Pandemonium challenge support thread

Though are angels (or half angels) allowed?

I see no reason for why angels should be banned from entry, though I suppose the story ought to feature at least one demonic entity of some kind regardless. :unsure: Some people see angels and demons as two sides of the same coin, but I think that's simplifying things as demons can take many forms - and not all of them are necessarily physical. If you bring in an angel but make her constantly fight her inner demons, putting the focus on that, I'd argue it ought to qualify. Or maybe her dad is a fallen angel or something. Do angels have fathers? Hmm.. 😅
I see no reason for why angels should be banned from entry, though I suppose the story ought to feature at least one demonic entity of some kind regardless. :unsure: Some people see angels and demons as two sides of the same coin, but I think that's simplifying things as demons can take many forms - and not all of them are necessarily physical. If you bring in an angel but make her constantly fight her inner demons, putting the focus on that, I'd argue it ought to qualify. Or maybe her dad is a fallen angel or something. Do angels have fathers? Hmm.. 😅
There’s like 80-100k words of backstory (plus many tens of thousands more by @Djmac1031 and well). Elena and Bobby are part of a wider world 😊.

In it - certain types of angels and demons are indeed two sides of a coin. But others aren’t. It’s… complicated.

Elena is a human who was gifted certain angelic powers for [spoilers]…

I've been writing an entire backstory on the history of Heaven and Angels, Hell and Demons.

Let's just say it's fluid lol.

I know @EmilyMiller 's Emma has a mother.
Because I always planned that from before I wrote Desire and Off The Shoulder. Or I just make shit up as I go. I mean, what’s more likely 🤣?

Serious question: Are politicians qualifying?
I'm working on a political satire around "Pandemonium Inc." - a company of chained dungeons/kinky clubs.
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Serious question: Are politicians qualifying?
I'm working on a political satire around "Pandemonium Inc." - a company of chained dungeons/kinky clubs.
I think it would be better to steer clear of that one. By entering a story about politicians in Pandemonium, you'd be implying that they are in fact literal demons, and that would be skirting a little too close to the "no politics" rule.

Of course if you want to write about a fictional politician who's a real demon, then welcome on board!
Not qualifying as demons, but allowed to be included: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim.

I know it's not a contest, but I think if someone can write a sexy story with Ophanim, those Big Wheels spinny eyeball machines, like they should get something. Like a Barbie car or a attractive unicycle in the mail.
I know it's not a contest, but I think if someone can write a sexy story with Ophanim, those Big Wheels spinny eyeball machines, like they should get something. Like a Barbie car or a attractive unicycle in the mail.
Something in the Voyeur category would seem the obvious choice.
Just a gentle nudge of this thread to remind people that Pandemonium begins on 1 September.


I'm not even close to finished yet. Stress levels rising!
Finished?! Man, I haven’t even started! And there is still the summer thing in between!

*sweats profusely*
I've got enough of a "story" that I could technically cut it and submit it as chapter 1 - which I think is allowed for Author's Challenges, correct?

I just checked and it's at a bit over 30,000 words. But the story is just starting. 😅 Bit ambitious of me, I have to say, especially with the Summer Lovin' and the chain story project in tandem. But I'll get something done. I wouldn't miss this one for the world! 💙
Just a gentle nudge of this thread to remind people that Pandemonium begins on 1 September.

I'm finally back to work on my VERY long delayed third installment of my particular Angels & Demons Saga. Which is totally connected to and borrows several characters from Emily Miller's Angels & Demons Saga.

It may or may not be ready to go by September. But for the three people maybe interested you have time to catch up on the already published ones at least 😆.

If I wind up publishing this new one I'm working on before September maybe I'll work on a shorter, more stand alone story for the event.

Which probably makes more sense. The one I'm working on now is long and pretty much for readers who've already invested in the earlier stories.

I think I'd prefer my Event story to stand alone and at the end I can invite readers to visit the other stories if interested
Alas, I ain't got nothin' for this one.

You guys go on ahead. I think this is in excellent hands!