President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

And do real Americans recognise cognitive decline ?

It’s not what Biden has done that’s in question, nor whether he’s a stand up guy. It’s his ongoing capability.

I don't know. Do they recognize that Trump is demonstrating every classic symptom of alzheimer's? Do you?
I judge him by his 3.5 years of job performance.

Yes, and that’s fine for you. I dare say you figure he’s done well in office.

But swing voters aren’t all seeing it your way, and are influenced by things you’ve discarded - say immigration, or culture war drivel. These things can be argued and debated.

Now the question of JBs medical situation has dropped, and dominated all other election noise - this can’t be argued or debated. It happened.

It’s plain negligence to fiddle while Rome burns and pretend people are looking at Bidens past record rather than his future prospects.
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I don't know. Do they recognize that Trump is demonstrating every classic symptom of alzheimer's? Do you?

Madness is priced in for Trump. You refuse to recognise this.

if you think the Dems are in position to match their opponents alleged Alzheimer's with some dementia in their own guy you’ve not been concentrating.
Madness is priced in for Trump. You refuse to recognise this.

if you think the Dems are in position to match their opponents alleged Alzheimer's with some dementia in their own guy you’ve not been concentrating.

Nope. I recognize it that's why I asked. He's not just being sensational, he is actually going down the alzheimer's path. Do you recognize it?
Nope. I recognize it that's why I asked. He's not just being sensational, he is actually going down the alzheimer's path. Do you recognize it?

If you’re saying he’s - medically speaking as opposed to politically - showing evidence of Alzheimer’s Ive no reason to disbelieve you.

It makes no difference, practically, is the point.
Are you fools still fucking about in your circular firing squad, pretending this election will be decided by people who see it like you do ?

It’s not going to reflect well on the party if Trump gets the keys to the WH again on account of running a candidate who’s already - publicly - lost the confidence of many on his own side on a fundamental issue of capability.

Despite the crisis in the Dem camp you expect undecided’s to get aboard with Joe, as his own team are looking for parachutes and emergency exits ?

The campaign is one more poor performance on Bidens part away from total meltdown.

I seriously doubt some of you are half as confident as you pretend about JBs chances of avoiding another episode like the first debate.
The right is terrified of Donald Trump having to face President Biden on the ballot in November.. That's why they're so desperate to have Biden drop out.

But he's not going to. Every Democratic politician who refuses to publicly support Biden is getting absolutely hammered by the base.

Meanwhile Donald Trump has gone into hiding.
If you’re saying he’s - medically speaking as opposed to politically - showing evidence of Alzheimer’s Ive no reason to disbelieve you.

It makes no difference, practically, is the point.

I actually highly disagree with that. Firstly if you accept that Donald Trump has alzheimer's and that his record is not great - $8T to debt, record loss of jobs, disgraceful handling of covid, J6, not accepting the election results, ending Roe, working on Project 2025 etc.

If you want to try to say that Biden is old and has some cognitive decline I get it. You also stipulated Trump's alzheimer's (btw, you should watch some Trump speeches - there's enough supercuts and summaries if it's easier). So given the equal, plus Trump's shitty record compared to Biden's great record...

You want to say that you don't support Biden?
The right is terrified of Donald Trump having to face President Biden on the ballot in November.. That's why they're so desperate to have Biden drop out.

But he's not going to. Every Democratic politician who refuses to publicly support Biden is getting absolutely hammered by the base.

Meanwhile Donald Trump has gone into hiding.

The right would be terrified of a vigorous opponent capable of expressing a vision, engaging an audience and exposing their man.

Why you give two fucks about the base when it went 66/33 in DTs favour I don’t know.

When Biden withdraws you’ll all fall in line like good little apparatchiks.

Fuck sake, you lot spend half your waking hours insisting Trump is the apocalypse, and now think it’s just dandy to run against him with a candidate who’s hobbled.
I actually highly disagree with that. Firstly if you accept that Donald Trump has alzheimer's and that his record is not great - $8T to debt, record loss of jobs, disgraceful handling of covid, J6, not accepting the election results, ending Roe, working on Project 2025 etc.

If you want to try to say that Biden is old and has some cognitive decline I get it. You also stipulated Trump's alzheimer's (btw, you should watch some Trump speeches - there's enough supercuts and summaries if it's easier). So given the equal, plus Trump's shitty record compared to Biden's great record...

You want to say that you don't support Biden?

The people have not accepted Trumps Alzheimer’s Adrina. You wish them to, but it isn’t so.

Meanwhile they are seeing Bidens capabilities under siege from his own side 24/7.

This election was precarious before the debate, even with people fully aware of the Jan 6 affair, Trump era economics, covid, foreign policy, crime, Stormy, whatever - now it’s much worse than that.
The people have not accepted Trumps Alzheimer’s Adrina. You wish them to, but it isn’t so.

Meanwhile they are seeing Bidens capabilities under siege from his own side 24/7.

This election was precarious before the debate, even with people fully aware of the Jan 6 affair, Trump era economics, covid, foreign policy, crime, Stormy, whatever - now it’s much worse than that.

I'm asking you.

What about you?
Firstly if you accept that Donald Trump has alzheimer's and that his record is not great - $8T to debt, record loss of jobs, disgraceful handling of covid, J6, not accepting the election results, ending Roe, working on Project 2025 etc.

If you want to try to say that Biden is old and has some cognitive decline I get it. You also stipulated Trump's alzheimer's (btw, you should watch some Trump speeches - there's enough supercuts and summaries if it's easier). So given the equal, plus Trump's shitty record compared to Biden's great record...

You want to say that you don't support Biden?
The right is terrified of Donald Trump having to face President Biden on the ballot in November.. That's why they're so desperate to have Biden drop out.

But he's not going to. Every Democratic politician who refuses to publicly support Biden is getting absolutely hammered by the base.

Meanwhile Donald Trump has gone into hiding.

The corrupt orange traitor is trying to hide from those LIES about not knowing anyone or anything related to “PROJECT 2025” and the other LIES that orange POS told at the debate.


I don't believe you are in the position of the undecideds.

Since I can’t vote I don’t have anything to decide.

But someone who hadn’t decided before the debate - which is what matters - has only seen reasons to not vote Biden.
Since I can’t vote I don’t have anything to decide.

But someone who hadn’t decided before the debate - which is what matters - has only seen reasons to not vote Biden.

There's something about you that has an insincere ring.

If you want to get informed, I encourage it. But honestly I think you are as informed as you want to be.

In any event, after the debate Biden gained ground with independents and Trump lost ground with them. Biden has had almost 20 events while continuing to run the country and meet with NATO leaders. Trump had two disastrous rallies, one embarrassing interview and nothing since. He has one event scheduled at MAL later this week.

Have a good night.
Since I can’t vote I don’t have anything to decide.

But someone who hadn’t decided before the debate - which is what matters - has only seen reasons to not vote Biden.


So you didn’t watch the debate???


Because anyone who watched would DEFINITELY have “seen reasons to NOT vote” for the rapey, racist, military and America bashing, corrupt orange traitor / convict.

But someone who hadn’t decided before the debate - which is what matters - has only seen reasons to not vote Biden.
Someone who hadn't decided before the debate was probably just looking for an excuse to support Trump.
Also, if they were paying any meaningful attention, they have seen reasons not to vote for Trump: he lied about nearly everything, start to finish.
In wake of the debate and the referenced interview of this thread, I was curious to see the reaction by all of you who are Trump haters. I’m reminded of the folktale penned by Hans Christian Andersen titled “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. In case you’re unfamiliar with this tale the link to Wikipedia provides the story: See:'s_New_Clothes

Now in referencing this tale, the rogue tailors in the story by analogy are equivalent to the Democratic Party, White House staff and MSM. The emperor’s invisible clothes are equivalent to the assertion that Biden is fit for the office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States. The parade by the naked emperor is equivalent to the debate as well to a lesser extent the interview with George Stephanopoulos. There really is no child in our case except perhaps oddly enough the main stream media and some Democrat party members, politicians and donors who are aghast at having witnessed the debate and the deficiencies on display by President Biden.

This analogy breakdowns wherein in Andersen’s tale, the parade watchers upon hearing the child blurt out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all and seeing that the emperor is truly naked realize they have been fooled. But upon reading the various posts by you Trump haters that you seem to still think President Biden is fit for office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States; not just now but for four more years. Maybe you didn’t watch the debate.

By the way one other similarity occurs as Andersen indicated that although startled, the emperor continued the procession, walking more proudly than ever. And we have Biden despite admitting to having had a poor debate performance vow to stay in the race and insisting that he beat Trump once before and will beat him again.
Someone who hadn't decided before the debate was probably just looking for an excuse to support Trump.
Also, if they were paying any meaningful attention, they have seen reasons not to vote for Trump: he lied about nearly everything, start to finish.

Read the transcripts - they both talked fucking gibberish.

So you didn’t watch the debate???


Because anyone who watched would DEFINITELY have “seen reasons to NOT vote” for the rapey, racist, military and America bashing, corrupt orange traitor / convict.


Do you find capitalising words makes you feel better ?
why is it all these trump-lovers try to use quotes or analogies that dems have already applied, and far more aptly, to trump?

we know why

In wake of the debate and the referenced interview of this thread, I was curious to see the reaction by all of you who are Trump haters. I’m reminded of the folktale penned by Hans Christian Andersen titled “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. In case you’re unfamiliar with this tale the link to Wikipedia provides the story: See:'s_New_Clothes

Now in referencing this tale, the rogue tailors in the story by analogy are equivalent to the Democratic Party, White House staff and MSM. The emperor’s invisible clothes are equivalent to the assertion that Biden is fit for the office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States. The parade by the naked emperor is equivalent to the debate as well to a lesser extent the interview with George Stephanopoulos. There really is no child in our case except perhaps oddly enough the main stream media and some Democrat party members, politicians and donors who are aghast at having witnessed the debate and the deficiencies on display by President Biden.

This analogy breakdowns wherein in Andersen’s tale, the parade watchers upon hearing the child blurt out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all and seeing that the emperor is truly naked realize they have been fooled. But upon reading the various posts by you Trump haters that you seem to still think President Biden is fit for office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States; not just now but for four more years. Maybe you didn’t watch the debate.

By the way one other similarity occurs as Andersen indicated that although startled, the emperor continued the procession, walking more proudly than ever. And we have Biden despite admitting to having had a poor debate performance vow to stay in the race and insisting that he beat Trump once before and will beat him again.
why is it all these trump-lovers try to use quotes or analogies that dems have already applied, and far more aptly, to trump?

we know why

We know why - and they’re trying waaaaaaaay too hard. Captain(s) Obvious, every last one of them.
