Okay, guys, here's a thread to air your views on voting

Just out of curiousity what are the avergae views/ votes for an erotic poem or non erotic? I know in incest category a new story cand land me 50,000 views and 50 votes in a day but BDSM is like 3-4000 in the first day with maybe 15 votes or so. fetish is lower those are the only 3 I have written in.

Poems get only a tiny fraction of your views and votes. A total of 50,000 views and 50 votes in one day are absolutely unheard of here. It's difficult to get even ten votes over a period of weeks, even months, perhaps years.
Maybe thís should be better? :)


theognis is using it already :D
so really the ones you aren't voting on at all means you are voting less than a one to everyone else

That's true, if you mean less than a five, but sometimes I vote without commenting, and I don't read all the poems. So it's not that simple to figure out which ones I don't care for, and which ones I do. :)
That's true, if you mean less than a five, but sometimes I vote without commenting, and I don't read all the poems. So it's not that simple to figure out which ones I don't care for, and which ones I do. :)

I see ...... I think .... so if you had had a 1 vote but no comment that would have been ok? or it's ok for you to vote less than one but not ok for someone else to vote 1 which is more than you are giving
I see ...... I think .... so if you had had a 1 vote but no comment that would have been ok? or it's ok for you to vote less than one but not ok for someone else to vote 1 which is more than you are giving

I never vote less than five.
Is there anyone here who has submitted a poem they thought was worth only a one vote? If there is, tell me who you are, and tell me which poem it is. I'd like to read it.
I never vote less than five.
Whaty would you say is the treshold for voting?

If something is really fantastic it gets a 5.
If something is pretty good it gets a 5.
If something shows a little promise but don't quite deliver it gets a.... ?
If something is kind of average it gets a.... ?
If something is below average it gets a nothing.
If something sucks balls it gets a nothing.
Whaty would you say is the treshold for voting?

If something is really fantastic it gets a 5.
If something is pretty good it gets a 5.
If something shows a little promise but don't quite deliver it gets a.... ?
If something is kind of average it gets a.... ?
If something is below average it gets a nothing.
If something sucks balls it gets a nothing.

The way I do it, if something is better than a four, I give it a five, because there's no way to give it something in between. I'm not recommending or suggesting that anyone vote in the way I do. It would make them very unpopular, apparently.
No, but some are throwing paddies about fives.

this isn't throwing a paddy you wouldn't like me at all if I did, this is logic that you seem to find very hard to grasp, but hey maybe I'm wrong and maths has moved on since I was at school
The way I do it, if something is better than a four, I give it a five, because there's no way to give it something in between. I'm not recommending or suggesting that anyone vote in the way I do. It would make them very unpopular, apparently.

you're not the only one who does
this isn't throwing a paddy you wouldn't like me at all if I did, this is logic that you seem to find very hard to grasp, but hey maybe I'm wrong and maths has moved on since I was at school

Apparently logic has moved on, because you haven't been logical at all.
Whaty would you say is the treshold for voting?

If something is really fantastic it gets a 5.
If something is pretty good it gets a 5.
If something shows a little promise but don't quite deliver it gets a.... ?
If something is kind of average it gets a.... ?
If something is below average it gets a nothing.
If something sucks balls it gets a nothing.

I used to be a member of a long since defunct poetry board. It vanished one day and didn't even leave an oil slick on the water. The woman who started the thing was a network engineer. She had a friend create a custom website for her.

The poems could be graded in 5 different categories on a scale of 1 to 10. The final score was the average of the 5 categories. It was fun while it lasted, but the results were about the same as the Lit score system.
I used to be a member of a long since defunct poetry board. It vanished one day and didn't even leave an oil slick on the water. The woman who started the thing was a network engineer. She had a friend create a custom website for her.

The poems could be graded in 5 different categories on a scale of 1 to 10. The final score was the average of the 5 categories. It was fun while it lasted, but the results were about the same as the Lit score system.

I like the idea of a 1 to 10 scale, but do you remember the five categories?