Question for all black men

Speaking of racists... do you know how the racist broke his neck while he was drinking water?

Someone slammed the lid of the toilet down.

Svenskaflicka said:
Has anyone but me noticed that when Hollywood make films, they always do it so that if there are a black man and a black woman in the same movie, they are BOUND to end up a couple! I'd like to see some more interracial movies - it might stir up anger among racists, but it would also take away some of the big deal about interracial couples. In time, people would get used to it.

I don't know, I see a lot of interracial shenanigans going on in mainstream movies. Recent films include Monster's Ball, The Score, any picture featuring Thandie Newton. Of course these are all movies with a white male/ black female dynamic. There are some with the roles reversed, I'm sure, but I can't think of them right now. :confused:

I actually feel there aren't enough films with black couples doing their thing. Unless it's some kind of tired "Booty Call" type picture or a Spike Lee joint you usually don't see any real eroticized displays of black on black love. I say we can use a lot more. :)
I think this is a really good topic. I just wrote my first story, and it is interracial. It uses the words slut and whore. A white woman submitting to a black man. I wrote it simply because stories like that turn me on. I wouldn't like it to actually happen, it's just a fantasy that works for me. There are many things that get me off in a fantasy that I would never do. :kiss:
"Cooler than a polar bear sippin' a milkshake in a snowstorm"... what wonderful words... It's 30 degrees Centigrade here! I'd go to the beach, but I'm afraid of getting boiled...
medjay said:

I don't know, I see a lot of interracial shenanigans going on in mainstream movies. Recent films include Monster's Ball, The Score, any picture featuring Thandie Newton. Of course these are all movies with a white male/ black female dynamic. There are some with the roles reversed, I'm sure, but I can't think of them right now. :confused:
The thing is, interracial coupling (for lack of a better term right now) is still pretty rare when you look at how many mainstream movies are released each year. I was reading an article recently about movies that were based on books that cut out romantic relationships for the screen version that just happened to be interracial. Along Came a Spider was the recent film that brought up the topic, because there is a sexual relationship in the book that never makes it to the screen. That happend in The Pelican Brief as well (that's what comes to mind) but in the book Denzel Washington's character wasn't black. Maybe that's a difference?

Anyway, just felt like chiming in while I'm focused on an interesting topic. I agree with a lot of what's been said...if I'm writing something that I intend to be more fantasy, then genitalia is going to be a big focus...especially size, and contrasting that with what women have experience before, yadda yadda yadda. Then again, I'm never going to go the 12-14 inch horse dick route either. lol

I find that the more I write, and try to work on the writing more than the fantasy aspect...the less I focus on that sort of thing. What I find interesting is that if I write something that's really geared more towards the BDSM category and the main characters are a black male and white'll end up under interracial.
While we're on the subject of interracial relationships / sex stories... if we extend this question a bit, how do Asians and Latinos feel about the interracial story section? Any inputs?
I find something a little racist in preferring sex with one race over another -- but I suppose you could say it's sexist to say you prefer one sex over another!

People's skin and bodies are different -- black skin is often less oily and hairy than Caucasian. It feels smoother than a lot of white people's. A number of small anatomical differences can become almost fetishized. Foreskins, curly hair, blue eyes, what have you. That's one part of "interracial". The other part is cultural, but don't look for that stuff in literotica.

The main thing is "the other". Whatever your race, "the other" will be special, and for many people, a turn-on.
I do find it insulting when people think that black men are sex starved maniacs....that's simply not true. While i do love sex in many and varied ways, i doubt what i like and how often i enjoy sex would be more than any other man in America, black or white. In my opinion what we really need is more forums like this, and more people reading them. I can't say whether or not this myth is true cause i don't go around asking guys their dick sizes lol. When i'm asked and i usually am in chat i just say i'm a little above average and leave it at's something i've come to expect when i'm talking to white women...not all ask of course but some do....
bignblack, I wonder how they would react if you'd instead say that you're a bit UNDER average..? :D
BigNBlack -- you're encouraging racial stereotyping with that name. When you play the race card, expect the other players to play the game that way.
Svenskaflicka said:
Yesterday, I got a pamphlet from a party called Sweden Democrats , which is a racist party

I was actually quite glad to find their pamphlet on my floor - I had just ran out of toilet paper!!!

My third semester history teacher in High School -Mr. Brooks-, was a black man living in the wealthy hills of Berkeley; supposedly America's most ultra-left wing city.

Shortly after moving into his home he recieved a KKK pamphlet with anatomical drawings comparings blacks to apes. It was for a membership drive asking him to come out to their meetings and join. Obviously they didn't stop to think that a black man might have the success needed to live in that part of town...

He kept it, and would bring it to class as a visual aid when we talked about racism in America. Both to show how the KKK worked and to keep us aware that they can be found anywhere, even in the most left-leaning of places...

If you still have that pamphlet, scan it in and post it for us. It's always interesting to see how these idiots compare in different parts of the world.

If I still knew that teacher, I'd send him a copy for his class.
BBD said:

The thing is, interracial coupling (for lack of a better term right now) is still pretty rare when you look at how many mainstream movies are released each year. I was reading an article recently
You know what really chaps my hide?

Those dating shows on TV. They never -that I've seen- feature anything but pure-race people dating other pure-race people of the same race. And it's always either white or black.

Never mulato, native american, east-asian, india/pakistani, or anything else. And never mixed.

If I was single, I could never get on such a show, being a mix of four races from four continents and over 12 nationalities...

Of course, my existance was still illegal in much of the USA when I was born...

I wanna see a dating show that actually looks like what I see on the streets everyday.

Give me a half Sherpa-half Pigmy dating a quarter Chinese, quarter Navaho, half Irish. :D That's the daily norm here anyway...

(PS: Just saw a commercial for a new CBS show about doctors in San Francisco called Presidio Med... I noticed the cast was strangely white... I wonde where they got all those white people from, cause there aren't any left living here in San Francisco... We're majority East-Asian and if you walk into a hospital here you'll see more Middle Eastern and South American doctors than white ones. If you do find a white one, she's probably a Russian immigrant and speaks less english than the Asians ;) .

The show claims it will shake up people'sviews of the medical world... it could start by simply showing the truth... )
Svenskaflicka said:
While we're on the subject of interracial relationships / sex stories... if we extend this question a bit, how do Asians and Latinos feel about the interracial story section? Any inputs?
People who look at me often think I'm hispanic. I get people trying Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, and Arabic at me all the time...
Some of my ancestry is South American so genetically you could toss a bit of me into that category...

I also get ID'd a lot over my name, which is east-asian. I get glared at sometimes over that by the 'new-chinese' -the ones who look at me then look at their 18 year old kids and see a multicultural future they want no part of...

My stories almost always have a mix of races in the relationships but I never use the interr story code nor post in inter-racial sections because for me, single-raceis abnormal and I see the interr story sections as being more about power-dynamics and -racism as fantasy- than about normal romantic relationshipsacross racial or cultural lines.

I've also noticed that these sections are almost always 98+% black male/white female in an unequal dynamic. Something I have no care for (due to the power dynamic and not the racial one).

If the inter-racial category took on a broader focus, you might see me using it. But I know that my stories -while being filled with themes of race and mixed couplings- are not what fans of this category seek.

I suspect these fans would also not find appeal in a story about Asians and/or Mulatos.
Thank you, bignblack, that's nice to hear!

Svenskaflicka, it was my pleasure to add my viewpoint to this discussion. And thank you for starting's been very imformative to read viewpoints from other cultures.....
Josh Greifer said:
BigNBlack -- you're encouraging racial stereotyping with that name. When you play the race card, expect the other players to play the game that way.

Josh, actually bignblack refers to how i am...i'm big and i'm black....i'm 6'8", 250lbs...hence the name bignblack68....while i'd be lying if i said i didn't use that name to provoke images of other things i like the name over all....i've also found that it's best to let people know some things from the start....specifically that i'm that anyone here or anywhere else in cyber world will know that they're talking to a black man....have you ever had a woman stop chatting with you Josh simply because you told them your race?
Svenskaflicka said:
bignblack, I wonder how they would react if you'd instead say that you're a bit UNDER average..? :D

Svenskaflicka, that's a very good question maybe i should say that sometime....but then i'd probably be asked "why do u have the name bignblack then??" :)
bignblack68 said:
have you ever had a woman stop chatting with you Josh simply because you told them your race?

Don't tell me that that has actually happend to you??? :eek:
It's happened to me, too. Adding "black" to a chat name helps avoid that type of thing.
tenyari said:

My third semester history teacher in High School -Mr. Brooks-, was a black man living in the wealthy hills of Berkeley; supposedly America's most ultra-left wing city.

Shortly after moving into his home he recieved a KKK pamphlet with anatomical drawings comparings blacks to apes. It was for a membership drive asking him to come out to their meetings and join. Obviously they didn't stop to think that a black man might have the success needed to live in that part of town...

He kept it, and would bring it to class as a visual aid when we talked about racism in America. Both to show how the KKK worked and to keep us aware that they can be found anywhere, even in the most left-leaning of places...

If you still have that pamphlet, scan it in and post it for us. It's always interesting to see how these idiots compare in different parts of the world.

If I still knew that teacher, I'd send him a copy for his class.

Like I said, I found it useful... no, I didn't REALLY wipe my behind with the pamphlet - if you pardon me for being graphic, I wanted to wipe shit off my ass, not smear more shit on it!

I threw that junk away. :mad:

You're not gonna believe me, but in Sweden, we had a case of bank robbery/police murder a few years ago. The three criminals all belonged to the same nazi group, "White Arian Resistance". One of them was a black, African man...

Now, who's the biggest idiot here - the black man who joins a nazi group, or the nazis who let him in??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Svenskaflicka said:

Don't tell me that that has actually happend to you??? :eek:

Yes it has on several occasions....and as you can see i'm not the only one this has happened to...but you know someone who is as petty and unwilling to get to know the real me...the person behind the name isn't worth my time to talk to...
With no intentions of being prejudiced (is it spelled like that?), I've been raised on what my friend calls "the white side", ie in a safe invorenment where the greatest problem is where the kids fight in the sandbox about who gets to play with the red spade. I'm growing up now, and I'm learning more and more about the low sides of human characters, but I'm still quite innocent (living in Sweden will do that for you), and I still get surprised every now and again.

But, as you say, bnb, it's their loss, not yours.

I used to be a nasty little punk in the '70s -- someone (a friend) once nicknamed me "Yid Vicious". I liked the name then. I liked provoking people, challenging their latent Antisemitism.

But a non-Jew using the Y - word is about as dangerous as a non-AA using the N word. It's for "insiders" only. Eminem is understandibly careful not to use it. Honorary membership to the N -club (or the Y- club) is not given out lightly.

Antisemitism is, I have to say, not really the same thing as racism. What they have in common is fear or hatred of "outsiders". But antisemitism has a lot of other dimensions. I rarely encounter it blantantly . It's pretty subtle when it does occur (subtelty is of course typically British).

By the way, in London, Afro-Carribeans encounter far less racism than Asians (indians). Outside of London, it's worse. The main exception in London, unfortunately, is the police force, which have provoked race riots in Brixton.

Asians seem to have a similar role to what the Jews once did, being upwardly mobile and succesful in small businesses. Like the Jews of the 1930's, they fought back against the extreme white racist fringe. That, and general British easy-goingness, have kept racism down to a low level here.

My children are mixed race, as are a lot of Londoners of their age, and are therfore quite "typical" racially. We live in a very multicultural part of London. They have probably never even encountered racism. Power to the next generation of Londoners!
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I'm not sure I understand you, Josh. You say that non-AA can't use the N-word. You ARE talking about "African Americans" and not "Anonymous Alcoholics", right..?:confused:
It's true, insiders can use really horrible words when addressing each other, but if I, as an outsider, use a word only half as horrible, I risk getting my head bitten off.

I think this is a rather bad thing. By using terms that separates the group members from the rest of the world, you only reenforces the myth that there are differences between us, and that there some how SHOULD be different groups in society!
Every road goes both left and right, you now...