Official Notice: Holiday Contest + 5th Anniversary = Big Prizes!

Back again

Panties From Wrapping Paper part 2 posted over the weekend, thanks Laurel. If you want to read the end look here.

There are a couple of download mistakes and the format may be a bit confusing, should guarantee some low voting.

I'm a lot more interested in feedback for this one though, about the female POV again.

Part one made the required number and is hanging at just above 4.3.

Only 7 days left, so good luck again everybody.

Hi Gauche

I sent you some feed back, not sure if it went through, server seemed to lock out again.

Good follow through. Hope you get some F/FB

Cheers Wills,

No feedback though :( and only one other feedback anyway. Everybody must be busy writing extra entries for the contest.

I can't believe this: 133 Winter contest entries.

Just how many of us had more than one entry?

Second part of "Panties" got bombed overnight after entering with as close to a 5 as I've ever had with 10 votes and now competing against 132 other stories, middle order would be quite an achievement, if it makes 25 votes that is.

Just for fun...

I went through the entire list of Winter contest stories, and gave each story a 5. What the hell, I'm not entered in the contest so hopefully this will help everyone to get enough votes. By giving everyone a 5 I haven't really changed the averages at all just added another vote to help make them eligable is all. If a few more people did this then all of the stories will be eligable, right.

Re: Just for fun...

Dirty Slut said:
I went through the entire list of Winter contest stories, and gave each story a 5. What the hell, I'm not entered in the contest so hopefully this will help everyone to get enough votes. By giving everyone a 5 I haven't really changed the averages at all just added another vote to help make them eligable is all. If a few more people did this then all of the stories will be eligable, right.


BIG kisses, DS. :kiss:

DS You put me over the top...

Thanks DS, I gather that's your vote that gave my story the required 25 votes to be officially in the contest. Thanks again.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Re: Just for fun...

Dirty Slut said:
I went through the entire list of Winter contest stories, and gave each story a 5. What the hell, I'm not entered in the contest so hopefully this will help everyone to get enough votes. By giving everyone a 5 I haven't really changed the averages at all just added another vote to help make them eligable is all. If a few more people did this then all of the stories will be eligable, right.


BIG HUGS!!!!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you DS. Even with your help "Socks for Christmas?" is 3 votes short of the 25 minimum.

However this contest seems to have attracted more entries than any other. Are there so many people desperate for $500? Or are they like me, enjoying the exposure?

Tis' a curious thing.

At least five people have messaged me in one way or another over the last two days to say they have voted on my Christmas Story, the voting average has increased, but the number of votes cast remains unchanged. :confused:

Over the minimum anyway so I will be in the next round, none the less, curious.

oggbashan said:
Thank you DS. Even with your help "Socks for Christmas?" is 3 votes short of the 25 minimum.

However this contest seems to have attracted more entries than any other. Are there so many people desperate for $500? Or are they like me, enjoying the exposure?


Og, "Socks for Christmas?" now has another vote, I also left a public comment. ;)

Great story! Everyone else should read it, now! I want some of those socks, I'd love to find out what a man feels. :eek:

As for why I entered the contest, I did it for the same reason as you, I guess. I love these things and the exposure and excitement that goes with them.

Lou :rose:
Despite the lack of votes, the demand for a pair of socks for Christmas has outstripped supply.

I have emailed the manufacturers to put Tatelou on the waiting list. They will charge my credit card.


PS. Their automated response says orders will be met in 2010.
oggbashan said:
Despite the lack of votes, the demand for a pair of socks for Christmas has outstripped supply.

I have emailed the manufacturers to put Tatelou on the waiting list. They will charge my credit card.


PS. Their automated response says orders will be met in 2010.

One more Og darlin'. And I lost my public comment viginity. *fans self* Busy morning for me.....

Whisper :rose:
Thank you WS.

I must be getting close to 25 on it now but it won't win. Too many 1s and 2s early on.

Og :heart:

Edited for PS: Added your order to the heap. This is going to hit my card hard when 2010 arrives.

Votes now at 24 and public comments 2. The comments are much appreciated (hugs).
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oggbashan said:

I must be getting close to 25 on it now but it won't win. Too many 1s and 2s early on.

Og :heart:

I know what you mean. My christmas story not only got hit, but several went through my old stories as well.......*sigh* I went from all H's to none. But, the positive feedback I got, especially from AH regulars made it worth entering.

Whisper :rose:

I thought I would try to get your vote up but when I pulled up the story I remembered I had already read it and voted.

So I left you some P/C without voting, guess what, it auto votes at 50%! Probably won't count, if the cookies are doing their job, but it looks as if I marked you down and that was not my intention.

My apologies for the goof not sure if it was me or the system.

Will's (Embarrassed)
Don't think it matters. I could delete the comment and rating if I wanted to.

We are all learning how to use this new facility. I'd like to see the public comments at the start of the story - scrolling through 5 or 6 Lit pages to see that everyone thinks the story is rubbish is self-defeating.

Thanks for the PM. It is worthwhile remembering that the default is 50%.

hello tatelou, I have read your christmas contest entry and your story called "faithful" and I enjoyed them very much. You go get em girl. Plus dirt man I have recently read some of your stories too including your "extreme filth" stories. And I have enjoyed them as well. And your right your stories are hot enough to get my fucking rocks off! keep up the good work!:)

All my sexy tales! turn me on here!
whoops! correction tatelou-I meant to say I have read your winter holiday/anniversary contest entry for 2003 and enjoyed it very much. this contest is all holidays not just christmas. sorry girl for error. Plus I wish everyone good luck with their stories. I bet you can all picture yourselves counting that 500 bucks!:)
MR. Gibson said:
whoops! correction tatelou-I meant to say I have read your winter holiday/anniversary contest entry for 2003 and enjoyed it very much. this contest is all holidays not just christmas. sorry girl for error. Plus I wish everyone good luck with their stories. I bet you can all picture yourselves counting that 500 bucks!:)

That could be fun. But I rather enjoy thinking about all the smiles & pleasure my writing share with my fellow Lit readers, that is enough for me.