Pandemonium challenge support thread

Hey everyone! I am a little new, in fact I am a story challenge virgin, unless you count WIWAW. I am really trying to broaden my writing and thought I would throw my hat in the ring.

I have this idea. It is about an angel with a whole lot of devil inside of her. What do you all think? Does that qualify? As I am writing, I feel it does qualify as there is an exchange of a soul ... or two.

I am a bit worried of embarrassing myself with the submission in this challenge. Tell me what you think.
Sounds good to me! And don't worry about embarrassing yourself: this is a brand new event!
Hey everyone! I am a little new, in fact I am a story challenge virgin, unless you count WIWAW. I am really trying to broaden my writing and thought I would throw my hat in the ring.

I have this idea. It is about an angel with a whole lot of devil inside of her. What do you all think? Does that qualify? As I am writing, I feel it does qualify as there is an exchange of a soul ... or two.

I am a bit worried of embarrassing myself with the submission in this challenge. Tell me what you think.
It sounds like a go-for-it to me, but...@StillStunned?
Just finished writing my story, fantasy-ish and historical-ish with a bit of a fable thrown in.

I have to say, I struggled for quite a while trying to think of an idea for something featuring a demon, and I threw away more than one bad plan, but when I finally hit on my story idea I enjoyed writing it more than almost anything I've written in ages. Funny how these author challenges can go sometimes.
Just finished writing my story, fantasy-ish and historical-ish with a bit of a fable thrown in.

I have to say, I struggled for quite a while trying to think of an idea for something featuring a demon, and I threw away more than one bad plan, but when I finally hit on my story idea I enjoyed writing it more than almost anything I've written in ages. Funny how these author challenges can go sometimes.
Glad to hear it, and I look forward to reading your story!
Just finished writing my story, fantasy-ish and historical-ish with a bit of a fable thrown in.

I have to say, I struggled for quite a while trying to think of an idea for something featuring a demon, and I threw away more than one bad plan, but when I finally hit on my story idea I enjoyed writing it more than almost anything I've written in ages. Funny how these author challenges can go sometimes.
The stories are posted as they come, right? If so, then mine might just slide in right before the deadline on 25th, if I’m lucky, since I only really started it now.
@StillStunned Could you edit the first post so it includes the rules & guidelines from the official announcement? Support threads always include those, so you don't need to go to a separate page to find them.
Count me in, and thank you for the kick in the pants to get me to put this one out. I’ve have an idea for a one-shot in the Becoming Monsters universe called Make Your Own Luck, and a VERY powerful Succubus is a big part of it. Might only be in the 4-5k word range, but you had best bet it’s getting done.
Working furiously on mine and it's coming along well. Although I highly doubt I'll get it in on week one.

It will be, surprise surprise, connected to the Angels And Demons Saga Emily Miller and I created, but will absolutely be a stand alone story for new readers who never read any of the others.
I won't be able to join in this, this year. But this morning my wife and I kicked this around for a while. I have an idea now for next year. Working title, The Legend of Castle Anthrax.