Online and Real Life BDSM

Maybe the intitial approach is the problem. Tollerate is a faily negative words, smells of putting up with, accomodating. How many of us in real life really practice that.

Perhaps rather than tollerate others, we celeberate the things we have in comon, the things that draw us together.

I will give you an example.

Americans have a real issue with an Australian food Vegemite. Australians have a real issue with American beer.

Should either group tollerate the others taste buds....Off course not. It is a cultural things. One of the things that makes an Australian or an American.

But........... lets talk swimming. A sport both countries enjoy to distraction, a sport we compete against each other with terrific intensity. The American and Australian can sit up in the stand and scream and shout for their heros - but at the end of the day - they slap each other on the back, wish each other well and retire to drink their respective beers.

Or take the example on set further. An American and a Nigerian - Here even the language is going to cause problems. But when the Nigerian swimmer beats an American home, or visa verse, no one is going to have have problems understanding the celebrations.

See my point? Neither has had to tollerate or accomodate the other, yet they have shared something in a positive way.

Pilot of indianPilot
stirbird said:
Hi there, poop-for-brains! :)

My point was that in a thread about being OPEN MINDED toward all forms of bdsm, he was making himself look like the biggest hypocrite in bdsm by slamming one particular person and that person's ideas, over and over again, snidely. It looked dumb as fuck, it was also quite cruel in ways your shit-soaked and totally dysfunctioning braincells can't even begin to imagine. Yep, dumb as fuck. Just the way you sound, ass-fart. (did i hurt your pwoor wittle weelings? :D)

This thread is about being tolerant of people, jumbo-dumbo. The point of being tolerant is so that you don't inadvertently hurt them with your brainfarts and they don't inadvertently hurt you with theirs. But if you want all-out flaming all the time, fatso, I'd be glad to show you what it feels like. Game? Get your stinking cunt over here then.

I debated wasting any time on answering this one, but couldn't resist.

You sound like a 14 year old boy whining for attention. You can't come up with a more intelligent and interesting quips than "ass-fart" or "jumbo-dumbo"?

I'm sooooooo hurt.

I reiterate. Grow up.