OUT: Holocaust Denial IN: Holocaust Revisionism

With the extreme public pushback against the "Holocaust Denial" grifters (including... gasp ...financial penalties), the grifters have now pivoted to a new and exciting money-making measure: "Holocaust Revisionism".

Sooooo....exactly WHO is now to blame for the Holocaust in World War Two?
None other than....drumroll .... Winston Churchill.

You see, Churchill badly overreacted when genius military strategist Adolf Hitler exercised his country's inalienable right to invade Poland in September 1939.

NOBODY....least of all Hitler... expected the massive British response to a minor incursion into another country by Germany.

Hitler, who was rounding up Jews and Gypsies and Communists and Homosexuals "for their own protection", was taken by surprise and there simply wasn't enough food to adequately feed these holding centers, and as a result a lot of people "happened to die" as a result.

Historical revisionism at its finest.
With the extreme public pushback against the "Holocaust Denial" grifters (including... gasp ...financial penalties), the grifters have now pivoted to a new and exciting money-making measure: "Holocaust Revisionism".

Sooooo....exactly WHO is now to blame for the Holocaust in World War Two?
None other than....drumroll .... Winston Churchill.

You see, Churchill badly overreacted when genius military strategist Adolf Hitler exercised his country's inalienable right to invade Poland in September 1939.
Problem with that is Churchill was not PM when Germany (and 3 weeks later USSR) invaded Poland. He had to wait another 9 months when following the "Norway" Debate on 10th May 1940 Churchill replaced Chamberlain.
It's my belief that HisArpy, myself, and you are a triumvirate of intellectual force.






oh Father who art in Heaven, the gift of mirth through far-fetched projection that you have given us is truly the most wonderful of all human qualities. :ROFLMAO:
There are so many great, intelligent people on this forum!

AlterErgo, aniani, annonous, back4mo, Baconlover1985, BBanned, BBx56, BBmor, beezzz, BellOH, buaireadair, BeZe, bk4mo, BombBastic, Brandumb,busterup,Busybody, ByeDumb, bzstill, CenSore, Censurat,cermin, cogneetoh, Cubik ,Ditapis, Dryeltsin, dugalen, entrometido, espejo, exited, Exxwhyzee, ficcanaso, hayeli, hooelse, hushup, ignobel, ispilua, ItsBZ, IzzyBZ, ,jansix, keeNumm, Kenny_Monoxide, Kneedy1, KnotMore, Knoop, Knottbanned, KnottQuiet, KnotBZ, Knowmo, KnowBull, knownothin, lampetuta, lessOHmo, Mashquul, Mashquulbaanahay, MelaniaT, menapis, noitall, Nomoho, nonuthin, Occupatus, OdelRogers, Okipe, Okupata, opfsovm, Osekkai, penibuk, peili, picsonly, Plotkarz, pocjet, QueequegsHead, ReelDeal, SamSang, sighlance, sighlent, snailspace, socialsavant, speccio, spegil, StillBusy, Sylanced, teeAhee, travlt, tjlex, verybusy, vietato, vincitrice, wattnow, YesBZ,
YesMO, YNow, and 18xoxo- all utterly brilliant people.

And they are all, like, totally, not the same person.
I have neither the time nor the patience for anyone promoting apologetics for Hitler or the Nazis. I don’t care who the fuck they are. It’s beyond the pale and should automatically be treated as such. Who caused the war and the Holocaust? Nazi Germany. End of story. Most situations have a lot of nuances…this one doesn’t.
However, it's important to note that there are people on this board, e.g. ChloeTzang, who openly admire Hitler and Nazi Germany, and when they aren't actively denying the holocaust, they are actually trying to justify it.
I have neither the time nor the patience for anyone promoting apologetics for Hitler or the Nazis.
Apologies aren't necessary to understand the logic that history is written by the victors. If the nazis had won, I doubt history books would be calling them the bad guys.
Apologies aren't necessary to understand the logic that history is written by the victors. If the nazis had won, I doubt history books would be calling them the bad guys.
History may be written by the victors, but the Nazis were objectively evil. There's no nuance required about them.
History may be written by the victors, but the Nazis were objectively evil. There's no nuance required about them.
And the descendents of a victorious Nazi Germany would say the exact same thing about their enemies.
And the descendents of a victorious Nazi Germany would say the exact same thing about their enemies.
Do you deny that, objectively, as a matter of record, the Nazi regime was one of the most wicked in history? Massive Holocaust, etc.?
Do you deny that, objectively, as a matter of record, the Nazi regime was one of the most wicked in history? Massive Holocaust, etc.?
The only thing I would deny is the idea any group of people or leader wakes up one day and decides they're going to be the 'bad guys'.
The only thing I would deny is the idea any group of people or leader wakes up one day and decides they're going to be the 'bad guys'.
I don't doubt that Hitler saw himself as good. I've read Mein Kampf. I'm speaking of the record of history. Some things are objectively wicked, plain and simple, even if the people doing them believe that they are good.
I don't doubt that Hitler saw himself as good. I've read Mein Kampf. I'm speaking of the record of history. Some things are objectively good or bad, plain and simple, even if the people doing them believe that they are good.
I don't take historical records as gospel or infallible sources on anything. I'm open to questioning any narrative, especially seeing how easily people swallow false ones today, never mind ones far in the past.

What I do automatically reject is any argument or position on narratives that insist they're the 'true' and 'objective' narrative and should be accepted without question.
Apologies aren't necessary to understand the logic that history is written by the victors. If the nazis had won, I doubt history books would be calling them the bad guys.
If you have genuine doubts about whether or not the Nazis were evil, might I suggest this primary source: Tadeusz Borowski, "this way for the gas ladies and gentlemen". Available to download free from several sources.

It is a first hand account from a young polish man who was forced to unload the trains in Auschwitz from the liquidated ghettos.

The poor author couldn't live with himself, and unfortunately committed suicide.
CNN and the rest of the media is more interested in not Dehumanizing Immigrants than tell the truth to Americans about the consequences of the Biden-Harris invasion over the southern border:


CNN Accuses Those Saying that Springfield Is Being Overrun, 'Dehumanizes' Immigrants​

Sarah Arnold | September 15, 2024 2:00 PM
AP Photo/Julio Cortez

Left-wing media outlets have been quick to downplay the reports of Springfield, Ohio, being overrun by Haitian immigrants. A CNN panelist accused those who are saying the small town is experiencing an unprecedented amount of illegal aliens of “dehumanizing” immigrants.

More here: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/sarah...being-overrun-dehumanizes-immigrants-n2644775
CNN and the rest of the media is more interested in not Dehumanizing Immigrants than tell the truth to Americans about the consequences of the Biden-Harris invasion over the southern border:


CNN Accuses Those Saying that Springfield Is Being Overrun, 'Dehumanizes' Immigrants​

Sarah Arnold | September 15, 2024 2:00 PM
AP Photo/Julio Cortez

Left-wing media outlets have been quick to downplay the reports of Springfield, Ohio, being overrun by Haitian immigrants. A CNN panelist accused those who are saying the small town is experiencing an unprecedented amount of illegal aliens of “dehumanizing” immigrants.

More here: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/sarah...being-overrun-dehumanizes-immigrants-n2644775
Yes, the left is interested in reinforcing the truth that immigrants are human beings while the right has spent over a week trying to prove a lie that immigrants are eating our pets.

If you wish to discuss issues with resource strains, probably start with true statements instead of racism.
With the extreme public pushback against the "Holocaust Denial" grifters (including... gasp ...financial penalties), the grifters have now pivoted to a new and exciting money-making measure: "Holocaust Revisionism".

Sooooo....exactly WHO is now to blame for the Holocaust in World War Two?
None other than....drumroll .... Winston Churchill.

You see, Churchill badly overreacted when genius military strategist Adolf Hitler exercised his country's inalienable right to invade Poland in September 1939.

NOBODY....least of all Hitler... expected the massive British response to a minor incursion into another country by Germany.

Hitler, who was rounding up Jews and Gypsies and Communists and Homosexuals "for their own protection", was taken by surprise and there simply wasn't enough food to adequately feed these holding centers, and as a result a lot of people "happened to die" as a result.

Historical revisionism at its finest.
Didn’t realise David Irving was still with us and still writing. And damn Churchill, stopping hitler from helping and feeding those good people.
CNN and the rest of the media is more interested in not Dehumanizing Immigrants than tell the truth to Americans about the consequences of the Biden-Harris invasion over the southern border:


CNN Accuses Those Saying that Springfield Is Being Overrun, 'Dehumanizes' Immigrants​

Sarah Arnold | September 15, 2024 2:00 PM
AP Photo/Julio Cortez

Left-wing media outlets have been quick to downplay the reports of Springfield, Ohio, being overrun by Haitian immigrants. A CNN panelist accused those who are saying the small town is experiencing an unprecedented amount of illegal aliens of “dehumanizing” immigrants.

More here: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/sarah...being-overrun-dehumanizes-immigrants-n2644775
Save the pets.
I don't take historical records as gospel or infallible sources on anything. I'm open to questioning any narrative, especially seeing how easily people swallow false ones today, never mind ones far in the past.

What I do automatically reject is any argument or position on narratives that insist they're the 'true' and 'objective' narrative and should be accepted without question.
So in other words, you are basically doubting the Holocaust ever happened.

For fuck sake... what the fuck is this, the Stormfront.org board?

And yes, I've SEEN you, multiple times, swallow false narratives, and openly promote such narratives- long after they have repeatedly been proven false.
If you have genuine doubts about whether or not the Nazis were evil, might I suggest this primary source: Tadeusz Borowski, "this way for the gas ladies and gentlemen". Available to download free from several sources.

It is a first hand account from a young polish man who was forced to unload the trains in Auschwitz from the liquidated ghettos.

The poor author couldn't live with himself, and unfortunately committed suicide.
Truly disturbing. Incidentally, I more recently discovered some Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry, so the Holocaust hits home a bit more. I also discovered a small amount of West African ancestry, which was fascinating. Still mostly Anglo-Irish, but with some unspecified Northern and Southern European origins there. Not sure what that could be. I've been told by some folks that I looked either Mediterranean or Middle Eastern, for what that's worth. I've even been asked by Assyrians/Chaldeans if I was one of them. Not to my knowledge, but that was fascinating.
So in other words, you are basically doubting the Holocaust ever happened.
Since when is willingness to doubt or being open minded to new information a bad thing?

I hold the exact same standard for things like (for example) religion and belief in god, despite a personal conviction that convincing arguments and logic doesn't really exist or hasn't been presented.
Because, the Holocaust did, in fact happen. Trying to claim otherwise is like trying to claim that the assasination attempts on Trump never happened. There is nothing to doubt. It is a fact. You, on the other hand, try to claim that Trump got more votes than Biden in 2020- which has already been proven to be an abject proven FALSEHOOD.

So the bottom line- you are willfully ignorant and choose to believe whatever crap you want, with complete disregard for hard facts. Or, facts to you are only relevant when they promote hatred, division and tyrrany, isn't that right?
You, on the other hand, try to claim that Trump got more votes than Biden in 2020
I've never made that claim. Are you lying on purpose or accident?
facts to you are only relevant when they promote hatred, division and tyrrany, isn't that right?
Care to give a single example of any fact I subscribe to that promotes hatred, division or tyranny?