President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

"Some people" are myopic idiots that are hyper focused on President Biden’s flaws and mistakes (while generally giving Trump a free pass) and FAIL to acknowledge President Biden’s strengths and successes.

"Some people" are myopic idiots that are hyper focused on President Biden’s flaws and mistakes (while generally giving Trump a free pass) and FAIL to acknowledge President Biden’s strengths and successes.

Wtf does "free pass" mean?

This election isn't about a "free pass". It's about convincing people who likely won't be voting to get out and vote for the Democratic candidate. Those people are not convinced by "but the other guy". They hate both guys, for different reasons. They need a reason to vote for a candidate... Not against one.

The "not the other guy" votes have been locked in for a while.

Biden is losing that vote... Fyi.
And let me add ..I'm mad because people who say that 45 is a crisis have ignored the signs that 45 is leading everywhere.

Demand more. If 45 is a should.
Looking at it from a slightly different perspective, that was a bit of a public meltdown. Actually, the plain truth is, that was a disaster. He was a couple of hours late starting, probably while they fired him up on his meds and made she he was at least functional.

He doesn't know who's President, He can't read his list, and it was so bad KJP tried to shut the Presser down at the end. LOL. Hmmmm. Let's see. Dementia Joe showed up with a pre-selected list of reporters to call on, a fact that he announced before taking questions.

During the first question, the president then called Donald Trump his vice president, confusing his political opponent with Kamala Harris. From there, he rambled and filibustered, attempting to burn enough time so his staff can claim he held his own.

Yes, tthe President of the United States has no idea who the President of the United States is. Who exactly is he referring to? Jill Biden? Hunter Biden? A cabal of handlers? Whose advice is he following? Jill Biden may be the answer.

That was part of a rambling answer in which Biden was trying to explain why his need to go to bed earlier is not a sign of his ongoing mental and physical decline. He was attempting to throw his staff under the bus, claiming they added things to his schedule. Putting aside that he's the president, he then claims his wife is angry because he's doing so much. Does that sound like someone who should be president? Someone who isn't even in control of his own administration and can't handle a tough schedule because his wife will get mad? When pressed on his mental capabilities, Biden was defiant, proclaiming that there is "no indication" that he's slowing down and can't get the job done. He then fumbled with his pre-selected list of reporters, unable to read it for several seconds.

What that answer shows is that Biden is deep in his delusion. There's no getting through to him. He truly believes he's fine, and he's not going to leave the race. He's going down with the ship. With that said, it's worth noting that Biden is a shameless liar as well. Senility isn't his only problem.

Of note is that Biden has the worst foreign policy record in American history given the length of his career. He has been wrong about nearly every decision or position he's ever taken. Regardless, to say that it is Donald Trump who has problems with foreign policy is insane. The world was far more peaceful under the former president than the current one. It is under Biden that Russia invaded Europe. It is under Biden that Gaza started a war with Israel. It is under Biden that China has been unapologetically on the march.

There were several other malfunctions throughout the presser. Nothing like a malfunction or two. I mean, what the heck, just reboot, right.

Mercifully, the presser finally ended before Biden could start WW3, but not until Karine Jean-Pierre had to interject and declare it over. That came immediately after Biden started whispering and smirking like a lunatic. And just for an encore, a reporter was still able to get a question in about Biden confusing Trump with Harris. The president had no answer, made a one-line quip that made no sense, and walked off the stage.

Thus ended a shitshow for Biden and possibly his presidency. So much for the Big Boy Presser. Really, it just confirmed what we all already knew. He's done like a dingo's dinner. He had a chance to go out gracefully as a one term President, but instead, he's going to stay in the race, but his chances of winning are dwindling to nothing. Will the press be ridiculous enough to claim that presser was a win? I guess, we'll see.

Some here did. LOL.
Yuh huh. The RNC would have more credibility if their candidate didn't refer to his cognitive doctor by the wrong name, who continually confused Nancy Pelosi with Nicky Haley and shits his pants on stage live.

Using the words of people who support Project 2025 and a candidate that's a lunatic doesn't really buy much.

And no I'm not going through point by point to debunk because they have no problem lying - they even manipulate video. I'm not playing their game. It's ridiculous quoting them.
Yuh huh. The RNC would have more credibility if their candidate didn't refer to his cognitive doctor by the wrong name, who continually confused Nancy Pelosi with Nicky Haley and shits his pants on stage live.

Using the words of people who support Project 2025 and a candidate that's a lunatic doesn't really buy much.

And no I'm not going through point by point to debunk because they have no problem lying - they even manipulate video. I'm not playing their game. It's ridiculous quoting them.


That unforced error to open the press conference was bad, but President Biden hit his stride on foreign policy and NATO - which IS what the press conference SHOULD have primarily been about.


Side note:

President Biden did acknowledge that his staff is constantly adding things to his speeches, and that The First Lady has had an issue with the staff doing that. And that goes back to my point about President Biden’s advisors including too much extraneous minutia in his prepared answers for the debate. I predict the next debate will see President Biden giving more streamlined answers.

President Biden needs to talk about his SUCCESSES and Trump’s FAILURES in a concise manner minus all the statistics and numbers.



That unforced error to open the press conference was bad, but President Biden hit his stride on foreign policy and NATO - which IS what the press conference SHOULD have primarily been about.


Side note:

President Biden did acknowledge that his staff is constantly adding things to his speeches, and that The First Lady has had an issue with the staff doing that. And that goes back to my point about President Biden’s advisors including too much extraneous minutia in his prepared answers for the debate. I predict the next debate will see President Biden giving more streamlined answers.

President Biden needs to talk about his SUCCESSES and Trump’s FAILURES in a concise manner minus all the statistics and numbers.



Eh, Biden's been screwing up names his entire life. Literally. During the Obama years it happened quite a bit too. Much to their chagrin then. 😄

The press conference was substantive. Biden is in control of his faculties. Yes he's old and no he's not as "on point" as he used to be. Heh, he's still more "on point" than most people on this forum let alone his opponent. He dealt with the questions, many of them multi part and with back and forth. Does he articulate words as well as he used to? No. And it's not like he's trying to hide it.

The man has sound judgement and if he's not able to finish his term due to his age, then Harris is more than capable of stepping in.
Calling Zelensky Putin! Like Trump said at his rally tonight, You are not going to BELIEVE what we make him do next! The clown show is only going to get better! 🤣😆🤪🤪. NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Eh, Biden's been screwing up names his entire life. Literally. During the Obama years it happened quite a bit too. Much to their chagrin then. 😄

The press conference was substantive. Biden is in control of his faculties. Yes he's old and no he's not as "on point" as he used to be. Heh, he's still more "on point" than most people on this forum let alone his opponent. He dealt with the questions, many of them multi part and with back and forth. Does he articulate words as well as he used to? No. And it's not like he's trying to hide it.

The man has sound judgement and if he's not able to finish his term due to his age, then Harris is more than capable of stepping in.


President Biden does a press conference about NATO and demonstrates solid command of the facts, a clear understanding of the challenges confronting the alliance, and his solutions for those challenges.



Trump admits he didn’t even know what NATO was when he became "president".


Cue the media and "some people" losing their minds over President Biden’s name gaffes (ignoring that Trump has done the same in much worse fashion.)

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Trump’s spending and mishandling of Covid , corporate greedflation, and Putin’s war of aggression is most responsible for inflation.

Small businesses that can’t pay a living wage to their employees SHOULD be out of business.

See: “republican” policies on affordable housing, ETC,

A lie on its face. And Trump just sabotaged the most sweeping BIPARTISAN immigration reform and border security bill in decades.
President Biden gave congress a chance to act, and then he acted with his border shutdown EO. Also: REPUBLICANS ADVERTISING that the borders were "open" (a LIE) when President Biden was elected is criminal. Human traffickers used REPUBLICAN comments about "open" borders to entice desperate people to make the dangerous journey to the U.S. (America DOES need immigrants and HAS benefited from their labors, BTW.)

To hurt President Biden and help Trump.

Not really true - and the progress Iran HAS made is largely due to Trump abandoning the JCPOA

Trump’s fault for assasinating Soleimani, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and excluding the Palestinians from the Abraham Accords negotiations, etc.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan was an unprecedented success under the circumstances. The circumstances being: TRUMP’S promised timeline for withdrawal; TRUMP’S ordered release of FIVE THOUSAND hardened TALIBAN FIGHTERS from Afghan prisons BEFORE the withdrawal, and TRUMP’S OWN FAILURE to execute a withdrawal during HIS administration.

President Biden has had one of the most successful Presidencies in U.S. history by any metric, when judging by the things under his control.

Please tell us how that would ACTUALLY work. We’re "interested"


👉 Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang 🤣

Your entire rebuttal is delusional. You clearly don’t have any depth of knowledge on what you are talking about.
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Guys guys guys (and hon. guys too), please follow the script. The Party says it's time for Biden to're deviating from the party line and we all know what happens to those who deviate from the party line. Please get back on script before they come for you....I'd miss you if they took you away.

Anyhow, just to help. You should exude reluctant agreement that it's perhaps time Joe went. He's done a great job, but he's obviously past his best and it's time to pass the torch. You are tortured by this, but this cannot go on, Joe is turning into a distraction in the struggle against Trumpian Totalitarian Dictatorship, and it is The Struggle and The Cause that is All Important. Consequently, it's time to move on from this Distraction. Joe must make The Decision for The Good of the Party and step down, opening the path for the Illustrious Goddess of the People, Kamala Harris, to step into The Breach and respond to The Call of the People.

One trusts that with this guidance, you can find the Party Line and toe it. Just remember, The Party Never Forgets, and those who do not Toe the Party Line will be forever remembered, and the The Camps open....well, Enemy of the People Time. So for your own sakes, please go with the script..... reluctantly, it's time for Joe to step down, for The Good of The Party and The People.
Trump’s spending and mishandling of Covid , corporate greedflation, and Putin’s war of aggression is most responsible for inflation.

Small businesses that can’t pay a living wage to their employees SHOULD be out of business.

See: “republican” policies on affordable housing, ETC,

A lie on its face. And Trump just sabotaged the most sweeping BIPARTISAN immigration reform and border security bill in decades.
President Biden gave congress a chance to act, and then he acted with his border shutdown EO. Also: REPUBLICANS ADVERTISING that the borders were "open" (a LIE) when President Biden was elected is criminal. Human traffickers used REPUBLICAN comments about "open" borders to entice desperate people to make the dangerous journey to the U.S. (America DOES need immigrants and HAS benefited from their labors, BTW.)

To hurt President Biden and help Trump.

Not really true - and the progress Iran HAS made is largely due to Trump abandoning the JCPOA

Trump’s fault for assasinating Soleimani, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and excluding the Palestinians from the Abraham Accords negotiations, etc.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan was an unprecedented success under the circumstances. The circumstances being: TRUMP’S promised timeline for withdrawal; TRUMP’S ordered release of FIVE THOUSAND hardened TALIBAN FIGHTERS from Afghan prisons BEFORE the withdrawal, and TRUMP’S OWN FAILURE to execute a withdrawal during HIS administration.

President Biden has had one of the most successful Presidencies in U.S. history by any metric, when judging by the things under his control.

Please tell us how that would ACTUALLY work. We’re "interested"


👉 Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang 🤣


You’re entire rebuttal it delusional. You clearly don’t have any depth of knowledge on what you are talking about.

S. A. D. (Suck A Dick)


LOL. "The last resort of a scoundrel....."

Not that I am implying you are a scoundrel, Lazarus, but what kind of an argument is that?


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣



S. A. D.

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We should indeed all follow Biden's advice and listen to Trump. LOL. Biden is gone....

Now, the big question. How long before you all get on board with the new Party Line. The president was warned he now faces a 'brutal' 48 hours as dozens of party lawmakers go public with calls for his withdrawals after his gaffe-ridden Nato press conference. Former president Barack Obama held emergency talks with Nancy Pelosi immediately afterward Biden's presser. CBS quoted four Democrat insiders claiming that a coordinated party rebellion is now underway which they expect will force Biden to drop out by the middle of next week. Pelosi too had pledged loyalty but told MSNBC that she would support Biden's decision when he made it – days after he insisted that he already had. LOL. Obviously there will be a Struggle Session with Jill, after which Joe will finally make the Correct Decision. That, and dozens of Demonrats are preparing to do what rats do and turn against him for the Good of the Party.

How long before the loyal Party Members here adjust their scripts and Fall in Line. For the Good of the Party, we do understand.

And just a question, as in interested bystander to this. How do you intend to reconcile your current vociferous support for Biden, with your support for the Change and the New Illustrious Leader when Biden announces he is reluctantly stepping down in favor the new Anointed One. After the DNC civil war over the succession of course. One awaits with bated breath.
The “don’t step aside” folks are now blaming corporate media and the GOP for the public’s perception of Biden’s fitness for office. The same media outlets that covered for Biden until he rendered their efforts impossible are now being fingered as the bad guys.

Here’s the problem: Voters of all political stripes have eyes and ears. They were concerned about the president’s fitness for office long before 6/27. The debate was simply an amplification of what we’ve all been observing for several years.

Dozens of prominent Democrats, including members of Congress, former members of Congress, Democrat celebrities, party activists and political campaign operatives, former presidential advisors are publicly urging their party’s leader to bow out or prove he’s capable of pulling off a come from behind victory.

The president’s only option is to do more unscripted, un-staged events. No teleprompter, no aides abruptly cutting off questions, no aides escorting him off the stage, none of that.

They have to hope and pray the president’s cognitive condition doesn’t continue it’s rapid decline, and they have to hope the public hasn’t noticed the new event scheduling restrictions they’re implementing.

Spoiler Alert: Like it or not, the president is under immense scrutiny. Whining that 2020 Biden supporters are scrutinizing him unfairly isn’t going to help.
Biden cannot withstand the strain, period.
Well, that Presser eventually had a 7:30 start time - two hours after it was originally scheduled. Everything going according to plan for, you know, the most important moment of Biden’s presidency. Big Boy evidently couldn't keep a schedule to participate in what was being called a make or break press conference. Apparently they juiced Biden too heavily for his 5.30pm start. Which put him in such a state the doctors had to give him something to counteract whatever they gave him earlier.
Then they had stabilize him so he didn't keel over.
Spoiler Alert: Like it or not, the president is under immense scrutiny. Whining that 2020 Biden supporters are scrutinizing him unfairly isn’t going to help.

The pool of voters needed to win this election are the ones with highest scrutiny. And they have no problem staying home if they aren't convinced.
Harris retakes lead over Biden in Democratic Party nomination betting odds. Up by 5 pts.


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Harris retakes lead over Biden in Democratic Party nomination betting odds. Up by 5 pts.
An interesting perspective from the latest episode of the Bulwark - with Harris as a candidate, the racist and misogynistic right will be laid bare, likely boosting her numbers.
What is SO hilarious is that even with Biden failing he and trump are still tied. I believe an empty chair can beat trump.
This press conference is horrible.
I tuned in about the time of your post-7:51 when he was talking about China. He got into the weeds a bit, but that only served to demonstrate his nuanced and deep understanding of the issues with China. All good there.

It was a good presser. Boring. Kinda old style. Heavy on tedious policy.
That’s what I saw as well, though came in late.