Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Angeline said:
Squiggles. Prosaic symbols.
Dashes of sound
molded to words,
conjoined with meaning,
assembled into phrases.

Emotion is held in check
with a green shade of remove,
toting up phrases,
of dictionarii, thesaurii,
and memory. Imagination
swimming in endless seas,
shape shifting, catching
glints of thought like rainbows,
reeling them in like fifth-dimension
fish, their essence strained
to the logic of marks on a page,
then massaged with meter,
stanza, punctuation.

Somewhere else someone
cracks the symbol code,
and sees a woman
fishing from a rowboat,
her legs dangling,
toes playing in the water.

Someone feels Sun
on knees, the cool wet tug
of something caught.

you sly bugger you!

:heart: :kiss:

like i haven't already been naked enough around here!:eek:
Re: gave him a finger, he wanted a toe

Maria2394 said:
across lips pouting, finger pulls,
resisting subtle taste
of my cherry lipstick
streaked on compliant, ivory skin

index finger, pointed quest
sojourn through rivers
of kisses and sins,
blended with tears,
sugared yet slipping,
like honey, like dewdrops
in the cleft, of his quivering chin


for flyguy ;)
Was that my chin that was quivering? I could feel it down to my toes! Thank you for this sweet wet treat, Maria!
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ohh, youre very welcome :rose:

and then, i reread the burrito one and I swear I think Im channeling Uncle pervey, someone help me, please!!!
Maria2394 said:
ohh, youre very welcome :rose:

and then, i reread the burrito one and I swear I think Im channeling Uncle pervey, someone help me, please!!!
Well I was going to pick-up dessert, but now I see that I'll have to send Uncle Pervey your Flan instead. ;)

Thank you, by the way. The poem hit my hot spot.

- neo
Re: to damn the broken dam

Maria2394 said:
did you ever stop to think
that I couldnt handle the flood,
the flood of you that i have kept hidden
behind cement and stone and clay

like garnets glowing, from unnatural gray
I waited and waded through rivers
and prayed, that some day maybe
I would write again and then the dam broke
and you came flooding in

and the memories attached
like leeches on balls
and they sucked me dry,
lke you nearly did and now that dam
is broken, dissolved
and my rivers are cloudy,
but at least they're absolved

Welcome back. You've lost not a whit of power.

SeattleRain said:
...this cock sucking scenerio

in my mouth in my mind in my words,
it is a problem

please doc,
is there something,
something you can give me?

You've got a problem? Think about your atrial fibrillating readers! Good God, woman, if there is a medication for what you've got I hope the FDA blocks its importation!

Now I know why Tath kept a cold beer in his sig line!
SeattleRain said:
cindarella comes running at the strike of 12


and she is running to you
did you forget your lunch

it may be glass but that is no
damn baby you want me to polish that up for you

with a slide of chair wheels over shine

noon time kiss
under the desk


Better to put feet up in stirrups
open up wide and say, "Aw"
intercourse, a la mode ( two translations)

Flyguy, thanks for suggesting that link, it is so much fun!! I used (altavistas babelfish) so I borrowed catalinas poem and popped it in and got these two:)

Intercourse, a la mode

End of summer, invisible lover,
hungry, waiting, speak to me
persimmon whispers peeling off
your dappled, fuzzy tongue.

Plump with possibility,
your ripened speech attracting bees
those not yet fallen, fruited words
descend toward crumbled, graham ground.

With apricot bounce, apple round
your offering-
just a new-moon pie
topped with summer's starving sky
vanilla nowhere, to be found.


Verkehr, ein Lamodus Ende des Sommers,
der unsichtbare Geliebte, hungrig,
wartend, sprechen mit, das mir,
dappled das PersimoneFlüstern,
das weg von Ihrem abzieht,
flockige Zunge.
Lassen Sie mit Möglichkeit,
Ihre gereifte Rede fallen,
die Bienen die nicht schon gefallen anzieht,
Früchte getragene Wörter absteigen
in Richtung zu zerbröckelt, graham Boden.
Mit Aprikose Schlag überstieg
Apfel ringsum Ihren Antrag
gerade einer Neumond Torte
mit summer's verhungernder
Himmelvanille nirgendwo, gefunden zu werden.

en francais

La fin de l'été, amoureux invisible,
affamé, attendant, me parlent
que les chuchotements
de kaki épluchant outre du votre dappled,
langue brouillée. Laissez tomber
avec la possibilité,
votre discours mûri attirant des abeilles
ceux pas encore tombés, des mots fructifères
descendent vers emietté, au sol de graham.
Avec le rebond d'abricot, la pomme autour
de votre offrir juste un pâté en croûte
de nouveau-lune a complété
avec la vanille affamée de ciel de summer's nulle part,
pour être trouvée.
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Re: intercourse, a la mode ( two translations)

Maria2394 said:
Flyguy, thanks for suggesting that link, it is so much fun!! I used (altavistas babelfish) so I borrowed catalinas poem and popped it in and got these two:)

Intercourse, a la mode

End of summer, invisible lover,
hungry, waiting, speak to me
persimmon whispers peeling off
your dappled, fuzzy tongue.

Plump with possibility,
your ripened speech attracting bees
those not yet fallen, fruited words
descend toward crumbled, graham ground.

With apricot bounce, apple round
your offering-
just a new-moon pie
topped with summer's starving sky
vanilla nowhere, to be found.

And from German back to English

Traffic, a Lamodus

end of the summer, the invisible loving,
hungry, waiting, speak also, me,
dappled the PersimoneFluestern,
which takes off away from their, flockige tongue.

Let with possibility,
your matured speech fall, which already does not tighten bees
those fallen, fruits carried words
descend toward too zerbroeckelt, graham soil.

With apricot impact did not exceed apple all around
its request
straight neumond of a cake
with summer's hunger that sky
vanilla anywhere to be found.

A poem only a bee keeper could love. Or understand.
Re: intercourse, a la mode ( two translations)

answered my own question
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Re: Re: intercourse, a la mode ( two translations)

flyguy69 said:
And from German back to English

Traffic, a Lamodus

end of the summer, the invisible loving,
hungry, waiting, speak also, me,
dappled the PersimoneFluestern,
which takes off away from their, flockige tongue.

Let with possibility,
your matured speech fall, which already does not tighten bees
those fallen, fruits carried words
descend toward too zerbroeckelt, graham soil.

With apricot impact did not exceed apple all around
its request
straight neumond of a cake
with summer's hunger that sky
vanilla anywhere to be found.

ROFL!!! that is way too funny Flyguy, me sinks der was sumsing lots in der translashun, no? reminds me of that old kids party game, telephone, or was it operator? :D

A poem only a bee keeper could love. Or understand.
eagleyez said:
The third rail.

In a wholly spirited
Newspapered and pinstriped carnival
I saw disciples crosslegged in a Subway cave,

I saw tongues of fire
On the generation,
Faith no more and
No warranty and
No cellullar tower
Or DNA to be construed

No delayed news,
Instant vodka and myths about
Sciences and
In shawls
The tall winter flowers,

Leaving them for last, to herald the begin.

Growing to the size
Of a whale,
Barreling thru automatic
Doors again,

Those tongues of fire
On everyone,
Like Runway lights
And tremolo echos.

I got every reference! Beautiful, dear. :)