Pandemonium challenge support thread

This isn't an official contest; it's an unofficial community event. Meaning all you are "winning" is some extra reader attention as well the sense of pride and accomplishment.
This is a challenge, and not a contest. There are no winners. Or you're all winners, depending on how you see it! ☺️

EDIT: Lobster beat me to it!
Well, that's it. Submitted. Title: The Virgin Sharpy.

My first excursion into Gay Male and honestly, the most difficult thing I've ever written that I didn't just give up on. I was tempted, too, as our time was running out, but it seemed a bit of a waste to bin 20K words. I can't honestly say I'm totally happy with it, but I'm not sure I would be with any more time. I'm not saying it's bad, necessarily (I'll leave that to the voters - I would rate it in the higher 3 stars, but it could get savaged: I'm straight, writing gay characters, and I might very easily not have been convincing on a number of levels). The plotting was tough, too, and there might not be enough of the demon side of it, either. I'm not selling it, am I ;)?
I'm in.
"Dig Two Graves" is a LW BTB story about a cuckolded husband who's placed a curse on his homewrecker, told from the POV of a detective investigating the case. Posted 9/23/24
Thanks for the prompt!
Only a few more days to get your submissions in, people! Come on, you know you all want to submit to the demon inside you...
Only a few more days to get your submissions in, people! Come on, you know you all want to submit to the demon inside you...
Okay, so, uhm...

Look, I just wanted to write a silly little romp with sexy demons. You know, completely unoriginal and very self-indulgent. And it was going great, at least for a time -- until those pesky things reared their ugly heads. Things, like, well, the usual...

Characters that actually show some personality.
Some semblance of real plot.
More than just perfunctory worldbuilding.
A villain and the associated conflict.

...and so on. You know, trivial little details like that.

Conversely, the result of my fearless pantsing has come just shy of 40k words, as I put in the final dot just now. It probably has heads and tails (definitely tails), so it might be possible I manage to edit it into submission before the challenge ends but, uh...

We'll see.