Poetry Discussion Circle

Angeline said:
I love the photos in your sig line. They look like aliens. :D

I think my creations say one thing about me: disturbed. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
I had a list somewhere of the people who had made enough comments to be up next with their own poems. Let me go look for it, or update it.

PS: I remember Eve was right at the top...
What I would like to see is some Lauren Hynde comments. :rose: :rose: :p
twelveoone said:
What I would like to see is some Lauren Hynde comments. :rose: :rose: :p
So would I, really. The last couple of months have been difficult for me, though. It's been difficult to focus on poetry enough to give a thoughtful and thorough critique. I'll try to improve on that, though. :):rose:
Lauren Hynde said:
So would I, really. The last couple of months have been difficult for me, though. It's been difficult to focus on poetry enough to give a thoughtful and thorough critique. I'll try to improve on that, though. :):rose:
Place always needs more thoughtful. :rose: :rose:
Lauren Hynde said:
Here's a list of eligible poets who still haven't had anything critique'd:

- The_Fool
- Wicked Eve
- Vampiric_Mirage
- flyguy69
- Senna Jawa
- PatCarrington/TheRainMan
- Nickie Smiles
- cymry
- CrowSingsOver
- average gina
- jthserra
- darkmaas

One of you must have a poem to put up for discussion! Come on, don't be shy.
Hi lovely people. I'd like to see a new poem for this Friday. Surely someone on the list wants to volunteer. If you're not on the list, then comment on a couple of poems and you will be. :) I really have nothing that I'm interested in having critiqued at the moment, but I know that the other names listed above have some wonderful poetry to share. So... who will it be?
Maybe one (or more- how many are there, anyway?) of the Poets needs to go into lecture mode.

Everyone wants attention paid to their work. To varying degrees we all suffer some discomfort displaying our work, and especially in opening it up for discussion. This thread was created for the purpose of getting good critique, good meaning, if the piece is bad you will find that out in a nice way. So what the fuck is going on? Why is no one commenting? If I can do it, anyone can.

I saw the # of views on my poem. And I saw the comments. There was a big difference. It happened to Champ, too, til she spoke up. And what that said to me was that my poem sucked and no one wanted to say it. I've come to realize that most of the chatting about poetry here gets done in emails and PM's. Thats just stupid. Those of you who have lifted yourselves off the detritus found here are just selfish. Ignore the assholes, and if they show up on your threads ask to have them deleted. Ignore their threads. But participate.

Maybe it's just me- I can't speak for everyone. When I see the input I get on my stuff, and I see the names here that are NOT giving me input... well, do you think I'm in a hurry to give the non commenters any sort of praise on their work? Nope. Not a bit.

Get off your duffs, you guys. No one here is even close to being a primadonna or a poetry God or Goddess.

... fizzled out. Whats the use?
And if I sound angry it's probably cuz I am. The 'snobby' ones here have fucked up a great place for the rest of us peons.
BooMerengue said:
... I've come to realize that most of the chatting about poetry here gets done in emails and PM's.
Not by me. Unless someone specifically requests it all of my comments are made in public. I agree, Boo, because whether one agrees with the critique or not there is always something to learn in another view.

Having said that, I currently devote to Lit all of the time that I am going to. I mean no slight, nor any favor, to anyone by commenting or not, I just don't have more time that I am willing to take from other ventures in my life. :(

And having said that, I am always willing to critique someone's poem if they ask. :)

and I know you weren't talking about me! :rose:
BooMerengue said:
I saw the # of views on my poem. And I saw the comments. There was a big difference. It happened to Champ, too, til she spoke up. And what that said to me was that my poem sucked and no one wanted to say it.
I often read something several times (i.e., come back and view it a number of times) without commenting. That doesn't mean I thought the poem was bad--on the contrary, it means I found it interesting. If it was bad, I would only read it once, and probably not finish it.

The problem for me with commenting is that it is a lot of work, at least to do any kind of serious job about it. I have to think about things for a while before I am ready to say anything. It isn't hard to say "I liked this" or "I didn't like this" or even "this is misspelled", but I don't think those kind of comments are particularly useful, especially for something placed on the PDC. I also may not have anything useful to say about a poem, or someone else has said it already, usually more clearly than I could.
Tzara said:
I often read something several times (i.e., come back and view it a number of times) without commenting. That doesn't mean I thought the poem was bad--on the contrary, it means I found it interesting. If it was bad, I would only read it once, and probably not finish it.

The problem for me with commenting is that it is a lot of work, at least to do any kind of serious job about it. I have to think about things for a while before I am ready to say anything. It isn't hard to say "I liked this" or "I didn't like this" or even "this is misspelled", but I don't think those kind of comments are particularly useful, especially for something placed on the PDC. I also may not have anything useful to say about a poem, or someone else has said it already, usually more clearly than I could.

I had read Fool's poem a couple of times and always meant to do a critique but at the moment I am pushed for time to do a proper job of it. I made a quick post earlier because of Boo's post but I didn't do Fool justice. However I would like to say to Fool I have read his poem several times and have really enjoyed it for the most part and I think the first half of his poem is a cracking read, the rest is posted.
BooMerengue said:
Maybe one (or more- how many are there, anyway?) of the Poets needs to go into lecture mode.

Everyone wants attention paid to their work. To varying degrees we all suffer some discomfort displaying our work, and especially in opening it up for discussion. This thread was created for the purpose of getting good critique, good meaning, if the piece is bad you will find that out in a nice way. So what the fuck is going on? Why is no one commenting? If I can do it, anyone can.

I saw the # of views on my poem. And I saw the comments. There was a big difference. It happened to Champ, too, til she spoke up. And what that said to me was that my poem sucked and no one wanted to say it. I've come to realize that most of the chatting about poetry here gets done in emails and PM's. Thats just stupid. Those of you who have lifted yourselves off the detritus found here are just selfish. Ignore the assholes, and if they show up on your threads ask to have them deleted. Ignore their threads. But participate.

Maybe it's just me- I can't speak for everyone. When I see the input I get on my stuff, and I see the names here that are NOT giving me input... well, do you think I'm in a hurry to give the non commenters any sort of praise on their work? Nope. Not a bit.

Get off your duffs, you guys. No one here is even close to being a primadonna or a poetry God or Goddess.

... fizzled out. Whats the use?
And if I sound angry it's probably cuz I am. The 'snobby' ones here have fucked up a great place for the rest of us peons.

Maybe it's not snobbiness, Boo. My poem only got three or four comments--which I know is more than some got, but I know there are other, non-Discussion Circle threads where a handful of people do a great deal of commentary.

I think not feeling you have the time is reason number one. I won't do a critique there unless I do a thorough one and that usually takes me at least 30 minutes. Also, some people may feel intimidated by the idea of critique--at least the way it is expected there. That has come up a number of times. I suspect some people feel less than comfortable critiquing there given the tone of some reviews. I'm not saying those kind of reviews are wrong or bad, only that some folks take them personally or otherwise don't agree with them. And some--gasp--don't believe in critical reviews. That also is neither wrong nor bad: it's just a matter of preference.

So that leaves the ones who believe in comprehensive critique, are comfortable giving it, and have the time to do it. Sorta narrows the list.

I saw Fool's poem. I don't have 30-40 minutes to write a critique now and I wanted to come back to it a few times before I said anything anyway.

And you will recall that I put a lot of time into your poem there before it was taken down--and I didn't think it sucked, either. I agree, btw, that a lot of feedback goes on in pm and email. At least it does for me. Between that and work and my own writing, my duff gets pretty busy.
BooMerengue said:
Everyone wants attention paid to their work. To varying degrees we all suffer some discomfort displaying our work, and especially in opening it up for discussion. This thread was created for the purpose of getting good critique, good meaning, if the piece is bad you will find that out in a nice way. So what the fuck is going on? Why is no one commenting? If I can do it, anyone can.
I seriously don't know what's up with me in this regard. But there must be something... I haven't been able to write a decent poem in what seems like months, and likewise, I haven't been able to say anything worth the reading effort about poetry for that same period of time. My muse flipped me the bird on both those abilities some time this fall, and have only now started to make random apperances again.

Nobody is more bothered by this than me, and I feel a slight pang of guilt everytime I log in, for not commenting on the New Poems and not participating in the Circle, when others have given me so much through both those channels in the past.

But what to do, when I read the poems, and all I could say was "yeah... me likey dis"?
First off, I just wanted to say, that I appreciate any and all comments. I have been deliberately silent on whatever has been said and will probably continue in that mode for another week or so. Don't want to skew anyone's opinion.... :D

Secondly, I feel that in order for me to do a poem justice. I have to read it several times and not all in one sitting. Sometimes, things leap out at me, other times they have to digest. That is just me....
The_Fool said:
Secondly, I feel that in order for me to do a poem justice. I have to read it several times and not all in one sitting. Sometimes, things leap out at me, other times they have to digest. That is just me....
Poetry, like scotch, needs time.
I think, other than the above-mentioned responses to Boo's post, something we all should consider is that an increase in the sheer quantity of poets who find a reason to frequent these boards would be helpful in regards to critiquing, and everything else as well.

For many months I stopped commenting on the "New Poems." In one regard, I now think that was a mistake on my part (and I have been trying to rectify it) - there are many new poets who either have no idea these boards exist or don't know where to find them, or that simply need an invite to come here and see for themselves.

Think how many very good writers post poetry there, but are never or rarely seen here. The compiled list would be huge. . .if they stick their toes in the water here and find it warm, well, that can only be a good thing.

Some have been doing that - leaving thanks for mentioning their poems or posting on the passion or construction thread - but still have not taken the plunge into the deeper waters . . . right . . .dorksicle . . .curious wife. . . little mina . . .vampiredust . . . decayed angel. . . calliope . . . sarah crewe. . . coi . . .? and so many, many others who I leave out only because of the holes in my head.

I have been posting links to the threads, and inviting some to join. I think more of that from all of us would expand the size of this community, and do it for the better.

So, consider increasing the amount and size of your commentary on the New Poems, especially to newer poets whose work shows you quality.
Unfortunately, the acrimony of this past weekend did more than warm the water. It set it to boil.

Were I new and thinner-skinned, I would have looked for the closest exit.
TheRainMan said:
I think, other than the above-mentioned responses to Boo's post, something we all should consider is that an increase in the sheer quantity of poets who find a reason to frequent these boards would be helpful in regards to critiquing, and everything else as well.

For many months I stopped commenting on the "New Poems." In one regard, I now think that was a mistake on my part (and I have been trying to rectify it) - there are many new poets who either have no idea these boards exist or don't know where to find them, or that simply need an invite to come here and see for themselves.

Think how many very good writers post poetry there, but are never or rarely seen here. The compiled list would be huge. . .if they stick their toes in the water here and find it warm, well, that can only be a good thing.

Some have been doing that - leaving thanks for mentioning their poems or posting on the passion or construction thread - but still have not taken the plunge into the deeper waters . . . right . . .dorksicle . . .curious wife. . . little mina . . .vampiredust . . . decayed angel. . . calliope . . . sarah crewe. . . coi . . .? and so many, many others who I leave out only because of the holes in my head.

I have been posting links to the threads, and inviting some to join. I think more of that from all of us would expand the size of this community, and do it for the better.

So, consider increasing the amount and size of your commentary on the New Poems, especially to newer poets whose work shows you quality.
TheRainMan said:
I think, other than the above-mentioned responses to Boo's post, something we all should consider is that an increase in the sheer quantity of poets who find a reason to frequent these boards would be helpful in regards to critiquing, and everything else as well.

For many months I stopped commenting on the "New Poems." In one regard, I now think that was a mistake on my part (and I have been trying to rectify it) - there are many new poets who either have no idea these boards exist or don't know where to find them, or that simply need an invite to come here and see for themselves.

Think how many very good writers post poetry there, but are never or rarely seen here. The compiled list would be huge. . .if they stick their toes in the water here and find it warm, well, that can only be a good thing.

Some have been doing that - leaving thanks for mentioning their poems or posting on the passion or construction thread - but still have not taken the plunge into the deeper waters . . . right . . .dorksicle . . .curious wife. . . little mina . . .vampiredust . . . decayed angel. . . calliope . . . sarah crewe. . . coi . . .? and so many, many others who I leave out only because of the holes in my head.

I have been posting links to the threads, and inviting some to join. I think more of that from all of us would expand the size of this community, and do it for the better.

So, consider increasing the amount and size of your commentary on the New Poems, especially to newer poets whose work shows you quality.

Only have a sec here.

Pat? I was only talking about the poems posted on the Poetry Discussion thread, and not all the poets here but the ones who have been here awhile, and have stopped critiquing or never started on these threads only.
BooMerengue said:
Maybe one (or more- how many are there, anyway?) of the Poets needs to go into lecture mode.
Lauren and me.
Lecture mode?
BooMerengue said:
Only have a sec here.

Pat? I was only talking about the poems posted on the Poetry Discussion thread, and not all the poets here but the ones who have been here awhile, and have stopped critiquing or never started on these threads only.

I realize that, Boo. - I just got to thinking that this poetry community is too small in numbers, at least for my liking, and an increase in size would spill over into everything.


flyguy69 said:
Unfortunately, the acrimony of this past weekend did more than warm the water. It set it to boil.

Were I new and thinner-skinned, I would have looked for the closest exit.

Well, maybe we should knock it off then - or start offering liquor in our punch. :)

If they found that exit door, they're probably peeking through the cracks . . . all we need is to give them a reason to come back in. :)
I've only done two critiques because I really don't feel qualified in this community of teachers and published writers. I noticed that a poem will sit for a while before anyone speaks up but I think one needs to read and re-read then mull before speaking out. Even then, subsequent critics mention things I wish I'd picked up on. So, in that sense, it's a lesson in itself.