Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Tathagata said:
i have
shes a redhead
it's even worse for me

I figured you were incurable.;)

*rest of the post is edited to prevent certain monkeys from leaving Boston to come beat me *
*Catbabe* said:
I figured you were incurable.;)

*rest of the post is edited to prevent certain monkeys from leaving Boston to come beat me *

i'm incurable in too many things to list....

beat you??
spank maybe

Tathagata said:
i'm incurable in too many things to list....

beat you??
spank maybe

Uh huh, I know.

I stared the list and then figured I would like to sit again sometime in the near future.
Tristesse said:

I can't come here anymore
The memories are jagged
The splinters make me cry and
The cuts go deep.
I can't stay here any more
The room is too still
Loud with your presence
Echoing with your laughter
I won't return knowing you will
Your unintentional call to me
will be left to resonate


nice to see you hun:rose: :heart:
Liar said:
During Easter
I hear,
whispered with a delectable tremble
from drooling lips
that mantra
over electronic ether
from apparently anywhere but here...

...of a gluttony Sangreal,
a paradise wrapped in tin foil,
melting to palatable orgasms
on tongues world wide.

But I have never seen
let alone savored the sensation
of this seasonal sensuality,
only witnessed in frustration
you delirium.

Someone, some day, somewhere...
open Heaven's gates, I beg.
For just one fleeing moment,
let me taste a Cadbury egg.


Ha-ha.. aw. no wait, I feel sorry for you, Liar.

Those Cadbury eggs are good to barter with too :)

- neo
neonurotic said:
Ha-ha.. aw. no wait, I feel sorry for you, Liar.

Those Cadbury eggs are good to barter with too :)

- neo

yeah, and the flake bars are to die for...

neonurotic said:
Ha-ha.. aw. no wait, I feel sorry for you, Liar.

Those Cadbury eggs are good to barter with too :)

- neo

maybe i can hook Liar up this easter. do you think it'd get smooshed in air mail?

Angeline said:
maybe i can hook Liar up this easter. do you think it'd get smooshed in air mail?

Name yer price. :)

(and write a whole cookbook like that)
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Angeline said:
Bring me a shrubbery?

(We'll work something out--I'll figure out a way to get Cadbury eggs to you for Easter, my dear)
Wowee. A shrub it is.

Erm... wot kind?
Angeline said:
(We'll work something out--I'll figure out a way to get Cadbury eggs to you for Easter, my dear)

I'll pitch in for that. I don't care for them much anymore (they kinda creep me out, really), but I'm a firm believer that everyone should have at least one Cadbury egg experience. :D
Liar said:
About shrubbery?

Nonononono. Forget the shrubbery. This is what I get for being a smartass and referencing a line from Mony Python's Holy Grail. :D

I'll just send em to ya cause I like you and reading your poems these last months have been gift enough. On the other hand, if I'm ever in your neck of the planet I'll take a sailboat ride. Deal?

Liar said:
Deal. :)

And just for the fuck of it, here's a shrubbery poem.

with sharpened steel we steered our steps in dawn
towards a rhododendron and a shrub
one towered like an afro on the lawn
the kind that in a crowd go bump and rub

the other hung right under like a beard
a santa mask in green and brown and pink
it didn't smell as nice at it appeared
up close you said "by god those flowers stink!"

so snip and snap, the rhododendron fell
the afro bush we levelled then, as well

Wot a guy!


Tathagata said:
its always women
swaying swirling sashaying
saying what i think i want to hear
like levels of understanding
they get deeper
and more intense
but i always miss them
by "this" much

i'll be on the right path
and the right brainwave
and i'll hit one
like a fuckin bull
and we'll stop and look
and say
and then
with my luck
i'll drop dead

but you'll go with a smile.

Re: across grand central

PatCarrington said:
she emptied the huge station,
made a crowded room
vacant and small with her grace,
recasting people as ghosts,
the dim steps bright as she walked
through a breeze, in a dress
of bulbs, creating
her own light and wind

at a distance, some magic,
some sympathy of physics,
provided a telescopic view
of her eyes

from far away, their blue-green
made me bleed. there were things
I needed to say then, invitations
to extend, offers of coffee
and wine, a quiet meal
under small flames

I wanted to ask her the time, pretending
time mattered. I wanted to tell her
it was sunny outside, if she cared
to see while I thought of something
she did not know, to give her
another piece of the world,
something new

I wanted to ask if she might let
a stranger hold her hand
and walk her, without words,
to the train, but

I stood still, another ghost,
and watched her disappear
into a tunnel

since that day, and now,
I look for her in crowds

This made me think of Jacky Kennedy...
Re: across grand central

PatCarrington said:
she emptied the huge station,
made a crowded room
vacant and small with her grace,
recasting people as ghosts,
the dim steps bright as she walked
through a breeze, in a dress
of bulbs, creating
her own light and wind

since that day, and now,
I look for her in crowds

me too too
annaswirls said:
everyone out of the house 8 hours
new opened door

something stinks

what is it?

the cat?
the laundry?
the potty training accidents of 2 small boys?

maybe the basil.

walk room to room search for the sorce

it is everywhere

it is me


Maybe it's fish?

You're safe, Anna. I see no mention of data files.
Tathagata said:
Across the choppy infinite depths
of the north atlantic
she calls me

I must wander yonder
home to Cork
to taste the bread
and raise a pint
to sing the songs and twist
my voice in with those
whose blood was spilled
with mine
ages ago

i would crawl there to die
to spend my last breath
in this land of sorrow
for truly it is
the place of my birth

me too, too.
*Catbabe* said:
I'm coming too, but I'm not singing for your own safety.;)

the poetry excited you that much??

Oh you mean to Ireland
well yes good
bring money
my thirst casts a shadow
:p :D