Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Angeline said:
Goodnight moon
goodnight jumping cow
dish and spoon
mouse and house
socks and clocks
goodnight nobody
the room is empty
the door is locked
to the old lady
who once whispered

That made me smile and say the word "mush" out loud:)
Re: just some pornetry

WickedEve said:
my black shirt zips from the top down
and vice versa, so cleavage and bellybutton are bare.
only three inches of fabric keep me out of jail.

seven and a quarter keep me in clothes
like these--you know, black shirts that zip
and skirts that rip your heart out,

and shoes that hurt my feet
but make you ache...
you know, down there.

do you know why I wear these--
thongs snug in the crack of my ass,
gripped the way your cock was last night?

I grip and zip and rip your heart out,
because of nothing less than seven and a quarter.

alas,Eve, such standards I can never measure up to...(sigh...)
The first thing I write in weeks, and it's THAT? Jayzus, I need therapy. ;)
Re: Compassion

tungtied2u said:
Compassion's true heart
pursues friend and foe alike
is open to the common
experience of life

Is any one of us
born with the desire
to be hurtful and hateful
or is it foist upon us
in no uncertain measure
thru life's hard lessons

we do not get to choose
our parents
their parents
or theirs
sins of the fathers
visited upon seven generations
but we can be the ones
who turn back tides,
then gentle the seas

all it takes
is looking into others
seeing yourself
and embracing you

Great AV
and great poem
so very true
: )
Anna, just wanted to say I love your double scoops and long to savor the cherry on top....

:devil: :heart: :kiss: :rose:


Re: Lion of Judah

flyguy69 said:
It is hard to tell
if the house had been blown apart
or blown together. Flotsam
from another wreck reassembled
into one man’s palace. Tin sheets
and furniture lean together in bartime
romance, cling happily to each other
but know it can’t last. They dream
of life across the gully, and promise
to get nailed someday. Jamaican sun

drops through the foliage like napalm,
blackens skin, bleaches teeth. Norma sings
to me of Haile Selassie, clasps her hands
and stares up into his blue promise.

Jah that always been (unu sing)
Jah Rastafari
We a praise
Hail King Selassie always (Oh yes!)

Dishes stacked and turned to hide
their margarine maiden names, tucked
behind 4 cups of genuine glass. I kneel
in the heat, mark boards and drive screws
while Norma’s eyes baste my back. Walls
are resurrected, then a roof
raised in praise. She needs a door
with a lock and a hole
big enough for a hundred dollar bill.

In her soft hands there is Jah love and cups
of coconut water, in mine is a handful of nails.

this is just beautiful. hadda say.
Angeline said:
gray eye sky clouds wink
promise? threat? another
day of errands, no escaping
grownupville much as I will
try but play out moments
it's ok laughing passing bites
of time defy feet on the ground
and everywhere is music
rhythm rocks this world
we've curled around the scratch
of why and there or who
whenever I ally myself to plans
and dreams I forget how to fly
one day then again one day
then again is all the meaning
I can comprehend

check your email since your PM box is full :p
Angeline said:
you're harrumphing at me? hahahaha.


all the women giggle when i do that

just poured myself a little green inspiration....
Tathagata said:
all the women giggle when i do that

just poured myself a little green inspiration....

i may join you soon. meet you back here with poems?


tungtied2u said:
I tire of poetic reflection
of extrapolations on situations
poised in varied word play
about days and nights
reasons for fiights
or flights from relationships
luscious lips and inviting hips
twisting to and fro in ecstasy
sunsets slowly melting into oblivion
rain pelting down onto sleazy streets
where wayward lamplight
is the only illumination

To what purpose are these phrases
formed and foisted upon others
do we not hear the same music
are the notes floating not the same
to each of us
is not the sunlight bright at times
and blinding or dim at ohters
obscured in mist
and do two hearts not beat the same
our lungs breathe in and out in
common refrain

Of what import is it to me
that I know how it is you see
and what you feel
and memories you have of long ago
or just last night
What is it that you want
That you think I ought to know


This is wonderful.
Very Deep..
Loved it..
So many question..
Answers given..

Deeper that it appers if you but look,
and think..
Loved that Tungtied2u...