Objet d'sex

hmm so Earl, you're trying to say that the strawberry fight i got into in the middle of the strawberry patch has NO bearing on what i am today?


I just had this incredible vision regarding strawberry's Wildsweetone.....

A little cream, a little fruit...and thou. What more could anyone ask for?

A woman I know told me she fantasizes about men masturbating with food.

Okay. I expect some good responses to this!

i may be a little biased, but Sandman... i do so love your visions ;)

(what does 'ewg' mean? - yes i'm sorry you have to spell it out for me please)
Oh that one's easy.......


Evil Wicked Grin

And I love looking.....(but that's a whole nother topic)

Dr.......I once fucked a cumquat.(sp) does that count? Though to be honest....I have enjoyed turning myself into a banana split.
WSO. Naked. Her modesty covered only by some whipped cream. She pulls a strawberry from the pile next to her and bites into it, her lips curving round the red fruit.

I need to go lie down :D.

The Earl

BTW. Nice av. Took me a second to connect name with picture.
Dr..a man masturbating with food? you mean like his cock in one hand and a burger in a bun in the other? Well i guess it's all ok as long as theres no drips of hot fat to erm spoil the mood! ;)
You see, :( this is the problem with semi-literacy:
Originally posted by Artina Heartflash
... The worst is from Quasi who made some reference to a large gun and a bleeder standing within range. Q, Would you think it as sexy if you turned the gun on your own head? ...
The original post was:
Originally posted by jon.hayworth
Big Twin Cylinder aircooled Motorcycles Harley-Davidson, BMW boxers, Moto Guzzi) are sexy. Ride down a narrow deserted urban street in the early hours of the morning and hear the roar of the exhaust echoing back off the buildings.
To which I responded:
Originally posted by Quasimodem
A fully-choked, twelve-gauge, pump-action, Remington shotgun firing out a bedroom window at the noisy bleeder driving by, can also be sexy.
Long drives in a speeding ambulances is sexy, too.
A 'noisy bleeder' driving by on a Harley does not equal 'a large gun and a bleeder standing within range.' Nor does a 'fully-choked, twelve-gauge, pump-action, Remington shotgun' equal a large gun, but rather a shotgun. :rolleyes:

Knowing that something like this might happen, I specifically chose a shotgun, so if I ever felt the desire to turn the shotgun on myself, I would have to wait while I grew long, gorilla-like arms. ;)

Something that Artina Heartflash may already posses. :eek:
now now now dears, play nice ;)

you like it Earl? hmmm the good dr. doesn't. i shall have to think on this.

actually this one fits my mood perfectly while i wrestle with life and death again.

real Pine christmas trees are sexy. oh dear me the scent of pine filling the house. whew! *wiping brow*

...or maybe i needed to wipe the brow because Earl conjured up whipped cream and strawberries and...

btw, i have a punnet of strawberries beside me right this minute. oh they are so delicious, very sweet, very juicy, mmmmmm.

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Dammit WSO, don't you know this keyboard isn't drool-proof?

The Earl
ARMED and dangerous...

Quasi wrote:

I specifically chose a shotgun, so if I ever felt the desire to turn the shotgun on myself, I would have to wait while I grew long, gorilla-like arms.

Something that Artina Heartflash may already possess

LOL!!! And would you find such sexy if they hugged you?! Or do thin arms of long grey alien deities excite you more? How about the twelve-armed creatires, engaging tentacles that feel like a whip around the ass? (They suck even as they sting...LOL!!)

I like motorcyles, but moreso I find bikers sexy. Crazy Locust King:

Billowing curtains might prove good bondage slings in a windstorm.

Dangerously long-armed

Artina Heartflash said:
... do thin arms of long grey alien deities excite you more?...
No, but I DO have visions of readers, dragging their knuckles across the floor, to the computer, to read stories on Literotica. :eek:

When I take my meds, the vision passes. :(
my dearest Earl...

did you ever try covering the keyboard with plastic wrap? like that slightly stretchy food wrapping? oh dear, i just had a vision of where else it could be put...

add to the Objet d'sex:



hmm i'm a little sidetracked by sucking as they sting tentacles. ecstacy of pleasure and pain at the same time. ...wonder what they'd do if they discovered this cream... god i never had such fun with strawberries before!

sorry Earl, hope your keyboard is not shorting out on you. ;)
you can't be hung up, things only hang down, not up.

now, perhaps the kind dr. could give you something for it?

mind you... i'm still playing with the strawberries so you might have to wait until i'm finished before you'll have peace... mmm cream tastes so good with these berries ;)
i'm hooked ;)
qwotregruiflnf rn irtn ufbfi n righ reoifnfd vrf bfg fdfdfslds.

The Earl

PS. Polythene wrap. The poor man's PVC. :D

PPS. Phones can be hung up. I myself have been hung up on many times.
PVC? hmm i prefer leather... the scent and feel of leather, oh wow *hot flush*

and when you put it between your legs and ride it ohmygolly... for the uneducated i was referring to a motorbike. ;)

3 punnets of strawberries sure can last a long time ;) odd how the cream is neverending too...

for the life of me, i cannot imagine anyone in their right mind wanting to hang up on you Earl... not purposely anyway.
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Running commentary......

"PVC? hmm i prefer leather... the scent and feel of leather, oh wow *hot flush*

and when you put it between your legs and ride it ohmygolly... for the uneducated i was referring to a motorbike."

Which is along the idea of the horseback ride I did in "Home on the range". I even recieved an email from someone telling me that they really did make saddles (for women) like that. Still...I find it oddly arousing to imagine myself getting turned on by the combined smell of leather...and well, you know.......

"3 punnets of strawberries sure can last a long time odd how the cream is neverending too..."

Alas.......all good things eventually do cum to an end though...no matter how rich the cream, it eventually runs out. Course...the good news is...you can eventually make more.

"for the life of me, i cannot imagine anyone in their right mind wanting to hang up on you Earl..."

Had to re-read this one. For a second I thought maybe someone was riding him side-saddle or something and perhaps got caught up in the stirups or something....then I realized you really were talking about a phone. Made a lot more sense.


I remain,
Re: Running commentary......

Thesandman said:

Alas.......all good things eventually do cum to an end though...no matter how rich the cream, it eventually runs out. Course...the good news is...you can eventually make more.
I remain,

whew, it is such a relief to know that dear, thank you :kiss:

as to leather saddles well let me put it this way, i'd ride one but so long as i could still keep my feet on the ground. i don't like heights much.
no, i agree... but a Clydesdale is eh. and before the good dr. jumps in and mentions SIZE, SIZE is irrelevant dear... it's the little tufts of hair around the hooves that does it ;)
wildsweetone said:
...oh yeah the clips on briefcases! male and female! wow

how odd, my kettle and my toaster are both chrome and they've got those beautiful smooth edges... ohh golly.
OK, folks. I tried to read this thread, but I have snagged on some of these posts.

I agree some of these scenes are pleasant to see...a still swimming pool, a neon light shining in the wet street below, freshly mown grass with a sprinkler going...but I don't know if I would consider them erotic.

I also like the sounds associated with these images, and the smells. The fresh smell of the swimming pool water, and maybe the slight bubbling or trickle of water in the silent evening.

The smell of a freshly mown lawn, or the sound of a lawn mower in the distance on a warm Sunday afternoon. The unique sounds of the neighbor's different lawn sprinklers on a quiet evening, as you sit on your front porch. The sound a car makes as it rides along on a wet street, interrupting the silence of a summer night. Or, the crunch of the snow under the tires of the same car as it drives past you. The extreme silence during and after a snow storm. It is amazing how quiet it can get with a blanket of snow on the ground. These are all just sights and sounds of the suburbs.

I too see a woman's hair in a ponytail to be sexy, as if she reminds me of a cheerleader or just that it's a fresh of summer. I could get more base with my comments, but I will let your imagination go on that.

I think the breeze blowing through the window drapes is the same as when the ocean is shown beating up against the beach in a movie. It makes the mind wander to their imagination as to what is happening between the two actors. It is one of the many alternate images movies use when they can't show the actual act of what is really happening. It also could mean they didn't want to pay the actors for nude scenes, or didn't want to get an R or X rating for their movie.

But, when it comes to chrome things being erotic, I am a musician and have been for many, many years. We have an awful lot of connectors that have chrome covering, because it conducts well.
And, shiny gold has infiltrated, too, if you feel you must have the ultimate conductivity. And, every connector is labeled female or male, because of one actually inserting into the other for the connection.

In fact, a lot of electronic connectors are labeled male and female, because of the way they connect together.

I wonder if someone feels the standard electrical outlet is erotic? It isn't chrome, but usually copper colored. But, just think of the electricity that can follow a connection like that! Talk about WOW!

OK, you can all continue on, now. It is strange that I never seem to find these threads until after they have multiple pages to them.
DVS: What are you doing? You're not allowed to go back to the original subject. This thread is entirely for pseudo-flirting between WSO, Sandman and I and for arguments between Quasi and Artina. :D

The Earl
TheEarl said:
DVS: What are you doing? You're not allowed to go back to the original subject. This thread is entirely for pseudo-flirting between WSO, Sandman and I and for arguments between Quasi and Artina. :D

The Earl

thank you for that Earl, i'm looking to only being here this afternoon and tomorrow morning and feeling quite depressed contemplating three weeks offline. i needed and enjoyed the fun with this comment.

but i truely didn't know you had a thing for Sandman...