Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

echoes_s said:

to feel the fierceness of your voice
trembling in me
authority, command, taking.

to hear heaved sighs of pleasure
moan of pleased
lingered touch
and reminder there will always be more
of deliciously twisted variety

to push me with each pulse of you
within, around, enveloping
intricate ropes binding
from a trace of finger
across my face
cheek to jawline.

For you to slowly stare
closing distance
a single wing felled
from an eagle
unhurried and sure
in descent

until mouth captured
and the creature within
is stroked
by a swoop of your tongue
tease, beating
under mine
lifting up over and over
tickling underneath

until you hear me whimper
then a muttered growl
complete yielding
to this animal in me.

Wow - great poem Echoes!
Saturday night alone, house all to myself *sighs*

any more questions tungtied42? ;)

Thank you Vampiric Mirage :heart:
Every single love song
reminds me of a love
gone wrong

I wasn’t strong enough to change
the rage
written on every page of my life
and I was to weak to admit
that I needed more help
than love could give
and it’s a shame to admit the things that went on in the cover of darkness
the pain I gave wasn’t mine to give
and I don’t know if anyone can understand all the wrongs I did

I couldn’t help myself
and I couldn’t be helped
I didn’t want to see that hurt in your eyes
and I wanted to disguise everything
behind so many lies
and I wanted you to love me
because I didn’t love myself
and the pain that I dealt
was a reflection of the pain that I felt
fighting you
fighting myself
fighting what I’d become
fighting everyone else

I am the love child of rage and abuse
and like a tree I always go back to my roots
and no that’s not an excuse
so don’t ever excuse me

Just listen when I tell you

It was never your fault
I know that to be true
you did all you could do
and even more than that
no one can change me
except for me
and that’s not your responsibility
it’s mine

neonurotic said:
At this very moment
time is happening

Everything I do affects you

The ripple is infinity
it goes on and on

At this very moment
time is happening

Everything I do affects you

The ripple is infinity
it goes on and on

too much coffee and not enough sleep ;)

to infinity
wow just love that Neonurotic~
very nice
~The Keys~


Ohh you both are too much..
Had to comment on those..
Was Great
Thanks for makin me Smile...
Was too


*as laughter shatters solitude*... Wonderful line..

This poem again is deep..Still one can see it all....
The whole poem is such a creative force..
Lonliness.. despair.. and yet the hope is so clear..ever hopefull..
Loved this one...~!!!

Re: Fighting the Sun

Unless "Joe Bob" is a real person of whom you write, the name is too cliche for my taste. The "...flopping medals/of plight and pride" confer dignity upon this exhausted farmer, but his unfortunate moniker makes him cartoonish!

I love the image of pipe smoke calling to the darkness.

PatCarrington said:
...inanimate squeaks of pain
as Joe Bob’s girth bends the wood
of his rocker. Suspenders and grimy

bootlaces hang loose, flopping medals
of plight and pride. Pipe smoke spins ...
Re: Re: Fighting the Sun

flyguy69 said:
Unless "Joe Bob" is a real person of whom you write, the name is too cliche for my taste. The "...flopping medals/of plight and pride" confer dignity upon this exhausted farmer, but his unfortunate moniker makes him cartoonish!

I love the image of pipe smoke calling to the darkness.

it IS a real person, but i don't understand how that makes a difference. how would a reader ever know that, and shouldn't he assume that it is?
stop the war


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hey, you guys and gals
no cheating,
Laurel will not award the prize of a trip to your wildest dreams if you cheat.
Bad spelling is a sure sign that you are an honest person.

how about if a bunch of erotic poets tell W that war is never a good idea.

here is my mispelled word.
it is pro0f that I am against war and in favor of making love.

poems are goofy
peots are goofy and very cool and smart and can't get enough sux

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02-23-2003 05:08 PM

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tungtied2u said:
Amen to that my friend

and I've realized
I've committed the cardinal sin
and not read my words from
your point of view
andf you've misconstrued

It's I who have a date
and not my daughter's
lucky bastard
that I am


Did they set your curfew?

You know, I found this av and liked it because it was so foolish looking. then I realized what a weapon such a tongue would be. But I really think that people are most repulsed by the hat...
Vampiric_Mirage said:
As old as I am,
maybe older,
a faithful companion,
a true childhood friend.

With age came seperation,
I moved away from my adolescence,
from you,
and tried to forgot everything.
I knew you were sick,
tried to keep distant,
aloof, unaffected,
keep the distance that has grown.

Remembrance Day,
when I found out,
tonight would be your last,
your time had finally come.

Unable to keep away,
I returned against better judgement,
frothing mouth, glazed eyes,
will form my latest nightmares.

Powerful for so long,
I held you as you fell,
the needle relieved your suffering,
You were to go peacefully.

Minutes later,
still twitching,
Shhh, just shh, let go.

Eyes finally closed,
your pain subsides,
may you find the Summerland
and graze on greener pastures.

Goodnight sweet prince, may you run wild & free forevermore.

That is amazingly touching...thank you....and I grieve your loss.
The_Fool said:
You know, I found this av and liked it because it was so foolish looking. then I realized what a weapon such a tongue would be. But I really think that people are most repulsed by the hat...

who cares about the hat? :D :eek: :devil: :kiss:
Vampiric_Mirage said:
As old as I am,
maybe older,
a faithful companion,
a true childhood friend.

With age came seperation,
I moved away from my adolescence,
from you,
and tried to forgot everything.
I knew you were sick,
tried to keep distant,
aloof, unaffected,
keep the distance that has grown.

Remembrance Day,
when I found out,
tonight would be your last,
your time had finally come.

Unable to keep away,
I returned against better judgement,
frothing mouth, glazed eyes,
will form my latest nightmares.

Powerful for so long,
I held you as you fell,
the needle relieved your suffering,
You were to go peacefully.

Minutes later,
still twitching,
Shhh, just shh, let go.

Eyes finally closed,
your pain subsides,
may you find the Summerland
and graze on greener pastures.

Goodnight sweet prince, may you run wild & free forevermore.

wow, really mind stopping, heartbreaking
Cerriwiden said:
I was her, but I fell
out of the mirror,
where days were peopled
with children, where once
upon a time fiction
was a man, a women
picking up dropping off
pieces of themselves,
the hollow heart
of a house, a hearth
where bread is broken
to bits small enough
to swallow without choking.

Years can pass this way,
in errands, through doorways,
and the irrefutable fact of small hands
destined to reach beyond
whatever you can give them.

I was her. I thought I was
someone. You can write "wife"
on a scap of paper. It's just
a word, a reference
to beds and bank accounts,
to someone else's name,
once upon a time, fiction
smooth as glass
until until until
the mirror shatters
your reflection.

I really like this poem.Wonderful flow.lovely images and references. This bit is especially good I think..
Years can pass this way,
in errands, through doorways,
and the irrefutable fact of small hands
destined to reach beyond
whatever you can give them.

Good job Cerridwen
tungtied2u said:
I'm tired of writing and crying
watching tears drop like words
splattering and spreading
soaking paper with heartbreak

ink running like mascara across
a white expanse
leaving a blurred trail of lost opportunity
and broken promises

as one by one
professed lovers and friends
fade from view
like the last few letters crammed
onto the bottom of a sheet
growing smaller and smaller
having run out of time and space

and then they are no more
full stop.

where do I go now?

I've been kind of partial to the Scotch bottle as a next stop, but many that is why I haven't been writing.....
WickedEve said:
twin engine dolphin

a drive-by tease
of stops and starts,
then back up,

swift brown sprints a package
to my door, nimble quick
over ibeji and assorted luba,
some punu
wood, cowry and fetish
I can hear the UPS truck gagging as you teach it a tailpipe lesson for being such a tease!

This is amazing, Eve; sly and hot and laugh-out-loud funny.

Did you know that Ibeji were brought to humans by monkeys, who intended them as a curse? :)
Cerriwiden said:
fiery solstice
like walking on coals
turn to diamonds
soul faceted prisms
of then and now
again again


who is this
that walks on coals?
fire on fire
dust to dust
now and then