Okay, guys, here's a thread to air your views on voting

Just so everybody knows, fridayam not only left a nasty comment on one of my submissions, he dropped a one bomb on it and knocked its rating from a 4.86 to a 4.38 with that one lousy vote.

I don't mind people being critical in a civil way, and I don't mind someone not giving one of my submissions a five, if they feel it deserves something less, but there's no call for what was done, in my opinion. I had never even contemplated giving anybody here a one.

As I've told him privately, it won't be forgotten.

Hi I wrote stories on here not poems but your thread caught my eye so i hope you don't mind me popping in. I have never given a one. First off I think if something was that terrible I wouldn't get far enough into it but when I have I think what stops me is that even if I think it stunk the guy worked hard on it and I guess I get soft an just won't vote. Lowest i have given is a three. I just think that people should at least respect the effort involved.
Hi I wrote stories on here not poems but your thread caught my eye so i hope you don't mind me popping in. I have never given a one. First off I think if something was that terrible I wouldn't get far enough into it but when I have I think what stops me is that even if I think it stunk the guy worked hard on it and I guess I get soft an just won't vote. Lowest i have given is a three. I just think that people should at least respect the effort involved.

See I think this is the whole point. Everyone sees it differently, so the voting ultimately doesn't mean much. I've had so many one-bombs and people going out of their way to knock me off the top lists, sometimes because they just don't like me--I know cause I've received the emails and the private messages saying so--and sometimes who knows why? I don't think any of my poems deserve a one score and if I did I'd take them down. But that's not the point because once it's there I can't control how people react. That's why I value the comments.
I've only gotten one 1 that I can recall, and it has no comments.
So someone thought it really sucked - may have something there, its not very good in retrospect. And no idea who, not sure how one sees whot voted how. There's gratification in getting some high marks, but comments are worth a whole lot more.
And I do think there is a tendancy to 'inflated' scores - not wanting to offend, unsure of poet's sensitivity.
I never vote without also commenting. may have commented a time or two without a vote when voting was not disabled.
what's the point of having the one then if nobody wants to use it, and if it's dispensed with does the two become the new one and on and on until we just have a five with which to vote?
Fair point. I've stayed out of this till now (somehow or another, I tend to get smooshed in politics). We all have a vote; its an opinion with legs. It is a form of criticism. We are all entitled to use our vote as we see fit. Opinions are not facts; you can read this vote anyway you want. I VERY rarely use one, generally only for the most vile abominations that have made me feel physically ill. I haven't used it for a long time. Generally if I think it's below three I don't vote. If I comment I've voted and you've gotten more than three. This is just my way of dealing with things.
I don't mind people being critical in a civil way, and I don't mind someone not giving one of my submissions a five, if they feel it deserves something less, but there's no call for what was done, in my opinion. I had never even contemplated giving anybody here a one.
So, do you care about poetry or about rating? If rating is so important to you then you should really leave poetry alone. The oxymoronish combination of doing poetry and caring about rating is pathetic.

As I've told him privately, it won't be forgotten.
And that's the last thing, theognis, you should be proud of.

On the top of it, it sounds like you were making a threat (and still do). If it's true, then your action was ugly and beneath contempt. If you didn't mean to make any threat then you should say so now, and you should apologize to fridayam. Go for it, do the right thing, show class for a change :)
See I think this is the whole point. Everyone sees it differently, so the voting ultimately doesn't mean much. I've had so many one-bombs and people going out of their way to knock me off the top lists, sometimes because they just don't like me--I know cause I've received the emails and the private messages saying so--and sometimes who knows why? I don't think any of my poems deserve a one score and if I did I'd take them down. But that's not the point because once it's there I can't control how people react. That's why I value the comments.

Yeah see that is bullshit especially when they e-mail you to tell you that they did it. Usually Lit "screens" votes weekly and some of the ones will drop. Last week someone went down all 36 of my stories and gave them ones. they were gone the next day but it was because it was so blatant. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. human nature is to be petty also you gain trolls as you go. I have gotten to a point where I know one of them votes me a 1 on each new post between 12-1 pm. I used to have just that one now I have at least 2 more. sucks becuase I have a long running series (27 ch) s0 at this point I am getting 40-50 vores (I ws told that was good for that many chpaters) so 2-3 1 bombs really hurt. I guess we just have to decide if we are happy with our writing and go from there . it is a bitch though I mean if I suck and you think so okay but lets face it these people aren;t even reading.
So, do you care about poetry or about rating? If rating is so important to you then you should really leave poetry alone. The oxymoronish combination of doing poetry and caring about rating is pathetic.

And that's the last thing, theognis, you should be proud of.

On the top of it, it sounds like you were making a threat (and still do). If it's true, then your action was ugly and beneath contempt. If you didn't mean to make any threat then you should say so now, and you should apologize to fridayam. Go for it, do the right thing, show class for a change :)

I care about both. It's possible, in case you haven't figured that out. And there is no oxymoron. It's moronic to think there is.

There was no threat. I won't do the same to him. I simply meant what I said.

I won't forget your asinine comment, either.
Yeah see that is bullshit especially when they e-mail you to tell you that they did it. Usually Lit "screens" votes weekly and some of the ones will drop. Last week someone went down all 36 of my stories and gave them ones. they were gone the next day but it was because it was so blatant. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. human nature is to be petty also you gain trolls as you go. I have gotten to a point where I know one of them votes me a 1 on each new post between 12-1 pm. I used to have just that one now I have at least 2 more. sucks becuase I have a long running series (27 ch) s0 at this point I am getting 40-50 vores (I ws told that was good for that many chpaters) so 2-3 1 bombs really hurt. I guess we just have to decide if we are happy with our writing and go from there . it is a bitch though I mean if I suck and you think so okay but lets face it these people aren;t even reading.

The power of the one-bomb is far greater here than where you write, unfortunately. At least you have enough good votes to lessen the impact, but I understand that it still stings.
I never commented or voted on any poem I thought had little or no merit. I will admit I gave fives on some that weren't as good as others. As I've said before, I wish the voting system were based on 100 in increments of ten, instead of on five in increments of twenty. Some of my votes would have been nines, if that option had been available.
There is problem with that also, at one time, the top list had a good percentage of shall we say good poetry. And then it got totally fucked. Because the better poets ignored the "family affair"If fridayam left you a one and his name attached, he has balls. I respect him for that. Although it is probably not a good thing to do. Here is why, I suspect lit uses a scrubber to minimize the effect of one bombers. We will never find out for sure, nor should we, because the scores are shall we say "suspect".
There is problem with that also, at one time, the top list had a good percentage of shall we say good poetry. And then it got totally fucked. Because the better poets ignored the "family affair"If fridayam left you a one and his name attached, he has balls. I respect him for that. Although it is probably not a good thing to do. Here is why, I suspect lit uses a scrubber to minimize the effect of one bombers. We will never find out for sure, nor should we, because the scores are shall we say "suspect".

Are you suggesting I should vote on everything I read? Why should I not reserve my votes and comments to poems I think have merit?

Fridayam didn't realize it was easy for me to figure out what his vote was. Save your respect on that.
Just so everybody knows, fridayam not only left a nasty comment on one of my submissions, he dropped a one bomb on it and knocked its rating from a 4.86 to a 4.38 with that one lousy vote.

I don't mind people being critical in a civil way, and I don't mind someone not giving one of my submissions a five, if they feel it deserves something less, but there's no call for what was done, in my opinion. I had never even contemplated giving anybody here a one.

As I've told him privately, it won't be forgotten.
Short and Sweet
Was the comment about the poem?
is so Valid.
Did you remove it? Why?
BTW it looks nothing like a koan.
Why do think it deserves more, make you case, now. How is this so much better than...that it deserves an H
Because I see I didn't leave a comment or a score.
And I'm not in a very good mood.
To paraphase:
When everything is a H,
nothing is a H
When everything is a 5,
nothing is a 5
Fair point. I've stayed out of this till now (somehow or another, I tend to get smooshed in politics). We all have a vote; its an opinion with legs. It is a form of criticism. We are all entitled to use our vote as we see fit. Opinions are not facts; you can read this vote anyway you want. I VERY rarely use one, generally only for the most vile abominations that have made me feel physically ill. I haven't used it for a long time. Generally if I think it's below three I don't vote. If I comment I've voted and you've gotten more than three. This is just my way of dealing with things.

I'm glad you explained how you vote. It makes perfectly good sense to me.
I do vote without commenting but never under three. It usually because I liked the poem but felt I had nothing of use to add.
Short and Sweet
Was the comment about the poem?
is so Valid.
Did you remove it? Why?
BTW it looks nothing like a koan.
Why do think it deserves more, make you case, now. How is this so much better than...that it deserves an H
Because I see I didn't leave a comment or a score.
And I'm not in a very good mood.

Yes, the comment was about the poem. It implied it wasn't a poem. I've removed no comments.

I never claimed it was a koan. I said it was an attempt, after I was asked by someone who apparently thought it did look something like one.

Why do I think it deserves more than a one? I wouldn't have submitted it if I thought so little of it.

I didn't say it deserves an 'H.'
To paraphase:
When everything is a H,
nothing is a H
When everything is a 5,
nothing is a 5

Everything isn't an 'H.' It's impossible to get an 'H' without numerous fives.

Everything isn't a five. The absence of a vote does not a five make.
Ok, so this is a thread to air my views on voting

My only beef with voting is that there's not enough of it.

People read, but don't vote.

People even read and comment, but don't vote. I know because I sometimes have quite a lot of comments (which is nice regardless, thanks y'all) but fewer votes.

So the score means diddly squat.

And if the score means diddly squat, so does a one-bomb.
Ok, so this is a thread to air my views on voting

My only beef with voting is that there's not enough of it.

People read, but don't vote.

People even read and comment, but don't vote. I know because I sometimes have quite a lot of comments (which is nice regardless, thanks y'all) but fewer votes.

So the score means diddly squat.

And if the score means diddly squat, so does a one-bomb.

Which is it? There's not enough voting, or the voting means nothing?
what's the point of having the one then if nobody wants to use it, and if it's dispensed with does the two become the new one and on and on until we just have a five with which to vote?
Maybe thís should be better? :)

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Which is it? There's not enough voting, or the voting means nothing?
As long as there's not enought voting, the voting means nothing.

If there was more of it, it would be a fairer asessment of how well the poem is recieved.

If a poem gets merely six votes, even a mis-click will mean a huge difference.
As long as there's not enought voting, the voting means nothing.

If there was more of it, it would be a fairer asessment of how well the poem is recieved.

If a poem gets merely six votes, even a mis-click will mean a huge difference.

Then we agree.
The power of the one-bomb is far greater here than where you write, unfortunately. At least you have enough good votes to lessen the impact, but I understand that it still stings.

Just out of curiousity what are the avergae views/ votes for an erotic poem or non erotic? I know in incest category a new story cand land me 50,000 views and 50 votes in a day but BDSM is like 3-4000 in the first day with maybe 15 votes or so. fetish is lower those are the only 3 I have written in.