OUT: Holocaust Denial IN: Holocaust Revisionism

I distinctly recall you repeating the lies about the 2020 election.
And now you are doubting the Holocaust happened. And you have come out in support of Ron DeSantis and his openly racist, anti-Black, policies.
I distinctly recall you repeating the lies about the 2020 election.
So give me an example, since you 'distinctly recall'.
And now you are doubting the Holocaust happened.
I said I'm open to new information and doubt on any subject. Quite frankly I care very little about the holocaust issue, I'm far more concerned about the future than the past.
And you have come out in support of Ron DeSantis and his openly racist, anti-Black, policies.
And another lie by you. I've never cared about Ron DeSantis, he's just a governor for Florida who makes the headlines here and there.

You might want to get your head examined for these false 'distinct recollections' of yours.
I said I'm open to new information and doubt on any subject. Quite frankly I care very little about the holocaust issue, I'm far more concerned about the future than the past.

What the FUCK is the matter with you? You’re open to “new information” on the subject? What—like it never happened you moron? You SHOULD care more about the holocaust, you fucking idiot!

Only a piece of fucking shit would deny that the holocaust ever took place. GFY!!
If you deny that the holocaust happened, you’re an evil anti-Semitic fuck. PERIOD, end of story.

Go fuck your Trump love doll, you sick fuck.
Did you, or did you NOT, used to be the username "Kinked_a_Bit?"

honest question. (of course, if you were, you probably wouldn't admit it anyway.)
Hey ShittyFuckBoy, please admit that you’re a nazi, because I really think you’re just dying to put on that Hugo Boss and start goose stepping around Berchtesgaden while jerking off to a picture of Trump’s bloody ear.
Hey ShittyFuckBoy, please admit that you’re a nazi, because I really think you’re just dying to put on that Hugo Boss and start goose stepping around Berchtesgaden while jerking off to a picture of Trump’s bloody ear.
I'm certainly convinced you're a nazi, and your profile picture is a poor attempt at hiding it.
I'm certainly convinced you're a nazi, and your profile picture is a poor attempt at hiding it.
Naw…c’mon…you have a swastika tattoo, don’t you? Probably on your ass, so your skinhead cellmate has something to cum to, right?

PS: guess you’re too stupid to differentiate numbers from a symbol. Racist fuck. LOL
Hey ShittyFuckBoy, please admit that you’re a nazi, because I really think you’re just dying to put on that Hugo Boss and start goose stepping around Berchtesgaden while jerking off to a picture of Trump’s bloody ear.
None of them ever do, they’re just following orders don’t forget.
Nazi sympathizers should be treated like the Nazis they worship. Preferably like the Nazis were treated right after the fall of Berlin.