Racial Question

These types of discussions are both funny and sad to me these days.

Funny because it's always entertaining to hear an idiot mouth off.

Sad because it's almost 2003 and we're still talking about it.
Yeah, but on the bright side, no one has jumped in to agree with him. Fifty years ago, well...
What difference does the color of your skin make? As numerous others have said, " I use the back button".

Besides the color of your skin, what is the difference? The equipment is still the same.

I belong to the American race which has many "colors" in it! :cattail: :)
When I read the first post I somehow made the error of thinking that duba wanted to eliminate the need to mention colour as colour didn't matter.

Then I saw the comment explaining that racist and purist are different.

Screw that shit.

Might as well just try having your cake and eat it too also.

I support school uniforms for the simple reason people can't live intelligently when they make a fuss over difference.

I am proud to be Canadian, and would give up my nationality in the snap of a finger, to make humanity all one nation with no identifiers to war over.

I look forward to the day when humans have intermingled sufficiently that we are all the same colour (a fine shade of human).

To that end I will gladly knock up a chinese gal, an east indian, a black lass, a mexican gal, an inuit woman, and any other gals willing to drop their panties and accept my offering hehe.

I have no use for people in love with their one upmanship I am different so I am better I don't want to be like you attitudes.

To be a purist, is to be a racist, that just can't handle the label honestly.

Your are a racist, get used to it.

It's your right to be a racist, but stop pretending to not be one.
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The most beautiful child I've ever seen had a black father and an asian mother. Now imagine her haing a child with a man who was born by a white woman and an american-indian man... :heart:
My wife is white, she might have been Japanese of course (my first love in grade 7 was Japanese, but I was invisible then hehe).

I have met black girls that made superb examples of pure beauty.

And through it all, they were beautiful just because they were.

To say stay with white and keep the white race white though, I fail to see the purpose.

What IS the purpose. IS there a purpose.
Re: Re: Re: I guess I don't fit in your world

deliciously_naughty said:
I'm so sick of hearing that...the "Republican" party that was in power during the time of emancipation evolved into the DEMOCRAT party of today, and the democrats party of the same era became todays republican party. People need to stop spouting off about shit they know nothing about.


I respectfully sugest that you are the one who doesn't know what you think you know.

My information comes from personal knowledge and is backed up by Grolier, a very respected source and this is what they have say.

Republican Party, the younger of the two major POLITICAL PARTIES in the United States. Organized in 1854 to oppose the extension of slavery into the territories, it first captured the presidency in 1860 under the leadership of Abraham LINCOLN. His election was followed by the Civil War, during which the Republican party became the majority party.

Despite the persistent antagonism of the South, the Republicans retained control of the WHITE HOUSE for all but 16 years between 1860 and 1932. During this period the successors of Lincoln were Ulysses S. GRANT, Rutherford B. HAYES, James A. GARFIELD, Chester A. ARTHUR, Benjamin HARRISON, William MCKINLEY, Theodore ROOSEVELT, William Howard TAFT, Warren G. HARDING, Calvin COOLIDGE, and Herbert HOOVER. After an interval of 20 years, the Republicans regained the presidency with the election of Gen. Dwight D. EISENHOWER in 1952. Since then they have placed Richard M. NIXON and, as a result of Nixon's resignation, Gerald R. FORD, in the White House, along with Ronald REAGAN and George BUSH.

It goes on to discuss how the "Whig" party disappeared leaving the two parties of today.

and the link to show this is:


So without getting down on you; I contend that, in this instance, you were quite wrong.

Svenskaflicka said:
The most beautiful child I've ever seen had a black father and an asian mother. Now imagine her haing a child with a man who was born by a white woman and an american-indian man... :heart:

No need to imagine. The very beautiful actress Rae Dawn Chong has that combination of grandparents.

I am Caucasian, with a Chinese great-great-grandfather. The woman I love is African-American. If we were to have children, I'd expect them to be beautiful and brilliant. The only drawback is that they'd have to live in a world with people who still think like DubaDuba.:(
SlickTony said:
There is only one race, and that's the human race.


Now, see, I game and write primarily fantasy, so whenever the question of 'race' arises, I automatically start thinking "human, elven, dwarven, orcish ..."

Just noticing, the person who created this thread has been fairly absent comment wise.
I wonder if that person is still present, or if that person has used logic, and gotten their stupid racist self out of here.
Jut wanted to point out the obvious, that you sometimes hear identical "Racial Purity" arguments coming from every ethnic group -- including to my great shame my own group, the Jews, who are, along with Gypsies, probably the archetypal racial "mongrels." And because of our racial "impurity", we get shit from everywhere. You'd think we'd have learned some lesson here but unfortunately we also have a lot of "Wes"s ourselves.
Heartening to see the general level of decency on this thread.
It's obviously a troll who stirred up the shit and is now sitting back and enjoying the storm he created. Ignore him.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I guess I don't fit in your world

BigTexan said:

I respectfully sugest that you are the one who doesn't know what you think you know.

I'm so incredibly underwhelmed that you quoted an encyclopedia at me. Just fyi...encylopedias stop being considered reputable sources of information in middle school.

Luckily I am secure in my knowledge, especially since it's backed by several bookshelves worth of scholarship by reputable historians like Foner, Litwack, Asheworth, etc. And btw, I'm in a doctoral program in American History at a top tier University.


Where's that ignore feature....ah, there it is.
Nobody has addressed the topic correctly.

Outside of the US, and some few European areas.... most cultures continue to keep Very purist. The Asians are the most strongly feeling about this... they even still kill children that are intermixed.

I am not a racist. Look up the definition. It means believing that your race is better than others.

I do not believe that at all... that my "race" is better, I am predominantly White, and feel that the Black people are better in some ways, and the Asians are better in other ways.

I don't think I'm better than anyone else race wise or on a personal basis, I just wonder why that the pockets of different people around the Earth that have obviously kept to them selves as to keeping "pure" is a valid topic.... and therefore keeping the lineage as pure as they can.
All things considered, some stuff is inevitable, and will, with or without our permission occur.

Take for instance the rise of population. In time there will be more of us. And the planet has curiously enough not expanded at all in size (might actually be contracting).
So we have more and more of us, and not surprisingly, we are creating more and more cities, which get larger and larger.

This "urbanization" is a force mankind will not conquer short of voluntarily adopting a willingness to not procreate (can't see that happening).

As mankind grows in numbers and continues to grow, we will also continue to mingle. It's not shocking eh. You can't control humans that well. Boy meets girl girl accepts boy, the clothes go absent, and presto yet another human variation.

It's all about the inevitable march of time, and random co mingling. It is why all the talk of racial purity is moronic rambling at best. I would rather try to control the weather (better chance of success).

Sure it is fine to be proud of some aspects of a particular culture. It is also inevitable the each culture has it's skeletons in the closet.

Some cultures do things others would call barbaric. But it's all perspective. I find the habit of females being forced to cover up in muslim cultures to be incredibly sexist. But I have also heard from numerous muslim women that fight for their "right" to "cover up".
And who am I to tell a muslim woman that what she wants is sexist, if she supports it herself.
I think female circumcision is entirely barbaric. But it is done by the women. So it won't be likely that me a man, will be responsible for affecting any change there. That's an issue women will have to address.
But you can bet, I would never have any interest in a woman that did that to herself willingly. Of course, I would also likely have nothing to do with any man that wished it be done either.

I consider myself a no culture human personally. I have no real interest in championing any culture. I have yet to find one that is willing to get rid of it's skeletons. I went and turfed most of my locatable personal skeletons, and I sure am not interested in adopting any cultural ones.

I can't help that I was born white, but I can do what is needed to make my skin colour of no importance, and I can affect change to make myself of no particular culture.

It is far better to excel at being human for humanity's sake, than to attempt to delude one's self that any one culture has enough merits to enforce stagnation.
And just for clarity's sake, none of my opinions were ever learned in any scholastic institution. They might be useful, but they are not the only route.

And no that comment in not in response to any other poster, I said it of my own accord for my own purposes.

Never underestimate the value of a good library (personal or public access).
DubaDuba said:
Nobody has addressed the topic correctly.
No-one agreeing with you is not the same as not addressing the topic. Look at my own previous post. I hit your points in series.
I was inflamatory, but then you're the worst kind of racist, and it really chaps my hide...

Outside of the US, and some few European areas.... most cultures continue to keep Very purist. The Asians are the most strongly feeling about this... they even still kill children that are intermixed.

I've lived in Asia. Nobody's killing any mixed babies. At least not on any notable level that defines a trend.

Isolated individuals might, but then I could say "Americans lynch black people" because a few people in the KKK do it. Probably more than people in Asia killing mixed babies, considering I've spent my whole life in Asian and Asian-mixed communities both in the USA and in Asia and never heard of this once.

In fact many people desire them and find them highly attractive and highly advantageous.

Look at my first post.

I am not a racist. Look up the definition. It means believing that your race is better than others.
You define racism...

I take VERY personal offense at you.

First you state that people like me should not exist, should not have a right to be, then you claim you're not racist.

Utter bullshit.

"In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw a line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!"

– George Wallace, 1963

Countless people lost their lives in the USA and South Africa to end racial segregation. It was the foundation upon which racial oppression was built.

Step one is to seperate them out. Only once you achieve this can you make them falsely see each other as different and unequal.
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MIster thread starter, You have one characteristic that is shared with all racial purists: You don't really pay attention to anyone else, to reply, to read, to listen to others opinions. It's this monomania that makes you so distateful to society. You have a terrible fear of "dirtying yourself", maybe your Mom scolded you just a bit too harshly when you went poopoo in your diapers as a kid. It's grown into this obsession that you're clearly not quite articulate enough to make into a coherent ideology about not spurting black jism in white pussy. You repeat, meaninglessly, that Chinese people eat their babies or some other half-received factoid. You remind me of a prison intern in his cell, poring repeatedly over a scrap of some newspaper article, endlessly repeating its words as you try to rationalize your insane fear of dirt.

You are possibly neither mad nor ignorant, but anyway, we have no more time for you. You're out of your depth here, you are doing nothing but humiliating yourself trying to rationalize your irrationality on this forum. Please leave. It's over.
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I know that was the end but..

If you go back enough generations in any family on earth don't we all have black ancestors? I mean ALL.

Re: I know that was the end but..

gauchecritic said:
If you go back enough generations in any family on earth don't we all have black ancestors? I mean ALL.


You are absolutely correct about that.
I'd just like to say that I'm Hitler's idea of an Aryan poster child. When I lived in Germany as a child, old couples used to stop my parents in the street with "Funf mark fur der schoene kinder".

I hate racism.

What is purity of race? Gentically we're descended from something like 7 original bloodlines, and it looks like most of those originated in the same part of Kenya anyway! Okay, so my relatives moved up north, whilst others travelled East, West or South. What damn difference does it make?

If I was in a relationship with a mixed-race woman (odds against as 88% of the people in the UK are Anglo-Saxon) then I would expect her to tell her children of her side of their heritage, and I would certainly tell them of King Arthur, Beowulf and Robin Hood.
Duba, you are SO a racist.

You may try to hide behind that old 50'ies definition of a racist, you may call yourself purist, patriot or whatever corny euphemism you like, but those of us who look behind out-of-date dictionaries see that you act and talk just like those in-bred, hoodwearing, cross-burning dimwits.
If it looks like a duck...

What I detest is that so many white women are so easily giving up their heritage for free.

DONT you Women get it??? You are white because thousands of couples have interrelated to produce you.. and you give it all up in one generation for the mating with others outside your race.

You're urging white women not to have interracial offspring, because you want white people to stay white and pure - and you dare to claim that this is not out of an idea that racial mixing would "soil" the white race?

You are one tragic, prejudiced duck...