted plaster wall,
a pinned up pro memoria
penetrated by me,
but wide open
for anyone
to read.

As we wrote our own
resignation notes
on that wall,
in sweat imprints,
skin fragments,
pulled hair,
and a song of
wanton wailing
against another wall
of bypassing colleagues
stunned silence...

...before signing it all
in our comined essences,
and walk off
as something more
than urban legends.

:heart: ....this is yummy!....a lot of this going around lately! ;)

I read it again....edit....this is BEYOND YUMMY!!!! :heart:
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Opal pearl said:
It should be in the right thread now (hopefully) :D
Thank you Tara


You are reflected
in my eyes,
and forever.

I am the mirror
of your spirit,
I'll forget.

You gave me life
and a world,
i know it.

Home sweet home! :D
Re: Does this go here?

tungtied2u said:
My America

My America used to feel
Cared about her children
Guarded their lives, liberty and happiness jealously

My America didn’t drive us into debt from childbirth
Wring blood from us
In return for our health

My America served healthy meals at school
Not corporate profits
And fattening fast food

My America taught us tolerance
Not arrogance, ignorance
To look askance at others views

My America believed in freedom and fairness
Not unjust incarceration
To calm our paranoia

My America valued its vast unspoiled wilderness
Not for the profits it provided
But for the spirits it set free

My America fought suffering
Not caused it
And prolonged it

Where is your compassion?
Where is your justice?
Where is your virtue?

Gasping, buried deep in the coffers
Beneath the wealth of a precious few
Exhume her before it’s too late

re: does this go here? HEll yes, if its something you just wrote, yes yes!! I love this, amen to the whole darned thing :)
Re: Does this go here?

tungtied2u said:
Does this go here?

great poem! In response to your question

here is the intention of this board from way back when:


all of a sudden passion suddenly
similar to the old, "writing live" thread.
Poems written with no time restrictions but
complete ASAP, submitted and then regretted.
no copy pasted, no mushrooms on the pizza.
no rewriting!
Like life. It's sudden. It's all passion.

and 03sp is watching all of us to make sure there is no cheating
no mushrooms
no backspace

oop you know I always backspace, it is al of a sudden
it is passion
it is my compulsion to backspace
without a thought

but if so, be prepared to get a buzz of stray voltage coming from an unexplained source

buzz okay okay I know, I backspaced, missed the "n"

here it is

uexplained okay?

submit regret

edited to fix the quote thinggies BUZZ ouch! oooh..[/i]
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Re: Re: Does this go here?

annaswirls said:
great poem! In response to your question

here is the intention of this board from way back when:


and 03sp is watching all of us to make sure there is no cheating
no mushrooms
no backspace

oop you know I always backspace, it is al of a sudden
it is passion
it is my compulsion to backspace
without a thought

but if so, be prepared to get a buzz of stray voltage coming from an unexplained source

buzz okay okay I know, I backspaced, missed the "n"

here it is

uexplained okay?

submit regret

edited to fix the quote thinggies

Anna, honey, have some coffee
annaswirls said:
damn fly wheel
no breaks
thought something might get done today

does this go here
you bet it does baby
right there

or there

yeah there is okay too

surface area
centimeter squared

thinking we got all the time in the wrold
to cover the perimeter
and color it in

see no cheating

never liked that cheating

it bears repeating

where was I going

wanna be your concrete baby
wanna make me stay?

back ho dig me deep your claws
swoop and scoop
and claw me empty as watermelon bowl

dig me consume me
eyes up sunward
pour in your concrete baby
scratch your initials
before it sets

feel the heat from inside

sew up my skin
no numb needed
besides eyes into mine
fingers know the way
needle me down
silver flash black thread

black thread


you left something inside

closed closed closed

caterpillar track wheels
cross over me
leaving tracks
pressure squeezes juices

out of my holes


cottonj guqze

cotton guaze
soak me up
squiize me in

betadine red
qtip soft

and whistle blows

but we are already home

God I missed this stuff
:rose: :heart:
annaswirls said:
damn fly wheel
no breaks
thought something might get done today

does this go here
you bet it does baby
right there

or there

yeah there is okay too

surface area
centimeter squared

thinking we got all the time in the wrold
to cover the perimeter
and color it in

see no cheating

never liked that cheating

it bears repeating

where was I going

wanna be your concrete baby
wanna make me stay?

back ho dig me deep your claws
swoop and scoop
and claw me empty as watermelon bowl

dig me consume me
eyes up sunward
pour in your concrete baby
scratch your initials
before it sets

feel the heat from inside

sew up my skin
no numb needed
besides eyes into mine
fingers know the way
needle me down
silver flash black thread

black thread


you left something inside

closed closed closed

caterpillar track wheels
cross over me
leaving tracks
pressure squeezes juices

out of my holes


cottonj guqze

cotton guaze
soak me up
squiize me in

betadine red
qtip soft

and whistle blows

but we are already home

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does this go here?

Randi Grail said:
wait right there
anna dear

and i'll take care of your java jive

caffeine weary trix fix
with a hevenly mix
from my secret private stash

eh? no! just coffee dammit!
but real
like they do it in palermo

with to much care
and just the right amount
of chalk in the spring water

running like gold
on your tongue

or like they do it in caero
strong as a bullet
sweet as maple syrup lovemaking

and spiced with centuries
of erotic exotic mystery

sit down anna dear
and let me serve you

a cup of life
on a small table
in the baking afternoon rays

here in my quiet corner
of eternity

Make that 2!:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does this go here?

Randi Grail said:
wait right there
anna dear

and i'll take care of your java jive

caffeine weary trix fix
with a hevenly mix
from my secret private stash

eh? no! just coffee dammit!
but real
like they do it in palermo

with to much care
and just the right amount
of chalk in the spring water

running like gold
on your tongue

or like they do it in caero
strong as a bullet
sweet as maple syrup lovemaking

and spiced with centuries
of erotic exotic mystery

sit down anna dear
and let me serve you

a cup of life
on a small table
in the baking afternoon rays

here in my quiet corner
of eternity

This is wonderful
I dont like coffee!!!
maybe I should be abnormal jean

can I have a cold coke? or a glass of tea..yummy :)
Tathagata said:
flagstone path
moss covered
stone lanterns light
ceremonial tea house

bend to enter
all are humbled

small brazier heats
pure mountain water
and I add the tea
to your glazed cup

in silence
I mix your tea

I offer you this cup
this tea
this ceremony
this moment
of perfection

:rose: :kiss: ;)

hey Tath!!
ooohh, I like this poem, sounds like something Jean would flip out over..I;ll tell her about it, but right now she's in the closet watching Seattle shower through that little peep hole
God, I hope Seattle doesnt mind ::eek:

ohh yeah, how bout a couple drops of that yummy absinthe in her tea, she needs to calm down a little bit, dont ya tthink?:D
SeattleRain said:
anna says
thank you for the coffee
for fulfilling seattles voyeristic desires (hey!)

and for kind praise
shaking the snow globe
was particularly appreciated
and remembered, it will be

and she says what h
she sees out the corner of her eye
is the shadow
of her nose

and ghost footbrints
and prints

hand stands
broken rain branches

phones with no battery
pincil with out lead
cup, no water

poem endingn
no meaning here
or melopdy

someone tell me to find something to clean
take a nap

um read a fucking book?

anna says watch your language



you are welcome
Re: For Anna

Tathagata said:
Anna says
so many things
in so many ways
like a jigsaw
follow the ball
and the melody
not the words
make sense

anna leads me
down crystalline paths
of good and bad
mirrors show only

anna teases
strokes and pokes me
she fucks me
stabs me
kills me
drinks my life and
spits out sacred ink
onto receptive pages

anna turns the world over
in her hands
a snow globe
and I watch
my eyes refocused
with her hushed haunted hymns

anna shows me
what I've always seen
in the corner
of my eye

a thank you to Anna for her poetry which I've found very inspirational

oooohhhh!!! thats pretty, will you do me next? :D
SeattleRain said:
fuck punctuation fuck logic fuck structuire

this is fucking poetry
if one could fuck a poem onto paper
thisis where one would post it

like a reunion with a lover
who leaves again in 5-

fucking with clothes on
where things land, is where they land

no time for request of or foreplay
forefront or
foun by fouf four
four by four


if you m iss just try it again
you will find is one fo these times

VM your passion is pure gold

sprinkle it down

without aim
direction or concern for who
it might lannd on

just dont cleane it up

it is passion
is is suddenly
it is like life


you are like life

come on, fuck it up with us again

it feels so good dont you think it feels so good

without paise
or pause
distinction discrimination of what is


what sucks

it doesnt matter just get it out get it out get it out

dont wait in line
just shake out that wet hair
over your keyboard

and let your fingers follow the drops

love it
