Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re: just the wind

neonurotic said:
at the kitchen table
doing mundane inane tasks
bills, bills, and books

I felt a hello
a serpentine around
and through ankles

I'll tell ya
I don't know if I believe
in ghosts, or angels

but for a moment there
I forgot you were gone
and called out your name

This is a hauntingly sad poem...:rose:
...that's all i have to say. I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep for a bit...
BlueskyBeauty said:
gypsy life bleeds.

empty veins weakened
by the beat of eroding time
and i wonder...

where might the soil be rich enough
to nourish the seeds of a dandelion
tossed about by
northwestern tornados,
southern coastal hurricanes
and southwestern rising flood waters.

may the sun shine between the rains
as i reach for the endless blues
of destination and destiny.

welcome back sweetie
:rose: :D :heart:
annaswirls said:
baby, starting again at step one
the path gets longer every time

Excellent poem! I especially like the last 2 lines. As I get older this seems to get more & more true...
Re: a porcupine poem

Maria2394 said:
I was on my way to nowhere
and sadly, I was late. You know
my obsession with roadkill, by now
so I will share a metaphor, or two.

If you EVER even CONSIDER stopping writing such lovely poems, I will throw myself on a herd of porcupines!:eek:

(of course I'd have to find a herd first) :rolleyes:

Tathagata said:
I could listen to Muddy Waters every day
all day
makes me shake my head and smile
yes sir

why is that?
why should a little irish boy from mass relate so well to a sharecroppers son?

I think it's the passion

i think it's the laying out of troubles in song
in easy song
3 chords
like the irish

no one came to the boston ghettoes
where the " no irish need apply" signs hung
to record our " colorful" misery

we didn't care
we wouldn't sing for anyone but our own anyway

there was salvation in those words
self flagellation over the green fields
catholic penenance served again
over and over
and in the end
we say
fuck you jesus
and raise a pint

because we have to rebel don't ya see
what else have we got..
same as those slaves
we have song
and the urge to rebel

you see them huddled in Boston
in bars
hats pulled low

you buy 'em a drink and listen

and those old men will tell you stories
of giants and fairies
and glory and honor
huge battles and sick coughing ships

green lips of starvation
aye thats what we come back to

and we sip that water of life
and nod
we are a hidden race
we are forgotten
tis a shame
but it's of no consequence
we're here
we've always been her

have a drink laddie
did ya hear the one
about the 3 old maids??

ahh come closer and buy us a taste
and i'll give you back
your birthright

I have actually done this, Tath- tho in Bridgeport, Connecticut- not Boston but the bar was on Boston Ave and it seemed like such a scary place til I went in with my Irish lover and met his Da and he loved me right away and he told me tales we washed down with boiler makers and then Billy hoisted him over his shoulders to his tiny room over the bar and it was glorious! Thank you for reminding me!
When I heard Love Me, Do my heart matched the beat
and Ringo became my secret lover when I was 13.

How beautifully you remember things
and how I envy you your new fall memories just being made
and what god did you pray to
to find such a sweet man?
BooMerengue said:
When I heard Love Me, Do my heart matched the beat
and Ringo became my secret lover when I was 13.

How beautifully you remember things
and how I envy you your new fall memories just being made
and what god did you pray to
to find such a sweet man?

Thank you, dear friend.

I believe it was the poetry god, but I think every poem of his explains why I did...
Angeline said:
Stop kissing Beatles!

Daddy's voice decrees it,
but his stern tone
can't obscure the laughter
threatening to reveal itself.

Girl giggles escape,
tumble down narrow stairs
and climb on the couch.

Not a sofa or davenport;
it's not that kind of house.
It's more a frayed cabbage-rose
runner on the staircase
kind of place,

where Mrs. Silvestri's lasagne,
made fresh Thursday, lingers
over the weekend, whispers
cheesy garlic memories.

Upstairs two heads press, conspire,
one freckled and with hair
that same Daddy red
lapped down shoulders,

the other a pale schtetl throwback
dipped behind a dark veil.

Stop kissing Beatles?

But there are dozens more,
striding across posters,
running for trains, cavorting
as moptops do, singing
I Wanna Hold Your Hand.

Ringo's head is tilted
in that kind quizzical smile
behind the Ludwig kit.
John's bowed posture
is unbowed by the small tear
near his neck, the piece of tape
holding him to the wall.

Somewhere among them
and the crowd of Georges
and Pauls, and the space
between the bunk beds
is the reassuring scent
of Grace's tomato gravy.

The night emanates safety
and rustles, settling
the small yellow room
face down into pillows
curled within quilts
that almost muffle
the murmurs of innocence.

Ahhh Beatles days! I was at a bar last week that hosts a quizzo trivia contest every Monday, and one of the questions was who directed Hard Day's Night and Help. I was the only one in the bar who knew? How about you?

oh hell, Tung... I can SEE the guy but I cant remember his name. Goin to Google as we speak...

*praying to Ange's god as I run...
tungtied2u said:
Ahhh Beatles days! I was at a bar last week that hosts a quizzo trivia contest every Monday, and one of the questions was who directed Hard Day's Night and Help. I was the only one in the bar who knew? How about you?


richard lester??
tungtied2u said:
Ahhh Beatles days! I was at a bar last week that hosts a quizzo trivia contest every Monday, and one of the questions was who directed Hard Day's Night and Help. I was the only one in the bar who knew? How about you?


I knew it was Ricard Lester. I know a frightening amount of Beatles trivia. The number of times I've seen A Hard Day's Night is...well I can't tell you. It's too embarrassing. :eek:

I know who Victor Spinetti is, too. He was in every Beatles movie but two. Know which two? Know what his roles were in the ones he was in?

(LOL! Do NOT get me started on Beatles trivia. I'm a total Beatles geek.)


Angeline said:
I knew it was Ricard Lester. I know a frightening amount of Beatles trivia. The number of times I've seen A Hard Day's Night is...well I can't tell you. It's too embarrassing. :eek:

I know who Victor Spinetti is, too. He was in every Beatles movie but two. Know which two? Know what his roles were in the ones he was in?

(LOL! Do NOT get me started on Beatles trivia. I'm a total Beatles geek.)



Geez, you're scary......I remember the name Victor Spinetti- maybe the manager in Hard day's night? I think he was in Help and Magical Mystery Tour. Not in Yellow Submarine. What is another?

tungtied2u said:
Geez, you're scary......I remember the name Victor Spinetti- maybe the manager in Hard day's night? I think he was in Help and Magical Mystery Tour. Not in Yellow Submarine. What is another?


He was the TV show director in Hard Day's Night, the mad scientist in Help, and the mad military man (see a pattern?) in Magical Mystery Tour. He wasn't in Yellow Submarine or Let it Be.


PS--My favorite Spinetti line is from Help. He says "MIT wanted me you know. They wanted me to rule the world."
Angeline said:
He was the TV show director in Hard Day's Night, the mad scientist in Help, and the mad military man (see a pattern?) in Magical Mystery Tour. He wasn't in Yellow Submarine or Let it Be.


PS--My favorite Spinetti line is from Help. He says "MIT wanted me you know. They wanted me to rule the world."

I bow in your presence.......

and lay flowers at your feet....

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Angeline said:
lol. i bet you liked Elvira, too.


I had the chance 4 years ago to go have my picture taken with her at a liquor store on halloween
i chickened out
i couldnt stand next to someone who'd given me so much.err.pleasure and not just fuckin curl up and die...never mind if she touched me in anyway i'd have gone off like a rocket...
You need to see her when she isn't all made up.:p ;)

It might cure you...maybe not though...;)
*Catbabe* said:
You need to see her when she isn't all made up.:p ;)

It might cure you...maybe not though...;)

i have
shes a redhead
it's even worse for me