Question for the white ladies

new av


Great new AV... you have such a sweet pussy!

Ok said I wouldn't, but it's like an itch you can't avoid scratching eh.

Yes you can bet you will cum if I say you will, through me using my tongue, specifically on your cunt, not some place else, but that special little spot god gave all women, your clit.

But I am not dumb. I won't shoot my load while I have a migraine. I won't shoot my load under conditions that are sufficiently painful or enraging.

It goes without saying, that I won't make you cum if you are terrified, incredibly pissed off, or suffering intense discomfort.

That would be idiotic to claim.

But I am not concerned about making you cum if I am able to lay you on your bed, under peaceful conditions, where you are not about to contemplate calling the police heheh.

If permitted, I would love to tie you to your bed, and then begin to eat you. Following your first orgasm you would know the full measure of "sensation". I would continue to eat you while you came, and would not surrender your warm wet cunt. I would eat you and eat you and eat you. And your cunt would be sending way to much information to your body. And you would be tied down unable to make me quit.

And as you came over and over, your femininity would disappear as you came over and over and I returned you several millenia to when you were less than civilised.

And when my tongue was ready to fall off from hours of use, I would plunge my cock into you while you had that animal passion and get off myself.

Well, if we're talking about being indifferent at the starting point of the licking, instead of being reluctant, then it's a whole different issue!

Two other interesting points you make, Leslie, is that femininity is something one can give up, and that femininity didn't exist thousands of years ago.
I assume you mean that femininity then is the way our modern society classifies a female, and NOT the fundamental essence of being a female - having a uterus, a vagina and milk-producing breasts.
Hmmm guess I was unintentionally vague on the femininity thing.

I meant civilised to imply, a person has bought into the notion that sex is sinful, should be hidden with clothes, that fucking casually in a park in full view is unacceptably offensive...

...and that a woman openly and wantonly bending over and displaying her moist cunt with a passionate "come her man thing and mate with me" look would be seen as beastial.

I feel sad for those that can't enjoy the simple reality of their own humanity, unfettered by idiotic biases and misinformation that we have so accepted, such that I suspect several thread readers will instantly brand me as somehow being "fucked in the head" in some manner.

Women are all flowers, wonderful creations of nature.

But I think "femininity" has to alot, been made to suggest adherence to society's expectations. I am not a supporter of society or it's expectations of women.

All I want from a woman, is to see her enjoy herself for what she is, a woman. Nothing more complicated than that.

Women at the dawn of history were a lot more important to us then, than they are now that's for sure. God was once clearly a woman, and life revolved around her.

Where did women go so completely wrong letting men take over?
Svenskas pussy

I would never lick Svenskas pussy, I would get hair between my teeth. That is the only benefit I can see about shevd pussies, you can lick them without geting your mouth furred up. Other then that, I preffer women to have hair in all the natural places and am not impreesed by a shaven haven or girls school uniforms- anmd always did wonder how come the school uniform lovers especially, aren't seen as pedo-weirdos.

I really like that soft downy hair that women have, especially blondes... were they have streams of soft blonde hair running down their spines, and on their arms, and when the suns behind them, it's like their frosted in golden light.

You think I'm easily pleased?
fanning self

And as you came over and over, your femininity would disappear as you came over and over and I returned you several millenia to when you were less than civilised.
*fanning self and squirming in chair*
I think we are all in agreement that there has to be a seed of willlngness for orgasm to occur... hence the fantasy part of unwilling orgasm... was she ever really unwilling?

Straying far from thread topic...

Femininity for me at my core has a lot to do with being a receiver... professionally, I spend lots of time running with the big dogs and jockeying for dominance.... in relationship I like to be protected, cared for and entered... Not politically correct, but the mechanics work for it...Tab A into Slot B...pretty practical too, hard to defend yourself when you have a nursing baby at the breast...that's what the big guy is for...:)

Dominance and protection... two sides to the same coin?

I used to love being protected by a guy. To feel small and vunerable, and to be taken cared of by this big, strong guy. Then, I found myself alone, without any big strong guy to protect me from the bad times and the bad guys and the loneliness.

I met the love of my life, but there's an ocean between us. We've been together for almost a year now, and still we've only met 3 times. Our phone bills are huge... I've been forced to manage alone, forced to fight my own demons, forced to be strong. Wasn't easy, wasn't fun. But it was good for me. I'm so much stronger inside now than I used to be.

My beloved doesn't protect me. He supports me. Encourages me. Congratulates me. Comforts me. And that's an amazing feeling - breathtaking!
protector vs partner

My beloved doesn't protect me. He supports me. Encourages me. Congratulates me. Comforts me. And that's an amazing feeling - breathtaking!
Svenska- Having a true partner like that is incredibly precious... I have one like that, too. I was referring to the primal part of me that craves the basic provide protect.... not the civilized part of me that can deal with all of reality.

I don't think I have any inner savage. My sophisticated self and my inner cave woman are so entwined in each other, that they are one and the same. I'm a cave woman in a pin stripe dress. I'm a buisness woman with a loin cloth. I'm everything - at once.
Inner Savage

I'm everything - at once.
Svenska- just the thought of that makes me exhausted...:) I do not doubt it for you... I just know that when pregnant and nursing, I needed my husband to emotionally and physically protect me and provide for me... fortunately he was and is there....

I know that my feminist sisters are howling, but I can only tell you what my reality is... Graglia's book Domestic Tranquility is an interesting treatise on all of this... I highly recommend it.

I don't mind reading about oral (either giving or recieving a bj) but yeah I could do with some more muff diving.

However, any description that goes on for too long gets boring. Whether it's mens bodies, women's bodies or ridiculous measuremnts (his 14 in cock...ouch! or her 55FF boobs and 24 inch waist...can you say tip over and back pain?)
... 55FF boobs and 24 inch waist...can you say tip over and back pain? ...

My daughter's mother wears a 40FF bra. I wouldn't want to see the woman who wears a 55FF though. That's entirely too much of a back-circumference ... a backumference if you will.
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According to my best friend, whose son is now almost 4, when a woman is pregnant, she's so full of hormones it's like she's been drugged. I think her wants and needs in that period is not what she really feels and thinks, but what her mother-role-hormones force her to think and feel.

Therefor, me, as a feminist, will just pat any pregnant woman on the head and congratulate her and wish her welcome back to us when she's given birth and stopped breast-feeding, ie when her hormone level is back to normal again. Then we'll discuss. Until then, I forgive her most things.;) lol
... ie when her hormone level is back to normal again...

My daughter was born in 1990, and I'm still waiting for her mother's return to hormonal normalcy. That's should be any day now ...
hormone levels

, ie when her hormone level is back to normal again.
Svenska- having four children, I will have to tell you, that until they are grown, my "hormones" will not go back to "normal"... the mother thing makes me very protective and desirous of my man's protection ... and I think appropriately so.

I sit with two girlfriends, we chat about this and that, jobs, education, money, guys, sex... Fun. Interesting.

Two years later, I sit with the same girls, and listen to them chat about rashes, diapers, diarrhoeas, food allergies, first words, tantrums...

And THEY get grumpy on ME if I bring something to read!!!:confused:
It's unfortunate.

Some of us like kids more than life itself, while others want the career more than life itself.

Me I am the kid loving sort. Money is just a means to having kids (and the wife and the home and all that stuff).

If I had not wanted a wife and companion, and kids and all that, odds are I would only own a backpack and a sturdy bike till I was a senior and was forced by age to give it up (for a mobile home). Material possessions would not be as fun as the thrill of experiencing a new part of the world each day.

I have never understood the career obsessed people, but it's a choice they have a right to select.

I do hate it though, when people won't make a clear choice. Because often trying to have both means you do a lousy job at both (I have seen it a lot, so that is why I feel that way).

I think it is unfair though, that women who want careers are labelled "feminists" especially when career men are just guys with ambition.

Of course, the label "feminist" doesn't sit well with me.

Feminist to me, is a word I use to label women that insist on being called womyn. I have as much use for a womyn, as I do for all the world's macho jerks.

I know that diapers and kindergarden and housework will sound dull to a career woman, but then again, I find most career based talk to be incredibly dry too.

When I go shopping with my wife, I never whine about my wife insisting on dragging me through parts of the store that have zero interest for me. But then again, she is expected to wait patiently while I examine the latest power tool, or ponder a new model tank (the price of my not whining, is her not whining).

My sister is "career driven". I find talking with her some days to be as enjoyable as root canal. But she does talk about other matters.
She has two girls that provide a lot of topic material, since the father (she never required him to mary her), has finally entered the realms of being just the biological source and nothing more (she accepted he was nothing worth having eventually, and dumped him).

My sister is no ones idea of a feminist, but she ain't run by her hormones either. She is a good parent, but can likely leave most professional women in her dust.
Once, a girl I knew said: "I don't like feminism, I want men and women to be equals!"

To me, feminism isn't about "men should have it as bad as women", but "woman or man, everyone should have it as good as everyone else".

It's the human that is important, not the gender.

I think you and your wife have found the perfect formula - you do something for her, she does something for you. Balance.
To me, feminism isn't about "men should have it as bad as women", but "woman or man, everyone should have it as good as everyone else".

It's the human that is important, not the gender.

kinda sounds a tad contradictory to me.

either you want to be equal, or you want to be treated as a human, an individual.

i'm sorry to say this, but i think feminists have in their eagerness to be seen as being confident, self assured people who have no need for partnerships in life, have stuffed up my chances of being simply a wife and mother.

no offence meant, and i realise it was a generalisation.

think i should probably go hide after that comment...
In deed you should! Shame on you! No, just kidding...;)

Not at all contradictory to me. I'm a human being, first of all. Being a human being, I should be the equal of every other human being. I shouldn't be seen as less valuable or less important because of my gender.

To me, being a feminist doesn't mean that I HAVE to manage on my own, but that I CAN, if necessary.

I don't NEED to have a relationship, but I LIKE having one. That's the whole thing. You get to choose. And you're not a weirdo or a non-female just because you don't marry some guy and have kids.

If we would be treated as the equals we actually are, then we wouldn't have anyone staying at home against their will or going to work against their will, because then we would be able to manage financially, and instead be able to choose what we WANT to do. And if we see each others as equals, then we won't look down at anyone else for the choices they make, anymore than we would look down on someone for choosing vanilla instead of chocolate.

Someone likes vanilla more than chocolate?!

What an aberration! I don't believe it! They should be banned from Lit and anything having to do with raising children! They will warp those poor impressionable minds!:D

I would like to reassure everyone following the debate that I'm a Pistacchio-lover, myself.

Even a Swede's kink has its limits.
chocolate and ponies


don't try to understand the chocolate thing, just accept it and exploit it... :)

don't know about ponies... never done anything for me..