Question for the white ladies

I love chocolate... the sweet, dark taste... the darkness against my skin... the muscle moving under its soft skin...

I think I'm getting sidetracked here.
back on thread

LOL Svenska, I think you are bringing the thread back to where it began...

You planned it all along, didn't you?!

:) -b
Re: back on thread

bridgetkeeney said:
LOL Svenska, I think you are bringing the thread back to where it began...

You planned it all along, didn't you?!

:) -b

:eek: *blushing*:eek:

OK... I confess.

I have a fetish.
... and cats.

Every White woman with whom I've had a relationship has had at least one cat. And, while I can't be sure about this, there seems to be a direct relationship between the age of the woman and the number of cats.

This is completely off-topic but, I used to have a girlfriend, Jenny M., who had an obscenely expensive hairless rat of a cat. I implore anyone who reads this not to buy one of those hideously denuded
abominable creatures.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Well, Scandinavian standards might be different, but I'd hazard a guess of 28 years old.

You cheated. You looked at my profile, didn't you?
Anyway, you're wrong. I'm younger than that.:p
Nope. I didn't look at your profile. I probably would have if I'd thought of it. Actually, my first inclination was to guess a few years younger. Actually 28 is more of a 2 cat age. But, for some reason I thought that you were a little older than that ... it was probably your familiarity with the muppet show that led me to that conclusion.
I'm the last one of my generation, Cuck. There's a clear line drawn after the year I was born. People in their early 20'ies don't remember things like The Muppet Show, Sesame Street, or Wicked Willie.

I felt really old when a teenager didn't recognize the lead song from "Ghostbusters"...

By the way - I'm 26.
I was thinking about getting a second cat, a kitten, you know, to save some little cat from the horrible destiny of being a "Summer Cat". But according to what Cuck says, I should have to wait another 2 years... :(
I didn't mean to give that impression. You're well within the normal statistical distribution of cats/White woman for your age group. And, as I said before all the data that I've gathered thus far has been from a sampling of exclusively North American (Canadian and U.S) women. So, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of my projections of female Scandinavian feline consumption.
"cat consumption"

:eek: Please tell me, Svenska, you don't "consume" your felines! BCM, what kind of sickos are you surveying? I ate cat in China, much to my chagrin, but don't recall the Swedish chef chasing any animals but chickens.. :D

I most certainly do NOT eat cats! EVen though my kitty is a sweety... I just nibble on her now and then!

The reason why I was thinking of getting another kitty was so that the first one wouldn't feel so lonely when I'm not home. But I'm also afraid that maybe she will feel that I'm betraying her love if I get a second cat, as if she wasn't enough! Or what if she will think that I like the new cat more than her?

What to do..?:( :( :(
I like cats too, but am not (according to the last time I checked) a white female, or white, or female. I can't wait to own one (a cat that is) and may have to move in with a white female of around twentyeight just to have constant access to her nice pretty pussy.

The whole woman/chocolate thing is a myth, invented by the chocolate indstry to sell Snickers bars. Chocolate has no real effect on women more then it has on men, and women survived quite happily in a chocolate-free world before the Spanish subjugation of the Americas. In fact the only reason why the woman/chocolate myth came about is becouse it became fasionable early last centuary for men to include chocolates with the flowers they would give women during the courting process. Before chocolates, it was sweetmeats like Turkish Delight, or just jewellry. Then came tv, and the advertising campaign featuring mister 'And all becouse the lady loves Milktray' man, and his swarve sophisticated James Bondish ways.

Now- a visiting alien would be led to believe that all human females are somehow biochemicaly dependant on chocolate, in much the same way the South Americans unfortunate enough to meet the Spanish Conqistadores, wondered if the white man was somehow biochemicaly dependant on gold.

Women have no special interest in chocolate, like men have no special interest in chocolate, I've even met a woman that hated chocolate. I can't stress this enough, becouse I hate to see corporations successfully manipulate the way people think they wired by nature just to sell junk food.
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In Sweden, we don't really have any tradition of giving chocolate for lovers. Companies give their employees large boxes of chocolate for X-mas, and parents give chocolate to their kids, but as far as romance goes... why give a girl a box of chocolate when she'll get horny so much faster from a bottle of vodka?:rolleyes:
Women have no special interest in chocolate, like men have no special interest in chocolate, I've even met a woman that hated chocolate. I can't stress this enough, becouse I hate to see corporations successfully manipulate the way people think they wired by nature just to sell junk food.

omg! now you tell me!

"But, what am i going to do with all these?" she says as she opens the pantry door and watches every conceivable chocolate ever seen tumble to the floor in a pile of glistening foil. :eek:
Re: "cat consumption"

bridgetkeeney said:
:eek: Please tell me, Svenska, you don't "consume" your felines! BCM, what kind of sickos are you surveying? I ate cat in China, much to my chagrin, but don't recall the Swedish chef chasing any animals but chickens.. :D


I remember this guy from... I forgot what African country he was from, but anyway!
He once told me, all casual, that where he came from, they ate cats. Ingoring my shocked looks, he told me that his mother made a DELICIOUS cat stew... and then he burst out into laughing his pants off.

Taught me not to be so naĂŻve...:devil:

Okay, I can not say that I ate cat for certain... I didn't see it prepared, but I can tell you that the servers on the train in which I was eating were very definite in telling me it was cat... I had been sick as a dog for the prior three weeks and it was the first dish placed before me that I was interested in...I went back to eating instant oatmeal with boiled water.... It was a long three months...

didn't eat any chocolate in China....

The best way to enjoy a meal is to not ask what it is. Especially if it's something you suspect you don't WANNA know what it is!:p
BCM, what kind of sickos are you surveying?

I meant consume in the sense of purchasing (goods or services) for direct use or ownership. I'm assuming that you guys knew that and are merely busting my balls. However, since inflection doesn't translate into text ...
... Women have no special interest in chocolate ...
We'll have to agree to disagree about that one. I've seen more than a few women bite into a piece of chocolate only to have an expression of nearly orgastic pleasure play across their faces. Conversely, I don't think that I've ever met the man who'd choose chocolate over pizza. This is beside the point, but If I never saw another piece of chocolate or anything made with chocolate, it would be perfectly fine with me.
. I've seen more than a few women bite into a piece of chocolate only to have an expression of nearly orgastic pleasure play across their faces

orgastic? what the heck is orgastic? god it sounds painful!
orgastic? what the heck is orgastic? god it sounds painful!

It's a adjective that's synonymous with orgasmic. I've never had a painful orgasm, but I'll take your word for it.

"Instead of fulfilling the promise of infinite orgastic bliss, sex in the America of the feminine mystique is becoming a strangely joyless national compulsion, if not a contemptuous mockery." ...
Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique.)

Thus, the tons upon tons of chocolate consumed in the U.S.
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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:

It's a adjective that's synonymous with orgasmic. I've never had a painful orgasm, but I'll take your word for it.

"Instead of fulfilling the promise of infinite orgastic bliss, sex in the America of the feminine mystique is becoming a strangely joyless national compulsion, if not a contemptuous mockery." ... Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique.)

ahh orgastic - excitement.

i read a book very recently showing proof that facial expressions during orgasm and certain levels of pain are exactly the same.

gee fancy American women becoming so blase about orgastic bliss... too much of a good thing? or, perhaps it's that they don't realise the potential...?

and i realise i generalised, but he did it first ;)