Okay, guys, here's a thread to air your views on voting

you're not the only one who does

Have you complained to them about it? By the way, using logic you cannot tell from the way I vote whether I think a poem I haven't voted on is a five, a four, a three, or anything else. You certainly can't tell I think it's a zero. You can't even tell if I've read it.
Have you complained to them about it? By the way, using logic you cannot tell from the way I vote whether I think a poem I haven't voted on is a five, a four, a three, or anything else. You certainly can't tell I think it's a zero. You can't even tell if I've read it.

I'm not complaining about how anyone votes I don't give a shit how they vote and neither does the majority on here, it's you that's doing the complaining ............ and if you think a damn poem is a 3/4/5 or whatever why the hell don't you vote it as such instead of being so pigheaded and arguing the hind leg off a donkey ........ sheesh and they say blondes are dumb
I'm not complaining about how anyone votes I don't give a shit how they vote and neither does the majority on here, it's you that's doing the complaining ............ and if you think a damn poem is a 3/4/5 or whatever why the hell don't you vote it as such instead of being so pigheaded and arguing the hind leg off a donkey ........ sheesh and they say blondes are dumb

I'm not complaining about how anybody votes, except for the asshole or assholes who gave me ones, and if somebody thinks I don't have the right to complain about that, it's just too fucking bad.
can I complain about you giving zeros on mine? (always supposing you've read them :D ) tut shame on you :D
I've decided I'm going to take a break from writing, commenting, and voting, so nobody should assume anything from my lack of activity as to what I think of their poems. I'll still be reading many of them.
This is a five.
Ain't it cool?
It's pretty, it knows
style, how to dance
draw you reconciled
to its whim.
It might glance

at four which tried too
hard but didn't score
or seedy three that barely
gets a peek, it's wee and rarely
has a chance but knows
enough to stay away
from wild two, all under
foot and yapping,
crapping on the carpet.

And then there's old Tom
obedlam one confused
believing that like Icarus
it's headed for the Sun
but only singes
in the plunge.
should we take a cue from Olympic figure skating and go from a point (6.0 there) to our own ISU? :D

Actually, starting from a perfect score and deducting tenths wouldn't be that bad an idea, if it were possible. But most people seem happy with the present system, so I'm sure it will remain.
Actually, starting from a perfect score and deducting tenths wouldn't be that bad an idea, if it were possible. But most people seem happy with the present system, so I'm sure it will remain.

I believe you are missing the point and in a big way. Most people here are not "happy" with the present system nor do any of us, including moderators, have any ability to change it. I've been around lurking since 2000 and I joined the forum in 2002. During this time I've seen this discussion come up at least every few months. Sometimes it gets the whole forum bent out of shape.

People have written to the powers that be here and stated that they don't like the system, they've asked for changes, they've proposed alternate ways to do it. It hasn't changed yet. There have been a few tweaks here and there but 1-5 voting has never changed.

Given that I ignore it and focus on comments. I don't think people should be "nasty" or "mean" and I don't think I am: very rarely do I lose my cool here because it's not worth it. Not that the people or the poems aren't worth it, but that my time is more important and I'd rather do something constructive. Arguing about a system that hasn't changed in the eleven years I've been here is not constructive for me. There is nothing personal or insulting intended in this: it is simply my experience and opinion.

And I do prefer it when personal differences are dealt with via pm or email because that keeps the forum comfortable for everyone. Most people here simply want to read and work on their poems.
I believe you are missing the point and in a big way. Most people here are not "happy" with the present system nor do any of us, including moderators, have any ability to change it. I've been around lurking since 2000 and I joined the forum in 2002. During this time I've seen this discussion come up at least every few months. Sometimes it gets the whole forum bent out of shape.

People have written to the powers that be here and stated that they don't like the system, they've asked for changes, they've proposed alternate ways to do it. It hasn't changed yet. There have been a few tweaks here and there but 1-5 voting has never changed.

Given that I ignore it and focus on comments. I don't think people should be "nasty" or "mean" and I don't think I am: very rarely do I lose my cool here because it's not worth it. Not that the people or the poems aren't worth it, but that my time is more important and I'd rather do something constructive. Arguing about a system that hasn't changed in the eleven years I've been here is not constructive for me. There is nothing personal or insulting intended in this: it is simply my experience and opinion.

And I do prefer it when personal differences are dealt with via pm or email because that keeps the forum comfortable for everyone. Most people here simply want to read and work on their poems.

As I've stated previously, I did attempt to deal with this privately, but got no satisfaction.
i think we all have to learn to accept that there are some people we are likely to bump up against; people who behave in ways we don't like and in a manner we wouldn't consider copying; that in any society this is a fact and it's how we respond that matters in the long run.

now, okay, people... while we're about it - i often reply to comments on my stuff by leaving another comment. is this considered bad form at all, since that shows as another public comment? sometimes i reply there and think 'whoops, i should have posted that in the KtRTC thread'. not that i'm likely to change, since replying there feels more a direct response to a question asked ...
i think we all have to learn to accept that there are some people we are likely to bump up against; people who behave in ways we don't like and in a manner we wouldn't consider copying; that in any society this is a fact and it's how we respond that matters in the long run.

now, okay, people... while we're about it - i often reply to comments on my stuff by leaving another comment. is this considered bad form at all, since that shows as another public comment? sometimes i reply there and think 'whoops, i should have posted that in the KtRTC thread'. not that i'm likely to change, since replying there feels more a direct response to a question asked ...

I agree with your sentiments in your first paragraph, and I have not dropped any one-bombs in return, so at least I'm not guilty of stooping to that.

I see no reason you shouldn't leave comments as you do.
I agree with your sentiments in your first paragraph, and I have not dropped any one-bombs in return, so at least I'm not guilty of stooping to that.

I see no reason you shouldn't leave comments as you do.
me either, but others might so i'm asking anyway :D

to be fair, it's not something i'd lose any sleep over - and right now i am very sleepy, very cosy, with a glass of sherry and thinking i really should try and write that elusive poem.... of course, i'm far more likely to hop into bed and watch tv then drop off.
me either, but others might so i'm asking anyway :D

to be fair, it's not something i'd lose any sleep over - and right now i am very sleepy, very cosy, with a glass of sherry and thinking i really should try and write that elusive poem.... of course, i'm far more likely to hop into bed and watch tv then drop off.

Hmmm, it does sound cosy, whichever you choose. Have a good night. :)
I'm not complaining about how anybody votes, except for the asshole or assholes who gave me ones, and if somebody thinks I don't have the right to complain about that, it's just too fucking bad.
You have your right to show yourself a dumbbell, and you have plenty succeeded in exercising it. You can change your nickname all you want, it makes no difference :)
i think we all have to learn to accept that there are some people we are likely to bump up against; people who behave in ways we don't like and in a manner we wouldn't consider copying; that in any society this is a fact and it's how we respond that matters in the long run.

now, okay, people... while we're about it - i often reply to comments on my stuff by leaving another comment. is this considered bad form at all, since that shows as another public comment? sometimes i reply there and think 'whoops, i should have posted that in the KtRTC thread'. not that i'm likely to change, since replying there feels more a direct response to a question asked ...
I always thought of you as having perfect form.
You have your right to show yourself a dumbbell, and you have plenty succeeded in exercising it. You can change your nickname all you want, it makes no difference :)

What the hell are you talking about now? What nickname?
Yes, the comment was about the poem. It implied it wasn't a poem. I've removed no comments.

I never claimed it was a koan. I said it was an attempt, after I was asked by someone who apparently thought it did look something like one.

Why do I think it deserves more than a one? I wouldn't have submitted it if I thought so little of it.

I didn't say it deserves an 'H.'
So what do you think it deserves, and why was the question?
Obviously someone thought it was worth a one.
And who is the commenter who I never seen before?