Objet d'sex

You people are impossible! The list is endless. We haven't even scratched the surface.

But we've got to separate the erotic from the romantic. A fire is romantic. Everyone knows that. There are some things that are just totally satisfying to our senses, and they all seem to come from the natural world. Fire is one. Ocean waves on a beach is another. Natural landscapes, sunrises & sunsets. We're just designed for them and they fit our senses perfectly. They create a romantic mood, but they are not in themselves that erotic.

WSO, your attemtp to find a commonality to these things is laudable but misguided. If it were a matter of convexity/concavity then bowling alleys would be sexy, and they ain't. Their power is more complex than that.

If I had to pick what they have in common I would guess that it has something to do with mystery. In any case, they're certainly not universal for everyone. Ponytails don't do much for me, other than show a woman's neck (now that's sexy!), and I don't think there are many people who get off on chrome-plated bolts and screw-eyes like I do (although why does BDSM gear always use silver hardware? Because it looks good with black?)

How about city streets at 4:00 in the morning? sexy. At 6:00 in the morning? Not sexy. At 9:00 AM? anti-sexy.

Ranches? sexy. Farms? Not sexy.

Fruits: sexy. Vegetables: not sexy

I think 2 people in a car (man and woman) is inherently sexy. More than that, no.

Of course, sports cars are sexy; minivans are not.

We could go on and on. I want to hear from someone else though.

I'm sorry Dr M, but I disagree. I find fires erotic. Storms as well. Storm outsdie and fire inside, hmmm.

WSO: roflmao. However I think you'll find that lavalavas are male sarongs. Females wear sarongs, men wear lavalavas. Sorry, I've spolied the moment.

I'm sorry Dr M, but I disagree. I find fires erotic. Storms as well. Storm outsdie and fire inside, hmmm.

WSO: roflmao. However I think you'll find that lavalavas are male sarongs. Females wear sarongs, men wear lavalavas. Sorry, I've spolied the moment.


it stands to reason i'd get it wrong... was lighthearted and silly and fun though :) and how does one spell Louau/Luau? The hawaiian beach party... it's years since i heard about one.

oh right... lavalava i think is Fijian/Cook Island. hmm going to have to hunt out the info.

as to the dr's thoughts on mystery v shape... i need to do more thinking. i'm not sure he's 100% right there. i still see shape of objects as the common denominator.

have you recently been into a brand new bowling alley dr? the shiny highly polished tongue and groove wooden flooring leading all the way to a gaping opening... why do you think they become so popular so quick? ;)

storms!!!! omg!!! now, narrowing it down... thunder is erotic, rain is erotic, lightening - those long daggers of light spearing the sky... whew

rolling rumble, a rain drop is tear drop shaped... rounded... you know the more i think about it the more i still think i'm right. it's the shapes...

i think the mysteriousness is a different aspect. take your city street at 4am. what is erotic about it dr?
Vanuatu, Fiji or Tonga if memory serves. I think its Luau, but don't quote me on that.

I like billowing curtains forthe same reason I like thunderstorms; it's elemental power, somehting which I have absolutely no control over and is far more powerful than me. I believe the technical term is Keraunophilia.

It's as much about vibes as it is about shape.

The Earl
My city street at 4 AM: Have you ever seen Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks at a Diner" painting? Did you ever walk downtown somewhere at 4:00 AM, knowing that all around you people were sleeping. Even the buildings look like they've been caught naked, the windows blank. I don't know. I just think it's very erotic.

I think it has to do with portents, if that's the right word. Things that indicate that something's going to happen, or that more's going on than you know. Fog, mist, thick snow, all are obscuring and make things ambiguous. Wind, an invisible power.

Wait! Just thought of another one: Wind chimes. Sexy as hell to me.

And WSO, you mean to tell me that if you'd never seen a picture of a rain drop then you wouldn't think rain is sexy? And soft, thick snow isn't sexy? And how come a fat man's belly isn't sexy? How come poeple aren't out there humping basketballs? Or is that why people like to play with balls in the first place?

The problem is, just about everything in the world that isn't flat is either concave or convex, so it's easy to apply your theory. But I want to see you write a sexy story about a fat man and a fat woman making love in a marshmallow factory on a lumpy mattress while blowing bubbles before I'm convinced.

Lots of great things mentioned I'll add a few of my own.

Long grass,


Satin, silk and velvet fabric,

Sand, wriggling my toes in it,

Driving along a country road with no other vehicles in sight,

Rugged clifts along a coast line.

Dr Mabeuse I agree with the empty street in the middle of the night, I think it may also have to do with breaking rules everyone should be asleep yet your out in the street.
Gives you a sense of power that you alone see what is happening while they all sleep sort of like a protection role.

I have to add someone drenched from the rain, their clothes wet, hair hanging close to their heads, raindrops still trickling down their faces.
I know I have a big obsession with water.:)
Anything liquid -- and the slower it moves, the sexier it gets. Water and milk are sexy. Honey is sexier.

Steam, steam rooms and sauna. Jacuzzis, Large flat rocks to sunbathe upon. Heck, even a steamy shower.

Bowling pins - Yep, these little babies always look sexy, but not the balls or bats or any other sporty thing.

The T-shirt - and all it reveals; especially when worn with blue jeans.

Ripe fruit - pregnant with juice, ready to pop.

ties & scarves - they hide things we want to see, and we can use them to tie them up once revealed.

There are many, many other sexy things and situations, but I'm avoiding large things like cars and buildings. Also, I'm avoiding places or things-to-do. Just looking for the little stuff around us.

Just thought of something else. Often less is more. Parfume bottles are all about sex as well as their scents contained within, but a bathroom full of bottles is annoying, while a single bottle of parfume discovered in a bath is tantilizing.

- Judo
I have to add someone drenched from the rain, their clothes wet, hair hanging close to their heads, raindrops still trickling down their faces.

Even betterm going out in the teeming rain and getting absolutely drenched. I'll bet you no-one else here finds that entertaining.

The Earl
Yes rain!!

Cherrylips as hit home for me with her comment about rain.

What man or some women for that matter wouldn't find that sexy.

A knock on the door, a quick look through the peephole and to see a woman standing there. Her hair soaking wet, water dripping off the tip of her nose and her tee shirt, wet clingling tightly to her body..

Now thats hot!

as opposed to a wet tee shirt contest which is just plain silly:)

TheEarl said:
Even betterm going out in the teeming rain and getting absolutely drenched. I'll bet you no-one else here finds that entertaining.

The Earl

I have been known in the past to walk home in the rain, with it pouring down, you can hardly open your eyes.

Drops constantly running down over you, it feels quite liberating.

Being caught in a sun shower is just as nice or a light rain that has the drips catching on your eyelashes.

I had a friend tell me he had made love with his partner in the rain, feeling the water trace over their bodies as if nature was caressing them. Now that is something I find very erotic.
I have been known in the past to walk home in the rain, with it pouring down, you can hardly open your eyes.

Drops constantly running down over you, it feels quite liberating.

Being caught in a sun shower is just as nice or a light rain that has the drips catching on your eyelashes.

I had a friend tell me he had made love with his partner in the rain, feeling the water trace over their bodies as if nature was caressing them. Now that is something I find very erotic.

I live by the sea and I have actually been known to go outside in a thunderstorm and go and stand by the sea, just watching the waves crash against the rocks and enjoying the feeling of just getting soaked.

I'll just go and lie down.

The Earl
Dr. M-

"NIghthawks" is my favorite painting. Yes, I agree about it's sensuality. Did you ever notice that there's no door on the cafe? Like they're trapped in there, frozen in time...

:D Anyways...

Some lamps are sexy. Overhead, ceiling-fixture lights aren't.

A deserted, wet downtown street at night after the rain has stopped- that's sexy.

Lighthouses are sexy.

Glass bottles are sexy. Plastic ones are not.

Antique, polished wood furniture is sexy. Plastic furniture is not.

Swords are sexy.

Guitars are sexy.

Spaghetti is sexy (even without Lady and the Tramp). Just about all pasta is sexy, come to think of it.

Wine is sexy. Beer is not.

Neon highway signs... those are pretty cool, too :D

I could go on...
Oh, Mr. Earl...

You don't have to go lie down. Don't you dare think that's not appealing! Storms, especially ones by the sea or in the middle of a desert, are among the sexiest things around. I didn't mention it in my previous post cause it had already been discussed.

I'm a serious thunderstorm chaser. Since you seem to love them, too, here's a tip you might appreciate: Next time there's a thunderstorm on the way, set a radio to AM. Set the dial on a place where there's no stations coming through- just static. A split second before lightning goes off, the static will zing into a buildup and POP as the lightning strikes. But that momentary buildup (the air charging) is a great way to know when it's about to strike. VERY handy for photographing lightning.

P.S. If you start to feel your hair standing up (if your hair is wet, you'll most likely feel it in your eyebrows first) and your teeth feel... funny... MOVE!
The Earl: Which is sexy: White wine or red wine?

Red wine is slightly sexier, but they're both appealing ;)

Ok...you "nailed" me on that one.....ponytails. In my newest story...Bryan's seduction....it's filled to the brim, overflowing with ponytails!!!!!! LOL.

Hmmmmmm, something about a hot steaming cup of coffee on the table comes to mind too.

I remain,
Also....regarding water........


A lot of very steamy (excuse the pun) sultry, erotic sex scenes usually involve water. Scented baths...candles....romanticisism at it's finest.

Course....just watching a woman get off using the faucet works for me.

I remain,

You are exactly right. Except for one thing: lighthouses are beyond sexy. They're pretty much obscene, especially if there's two big boulders down at the bottom.

I never knew that about Hopper's diner not having a door!

And, yes, red wine is slighty sexier than white. Flavored martini's aren't sexy at all. They're embarrassing.

As for going out in a strom: doesn't everybody? You go out and scream at the top of your lungs. That's why God made storms.

Two-lane highways are sexy. Superhighways are not.

Most musical instruments are sexy. Except for accordions. (Trombones are marginal)

I think offices at night reek with sex. But then, I have a thing about women in suits.

Earrings are sexy but only if they sway. Nose rings are annoying.
(Don't they make you want to hand the person a Kleenex?)

Ink pens are sexy; ballpoints no

Halloween is sexy. Sorry, but Thanksgiving is not.
Even so, have a happy one.

As for going out in a strom: doesn't everybody? You go out and scream at the top of your lungs. That's why God made storms.

Oh good, I thought I was just a freak. Although I usually end up singing to the sea at the top of my voice rather than screaming.

Most musical instruments are sexy. Except for accordions. (Trombones are marginal)

Double bass? Sorry, I'm just being pedantic.

Earrings are sexy but only if they sway. Nose rings are annoying.
(Don't they make you want to hand the person a Kleenex?)

I don't see that myself. Why do swaying earrings get you?

Halloween is sexy. Sorry, but Thanksgiving is not.

I don't know when or really what Thanksgiving is. No, I don't want an explanation. AFAIK it's a hokey American festival to do with making peace with the indians.

Thus ends my dissection of Dr M's post. A twisted mind is a terrible thing to cut & paste.

The Earl
Double Bass is the sexiest! I used to play, and I can tell you. You
hold her, you lean on her, you tickle her with your fingers or draw the bow across her, and she vibrates right against your groin. And you don't have to buy her dinner!

You watch the faces on the bass players in a symphony and see if they don't look happy.

rock music.

Yeah rock music gets me horny. banging, throbbing, deep,deep manly vocals....oh yeah baby!!!!

chocolate....(well i am a woman) its something about the way it melts and coats your mouth and throat..reminiscent of thick cum...though i would argue cum would taste better chocolate flavoured!!!

velvet. velvet is sooooo sexy,mmmmmm

A person enjoying their food.....something very sexual in the way a man apreiciates his grub. maybe its the low guttural moans that get me...?
I don't know when or really what Thanksgiving is. No, I don't want an explanation. AFAIK it's a hokey American festival to do with making peace with the indians.

Well here it is anyhow: Thanksgiving is when Americans celebrate the landing at a rock in Massachusetts of a bunch of dour and misguided English dissenters--the Pilgrims--who founded a colony and then proceded to starve and die while spreading their own diseases amongst the local Indians. The few surviving Pilgrims were nonetheless successful in permanently infecting American society with their own strain of rabidly puritanical and anti-sex philosophy, which is still going strong.

We celebrate this event today by slapping ourselves on the back till our arms hurt, pretending to pray and be thankful, eating and drinking way too much, watching televised American football games and farting while commercial sponsors whip us into a frenzy of senseless consumption,and getting into bitter intrafamily arguments.

It's a very spiritual time.

curly red hair on a woman.....I am totally straight but my husband loves long,red curly locks so when I see them ,I think how hornty it would get him..and well its a chain reaction from there*L*

the colour red. red is my favourite colour, it is just so sexy...I really must paint my bedroom red.....deep red....mmmmmm yummy!

A rumpled up bed.....something very suggestive in an unmade bed
(yes usually me :D)
pizza - the kind with the long stringy cheese... ohhh golly


rope - and it doesn't seem to matter what kind or colour, oddly enough.

oh yes and one more... driving gear change. automatics are not sexy, but driving manually is!
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What's sexy?

Actually depends on the mood I'm in...........

If I'm in a lusty..."naughty" mood, then:

Tangled panties wadded up on the floor.
A black lacy bra thrown carelessly over the back of a chair.
A nice large "wet-spot"


I remain,