Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Tristesse said:
.....and he said it was 'flu. :D Thai food is good for hungover folk.


szechuan food is too
hot and sour soup...fix ya right up

so they tell me....
Angeline said:

In the best tradition of, say, Brendan Behan? (Anyway, it's better than *his* Jewish accent, which is totally embarrassing.)

ahh Brendan I may not get this word for word but..

" It's not that the Irish are cynical..they just have a wonderful lack of respect for everyone and everything"

I'd ask about having any "irish" in you...
but you know where that'd lead
:D :p
Tathagata said:
ahh Brendan I may not get this word for word but..

" It's not that the Irish are cynical..they just have a wonderful lack of respect for everyone and everything"

I'd ask about having any "irish" in you...
but you know where that'd lead
:D :p

too late for that. i'll not say i've had my fill of shillaleigh (sp?) jokes. you know where that'd lead...

Angeline said:
too late for that. i'll not say i've had my fill of shillaleigh (sp?) jokes. you know where that'd lead...


yeah someone kissing someones blarney stone
Re: snubbed

WickedEve said:
she was vivid through aisles
pinking past spring waters
ignoring browns and drabs

occasional glances that would crush butterflies

perhaps I was too earth toned for recognition
my girls lacklustered against necessity
boxed in tissued textures

but barb barb
fuchsia and forlorn
you're unflattering hues
of faux woebegone


this is very good.
JUDO said:

A thrust,
A grunt,
A deepfelt sigh.

A quiver,
A quake,
A raised, wet thigh.

Of two,
Or three,
Count noses, not eyes.

To see
And feel
A girth or size.

A watch
that ticks,
Not with the time.

A veil
Of glass
Just for a dime.

'Til tight
The Ball
Of flesh and lust

Will gasp
Its peak
As all things must.

We watch
Mirrors, one way

No one to lay.

Glass fogs,
Coins glint,
Towels wipe away

Madness -
The edge
Of this girl's stay.

Hiya gorgeous.

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
JUDO said:

A thrust,
A grunt,
A deepfelt sigh.

A quiver,
A quake,
A raised, wet thigh.

Of two,
Or three,
Count noses, not eyes.

To see
And feel
A girth or size.

A watch
that ticks,
Not with the time.

A veil
Of glass
Just for a dime.

'Til tight
The Ball
Of flesh and lust

Will gasp
Its peak
As all things must.

We watch
Mirrors, one way

No one to lay.

Glass fogs,
Coins glint,
Towels wipe away

Madness -
The edge
Of this girl's stay.

You mean girls do that too?
this is perfect...errrrrrr
from what I've heard
Tathagata said:
You mean girls do that too?
this is perfect...errrrrrr
from what I've heard

Tath meet JUDO, JUDO, Tath. (She'll call ya a butt pickin monkey in a sonnet, you know--eloquently--she writes em in about 14 seconds.)

Angeline said:
Tath meet JUDO, JUDO, Tath. (She'll call ya a butt pickin monkey in a sonnet, you know--eloquently--she writes em in about 14 seconds.)


i may as well just paint my ass baboon colors and make an AV out of it

Hey Ange

Angeline said:
Tath meet JUDO, JUDO, Tath. (She'll call ya a butt pickin monkey in a sonnet, you know--eloquently--she writes em in about 14 seconds.)

Introduce me too!
clean out your mailbox

echoes_s said:
His chain

so strong,
so beautiful
arced silver
looped links
holding one on to the other
that only a blazing fire
raged melting heat
that only force
cutting sharp
sheer strength
contrary snap
could break this chain

yet it has been broken
contrary, confused
sitting on space
fog surrounding
walls, empty
for the first time
i don’t understand
T/they don’t want my help
but i have to be
so strong for T/them

other friends have probems
another moving far away
Two so busy, yet call
when things get too much
children home
and explotions of emotions
volcanic eruptions of tears
driving sleet of pain
and i wonder
who do i have to hold on to
no one
i need this right now

tried to pm you early this morn - 6am est- your box is full.
Re: Re: Hey Ange

Angeline said:
Psssst, JUDO, baby? This is tungtied. 2u. He's no monkey, but he writes a damn good poem.


Aw shucks, thanks Ange. And may I add Judo, what lovely , ripe strawberries you bare....I mean bear.:D
Re: Re: Re: Hey Ange

tungtied2u said:
Aw shucks, thanks Ange. And may I add Judo, what lovely , ripe strawberries you bare....I mean bear.:D

Oh god. Don't get her started. You have no idea...


tarablackwood22 said:
my nightmare strips its robe
from skull to sole, unpacks
its racks and baggage,
lays its dark and dirty clothing
on the virgin bed
of day,

and in its slumming stains
the grim and ghostly sleepers stir
and dance
in black delight and sleeves,
calling from the night their thieves
and heroes.

their promises of secret heat
are better kept
in jars of whispers
hissing when the lights
go out,
kissing me in dreams,

but streaking streams of daylight
cannot hide their crimes and more,
cannot ride them
to their proper stalls
or pacify their bucking calls
for answers.

ooohh, this is delightfully wicked, I feel a halloween competition comin on ;)
Tathagata said:
If I'd known you
in strawberry dresses
teddy bears and tea parties
I'd have taken you on my knee
and given you magic gifts
that you could have opened now

I'd whisper in your ear
pppshhhh sbesh pssssh pssh pescha pessh
those are secret words
it will make your dreams come true
someday..there is always someday

and this kiss on your cheek
will take you off crosses
that you find yourself on
and heal you
with unconditional love
it is always with you

and this hug will hold all the good things in
and keep all the bad things out

and when we walk
and i hold your tiny hand in mine
it is practice for
that handsome prince
who will find you
and love you
just the way you dreamed it would be

But you are grown now
and I've no magic to offer
no words to mend what life has done

but were it in my power
you'd be a little girl again
and I
would watch over you...

This is absolutely gorgeous. One of your best!

Now that's more like it!

Angeline said:
I like poets
who can say fuck
with panache
they'd seem mutually
fuck and panache
but sometimes
metaphoric ambiance
is irritating

like sometimes
you don't understand
is not clear
because what you really
mean is you don't know
shit from shinola

and face it
some people don't

like sometimes
the moon is just the moon
clouds are just puffs
of condensation
in the sky which is just
the atmosphere

and we all know
that sometimes
atmosphere is best
prosaic you can have
too much ambience
which leads to ennui
when you really
are fucking bored
annaswirls said:
cherry lips
golden apricot slips over
hazel and laughing

inner color and fruit
sipped for waking

as 9/19/04

anna- I think you're ahead of yourself- of course that may be your permanent state of mind- ;)

but shouldn't your poems be dated as 8/19/04 ?

jus wonerin.tt2u
Sure they dream....

champagne1982 said:
lustful blip on the sensory input transistors
deep in the centre of my hippocampus
where the lizard brain lives

surviving on scarce scraps gleaned from the air
as I remember a touch of your lips
crudely scented of pussy and semen

drives my hips forward and upward as I rest
REM sleep making me wet and restless
I didn't know that lizards dream

and they have goals,too!:p