Poetry Discussion Circle

*Catbabe* said:
Shh, it's rude to tell someone their Wisconsin is showing...
At least we don't reveal ourselves with our spellouing. :D

Is wapatuli a regionalism? What do all of you folks do with your leftover booze?
flyguy69 said:
At least we don't reveal ourselves with our spellouing. :D

Is wapatuli a regionalism? What do all of you folks do with your leftover booze?
"Leftover booze" is a regionalism.
flyguy69 said:
At least we don't reveal ourselves with our spellouing. :D

Is wapatuli a regionalism? What do all of you folks do with your leftover booze?

'kay you just made me re-check my sentence looking for spelling errors for the last five minutes, you evil Fly, you. Then the joke finally arrived in the station. :cool: ;)
Tzara said:
"Leftover booze" is a regionalism.

Actually, at my house it is common. I have numerous bottles of stuff bought for themed parties (kamikazes, cosmopolitans, etc.) that I never touch again. I'm a beer guy. Anyone need half-a-bottle of cranberry vodka?
*Catbabe* said:
'kay you just made me re-check my sentence looking for spelling errors for the last five minutes, you evil Fly, you. Then the joke finally arrived in the station. :cool: ;)
Must be the thin air atop those twin peaks of yours.
WickedEve said:
Lauren and me.
Lecture mode?

If it wasn't for that question mark (which I only spotted in the nick of time) I would have taken that for a come on.

I still might! :D
TheRainMan said:
I think, other than the above-mentioned responses to Boo's post, something we all should consider is that an increase in the sheer quantity of poets who find a reason to frequent these boards would be helpful in regards to critiquing, and everything else as well.

For many months I stopped commenting on the "New Poems." In one regard, I now think that was a mistake on my part (and I have been trying to rectify it) - there are many new poets who either have no idea these boards exist or don't know where to find them, or that simply need an invite to come here and see for themselves.

Think how many very good writers post poetry there, but are never or rarely seen here. The compiled list would be huge. . .if they stick their toes in the water here and find it warm, well, that can only be a good thing.

Some have been doing that - leaving thanks for mentioning their poems or posting on the passion or construction thread - but still have not taken the plunge into the deeper waters . . . right . . .dorksicle . . .curious wife. . . little mina . . .vampiredust . . . decayed angel. . . calliope . . . sarah crewe. . . coi . . .? and so many, many others who I leave out only because of the holes in my head.

I have been posting links to the threads, and inviting some to join. I think more of that from all of us would expand the size of this community, and do it for the better.

So, consider increasing the amount and size of your commentary on the New Poems, especially to newer poets whose work shows you quality.

Interesting thread.
I would like to join in
However I've been told my comments are not nice
When I don't leave 'em
twelveoone said:
Interesting thread.
I would like to join in
However I've been told my comments are not nice
When I don't leave 'em

Wasn't this an accusation and NOT proven yet??
twelveoone said:
Interesting thread.
I would like to join in
However I've been told my comments are not nice
When I don't leave 'em
I recently heard a rumor about you. Something far different than the usual ones.
saldne said:
Wasn't this an accusation and NOT proven yet??
That comment accused me, burden of proof rests on them. The defense would have been a spelling issue, but it looks deliberate. Doesn't it? Prior use.
bogusbrig said:
If it wasn't for that question mark (which I only spotted in the nick of time) I would have taken that for a come on.

I still might! :D
That's just fine. You take it anyway that makes you happy. I want you happy. Really. :)
By the way, am I near the begining of that book or the end? :D
twelveoone said:
That comment accused me, burden of proof rests on them. The defense would have been a spelling issue, but it looks deliberate. Doesn't it? Prior use.
You have been accused of far worse.
TheRainMan said:
I think, other than the above-mentioned responses to Boo's post, something we all should consider is that an increase in the sheer quantity of poets who find a reason to frequent these boards would be helpful in regards to critiquing, and everything else as well.

For many months I stopped commenting on the "New Poems." In one regard, I now think that was a mistake on my part (and I have been trying to rectify it) - there are many new poets who either have no idea these boards exist or don't know where to find them, or that simply need an invite to come here and see for themselves.

Think how many very good writers post poetry there, but are never or rarely seen here. The compiled list would be huge. . .if they stick their toes in the water here and find it warm, well, that can only be a good thing.

Some have been doing that - leaving thanks for mentioning their poems or posting on the passion or construction thread - but still have not taken the plunge into the deeper waters . . . right . . .dorksicle . . .curious wife. . . little mina . . .vampiredust . . . decayed angel. . . calliope . . . sarah crewe. . . coi . . .? and so many, many others who I leave out only because of the holes in my head.

I have been posting links to the threads, and inviting some to join. I think more of that from all of us would expand the size of this community, and do it for the better.

So, consider increasing the amount and size of your commentary on the New Poems, especially to newer poets whose work shows you quality.

One year ago or so, I started the Poem Academy thread for this purpose and as it worked for awhile it later slowed down. I tried every day to leave comments on every poem (that I could finish reading <grin>) Think of about four months ago how the threads were so slow some of my posts were there on top the next day. Now is a good time for lit with more people and the flow is better and more new poets. I have and still do and will continue to encourage new poets to come and join this forum and to learn from those willing to teach with a humble heart and not a whip in their hand <grin... one more thing <grin> some of the poets in your list of new poets are not new at all <laughing>

anyway you slice it...this is good advice and I hope more read and comment on all poems. I read the new poems list daily and always find poems with no comments and some are darn good.
I'm not here to critique anyone's work, nor to have mine critiqued, as I don't think, due to the very personal nature of poetry, that it can be done so in a way that is fair to the author's experience, no matter how we try. But I did want to say that I enjoy reading the submissions of others. I've been moved by many.
I hope to have a new poem ready for discussion before Monday. I have emailed someone about offering a poem for discussion, but I want you all to feel free to post poetry in the queue. We've had fairly good participation when it comes to comments, but many of you do not seem interested in having your poetry thoroughly critiqued, poked, twisted, and gangbanged by your fellow poets. :cathappy:
Feel blue? Lost? Lonely? Feel like the poetry forum is a rabid slut, foaming at the jaws in anticipation of ripping your poem apart and infecting it with... well, feel free to PM your friendly Poetry Mods: Mod and Maud. We're here to listen.

*cough! splutter! choke!*

Fiction writers step forward now!

oh wait.


wrong forum.

congratulations Art on taking the next step. :rose:
wildsweetone said:
*cough! splutter! choke!*

Fiction writers step forward now!

oh wait.


wrong forum.

congratulations Art on taking the next step. :rose:
"a rabid slut, foaming at the jaws"
I wonder who in the hell wrote that. :D