President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

I tuned in about the time of your post-7:51 when he was talking about China. He got into the weeds a bit, but that only served to demonstrate his nuanced and deep understanding of the issues with China. All good there.
I was reacting to "Vice President Trump" at the time I commented.

That’s what I saw as well, though came in late.
I saw a reaction on Twitter where someone mentioned this presser as being the most Presidential they've ever seen. Like seriously.....what the fuck planet are these people on?
I was just watching a CBS morning news show , and one of the guests accidentally transposed “Donald Trump “ for “President Biden” and then had to correct herself.

I was just watching a CBS morning news show , and one of the guests accidentally transposed “Donald Trump “ for “President Biden” and then had to correct herself.

I'm sure the double haters won't be voting for her.

Either the stakes are high to have the Democrats in office or they aren't. It can't be both. The voters that are needed to win need to be convinced. They aren't being convinced by that presser. Believing otherwise is delusional.
Show of hands time: who here believes there is anything Biden could have done that would have yielded a more positive reaction from "Chloe"?

LOL. Not me. And honestly, that presser was a shit show, and not the least of the issues was that he revealed how he was all about his own self-interest. He's saying that even if knew that Kamala Harris would do better than him against former President Donald Trump, he wouldn't get out of the race unless he knew he couldn't win — and he claimed no one was telling him that. It's also showing that he really doesn't think Trump is the "threat to democracy" that he claims he is because if Kamala would do better, he should step aside. But he's not doing that. So much for that "threat" when it bumps up against his (or Jill's?) own self-interest.

Really? He's that good? If you confuse Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin, no, you may not be a foreign policy genius. As former Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates said several years ago, Biden has been "wrong on nearly every major foreign policy or national security issue over the past four decades." That was said well before he occupied the Oval Office, so add another ten years onto that.

Never forget that Biden's foreign policy failures have a very human cost, including the deaths of 13 service members in the debacle of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Their families can never forget. But Joe Biden apparently forgot (or never cared about the 13) when he claimed during the disastrous debate that no members of the military have been lost while he has been occupying the Oval Office. Because it's all about him (to him), he can't even mention them by name since it shows his failures. That's despicable.

Maybe also, when you lift sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and talk about how "minor incursions" might not get a big reaction from the U.S., you tend to embolden people like Putin, who then invaded Ukraine. Then, whatever happened to those American hostages being held in Gaza as Biden keeps throwing Israel under the bus? And let's not forget about the ton of money sunk into the Gaza pier that lasted a couple of weeks only to break apart and have to be removed. But he spent quarter of a billion just to show he cared in order to cater to the leftist vote, right?

He's been horrible on foreign affairs. The only question people might have is which he's been worse on since he's also horrible at domestic policy, ringing in crushing inflation and high interest rates.

Now, some in the media are trying to spin it as a win. Dream on. It may have been enough in the Democrats' minds (because they don't know how to get him out at this point) to keep him in so Trump could beat him. But for everyone else, it was a shit show.
Yuh huh. The RNC would have more credibility if their candidate didn't refer to his cognitive doctor by the wrong name, who continually confused Nancy Pelosi with Nicky Haley and shits his pants on stage live.

Using the words of people who support Project 2025 and a candidate that's a lunatic doesn't really buy much.

And no I'm not going through point by point to debunk because they have no problem lying - they even manipulate video. I'm not playing their game. It's ridiculous quoting them.
Let’s not forget how the nod father could not even stay awake during his criminal trial.
Who are “voters that are needed to win” that are going to determine the outcome of this election you keep referring to?
I'm sure the double haters won't be voting for her.

Either the stakes are high to have the Democrats in office or they aren't. It can't be both. The voters that are needed to win need to be convinced. They aren't being convinced by that presser. Believing otherwise is delusional.

Recent history shows it is these voters.

Not these voters

Who are “voters that are needed to win” that are going to determine the outcome of this election you keep referring to?
They are the undecided voters. The ones who haven't chosen who they want to vote for. The polls suggest, for this election, that they are the "double haters", meaning they don't want to vote for either candidate.

Typically in any election cycle, undecided voters don't pay close attention to politics until closer to the election or a debate.

Nobody in this forum is undecided. I'm sure there are plenty of non-voters.
They are the undecided voters. The ones who haven't chosen who they want to vote for. The polls suggest, for this election, that they are the "double haters", meaning they don't want to vote for either candidate.

Typically in any election cycle, undecided voters don't pay close attention to politics until closer to the election or a debate.

Nobody in this forum is undecided. I'm sure there are plenty of non-voters.
LOL. EVERYONE here has strong opinions and none of us will switch the other side (on here) around, but it IS interesting reading everyone else's viewpoints. And stuff does come out in the wash that, with our reading biases, we might not otherwise have been aware of.

So, to all those who I disagree with and who disagree with me LOL, thank you for sharing. It's always an education, and entertaining as well.
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But hey keep doing the work for the GOP who want to quite literally remake the USA into a fascist theocracy.
Campaigning is a long stretch of getting out to voters,. specifically those who are undecided. Having one energetic interview or one speech where he didn't fuck up the teleprompter is not enough.

Sorry that people are setting the bar too high for an old man.
Campaigning is a long stretch of getting out to voters,. specifically those who are undecided. Having one energetic interview or one speech where he didn't fuck up the teleprompter is not enough.

Sorry that people are setting the bar too high for an old man.

Nothing will ever be enough.


Enjoy Trump.
with just 4 months to the election, changing leadership now is simply the recipe for chaos, a logistical nightmare:

  • the mess of a new candidate to be determined upon and 'elected' by the dem minority—risking the blow-back wrath by ignoring the resounding will of the millions
  • the nightmare of sorting out the finances so that nominee can begin proper campaigning
  • getting the voters on election-day to actually turn out for the new candidate where many might prefer either President Biden to remain or a different candidate from the group—division of overall support for a single dem candidate that currently belongs (mainly) to President Biden

it'd be a complete shit-show and one the republicans can't wait to see.
Nothing will ever be enough.


Enjoy Trump.
Voters continually say that Biden's age is a concern without being prompted or asked about it. That's a very real concern....and if this election is such a high stakes election.....concerns are what will make or break it your way.

Me pointing this out is not what will get Trump elected. People ignoring those concerns WILL
with just 4 months to the election, changing leadership now is simply the recipe for chaos, a logistical nightmare:

  • the mess of a new candidate to be determined upon and 'elected' by the dem minority—risking the blow-back wrath by ignoring the resounding will of the millions
  • the nightmare of sorting out the finances so that nominee can begin proper campaigning
  • getting the voters on election-day to actually turn out for the new candidate where many might prefer either President Biden to remain or a different candidate from the group—division of overall support for a single dem candidate that currently belongs (mainly) to President Biden

it'd be a complete shit-show and one the republicans can't wait to see.

With time being of the essence, it has been over two weeks and not one individual has come forward to replace Biden. Not one. And further, all of the contenders have not only not come forward but have thrown their support behind Biden.

Now it is time to evaluate how your time is best used. Getting out the vote and backing the Biden/Harris to defeat Trump or continue this endless circular firing squad doing the work of the GOP.
with just 4 months to the election, changing leadership now is simply the recipe for chaos, a logistical nightmare:

  • the mess of a new candidate to be determined upon and 'elected' by the dem minority—risking the blow-back wrath by ignoring the resounding will of the millions
  • the nightmare of sorting out the finances so that nominee can begin proper campaigning
  • getting the voters on election-day to actually turn out for the new candidate where many might prefer either President Biden to remain or a different candidate from the group—division of overall support for a single dem candidate that currently belongs (mainly) to President Biden

it'd be a complete shit-show and one the republicans can't wait to see.
Republicans want Biden in the race. Sorry to tell you. Watch Fox News a bit ..they're playing "Vice President Trump" on repeat
Voters continually say that Biden's age is a concern without being prompted or asked about it. That's a very real concern....and if this election is such a high stakes election.....concerns are what will make or break it your way.

Me pointing this out is not what will get Trump elected. People ignoring those concerns WILL

Again, enjoy Trump.

NO ONE has come forward to replace Biden.

You've chosen how you are going to use the time between now and the election. You are going to wallow and bitch and complain, picking at every scab. Helping the GOP and Project 2025 because all you've done is bitch and complain. Oh yes you'll vote for him "but that...."

He could do literally everything you and the other naysayers say and it will never be enough. Even a new candidate would not be enough. There will always be a group that bitches and says "but that..."

I'd call you a bunch of old yentas but they have bigger ovaries than that.
Again, enjoy Trump.

NO ONE has come forward to replace Biden.

You've chosen how you are going to use the time between now and the election. You are going to wallow and bitch and complain, picking at every scab. Helping the GOP and Project 2025 because all you've done is bitch and complain. Oh yes you'll vote for him "but that...."
Yes, I complain that the whole "nothing to see here" crowd pisses me off here. Because you all are the same crowd that tells me of the fate of democracy and instead of taking real concerns seriously, you tell me that I should ignore it. That attitude doesn't square with me at all and I have no problem venting about that here. If that bothers you, you know how to address it. I'm not here for you.

Btw - only Biden can decide to step aside. No one needs to come forward for that to happen. And he should.

He could do literally everything you and the other naysayers say and it will never be enough. Even a new candidate would not be enough. There will always be a group that bitches and says "but that..."

I'd call you a bunch of old yentas but they have bigger ovaries than that.
I absolutely think Harris would be a better candidate and would remove the number one concern of undecided voters putting the focus on Trump's deficiencies.
Yes, I complain that the whole "nothing to see here" crowd pisses me off here. Because you all are the same crowd that tells me of the fate of democracy and instead of taking real concerns seriously, you tell me that I should ignore it. That attitude doesn't square with me at all and I have no problem venting about that here. If that bothers you, you know how to address it. I'm not here for you.

Btw - only Biden can decide to step aside. No one needs to come forward for that to happen. And he should.

I absolutely think Harris would be a better candidate and would remove the number one concern of undecided voters putting the focus on Trump's deficiencies.

Until another group of bitchers and moaners come forth with "but that..."

Biden is not stepping aside at this point.

Again, you've chosen how you are going to spend your time. You could be part of voter drives, volunteer efforts etc. But instead you'll post endlessly on a forum about how much you think Biden should step aside.

Have fun whining.

I'll be phone banking etc.
ll74 said:
Btw - only Biden can decide to step aside. No one needs to come forward for that to happen. And he should.
not really: Joe threw down the gauntlet already for anyone wishing to challenge his presumptive candidacy to come forward and do it at the dem convention (or wherever/whatever event it is that actually votes/names the candidate).

how much is hubris and how much a decision made with his years of wisdom and experience, with the conclusion being there is no-one better placed to beat trump than the Biden/Harris combo is going to be debated but i am over it right now.

if the younger people—those who'd like to see a woman as president, a person of colour as president, a younger person in the top position—want to see Kamala Harris as President of the USA, their very best chances are to vote her in again as VP first. She's entirely competent but can always benefit from any further time with President Biden; I actually think President Biden is also well-aware that he may not be in the best position to complete a full term again but knows VP Harris will be right there to step into his shoes and choose another, young VP to serve alongside her, knowing trump has been defeated once more. It makes sense.

Add to that the fact VP as President Harris could then run for presidency in 2028, to continue the democrats' policies to best effect, seems solid thinking.

question: if she assumes the presidency during a second Biden term, and she can run in 2028, does that also make her eligible to run in 2032?
if the younger people—those who'd like to see a woman as president, a person of colour as president, a younger person in the top position—want to see Kamala Harris as President of the USA, their very best chances are to vote her in again as VP first. She's entirely competent but can always benefit from any further time with President Biden; I actually think President Biden is also well-aware that he may not be in the best position to complete a full term again but knows VP Harris will be right there to step into his shoes and choose another, young VP to serve alongside her. It makes sense.

I actually have similar thoughts on the matter. President Biden is no fool. He's been playing 4D chess and somehow after one debate people thing he's no longer able to play the game. And that somehow, even though they have a fraction of his skill, knowledge, understanding and abilities, they know better.
unfortunately, whatever happens, if convicted felon trump gets back into the Whitehouse democracy dies and one set of dems will be screaming it's Biden's fault for not stepping down and another set screaming it's BECAUSE Biden stepped down.

^^^this is the shitshow the media wants to see play out with baited-breath and hand-wringing
The Orange Guy getting orders hand delivered from Moscow seems of little concern to one who bellows often.
How many times do you have to be told! Putin, XiXi Ping, Moody, and Bin Salmon ( everyone the left Hates] are all going to be crowned Kings, and DJT is going to be crowned KING of KINGS! Why do you think the Supreme Court is ruling the way they are! They are setting it all up! And yes the 2 party system in this country is all but over! You may not like it. But like Trump says, Its not for everyone! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 But dont worry, Trump will not be the leader of this country for long. After a year he will turn the reigns over to his VP, the VP the media has told you is dead! Well he aint dead and hes very much alive! He will be serving the term his dad should of served!
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